
@granpafrisbee / granpafrisbee.tumblr.com


i keep thinking about that one blogger on here who mentioned applying to 80+ jobs and still not getting a single callback

i keep thinking of my sister's 2 degrees who are collecting dust because no one's hiring

i keep thinking of my classmate in highschool who said their father accidentally became a graphic designer without any real experience about 20 odd years prior

i keep thinking of me passing those extensive english exams for a fucking call service job and not showing up to the final online interview because of technical issues,I asked them to reschedule they just ghosted me instead

i keep thinking of that nepo kid in my college and his secure future

i keep thinking of my miscellaneous art skills and how none of them are worth anything without a degree,a connection,internet clout,or without a job willing to train me more except the entry level position is dead right?

i keep thinking of everyone everywhere who is dying or going to die in the streets despite all the money and shelter available in the world


Horseshoe theory for homophobia as “liberals”/ostensibly progressive types start getting too comfortable making jokes and comments rooted in homophobia in a supposedly positive/accepting manner and start to become indiscernible from regular old conversatives


the most fucking annoying thing about mental illness is that knowing more about it literally does not make a difference. you can watch your own insanity creep up on you in real time, know exactly where it's coming from and what it's gonna do to you, know all the silly little psychiatry words for all your silly little "symptoms", and still have no control over its grip on you. like, i am NOT at the steering wheel in here at ALL bro.


Am I wet? Am I on my period? Did I pee my pants?- next on wtf is going on down there.

I’m so glad this is a universal wondering among vagina-owners, haha.



Tune in next time for: Are these menstrual cramps? Am I pregnant? Is it just gas? I wouldn’t have to ask these questions if I didn’t have a damn uterus

Next week: Is it a bladder infection? An ovarian cyst? Do I have endometriosis? Oh God please do not let it be cervical cancer! A 20/20 special


Y'all are forgetting the all-time classic: Is it just my period or is my appendix about to burst? Some nice tea and a heatpack or 911 and emergency surgery?

There is actually a test for that last one!

Place your hand over the pain, press down slightly and release. If the pain doesn’t change by any great margin, you’re fine. If it suddenly becomes some painful you can barely stand, Get thee to an Emergency Room


reblog for the safety of vaginas and their owners


The appendix test works with or without a vagina so reblogging for everyone.

Reblogging because I didn’t know this and it needs to be shared.

[ID: A meme of John Mulaney on stage edited so he’s saying: “Transphobes if you even fucking look at this post I will stomp you to death with my hooves” /End ID]


Watching the new drew gooden video with the "$5 a month" earbuds that you can't own no matter how much you pay and they'll remotely deactivate the earbuds if you stop paying for the subscription and I think we literally need to kill companies before they start having subscription models for physical items they can deactivate


reblogging with this addition from @heedra because all y'all need to see this

[id: #important to remember that this is already the norm for ppl with certain medical implants and devices #its far more urgent than u think]


[“A basic premise of straight culture is the idea that gendered bodies, especially women’s bodies, require purification and modification to be desirable—shaving, perfuming, toning, refining, shrinking, enlarging, and antiaging. But in queer spaces, it is often precisely the hairy, sweaty, dirty, smelly, or unkempt gendered body that is most beloved. I recall the first time I entered a gay men’s sex shop, in the 1990s in the Castro district of San Francisco, and encountered a barrel full of lightly stained and dingy-looking “used jock straps” for sale. It was my introduction to the fact that there were people in the world who desired men’s bodies so much that they wanted deep, intimate, and seemingly unconditional contact with them—even and especially the parts of men’s bodies that straight women seemed to want to avoid.

Most straight women I knew, no doubt due to their socialization as girls and women, appreciated men’s bodies for their sexual functionality but not as a site of objectification that they were excited to dive into and explore—to smell, taste, or penetrate. Similarly, I have been to dozens of dyke strip shows, burlesque shows, drag-king shows, and sex shows in which women’s armpit hair and leg hair and facial hair or their body fat or their genderqueer bodies have been precisely the objects of the audience’s collective lust. Fat bodies and hairy bodies are also staples of queer dyke porn, not relegated to a fetish category. In other words, queer desire is marked by a lustful appreciation for even those parts of men’s and women’s bodies that have been degraded by straight culture. Like a food adventurer who delights in those parts of the animal or plant deemed undesirable by the narrowing of mainstream tastes, queer people’s desire for the full animal has been less constrained. Recognizing this suggests that gay men may have a deeper or more comprehensive appreciation for men’s bodies than do straight women, just as lesbians’ lust for women is arguably more expansive and forgiving than straight men’s. But most importantly, because queer circuits of desire do not rely on the erotic encounter of “opposites” embedded in a broader culture of gendered acrimony and alienation, queer lust need not reconcile a conflict between wanting to fuck and generally disliking one’s fuckable population.”]

Jane Ward, The Tragedy of Heterosexuality


Hello I'm a poor trans girl I work at a bar but my pay is minimum wage and I'm not scheduled enough hours so I don't pull in enough if you could please subsidize my employer's unsustainable business model and help me afford my basic expenses food gas bills misc expenses etc my glasses broke recently and my shoes are worn out and need replaced I just had my car repaired at a mechanic so I haven't had any saved cash on hand but it'd be nice if I could afford to do something fun for new years thanks in advance

Venmo @infectedwithnyanites

Paypal melancholyinsomniac@gmail.com

Cashapp $infectedwithnyanites


you guys hate s*x workers so much that you’d rather pretend that the worst thing this does is make it so iphone users have kind of a lame time

“this won’t affect me at all, fuck ios users, i’ll never leave tumblr” cool well since you’re so proud of how this doesn’t affect you, here’s my mutual aid post. everyone who’s made a silly meme post undermining the seriousness of this situation owes me $ to make up for the income i’ll lose from this

other swers can add their links too

Native trans man sw that has been severely impacted by this bs as a majority of my posts are now not viewable. I could be losing my housing and my my vehicle. Please help me & my black cat out.

c*sh*pp- $chiliandcornbread

v*nm* - @ LRed_577

message for p*yp*l & zelle

I’m a non-binary intersex sw and all of my nsft blogs have been flagged and are not viewable

c*sh@pp - $forcewielder

v3nm0 - forcewielder

message for PayPal


I’m a non-binary sw and my sw blog was marked explicit as well. I’ll be safe without the cash but my mom is in the hospital and my dad recently passed from COVID so any help would still be a huge pick-me-up.

C$- $phluphfy

V€nm0 - @neutronomega

DM for PyPl, Google P^y, Z€lle etc


Happy holidays to everyone whose holiday isn’t what they want it to be. whether it is illness, poverty, distance from loved ones or something else that’s making things tough for you this year, i hope that you can find peace and warmth. i hope that your year will end and start on a brighter note


I'm a pacifist like institutionally but I'm absolutely certain that violence solves at least some problems on a much smaller level. I don't believe in wars or nuclear weapons or military campaigns I do believe in the power of that guy who punched the nazi in the face so hard his entire media presence immediately crumbled to dust


i support universal free healthcare for one simple reason: if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness you should quit your job. quitting your job is the correct response to terminal illness. but you can’t do that if your healthcare is tied to your job

listen if somebody knows that they will be dead in a years time, and you are forcing them to continue to come into work, that’s fucked up. terminally ill people should be able to quit their jobs and live their last few months to the fullest. i don’t get how that’s a controversial opinion

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