@wintcrwarrior-blog /



like for a starter, they’ll get done tomorrow either before or after i’m done work! feel free to message if you want to plot as well!
“ i’m not trying to get killed – i just … “ the first time wasn’t exactly his FAULT, he was trapped. every time since then … well. TROUBLE came a lot when he spotted a dog, too pure of heart to leave them alone to suffer in this world, cooper just had to ‘SAVE’ them. which, more often than NOT, resulted in attracting a lot of unwanted attention. now, he’s followed by a handful of pups – following him as if he were the leader of a pack. “ i’m trying, but i just can’t let anything suffer. “

she could see where he was coming from; that caring nature that he wore on his sleeves, that would be his weakness. in a different world, it wouldn’t be the worst thing -- to care. in a different world, she would have stopped too; stopped to pet a neighbours dog or even thought about adopting one of her own. that wasn’t how it would work anymore. there was a new world order, it no longer belonged to the living but to the dead. her gaze shot back and forth to him, the dogs and to the pavement in front of her as they walked.

“what do you plan on doing with them all? we don’t have a camp yet...the moment they start barking...” tabby allowed her voice to trail off, an inhale. she didn’t want to upset him but she had to dish out the reality of their situation. “they’re walker magnets.”

                         ❛   you won’t get away & when you get back, it’ll be worse.  ❜
              (    indie/selective SHERRY of the walking dead comics + television series.   )    ©

“this whole saving your life every damn time is getting frustrating.” there was a loud sigh, arms crossing in frustration; a cold gaze set right on the other male. it was nice to have the company around again, someone to talk to while they walked - tried to find somewhere safe, somewhere that she could maybe think about calling home. “did you maybe ever consider...not trying to get killed?”


RP starters: Concern.

  • “It’s midnight, where the hell were you?!”
  • “Stop keeping your phone in silent, you got me worried!”
  • “Blood? Are you bleeding?”
  • “I don’t like the idea of you walking down the streets all alone.”
  • “I thought I would never see you again…”
  • “We should get you to hospital.”
  • “Where did all those bruises came from?”
  • “I have the right to be worried!”
  • “Have you been drinking? You look terrible.”
  • “Sleep at my place tonight.”
  • “I don’t feel safe letting you be alone when you’re in that shape.”
  • “Please talk to me about it.”
  • “Let me take care of you.”
  • “You need to rest now. Don’t move.”
  • “How many times have I told you to not go there?”
  • “You could’ve died, you know…”
  • “I don’t care if you don’t want my help, I’ll do it anyways.”
  • “You really need to stop drinking. I’m serious.”
  • “This time you got yourself into a hospital. I think that’s a sign.”
  • “Are you sure you’re okay?”
  • “You need to stop doing stupid shit like that or you will get yourself killed.”
  • “I’m your friend, of course I care!”
  • “You know I’m always here for you, right?”
  • “You’re not okay.”
  • “I’m just trying to help you.”
  • “Let me clean your wounds…”
  • “Why did you do it? Tell me.”
@wintcrwarrior liked for a starter
“Don’t shoot!” Hands raise in the air quickly, surrender immediate. Too caught up in his thoughts ( mistake number one ), he didn’t hear her footsteps until she was right in front of him. CLASSIC. It was a sure way of getting killed all for a stupid –– 
“Nobody here but us kittens.” And on cue, a soft mew erupts from the pocket of his windbreaker. A soft smile graces his lips and ever so slowly, he lowers his hands to retrieve the stray. Living PROOF that his intention wasn’t to harm her. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a cat. I figured my, uh, kids would appreciate having one of these around.” It wasn’t necessarily a lie; he did pocket the cat with Alexandria’s children in mind.
her bow and arrow was set, aimed directly at him and ready to release at any moment -- that was, until, he had rose his hands up in surrender. this will be easy. there was no way she’d let him get off that easy just yet, she had some questions; as she typically did for any people she happened upon while traveling. the world was in such short supply of actual people that she tried to take each chance she could to find new places to call home - even if it was temporary. “fine, i’m listening.” she removed the arrow from the bow and stood there, watching him.

it was a moment later that she watched him slowly remove a kitten from his pocket; her expression was slightly amused yet confused all at once. “kids. kids mean camp. you have a good set up?” there was no harm in asking, was there?



TAGGED BY :@wcrthfighting

the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces. confined spaces. change. FAILURE. WAR. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. needles. restraints. SUFFOCATION. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. HEIGHTS. DYING. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. LOSS. the unknown. THE FUTURE. not being good enough. scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises. being touched. planes.

TAGGING : @dcntopen @justcons @likeachamp @ruinedmission & whomever else

i’ve had negan a little over two weeks now and there are over 400 of you already. i am just so??? i’ve never had this kind of reaction on a roleplay blog and you have all been so kind, wonderful and welcoming to both of us (even if negan doesn’t sound like he appreciates it.) i honestly can’t believe the reaction he’s gotten and i’m so excited to keep on roleplaying with the friends i’ve made. i can’t wait to befriend you all and roleplay with all of you. thank you for being so lovely to a shy bean like me and putting up with my favourite shithead.
please note these names are in no order! sorry i can’t put everyone on this list. i wish i could!


@alexvalentiine @nutsoquinn @gotyouakitty @rearctor @wintermae @ghostsandabsinthe @harriscnwclls @motheriing @welshbred @crushedthings @ultimogreene @vampiirebct


@lastmonroe @jokesuited @walkerstalkers @ofcorruptiion @fcmgirl @notjustpainandangcr @mentisvolatus @wintcrwarrior @hallowedgunfire @theoriginallucille @singlesighted @smackthattm @murdermiinded @sanguinesoaked @dibsisdibs @dcryl @studysubjects @selfreset @chiral  @falltogrvce @theprixrity @venimbise @lxstbirds @pick-a-damn-side @ncttcblame @preservingtherealm @barbedlucille @hautefilth @benjcmiin @emotiionisms @realxclassy @ineffablefates @lilenncn @wcrthfighting @kxllercolt @kingbullshit @wasravaged @xcorrupt @madeofkillers @harlequ1nn

“just hang on, it’s not that bad.” her hand was pressed the the wound as she reached around with her free hand to grab her backpack. she carried bandages with her just in case something like this had happened. tabby had found her out on the road during her travels, she wasn’t sure what had happened but she was determined to help. “what’s your name?”


                                                                     I can try and break the chain.

                                                              IT WON’T WORK.

                                                                                     I can TRY.

a group was always the worst option out of the two answers he could be given. a group meant possible enemies perhaps even threats, though he believed his group were starting to become indestructible by now, it just kept getting bigger and bigger. now he was just looking for more recruits, the more groups they made deals with the more likely they were to start attacking, building a defense. 
“alone? looks like i struck fuckin’ gold. unless you’re lying to me and you’ve got a group back there, in which case i’ll take my girl right here and crush one of their fucking skulls.”

it was in that moment that i became clear to tabby just what kinda man she was dealing with; one fueled with a need for violence that she couldn’t quite match. she couldn’t find reason for unnecessary violence unless it was in order to preserve her existence a little longer. perhaps it was evident by her expression how uncomfortable she was in this situation, her weight shifting from each foot as she only held onto the bow on her shoulder in case she needed it. 

“mama always taught me not to lie.” she said, her voice stern and to the point; eyes never leaving him. “what do you want?”

i don’t get how anyone can find daryl naked, dirty, and afraid in an empty cement room, attractive? they’re dehumanizing him? treating him worse than a dog? locking him up in the dark for hours at a time??? that’s not attractive, nothing about that scene was attractive.
                 I have decided to go ahead and try to make a masterlist of all the canon characters / original characters in The Walking Dead roleplay fandom. Please just reblog this post if you are a part of it and I will work on getting it up and running as quickly as possible. This masterlist will be kept up with on a weekly basis. (Established November 2, 2016)
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