

@lesabear / lesabear.tumblr.com

SWTOR stuff (including fanfic!), Bioware games, WoW, Game of Thrones, lots of cute furry animals. Icon is Ayrs and Elara by Yamisnuffles.

the Federation itself as a concept is so funny because the founding members are

  • the Vulcans, who have been friends with humanity for years but don't seem to actually like them all that much, instead regarding them with a sort of perverse fascination usually reserved for virology labs
  • the Andorians, who were fighting the Vulcans for like a hundred years
  • the Tellarites, who don't like any of these people and whose cultural trait is arguing, and
  • humans, whom nobody knew existed until last century when they shot themselves into space on a heavily modified nuke, invented world peace and won a fight with the nearest imperial superpower

like imagine you're the Romulan Empire and these weird monkeys who've barely figured out interstellar travel show up on your doorstep in the equivalent of a shipping container with missiles strapped to it, kick your ass in front of everybody, and then start a friendship club with 3 of your neighbours who all hated each others' guts until like a year ago. now I understand why every Romulan on the show is so angry


WIP Game

RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.

I was tagged by @randomfoggytiger. Thanks!

My dreams are larger now.

Thank you so much, @gogandmagog! "A matter of supreme indifference" is an absolutely beautiful phrase. Let's see: I'm not quite sure which is the last sentence I wrote, so I'm going to pick one that looks like it has a reasonable chance of being the last.

The people stream around her, a tiny figure in drab robes.

I think most of the writers I know have already been tagged, so I'll be tagging: @clevermird, @akallabeth-joie, @mathmusic8, @melliabee , @lurking-latinist


That's an interesting sentence for sure!

I've been editing most recently, so here's where my cursor was when I opened this post to respond:

Meiko’s head popped over a rock on the far side of the gully and the girl whipped around to stare at her.

I'm not going to be able to come up with 22 people to tag, but let's hear from @kmlaney @knamil @datamodel-of-disaster @bastardsunlight @christinethalassinou @frauzet and @lesabear - but only if you want to, of course!


To say I haven't written much lately would be an understatement but here goes!

He heard a snort from behind him. "Might be that they called him that because he was a fucking black dragon. Gods save us, because you lot certainly won't."

No way I can tag that many people (and Clevermird stole some!) so let's go with @lavampira, @serialephemera, @depizan, @badsithnocookie


The thing about Katara is that she was angry.

She was angry that the Fire Nation killed her mother.

She was angry that her father left them.

She was angry that she was the only Waterbender left in the south pole.

She was angry that the only person her age was her brother, who constantly disregarded her interests and her role in the tribe.

She was angry that what little waterbending she knew, had to be self-taught and how she struggled with that.

she was angry that a twelve year old instantly picked up what had taken her a long time to learn.

she was also angry that her tribe wanted to kick that twelve year old into the wilderness over a mistake.

she was angry over the earth-benders the fire nation had captured and put into a metal box.

she was angry.

And she knew she was angry.

Because she knew her own anger, she was the first to empathize with Aang when he got angry.

And it was because of it she could tell Aang forcing himself to lock his emotions up was not the answer.

Because she knew her own anger, she kept herself under control in the dessert, when everyone else was a mess.

Her anger empowered her. where anger was a tool of self-destruction for firebenders, for her it was what helped her push forward.

It was her anger that freed Aang.

It was her anger that helped her stand to Pakku.

Her anger was her strenght.

She was angry. And this was neither a mistake, nor a writing flaw.


The best part of Gimli’s weird awkward infatuation with Galadriel is just Celeborn standing in the background having no idea what to do every time this strange grumpy dwarf starts waxing poetic about his wife

“[Gimli] rose clumsily and bowed in dwarf-fashion, saying: `Yet more fair is the living land of Lórien, and the Lady Galadriel is above all the jewels that lie beneath the earth! ’

There was a silence. At length Celeborn spoke again.” There is literally the most awkward silence ever in the middle of the page, where the other members of the Fellowship are probably all silently glaring at Gimli as he’s about to get them kicked out for hitting on the Lady of Lorien, and Celeborn is still trying to comprehend that dwarves actually know how to write poetry.

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