
Ramblings of Boogie2988

@boogie2988 / boogie2988.tumblr.com

I'm boogie2988 from youtube. I thought I might have a little fun writing here on tumblr for folks to read, ask questions, and give more details than I'm capable of giving in a short 10 minute video. So, feel free to ask questions, post comments, or just lurk and read. If you dont know me, you should check out my youtube stuff. Its pretty nifty.

Boogie The Bully

So I got word tonight that a fellow streamer called me a 'cyberbully'.  I'm not really sure why or how, because I wasn't there.  But I wanted to use this as an excuse to talk about something people have seen me do on twitch.

You may not know this about me, but I always wanted to be a stand up comic.  I wanted to tour, I wanted to do the night club scene, I wanted to write jokes.  Hell I wanted my own HBO special one day. Part of my studying on the topic of stand up comedy lead me to understand, and prepare myself, for Hecklers.  If you don't know what a heckler is, its generally some drunk douchebag in an audience who interrupts a comic's performance by shouting things out and/or other disruptive behavior. The way that its universarily accepted to deal with hecklers is to shut them down with a certain amount of pretend abuse.  Probably one of the best examples of this is a bo burnham compilation I'll list here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yShcGx1CfJs This serves 3 major purposes

1) It provides the attention that the heckler desires, allowing them to feel satisfied and return to watching the show (much better alternative to booting them out)

2) It dissuades other hecklers from chiming up (causing the person to lose control of their show)

3) it allows the comic to get a cheap laugh and get back on track with his set. Now what I do on twitch is far from stand up comedy.  Its more like improv, and shitty improv at that.  I'm just talking to fill the space, responding to viewers, reading chat, and playing games. But when someone comes in and heckles me (telling me to kill myself, for example) I use that same technique on these people.  I'll often make jokes about what a dick they are.  I'll make jokes about how I fucked their mothers. I'll make jokes about how they're a disappointment to their loved ones. Its all in good fun.  I don't think they're assholes.  I've never had sex with their mothers.  Its jokes.  Generally its pretty tasteless, but mostly so outlandish only an idiot would take it remotely serious.   I'm just doing what I've been trained to do. Giving them the attention they want, disuading others from doing the same, and allowing me to get back on track with the show.


My first ever blog post! Mostly because it’s a quiet day and I’m feeling self indulgent, so I wanted to share my thoughts on the 8th anniversary of my brother passing away. Not because I’m terribly sad— which a part of me, of course, always will be. Everyone who has lost anyone can tell you that....


Why do you know so many fat people?

Well, the answer is pretty obvious. Its partly because I live in the America.  According to the CDC 1 in 3 americans are obese.  I don't know that this statistic is true, but certainly the number of the people I've met in the city I live in, only a handful are very overweight.

When I meet someone who is very overweight, I tend to befriend them.  In part because I feel like I can relate to them, but also in part because they tend to just be the nicest people. Its nice having something in common with some of these guys.  Sometimes the only thing we share is a love of food.  Sometimes we share the epic struggle of an eating disorder.  Sometimes we just share the misery and pain that comes along with being big.  But having that common ground is a wonderful place to start a friendship.

But of the overweight people I have met, they tend to be the nicest, funniest, and most super awesome human beings.  They respond very well to my kind of friendship.   So I surround myself with likeminded people, who share my struggles, and just happen to be the most fantastic human beings I've ever met. Not everyone I know, or like, or hang out with is fat.  Many are skinny and healthy and are just as awesome and loving as anyone else, of course.  I don't discriminate against skinny people.  that would be very, very stupid. But I certainly don't discriminate against another person of size.  If we're hanging out and some 25 year old with the mentality of a 12 year old points and laughs, that's fine by me.  My friends are incredible and I only hope the dude pointing and laughing is so lucky as to have friends like mine. :)


"Boogie doesn't know what censorship is."

I beg to differ.  

According to google freedom of speech is "the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.".

Now if we look at the term censorship in google we also learn that censorship is "the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts."

We can clearly see that based on steam's statement they have chosen to "officially examine" the games on steam greenlight and "suppress an unacceptable part."

The definition by merriam-webster is particularly applicable as well. "Act of changing or suppressing speech or writing that is considered subversive of the common good. In the past, most governments believed it their duty to regulate the morals of their people; only with the rise in the status of the individual and individual rights did censorship come to seem objectionable. Censorship may be preemptive (preventing the publication or broadcast of undesirable information) or punitive (punishing those who publish or broadcast offending material)."

So, as far as I can tell, I'm in the right when I say that Steam has Censored the developers of Hatred.

I'd love to see you explain how I am wrong, I'm glad to hear any arguments to the contrary. Thank you.


Who is the girls voice in my francis videos?

That would be @dez2988, my wife :)  She plays the woman behind the camera in francis videos (and in other videos as well)

We have written her into francis's world as his 'sister' and its worked pretty well.  Obviously francis could not be married or even dating to keep the 'loser' persona so we wrote the 'sister' character in.

In fact, the story goes like this;  Francis's father walked out super early, then his mom walked out when his sister became an adult.  His sister has raised him and his brother ever since and done their best to keep them alive and happy.  Something like that at least :) A lot of people don't realize that my wife's reactions, just like francis's lines, are written beforehand.  We both ad-lib a lot but we tend to go over the scene a couple of times before we shoot it and have a pretty good idea how its going to go when we do a take.  We often get things in the first take, rarely taking more than 2-3 to get it right. We leave a lot of the imperfections in to make it seem 'realistic'. But that's not all that the wife does! Most of the videos she's had her voice in, she's helped me setup, helped me film, even helped me write the lines and some of the jokes.  She's my writer, my director, my camera-person, my clean-up crew, my handler, and overall the boss.  I am, I guess, "The talent" but I use that word loosely.

On top of that she's the love of my life and responsible for every good thing I've ever accomplished.   So yeah.  Score. 


About Halo: Master Chief Collection

So I got an advanced copy of Halo: MCC and have spent some time with it.  I was told I was allowed to speak freely about it and share some gameplay (which I will likely do later tonight)

So initial impressions are good.  i mean really good.  We spent a few hours last night enjoying halo 1 and 2 gameplay.  It looks great on our big screen. Split Screen was a joy.  Its so weird remembering playing halo 1 on a 24 inch CRT 4 way split screen.  Now each section of my 55 inch tv is as almost as big as the entire tv I used to play Halo 1 on.  Crazy. The combat feels good.  The original halo included in the package is actually Combat Evolved.  The new weapons are present but thanks to customization options these can be turned off. Campaign play looks great.  I can't talk about this much due to the NDA but wanted to say that in our hour of messing around with the playlist mod we saw bits and pieces and things look very good.

Overall the remastering of the entire game makes it feel gorgeous, polished, and fun while keeping the game-play you know by heart in tact.

Basically if you're a halo fan: Get this.  you're going to love it.  You'll love revisiting halo 1 and 2 combat, as well as enjoying 3 and 4 again.  I'm hoping that there will be plenty of people to play with online when the game goes live. If you're not a halo fan, this is a great entry to the series.  It might seem weird for you to play through the first halo as it is a far departure from what we're used to in 'modern gaming' but if you can stick with its much more punishing nature, the story within is well worth enjoying. Overall after a few hours of playing, I can't think of a bad thing to say about it.  If you're going to remaster and rebox your games, this is absolutely the way it should be done.


First Draft - Boogie2988 Code of Ethics

I've been meaning to write this for a long time.  I welcome your feedback on these potential rules: The purpose of my channel is to

  • Entertain the viewer
  • inform the viewer/consumer about gaming news
  • promote consumer consciousness
  • promote harmony within the gaming community
  • share personal problems and issues to help the viewer
  • earn a living

About the channel itself The channel ultimately is a variety channel.  I can and always will upload a variety of diverse content that will appeal to a variety of different viewers.  Not everyone will like every video I upload, and that's by design. The channel exists in part as a hobby of mine but also as my primary means of income.  It is always my primary goal to be integral in all dealings with all streams of income.   My primary goal with this channel is to be earn a living while treating the viewer with the integrity and disclosure that they deserve.

Paid Promotion

  • I will avoid promoting a product or a service that I cannot fully endorse.  I will attempt to only promote products that I enjoy, or that I use, or in the result of games; I have played and have found enjoyable.  Some exceptions may be made. For example; t-shirts I cannot wear, products designed for teens or women, etc
  • Each paid promotion will abide by FTC regulations available here: http://www.ftc.gov/sites/default/files/attachments/press-releases/ftc-publishes-final-guides-governing-endorsements-testimonials/091005revisedendorsementguides.pdf
  • Besides marking the video with required FTC regulated statements in the description box, further efforts shall be made by a verbal statement during the video (when possible) to further inform the consumer of the nature of the video
  • When possible, some videos will also include a statement in the title and/or annotation that will further inform the viewer.


  • In the event that a free code has been provided by a friend or contact in the industry this information will be disclosed in the description, comments, title, and/or video itself.
  • In the event I am covering a game for a friend or colleague in the industry this will also be disclosed.
  • Current friendships and relationships of people in the industry will be disclosed as 'open information' as often as possible.  An effort will be made to disclose whose events I participate in, which companies I have contacts with, and the nature of those contacts.
  • In the result there is something to be gained (I.E. kickbacks or gains) it will be treated as a Paid Promotion as stated above

Sponsored Streams

  • In the event a stream is sponsored, or a sponsored product is mentioned during a stream, an effort to disclose the nature of the mention or shout out will be made.
  • In the event that an entire stream is sponsored, this will be noted with a verbal cue during the stream, and when possible the title of the stream.

Social Media Shoutouts

  • It is my goal to minimize these as much as possible, as I feel it is difficult to perform these with limiting factors of social media.  however;
  • Some contracts require social media likes, shares, or shout outs.  I will avoid these contracts as much as possible.
  • In the event that this is required all reasonable attempt to disclose the nature of the social media interaction will be made.

Why don't you Comdemn Gamergate/AntiGG'ers?

This is non-edited and not proof read.  Just had a few minutes to fire this out into the world.  I may come back to fix it at some point.

While I'm waiting for my patch to finish so I can stream, I wanted to answer this question. Several times today I've been asked "why don't you condemn gamergate?"  I've also in the past been asked "why don't you condemn journalists/pundits who have attacked gamers?" Its all pretty simple.  I'm just not that kind of person. To condemn gamergate, is to condemn the individuals involved in it.  This includes a few shitty people who are targeting women and are just using this as an excuse to shit all over the internet.  Sure.  But it also condemns thousands of very logical, loving, caring people.  Maybe in your mind they've made a huge mistake in joining this movement but they're still people and I can't fault them for their mistakes. I'm no christian, but I do remember one thing from the bible.  "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."  I am certainly not without sin.  I choose not to exercise my right to judge.   its not in me.  All the way over to Anita Sarkeesian on one side, and all the way to THunderf00t on the other. I instead choose to listen to what both of these people have to say and use the information they provide to form my own opinions on the topics they discuss. There was a time before all this shit started that such critical thinking was valued.  I hope that it will be once again.

If you're disappointed in me for not joining YOUR cause, whether its Gamergate or Antigamergate or anything else, I understand.  But things are never as simple as that for me.

If you're disappointed that I cannot and will not condemn figure heads on either side of this thing, I understand.  But I value these people as individuals and that's more important to me than any mistakes they may make, opinions they may hold, or causes they may champion.

In the end I remember that we are all people.  Beautifully flawed, passionate people.  On top of that we have one thing in common;  Everyone involved on either side of this thing love video games.  We have that common bond and I hope with that bond will be what brings us to a neutral place so this can be resolved. So forgive me for setting aside our differences and focusing on what makes us the same.  Its how I choose to live my life.  Its how I was taught to live it and its what helps me sleep at night.  If you need to judge me for it, I understand.  Just remember to be perfect first :)


Just did something I thought I'd never do.

I turned off comments and ratings for the latest sponsored videos.  Its clear that some of my long time viewers were unhappy with the video and with me accepting the sponsorship. I don't want to censor those people and I want you to know that your message has been heard loud and clear. However some of the many, many, people who have made it their hobby to troll on my comments used it as an excuse to circlejerk to an extreme extent.  An extent that while I will not disclose the details of, was across my proverbial line.

So I'll make a 'rambling' video later tonight to explain all of this after our halloween party.  I hope that's a good sign of how bad this got.  I am actually hiding in my bedroom enduring a shitstorm while my friends party in my livingroom.  stupid shit honestly :P now I'm going back to join my friends.  Love you guys.


About that Might and Magic Heroes Sponsored Video

For those of you who are negative about it being a sponsored video, I understand.  But here's a little story about how this went down I think you might enjoy: They sent me the contract and pointed me towards the game and I sent back a reply saying I didn't think I could recommend this game because of its reliance on the wait mechanic.   They responded by saying "Well if you don't like parts of the game, tell them that.  We're fine with that.  We think the game we've designed is good and we just want a chance for people to discover that."  I thought this was AWESOME of them and really showed a lot backbone, so I wanted to show people their game. So i made this video and here we are.  I told you the parts I didn't like right off of the bat, and then showed you the parts that I did.  If that's not what you want from a sponsored video then you might need to re-examine what you think 'integrity' is. These are the types of companies that deserve to be rewarded for their honesty and integrity so I rewarded them by making this video.  Makes sense to me.  :)


So I just agreed to talk to MSNBC about #gamergate

So just agreed to talk about #gamergate on MSNBC tomorrow.  "If you're looking for a person who represents gamergate, you want adam baldwinn" is the first thing I told him. "I am a neutral observer.  I have participated in discussions on both sides of this thing" is the second thing I said. THINGS I PLAN TO CONVEY ON MSNBC:

"The first thing I will do when given air time is condemn the actions of people that have attacked the likes of Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkeesian.  Then I will point out that that a vast number of people in gamergate condemn those types of actions as well." "Gamergate is about a lot of things.  One of the things its about is journalistic ethics.  Gamers are tired of being misrepresented in the media.  Back when I first started gaming we were all 'children' playing childrens games.  In the 90's we were all violent school shooters.  Now we're all misogynists.  None of this is true." "Gaming is a diverse group of people.  47% of gamers are now women.  22% of people making games are now women.  I think it is impossible for us all to hate women." "Of course we all want our media to be a little less biased.  Of course we want our media to say when they're being paid to say something. Of course we want media to disclose when they have an existing relationship with the subject of their coverage. That's not a gamergate thing that's a human thing.  As a YouTuber I find disclosure of such information not only necessary but very well received.  I don't know why anyone would be afraid to do it.  When I cover xbox I remind people I know Major Nelson personally.  When I am flown in to see a game, I tell them before I ever show them footage of the game I saw. " "Gaming is a welcoming, and diverse culture.  I have been a gamer for 40 years and while there have been growing pains, gamers were quick to adjust to welcome new people into the fold.  Women are certainly welcome.  There will always be a few holdouts, however.  But in time these minds will change." "But like all things in life its easier to make friends by being friendly.  Attacking gamers and telling us that we're nothing but 'Misogynistic neckbearded children who are afraid to share their toys with women' will cause gamers to stop being welcoming.  They'll defend their hobby instead and this is what we're seeing in gamergate." "Of course gamergaters want female gamers and female game develoeprs.  The silent majority as well as the majority of the vocal gamergaters are eager to see that happen." "If I had any advice to any woman who wants to play games or make games, I'd tell them not to let assholes stop them from doing something they love.  I'd tell any gaming developer to be as strong as they can, endure the world, and make it better by being in it."


Review of Fantasia

Past few days I've been tweeting a lot about this game.  We got the demo over the weekend and tonight we had a party where 6 of my friends and I took turns playing different songs.  Its a pretty great party game, which seems rare on the xb1. If you haven't yet done so, download the demo.  That'll get you up to speed.  After the tutorial you'll have a really good idea of whether or not you want to own this game or not.  But here's some pointers. Bad Stuff:

- The 'campaign' is short.  Its amusing, the characters are great, the unique songs are fantastic and the 'realms' you explore are a lot of fun tho.  Lots of little things to find and unlock in these realms.

- The controls are not very detailed.  you don't have to be spot on and there's no finger movement or anything.  You're waving your arms in the general right direction and getting points most of the time. - There are those 'composition' artifacts that allow you to add to the song but they are very limited.

Good Stuff: - If you are into this kind of thing, there are tons of songs here in the base version.  Lots of hours of doing this stuff (especially to unlock remixes) is available for your 60 bucks.  This would have felt better as a budget title though. - Nice song collection and even the songs you wouldn't want to listen to most of the time are super fun to play.  I still haven't gotten myself to slug through that Justin Beiber song yet though (from the dlc pack we got)

- It just makes you feel powerful, like a kid again conducting along to the radio, only this time you're getting points for doing it.

- With a party this is really fun.  Its not the next rock band, of course, but its a nice holdover until then if it ever comes. - All 7 of us were grinning like idiots the whole time we played it.  It was magical. - The 'mix' system that provides different tracks that allows you to create your own unique version of the song every time you play it is just brilliant. In Conclusion: If you like the demo and decide to forge ahead, know that the campaign is short but great.  The real joy is to be had in the 'song library' where you can play any song you want in almost any way provided you have unlocked that song and its features from its campaign realm.  If you like the demo, and want about 6 hours of campaign + limitless amounts of replaying it, its not a bad decision.   Its not going to be the 'next big thing' but it really does justify the Kinect's existence for people who like a good rhythm game. One has to wonder if this had been a launch title, if xbox would have had to released a Kinectless Xbox one so soon.


In reference to that #gamergate video...

In that video I did not spend much time talking about the good that #gamergate has already done.  I did not talk about how I donated to the FYC and so did they.  I did talk about #notyourshield and how many, many people involved in this thing are the very people they accuse gamergate of attacking. I felt that in order to create a narrative that moderates and even the opposition could hear and support they would need to have certain concessions made.  The most important one is to admit that some women have been harmed and some people involved in the movement want to harm them.

I did not spend enough time talking about the good.  I wish that I had.  Video is out in the open now and there's little I can do about it at this point, other than delete the video. but yes, in the end, you have to know that I know the good that gamergate has done.  If I didn't, I wouldn't support you.  You have to know that. I knew that video could turn gamergate against me and I knew that it could once again branded me a "turncoat" and that's fine.  I knew the risks and if that's what it is, that's what it will be. But in the end know I support the good parts of this movement and its reasonable gets.  I always will, even long after many of you have left the hashtag behind.


In reference to that ban on Neogaf...

I knew that ban was coming.  While I don't think I ever directly violated any rules, I knew that my melting down over there was going to cause it I guess.  No I didn't want it, and no it hurts me terribly, but that's just how it is.

Here's the reasons: http://t.co/Ue0R4I6nLD

Being told that it was because I did not properly defend women in gaming or whatever is frustrating because its about 90% of what I've been trying to do the past 2 months.  Many women I've spoken to (as well as many men) have assured me of that.  Ah well. Being told that its because i side with monsters, when I have routinely condemned the bad parts of gamergate in that thread over and over is likewise painful.  But again, ah well.

I understand their position.  It is difficult for many people to understand my position and I guess its impossible to explain it.  I tried for several thousand posts to do so on 'gaf. No hard feelings to anyone in that thread or to the administration.  I am grateful that they allowed my voice to resonate there as long as they did.  If they choose to let me come back, which they won't, I'll be glad to participate other discussions and leave that single one alone. I know that won't happen though, and that's fine.  I'm a realist. But thanks to the folks that last year ushered in my 'gaf account and got me there.  Sorry I used that privilege to self implode.  Good luck with the rest of what you do over there.

I guess this is supposed to be where I say "Neogaf is an echo chamber and all they want is one single unanimous voice and they'll ban anyone who disagrees".  I don't think that's the case, even now.  I think there are some wonderful people that post on that board, even those who disagree with what I had to say.  I'm sorry I'll no longer have a way to discuss these things with them.


Let's make something very clear about #gamergate

Recently I'm being told my color is 'blue' and that I'm an ally of gamergate and I've had a ton of support from it because people there feel that I'm supporting the movement. It is true that I joined a thunderclap and that I have absolutely supported some of the agendas and decisions that this movement embraces.  I often use the hashtag when it is relevant to discuss matters with the people involved in the movement. But make no mistake;  The underside of that movement and the handful of 'trolls' who hide behind that movement and use it as an excuse to bully, or tease, or torture are disgusting human beings.  I still believe that the majority of the people who ally themselves with #gamergate are good people.  If I did not believe this I would never associate myself with them in an way. But for you few who are doing terrible shit, with or without the hashtag, I genuinely invite you to either get right or get the fuck out.   I rarely use language like this but I want to be very clear;  I absolutely abhor and condemn the type of people who would harass the likes of Jim Sterling because he refuses to ally with you.  I am absolutely disgusted by the types of people who would harass Ms Wu even if she's pretty set in her ways.  I'm appalled by those who would issue death threats to someone like Anita Sarkesean even if her videos aren't always accurate. It pains me to be associated with those few people.  But I'm proud to associate myself with the many #gamergaters who also feel the same about these types of people and their actions.   If and when I feel differently, I'll go back to not using the hashtag and simply fighting for what I believe in;  Kindness, love, integrity, and inclusiveness in gaming. But please be aware;  If you're involved in #gamergate you need to set a good example.  You need to be AWESOME.  You need to shine so bright that you can make the darker people hidden in your ranks disappear.  I believe that you can.  I know that you will.  I've bet my career on it.


My apologies about my misinformation about xb1 #PS4NoParity

Boogie here. I did a little research on the CPU's in both systems and found a benchmark that pointed towards the cpu for the xb1 actually clocking slower. This the article that I was referencing: http://www.cinemablend.com/games/PS4...est-61203.html In the case that this article was wrong, as many have asserted, I apologize. I'll redact that statement both in the youtube comments, an annotation, and on twitter. Ultimately this should not devolve into another ps4 vs xb1 debate because of my stupid and simple mistake. Its more important than ever to let Ubisoft know you expect them to create the most important version of a game on whichever platform you choose to play it on. Please do that instead of arguing over this pointless console war, or my ignorant mistake.  Thank you.

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