
Problems of Me


I'm just an average teenager with problems driving me up the wall, this is how I express myself. I write, draw, and occassionally educate, but I am nothing special.
Anonymous asked:

For Prom Night! what happened to Jonathan's mother? I also want to know the "what if" Evan and others confronted him about it.

Thank you so much for the request!! I’m glad that you guys are interested in Prom Night and what to see more of it!! For this short, it’s best that you’ve read Prom Night for this short takes place in the timeline of the last chapter (13). 


Leelah Alcorn’s blog was deleted and posts about her are being removed. Don’t stop spreading this. Reblog everything you can, post everything you can. 

These are her pictures

here are some of her drawings


this is her note


Don’t let this die.

Not this.

I don’t give a flying fart what type of blog you have, this is relevant for everyone.

This is absolutely something everyone needs to read



I never knew about this…..

Please reblog this, don’t let it die, please

I highly encourage you to look up Leelah Alcorn and learn more. This is very important.


My father kicked me out today. He told me I have a week to leave or he’ll throw me out and start killing my animals. I have no friends, no money, and he’s turned the family against me. He told me I’m a burden to him, I’m selfish and ungrateful and disrespectful. He called me a drain on his life because I haven’t found a job, said I’m lazy and expect him to do everything for me. He told me he stopped caring about me five years ago when I started dating “a n*gger.” He told me the only reason he let me back into the house was my mother.

All because I told him the air conditioners need to go in the windows during the heatwave, as my mother and I have both been told by our doctors to not be in extreme heat, because we are both very sick. Because I didn’t cry when he got in my face and screamed at me. Because he nearly hit me and I stood up for myself, for the first time in my life.

This situation has been building for years. My father is manipulative, emotionally abusive, and holds all the power in this house, and he knows it. He treats my mom like a fifties housewife - she absolutely must cook and clean and launder for him, she must keep her hair long (he had a fit last week because she cut three whole inches off), and she must account for every penny she spends. My mom is disabled and lives off his paycheck. He also cheats on her constantly, because her disability means she can’t satisfy his sex drive. He needs to know where she is every second of every day and if he calls and she doesn’t answer, he calls me screaming to find her.

My father has told me I’m a failure as a daughter, an adult, and a human being. He talks shit about me to our extended family every chance he gets. He bragged about joining Facebook to spy on me, because my cousins tell him I trash him on there every day (I do not. I’ve made maybe three posts in the thirteen years I’ve been on Facebook about how unfair he is, something every teenager does). He makes jokes about killing my pets and has twice now threatened to kill them because I upset him. He trashed my tattoo artist - who used to be his tattoo artist - because he found out that we talk outside of the shop. He didn’t speak a word to me for three years when I lived in Michigan - when I left to escape his abuse - because my boyfriend was black and I was out of his power. When our relationship broke down, he said I deserved every bad thing that had happened to me because a black man “ruined” me.

I have nowhere to go. I have no friends. I can’t rely on my family, who will report back to my father, if they even dare risk his wrath and take me in anyway. I have no money. I may have to rehome my pets for their safety. I’m so afraid he’s going to hurt me or my pets. Please, if you could donate to my paypal laurrante@icloud.com to help me out of this house. Once I’m safe, I want to help my mother get a divorce and bring her to live with me. Please help if you can. I have no one.

I’m sorry to spam but I’ve received a lot of reblogs and very little donations. I know money is tight for a lot of people, but if all my followers across all my blogs could spare even a dollar, I’d have $1500. Please if you can spare, donate to my paypal laurrante@icloud.com, and if you can’t, please keep reblogging


y’all I don’t think you understand how amazing fanfic writers are,,, like they’re out there spending time and putting in work into this story that they won’t get paid for making and really there isn’t much of a benefit in making when you think about actual living but they’re out here writing novels and a whole damn series with more chapters than paid authors will ever write as well as going through life and having a job and shit. they deserve a goddamn award I mean they could be spending their free time doing anything else they wanted but they really are just putting beautiful content out into the world for us fanfic writers are a blessing in this essay i will





The funny thing is that the town of Halloween celebrates Halloween year long so…




It’s July

That means we only have a little over two months to prepare!


*frantically grabs every black/organge item I own* let’s go!

I’ll go get decorations! We need as many as we can get! 

I’ve got some….

But I think we need more

I got some candy while I was out, but I’m not sure it’s enough

Nope. We’ll definitely need more…. And ghosts. Can you send someone to pick up some ghosts?

I didn’t even think about that, I’ll get someone on that. How are we on cats? Do we have enough black cats?

We have too many black cats…. I couldn’t help myself. What about vampires?


this is the offical ‘i care’ symbol this is how it works: basically you reblog this and your followers know that you care and that they can message you about anything anon or not and you will reply back or at least look at there message. if you care about your followers please reblog

Source: token

There’s a fic on fanfiction(.)net that I’ve kept tabs on for years to see if it’s been updated or not. While I’m no longer even in the fandom it’s written for, it just has one of the greatest storylines I’ve ever read. Last time it was updated was 2011.

The other day, I decided to reread the entire thing and leave a very in-depth review of what I thought of each chapter. I also mentioned how I started reading it when I was 13 and am now 21, but always came back to see if it was ever finished because I loved it so dearly.

Today, said author sent me a private message saying that her analytics showed that the story was still getting views even after all these years, but no one ever bothered to leave reviews other than “update soon!!!”, so she never felt motivated enough to finish it. She said that me reviewing every single chapter with lengthy paragraphs made her cry and meant the world to her. She also mentioned that she felt encouraged to write the two remaining chapters needed to complete the story and that she would send me a message the night before she updates the fic.

I’m literally sobbing. I’m so excited :’)

Please always remember to leave a review when reading fanfiction!!! It means a lot to a writer.

Seriously, this is what keeps us going; YOUR COMMENTS. 


And you think my ranting about it is just being salty! It’s not! Reviews can mean the difference between feeling motivated and feeling out of place.

It’s how I finished a fic after it sitting unfinished for half a year. Got a long ass review that gave me ideas and then I wrote the last chapter.


Affirmations for fanfic authors

It’s okay to take a break. - We all need time to recharge, and your fans will still be there when you get back!

It’s okay to go from fandom to fandom. - Nobody is going to criticize you for following your muse, and if they do, then you know who not to associate with in the future!

It’s okay to have a niche. - If smut is where it’s at, then write smut. If you’re all about the fluff, then schmoop away. If angst is what does it for you, then invest in tissues. Nobody has the right to tell you that you should be doing something else if that isn’t what interests you!

It’s okay to be critical of your own work. - Just don’t allow yourself to become so self-deprecating that you freeze!

It’s okay to ask for help. - If you’re unsure of a trope, concept, fact or universe, reach out to your circle of friends. Chances are, they’ll be more than happy to help you because they want to see you succeed!

It’s okay to ignore criticism. - Constructive criticism is only constructive if it helps you. If someone says something that doesn’t assist or improve you in any way, then please feel free to ignore whatever nugget they are imparting, because chances are good they don’t have the best of intentions for you!

It’s okay to stop writing all together. - Your fans will miss you (and chances are good you have way more than you realize,) but sometimes, you just gotta do you!

It’s okay to write with whatever method works for you. - Long writing marathons where you bang out 12,000 words in one day? Great! Linear, dry style that means you occassionally get stuck because you can’t figure out this scene, but it’s all worth it in the end? Rad! Piecemeal work that you thread together at the end? Fabulous! As long as it works for you, there is no wrong way to write!

It’s okay to have fun. - I think this goes without saying, no? But it seems that sometimes, authors need permission. So consider this permission to wile the hell out, and enjoy the ride!



Stop what you’re doing right now and go write 3 sentences of your story.

Every time you see this, write 3 lines.

Reblog so other writers will do the same, let’s finish these damn stories.

For fucks sake not again. Oh wait my fellow writer friends get to suffer with me. @raiseafuckingglass @thecrimsoncodex @the-incedible-sulk

Ha the joke’s on you I was already writing!!

Same !!

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