
I'm Oceanna

@im-oceanna / im-oceanna.tumblr.com

I'm in love with a boy.
I guess I'm no different than most, except at one point I had him,
and for a while he was mine.
Words about him - My Ex
Words about a possible lover - My Crush
I've just met you, and already my heart is beating way to fast, and my mind is racing with endless possibilities, and I know it's happening again. I'm getting ahead of myself. Like always. I've always fallen to hard, to fast, and you're no exception. I'm falling for you, fast and hard. Problem is, what often happens is that the person I'm falling hard and fast for, isn't there to catch me. So I hit the ground too hard, and I end up broken.

Words about a possible lover.

Like the Autumn leaves, I fell for him. The same Autumn leaves that matched the colour of his hair that I never wanted to stop running my fingered through. And his skin, covered in freckles, reminded me of the spots of the Autumn leaves after they fell. Autumn was my favourite seasons because when I think of it I always think of him. He reminded me of Autumn, but problem is, Autumn never stays.

Words about him.

Maybe if I straitened my hair, or dyed it blond the way you liked it, or maybe if I was thinner, or even happier, and maybe if I didn't pick my nails when ever we talked, cause I was nervous I'd stuff up, maybe if I'd taken more time to get to know you, or maybe if I hadn't always had my nose in a book, maybe if I was a bit more interesting, or even if I wasn't so strange, then maybe, maybe you would of loved me back.

Words about him.

You had broken up with me using a two word text. I asked you why, but you never replied. I tried to forget you, I really did, but I couldn't and I still can't. There is one memory that I will never forget about him though, no matter how hard I try. It was the first day of the school year. We had broken up only weeks before and I was walking through the hallways and I saw you. I stopped in the busy traffic and froze. You didn't even acknowledge me, I was invisible. Curses came from all around about telling me to move, but I couldn't. You had frozen me. Months later I still love you, even though I found out you broke up with me cause you were screwing my best friend. Stupid heart, why do you still want him?

Words about him

I’m going to write a book one day. About a love that never got the chance to grow, that ended moments after it started. I hope that you read it, I dare say you will. You probably even connect with it, maybe even quote it from time to time. Then you will eventually realise who wrote it. That it was that girl you pretended to love for just a few months. I hope then, you will realises that every line, every word was about you. And how I never got over you.

Words about him

The boy that you want, is in love with a girl. And soon that girl will love him back. But you will still love him because you see the way he treats her like she's the last girl on earth or that she puts the stars in his. The way he treats her is the way you want to be treated so you hold onto the hope that one day he will realise that he was wrong and that he loves you. But darling girl, that day will never come. All that boy does is bring you down and make you hold onto to false hope. You deserve a boy who will choose you first. You who is a friend before anything else. You deserve to be looked at like you put the stars on the sky. He is the same as you. He is wanting you while you want someone else and who knows how long he will wait. The boy that you want doesn't want you. You need to move on before a boy that wants you moves on.
In your dreams he wakes up one morning realising he loves you, that he misses you and wants you. That he wakes up and realises his girlfriend isn’t the one for him, but that it’s you. In your dreams you’re together happily, without all the fighting and broken promises that once occurred in your broken past. In your dreams nothing is more important than you and him. But that’s just in your dreams, and reality sucks. Because he’s not going to wake up realising that he’s wrong or that she isn’t the girl for him. Reality sucks.
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