
Eye do a lot

@feyishven / feyishven.tumblr.com

a menace | queer | they/them | artist | music lover | fan of a lot of things |

A Non-Exhaustive List of Tips For Managing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you type, write, draw, craft, or do anything with your hands, you are at risk for carpal tunnel! If you're developing any pain, or have none but want to take preventive measures, feel free to try these. I'm not a doctor, but these help my case of severe CTS!

This advice may not apply to everyone, but these are all things you can do without receiving medical care. Yet know that options like pain prescriptions, steroids, and surgery are possible for relief.

  1. Give your hands a break when necessary and feasible. Even just implementing one rest day a week can be extremely beneficial.
  2. Stretch your hands, fingers, arms, and neck regularly. This video can get you started.
  3. Look into a hand massager. I use this one. If your pain is severe, I find massaging before stretching is most effective.
  4. Vary your positions. You can reduce strain by trying differing neutral angles of arm/wrist position while working. Elevation helps.
  5. Use ergonomics. Ones I use include an ergonomic mouse and mousepad, and this support pen from PenAgain.
  6. Explore temperature therapy. Both heat pads or ice packs can be helpful depending on your needs and preferences.
  7. Work on grip strengthening. If you already have CTS pain, be careful, but some wrist/finger exercise can help. I use this tool.
  8. Train yourself to work more gently. Lighten your grip on writing tools, slow down and don't press so hard while typing.
  9. If you already have pain, GET WRIST BRACES. Sleep in them to start, then wear them during the day if needed. You can also...
  10. Try out k-tape. I personally get more pain if I use a brace 24/7, so this k-tape wrap is nice for day-time support.
  11. Look into finger splints too. Finger hypermobility or exertion can strain wrists much more quickly, especially when typing.
  12. Compression gloves also help. These are my "lowest tier" for support when my pain is mildest.
  13. Get comfortable with voice-typing. Adjusting to this can be hard, but its an excellent way to keep writing without hurting yourself.
  14. Especially if you have severe pain, consider tools marketed at amputees. Obviously be mindful of the resources you take up, but accessibility tools are for anyone who needs them. When my pain is at my worst, I am unable to use my arm/hand and can't even raise it, so tools to facilitate one-handed use are helpful.
  15. And finally, not so much a tip, but a warning. Most likely, you'll get CTS pain in your dominant hand first. When that happens, do not switch to your non-dom hand and continue on. That hand is not in the clear, its next. Implement treatment and management in both hands, and use your non-dom hand when necessary while not overworking it either. Don't let yourself fall into denial because you can "get by" without adjustments. I promise the initial ability to keep working without inconvenience is not worth developing CTS in both hands lol.

If anyone else has advice please add on! I live as a walking warning to my husband who crochets to take care of his hands, so here's to hoping I can help others too!


what i love about mlp fim is that the power of friendship is not a symbolic thing it is a real and tangible force so potent it can be channeled into killing people

friendship beam. explode


the phrase ‘this is my first time being alive’ has done wonders for me recently. Yeah, I don’t know how to navigate this situation! It’s brand new to me and I’m learning on the fly, aren’t humans such wonderfully adaptive creatures?


Bill Braun creates paintings that look like construction paper!

This is actually super cool


This is the best example I've seen of how sometimes art is impressive for the technique. The "this is art? I could paint that" crowd ain't got shit on Bill Braun


I need a way to say this character makes me feel insane amounts of lust but not in a sexual or romantic way

Guards, dissect this man

No it's too clinical I need something that emphasizes the feral desire to devour

Guards, sous vide this man

Guards, prepare this man for dinner

Guards, rend this man asunder

Guards, hand this man's heart to me on a platter so that I may devour him

Guards, resurrect him I didn't like that last phrasing

Guards, grate his soul and sprinkle it over my dinner


Oh then why don't you come up with something then if you're so SMART


Oh, so when kids squabble with their siblings, it’s cute, but when I, Wiggog Y’Wrath-


You see most of the time arguing with your siblings doesn't end in universe shattering catastrophes


Lemmings don’t jump off of cliffs unless they’re being chased. Frogs don’t stay in boiling water unless they’ve been lobotomized first. Crabs don’t pull each other back into the bucket unless they are desperately and randomly grabbing for anything to try to get themselves out, out of fear for their lives.

Actions taken in specific, negative conditions don’t exemplify the nature of all beings.

Before you mock a sheep for staying with the flock, ask what dogs nip at its heels when it strays too far, and what wolves wait just beyond the edge of the pasture.

While we’re at it, “alpha males” don’t appear in wolf packs unless they’re in captivity.


context (via @mellorocket)


doubly funny that I saw a compilation of all the corporate accounts like "aw thanks elmo, we're doing well" meanwhile all the flesh and blood real human people are extremely not okay


Okay but Elmo had actually the best and sweetest response to all this trauma dumping:

And then all the other Sesame Street character accounts joined in:

And now I’m thinking maybe we’re gonna be okay… 💗

(Comment compilation from this Twitter)

I kinda feel for the poor person running Elmo's Twitter.

"So, boss... I may have messed up."

"What did you do, Ray?"

"Well, I made a post for Elmo saying 'Hi, how's everybody doing?'"

"I mean, that's kind of what we pay you for."

"Yeah, but.... <sigh> it turns out pretty much everyone is hanging on by a thread, badly enough that they needed to tell Elmo."


"God help me, boss, I think Elmo needs to be there for them."

"Get the others."

this is the energy that jim henson would be proud of.


and important addition


crying and sobbing y'all when people said that you only add scenes that advance the plot they didn't JUST mean the overarching plot. they meant the plot of the book... entirely. like a conversation between two friends can advance the plot by characterizing them and grounding them with a meaningful relationship. if your book doesn't have "filler" it's missing emotional beats. which are plot. which are important. fun and whimsy aren't mutually exclusive from what "needs" to happen in your book. the advice isn't bad it's just taken too literally stop come back.


It’s practically 2014 and you guys still don’t know how to google if an article is real or not before giving it 100,000 notes


The International Phonetic Alphabet consonants found in English, with keywords and relevant parts of the mouth highlighted and colour-coded. (Source.) 


Pronouncing each of these in sequence is a very strange and amusing physical sensation, and I highly recommend it.

haha look it’s where those noises live in your dang FACE, TRY IT

Very helpful actually


The first time I saw this I thought “Man, that’s a weird fuckin beer label”


one thing that I have loved about this weekend is that the hermits have been able to study each other like ants. They've got to be fans of each other. They've bounced around and played on each other's weird setups. They've come to play with Joepacity in person (False tried to make her own Jhost name, and came back this morning to see what today's jumper would do). They've been able to bother each other in person. Scar's been able to run his friends over. Grian's been able to manage to his heart's content. It's been lovely.

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