
Curiosity, creativity, fulfillment, peace



Reblog if you’re 30 or older

This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!


Pineapple on pizza? Yes or no?


You mean the fruit that has protein-digesting enzymes that break down the tissues in your mouth when you eat it? No, thanks.

I pass on eating food that's also trying to eat me.


You jus' gotta eat it before it eats you!


Echo and Wrecker when served pineapple pizza:

I love pineapple but it does NOT belong on pizza!


STOP TELLING WOMEN THAT TREATMENT FOR ECTOPIC PREGNANCIES AND MISCARRIAGES ARE NOW ILLEGAL This is WRONG and the fear-mongering misinformation is going to get women killed because they will be scared to seek actual medical treatment for these tragic conditions.

Treatment for ectopic pregnancy is NOT abortion.

Treatment for a miscarriage is NOT abortion.

Abortion is the intentional killing of an unborn child.

ALL recent legislation that has passed restricting abortion explicitly states this, and the arguments regarding similarities in procedural tools and hospital coding are irrelevant because there is the very distinct moral and legal difference between medical care and abortion.



My mom's atheist pro-choice friend.Try say that a lady is suing Texas.Because apparently the lady had miscarriage and the doctors did not remove the corpse.We said that she should be suing the doctors because removing a dead baby is not an abortion.That at my understanding Texas law has exception for miscarriages. That miscarriages are not abortion


You are correct that removing a baby who has died is not an abortion and is not restricted by Texas law.

Every time they try to claim the abortion ban harmed a woman who legitimately needed care, it’s one of the following:

- The headline is lying or misleading, and the case is more complex than they originally made it sound.

- The doctors don’t understand the law (their knowledge of it comes from misleading headlines or social media)

- The doctors deliberately lie about it so they can be on the news talking about how horrible this abortion ban is


you're not allowed to harvest the organs of a corpse unless it gave you explicit written permission to do so when it was still alive, no matter how badly the guy down the hall needs a new kidney. why should women have less say over what happens to their own bodies than the dead?

1: Denying aid to someone and outright killing a person are two entirely different things. One actively violates the human right to life, the other allows a human to die naturally.

2: while removing organs that belong in your body and giving them to someone else is an unnatural invasion that must be consented to, pregnancy is a very natural part of female biology. Implying otherwise is misogynistic. Removing an organ meant for your body and meant for your benefit is very different from allowing the uterus to perform it’s natural function of nurturing an unborn child. Pregnancy isn’t an invasion, it is our biology.

3: on that note, the biologically correct habitat for the guy down the hall is NOT in the corpse uterus. The biologically correct habitat for every human being at the beginning of their life is in the uterus of their mother.

4: a human fetus in pregnancy is already alive and dependent on the mother for survival, often due to her own actions and consensual choices. Your analogy would be more accurate if a living human did consent to give an organ to another person, but then changed their mind and stabbed them to death to get it back.

Love when this argument is used as if aborted babies aren't harvested for parts regularly.


BF's workplace shenanigans:

*bf and coworkers are driving to the next home they have to clean. They're all being silly, to the point that the driver has been brought to tears laughing*

Boss calls them, driver answers. Boss hears how out of breath driver is.

Boss: what's going on?

Driver: I'M CRYING

Boss: why?!

Driver: [my bf] made me!

Boss: WHATTT?!?!!

Everyone: *busts out laughing*

Of course the boss realizes what's actually going on and calms down.


Acknowledging that there are men that abuse their wives under the guise of "traditionalism": good and necessary for the safety of women

Implying that all traditional marriages are bad and abusive and that all housewives are brainwashed: very very bad and contributes to the problem


“Is there not glory enough in living the days given to us? You should know there is adventure in simply being among those we love and the things we love, and beauty too.”

—Lloyd Alexander, The Black Cauldron

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