
@fef-trickortreat / fef-trickortreat.tumblr.com


Since I was one half of the organizers, I decided to do little thank you’s for our pinch hitters that did a piece for someone even though they were not officially getting anything done in return. You guys are really stars, and I really want to thank you for taking the time to do something for others. 

Im far too lazy to try and tag everyone so I hope… you see this in the tag. Thanks again so much for taking part! Its been a whirlwind event.

cries ugly tears!!!!

Thank you to all of our pinch hitters! 


I’m getting word that the tag system isn’t working for everyone-- try using tumblr’s search system with the tag #fetrickortreat2016 .


Not all gifts have been sent in, please email them to us!


Hello! I'm sorry, this question might be a little awkward, but with "12am october 31st", do you mean the night from the 30th to 31st; or the night from 31st to november 1st? I am a little confused and don't want to schedule it wrongly. orz (I put it to october 31st 10am (because I'm +10 from PST; but I'm really unsure if that is right or not orz)


Hope you don’t mind me answering publicly; we’ve gotten this question a few times!

Set your gift to post at 12:01 AM / 00:01 October 31st (or the equivalent of your timezone.)


Hey everyone!

So, to post your gift: 

Tumblr has a “schedule post” feature- just where you usually click post, select the drop down and choose to schedule to post at October 31st at 12AM PST (if you need a reference city for that for your timezone, try Phoenix, Arizona.)

If you’re a writer, or an artist, interested in posting your work to ao3 please refer to this tutorial to do so! Our collection name is fef_trickortreat2016. Do not try to submit to the Tokyo Ghoul Collection, or send any asks to that blog!


Hey everyone. I’m (mod rory) really sick right now. I do most of the background work (emails and spreadsheets), so please don’t expect any replies right away! I have to use the energy I have for schoolwork unfortunately.

Pinch hitters, please feel free to wait until this weekend to chck in instead. Hopefully I’ll be better by then!


Hello Trick or Treaters! As our deadline of the 27th approaches, please Email us your submissions so we can keep track of them! If you've already emailed it, please email us again so we can properly mark you as completed. Everything is looking incredible, and we can't wait for everyone to see their gifts!! Please make sure you know how to submit your entries on tumblr for the big reveal on Halloween! Everything you need to know is right here--> http://fef-trickortreat.tumblr.com/sub Thanks so much! If you have questions or concerns, please send us an email!

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