
The Eclat of a Proverb

@sullenaquarian / sullenaquarian.tumblr.com

I never know how much to say.

Due to a protest at my college, Hillel had to move tonight’s Seder to a secret location and have barred last-minute registrations.

I signed up in time to go, but I’m disappointed that some people who want to go may not be able to. I really wish this was an event that could be more open to students who may have been on the fence about going.

The fact that Hillel has to hide the location of a Passover Seder is horrifying to me.


You know how I was saying earlier that there is no justification for rape and torture ever, under any circumstances?

These people are calling for that to happen to Jews every. single. day.

There is no excuse for this whatsoever. I better hear the gentiles insisting that the pro-Palestinian movement is not antisemitic condemning this with your whole chest.

Did....did they also chant 'Nazi bitches' at them too????

Ok you know what-I need to say something. Op, if you want me to remove this comment, let me know and I will.

To head off-I myself am not Jewish.

This comes on the heels of this-

The man was literally told his presence was antagonistic and that if he stayed he'd be arrested. The guy just got out of synagogue and walked around. He was threatened by some protesters; with one on video saying they're recording his every move and that the 'police aren't going to help you in this scenario'.

Let me say this again-this Jewish man, who just got out of synagogue and was just walking around, minding his business was threatened by protesters and told by the police that it is basically his fault for being Jewish and they can't/won't help him.

This was in the UK. The instance OP brings up happened in the US, which I will also talk about. They were just Jewish students existing. And they were threatened with being raped, tortured and kidnapped multiple times. Then, to add further antisemitic insult, called Nazi bitches. Mind you, these Jewish students most likely have family members that they know/knew that survived the Holocaust and have the generational trauma with it.

What did the Nazis do? Kill Jews. 6 million of them.

This was done absolutely to tell them that they are not seen as people and that others gleefully in their hate want to place them in the same place of those that oppressed and killed their kin. Punch a Nazi right? They're subhuman. Well now Jews are the new Nazis, so they are...more subhuman (given the antisemitism in leftist discussion, I'm going to say they weren't exactly seen as human there), so what's a little rape, torture and other horrific shit?

Every. Single. Thing. Those anti Israel (and anti Jew-because they don't care) protestors larping in Palestinian clothes said was nothing for Palestine, but EVERYTHING on threatening and harming Jews, not matter where they live. That's the point actually; everything else is just to make it more socially acceptable. Palestine is just the excuse to finally be openly antisemitic.

I have watched and learned many things these past 6 months. I have seen people I thought better of descend into antisemitic madness; people I had to cut off because of that hate.

And my fury at this has been growing. I have seen Jewish people-from all kinds of backgrounds, from all over, begging people to listen to them and root out the antisemitism in the Pro Palestine protests, only for them to be told to shut up, they don't matter or worse.

I have seen leftists gleefully grab onto rightwing antisemitic slurs and talking points to further augment their own leftist antisemitism. I have seen people willingly post propaganda and not question it because it aligned with their personal biases.

I have seen outsiders continue to impose what they think Zionism is over the very community it involves; ignoring or removing context on the history of it, how many different kinds there are and arguments for/against/etc, thinking they know better than the very community it involves. I have seen outsiders look to further divide the Jewish community by deliberately only finding Jewish people that agree 100% with them; anything less than 100% means they're just an evil liberal Zionist, regardless of what the Jewish person says on their own views.

I have seen leftists suddenly, in colonial fashion, decide when a group no longer counts as indigenous to the very region they come from and base their holidays and the like around. I have seen leftists literally have double standards on colonialism based on who is doing it and rug sweeping for that group. I have seen double standards on slavery, anti LGBT+ and more just because that group is against Israel.

I have seen leftists that would normally stand up for the refugee, only to turn around and call them settlers/colonizers because they are Jewish and to 'go back to where they come from' which would be their deaths.

I have seen many of these people proclaim a superficial love for Jewish people, even saying how they would have hidden Jews from the Nazis and to punch Nazis, only for them to say the most antisemitic shit in the next breath, but cover it up by saying Zionist when really they meant Jew.

How Jewish people can't celebrate their holidays without some dipshits coming in and making every Jewish person responsible for what Netanyahu and his party and allies in the Israeli gov't are doing. How anything Israel does is suspect and meant to 'trick' people into liking them instead of its own nation with various peoples that vote and protest and do the same shit we do.

The zeroing in on the only Jewish state when there's multiple Christian, Muslim and other religious states that get passes on the shit they do-some of which is worse.

The need to make them the worst of the worst-distilling a highly diverse group into whatever is considered the 'worst'. So now, they are the Super Whites, despite them generally NOT being seen as white. The imposing of US history onto a region that very much not the US and has it's own history and peoples there.

The refusal to really try and unlearn a couple thousand years of antisemitism and how that absolutely influences everything-nothing is untouched.

Oh the shit I have witnessed, I will not forget any time soon. I will remember the hypocrisy, the gleefulness with finally getting to enact revenge fantasies on a socially acceptable target, siding with actual Nazis and coopting some of their slurs because you both hate Jews, the joy in deliberately inflicting as much pain on any Jewish person around, the scapegoating, the refusal to look at yourself and reflect...

Oh no. I will not forget and I will do what I can to make sure this is historical record on yet another massive failure on our parts to not be antisemitic. On that many of us continued that tradition of antisemitism because we are not fucking normal about Jewish people and refuse to deconstruct what we learn.


Thank you, @arandomshotinthedark! It feels like too many gentiles are ignoring the outright antisemitism we're facing and it's really nice to see someone point out how incredibly shitty it is.

@arandomshotinthedark and @queer-geordie-nerd I need you to know that your comments genuinely had me in tears, because it's so rare to see non-Jewish people who actually get it, who really see this for what it is and name it. Thank you for speaking up, it means a lot - in this political environment it means everything - to know we're not alone. To know that there are still some safe people out there and that we're not crazy. Thank you. I know it hasn't been easy for anyone who has spoken up for us either. 🫂

I am grateful to have been able to give you a bit of comfort in these times. I just wish there were far more standing up and calling this shit out.

I really feel like Columbia has had their Charlottesville moment. I really want to be wrong; but I don't know. And I see people already saying 'look! These Jews held prayer at the protest and were left alone!'

I dunno, were they really? Or did they have several hundred eyes on them watching their every move, looking for any sort of sign that these Jews weren't 150% on board? Mind you, this isn't to take away their agency; there may be Jewish people there that were completely on board (as is their right). But I would be extremely remiss in just accepting it without further questioning. How many felt they had to in order to still have friends? How many felt they had to define their faith/themselves in opposition to Israel instead of defining it/themselves as they so choose? How many have more nuanced views but fear being attacked more? And so on.

I mean for those not in the know-look at this.

Oh boy blood libel on that sign (Israel feasts on genocide-classic blood libel trope of Jews killing and eating non Jews; usually children are invoked as the victims. Bonus, I do not see this sort of sign for other countries.)

Now Hillel-the group that supports Jewish students there-does disagree with this rabbi, but they absolutely agree that Columbia needs to do more to protect their Jewish students.

So, I ask again to those that don't know and point to that group of Jewish students-how free are those Jewish people protesting for Palestine really?

Edit-Before anyone wants to crash in and accuse me of saying this because of my own personal views; you would be incorrect. It doesn't matter if I agree or not actually; what matters is that people aren't having to potentially be forced under duress to agree with things; especially if those things are being made to 'okay' acts of terrorism/hate crimes against your group.


Really stuck on the comment above - this is a Charlottesville moment.


xkcd fans are the only fandom I've had direct experience with where people do the stereotypical nerdy fan thing of referring to installments of the thing they like by their release order numbers instead of their titles

like I've never heard anyone just say "the simpsons season 7 episode 21" without also saying the episode title but I have heard people say "xkcd 2501" without also saying the title of the xkcd

Yeah, we shouldn't expect everyone to know every comic by heart. The average internet user probably only knows 1053 and 936.

and 2501, of course.

Of course!


I dunno, I'd call 150 and 386 the most iconic, though 37 pops into my head at excellent random times.


Ryan Gosling breaking on SNL is charming as heck, because you can tell how much fun he's having.


New Tag Game Questions

Tagged by@stars-inthe-sky

Age when you joined Tumblr: Older than you need to be to run for POTUS.

Favorite coffee mug or tea cup: I actually don't have one, but I do like my old Television Without Pity Gilmore Girls mug with a big and little Tubey on it .

Morning showers or night showers: Morning, though on weekends that might be 11:45 a.m. depending on errands.

Pets sleeping on your bed, yes or no: I don't have any, but our family dog when I was a kid never did. So I'll say no.

Favorite type of vacation (relaxing, adventure, educational, staycation): Educational. I love knowing stuff. I also like sharing what I know, hence my love of playing trivia on cruise ships. But museums, touring old houses, city bus tours? Yes please.

Can you keep plants alive: No. I haven't had a plant in years, and my record was 6 months. I don't have the instinct to take care of things.

Type of kid you were (sport kid, art kid, music kid): Book kid. I played outside when I was little and watched TV, but I read lots of books.

Your current ringtone: According to my Samsung, "Puddles." I chose it because it's distinct but not annoying.

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