


This is really just for my Instagram where I’m much more active. My Instagram is @allfourthefoxes. Follow me there if you’d like.

Kevaaron Stucky AU

i’m obsessed with both ships

So Aaron’s early childhood is the same, only difference is the time period. Kevin grew up in a boys home ‘Edgar Allen Academy’ but moved out on his at 16.

Kevin and Aaron have been friends for years. They’ve been there for each other through everything, all the beatings from Aaron’s mom and all the punishments and harassment at Edgar Allen. They’re thick as theves. Aaron still lives with his mom, working and helping her with her poor health due to her substance abuse while Kevin works on the docks. They’re close as ever, in fact Kevin routinely encourages Aaron to move into his one bedroom apartment to get away from his mom Aaron will frequently spend the night, pretending like they’re cuddling because Aaron is perpetually cold and there’s only one bed.

Things aren’t perfect but things are okay and they’re happy when they’re together. Then, the war starts.

The war starts and Kevin is drafter, he’s drafted and Aaron is going to lose his best friend and Kevin is going to lose his. So Aaron, wanting to help people, and wanting to get away from his mom tries to enlist but is rejected due to his poor health from being premature and having FASD. Kevin ships out, and Aaron is alone, only hearing from him in the occasional letter.

Then, he sees people talking about this ‘Captain America’ guy. He doesn’t think much of it until he sees a picture of the guy, they have the same face. Aaron manages to find him and that’s when he meets Andrew. He tells Andrew about his mom and about Kevin and how he wants to join the war, Andrew, not happy to be going around preforming also wants to join the war.

Andrew manages to convince them they should give Aaron the serum too, they have the same genes and they already knows it works on him. Since they want two super soldiers they agree and eventually, after Tilda finally dies, they ship out.

Like in the movie Aaron finds out that Kevin and his unit are MIA and he’s determined to get him back. Aaron convinces Andrew to come with and the two of them save Kevin and his unit. The three of them (Kevin, Aaron, and Andrew) form the Howling Commandos and kick Nazi ass. Cue cute kevaaron wartime moments and twinyard bonding. Then, the train happens Aaron believes Kevin to be dead.

Aaron and Andrew crash into the ice together (touching twinyard moment right before they go in) and thaw out 70 years later.

They both work for Shield, more so as a consultant than a full agents (Andrew gets quite close to an agent Josten) Aaron is struggling to adjust, especially since he doesn’t have a Neil like Andrew does and he can’t get Kevin out of his head. Then, you have the Winter Solider plot line with The Ravens as Hydra which is hiding within Shield.

Neil Aaron and Andrew are fighting this masked, metal armed assassin when Aaron sees his face. Aaron and Andrew hesitate, recognizing Kevin so Neil ends up getting injured by Kevin. The three escape.

Aaron and Andrew end up having a conversation where Andrew basically says he’s going to kill Kevin (Kevin hurt Neil) and Aaron yells him that he will never let that happen and to kill Kevin he’ll have to kill Aaron first.

The three of them take down Hydra and Aaron tries to get through to Kevin. Similar ending to Winter Solider.

It could end there or go on with the three of them trying them help Kevin but I need to stop this is getting quite long.

aaron, in line at starbucks: can i get a flat white with, uhhh, 8 espresso shots?
kevin, in line behind him: jesus christ just do cocaine
aaron, grinning: not again.

meet cute 🥰🥰

aaron: sorry i’m not obsessed with you like everyone else. i know it must be confusing for you
kevin: you know what
kevin: i think you are

So, there’s no statute of limitations on murder.

This means that if evidence of Andrew killing Tilda was found he could be arrested, charged, and tried for her murder.

So, I was thinking about Aaron being interviewed and called as a whiteness and Andrew telling him to tell the truth and Aaron refusing.

I’m just thinking about the interactions they have, Aaron ready to perjure himself, ready to obstruct the investigation for Andrew and Andrew willing to go to prison for the rest of his life so that Aaron doesn’t.

Just a thought.


Neil: Tell me again... Why is Aaron beating the shit out of that guy?

Kevin: Because he called me gay.

Neil: But... you are gay.

Kevin: Yeah, but I was holding Aaron's hand, and that would mean Aaron was gay too, so he got pissed.

Neil: But he IS gay.

Kevin: You go tell him.

(also: "that guy" is probably Seth, and he probably has no regrets)


Mechanic Aaron and Kevin who barely understands how cars work

Kevin takes his car into a mechanic and when he sees Aaron he keeps messing with his car as an excuse to come back in.


one of the major reasons why i can imagine kevaaron being good together is cuz aaron is the only one on the entire team who would listen to kevins 10 hr rant on some obscure topic and offer a 10 hr obscure topic rant of his own


more vampaaron and Kevin kevaaron

because it’s my friends birthday and this is what he wanted

  • Aaron tends to be very sleepy during the day and active more at night, Kevin thinks it’s cute and funny until it’s midnight and Aaron wants to do something.
  • Aaron loves Kevin’s heartbeat, he always puts his head on Kevin’s chest to listen to it.
  • I already mentioned how Kevin kisses the scar on Aaron’s neck from being turned but he will also bite it.
  • Aaron can see well in the dark so he watches Kevin sleep sometimes.
  • The foxes want them to go as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen for halloween.
  • I think I said this before but Kevin thinks Aaron’s fangs are cute.
  • Kevin will make fun of how pale Aaron is.
  • Aaron likes to impress Kevin with his strength he has after eating.
  • Aaron is also super cold so he will basically burrow into Kevin clothes (that he’s still wearing)
  • Aaron will make up random fake vampire facts and Kevin always believes him no matter how random the fact is
  • I don’t know if I want Aaron to be able to turn into a bat but if he could he would be forced to be in bad form and sit with/ on Kevin on car rides for more space.
  • Continuing bat Aaron Kevon thinks it’s super cute but he won’t admit it.
  • Every time Aaron looks slightly off Kevin freaks out and tells Aaron to drink some blood. Aaron very rarely needs to bug he finds it sweet.
  • I previously mentioned Aaron studying upside down to help blood flow to his brain but I want to add to that and say kevaaron spider-man kiss.
  • Kevin will grab Aaron’s fangs sometimes.
  • I really just want to emphasize Kevin being Aaron’s personal heater.
  • Aaron grows out his hair to cover the bite mark and Kevin loves to play with it.
  • Kevin helps remind/ convince Aaron that he is in fact alive which is something Aaron struggles with a lot.
  • Kevin makes Aaron feel alive.
  • Aaron makes Kevin feel alive.
  • They’re in love :))

someone’s gotta write more kevaaron fanfictions i’ve literally read every single one under the kevin day/aaron minyard tag on ao3 WHAT’S STOPPING Y’ALL WRITE THAT FUCKING KEVAARON FF

Aaron: The number of pathogens passed in a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss.
Kevin: Aaron, it's really interesting you know stuff like that.
Also Kevin three hours later: OH MY GOD, HE WAS FLIRTING WITH ME!!!

Therapy is good but rereading all the fanfiction under the tag Kevin/Aaron on Ao3 is a lot cheaper and faster


Vampire Aaron (and some kevaaron)

TW//blood, death, drug abuse, the bathroom, vampire stuff

  • Aaron died in the bathroom.
  • Nicky found him the next morning, his body cold and lifeless.
  • Luckily Eden’s is a pretty popular club for all things inhuman so Andrew didn’t have to look far to find a vampire that would turn Aaron and therefore save his life.
  • When Aaron came back it was difficult.
  • Adjusting to the fact that he died, that he’s no longer human and that he needs blood to live was difficult.
  • He barely survived the first two weeks, the change is unpredictable and hard on the body. It gets worse the longer the vampire was dead, which in Aaron’s case was almost ten hours.
  • But eventually he adjusted.
  • He still struggles, especially with the not being human and the being dead part.
  • Vampires have enhanced strength and speed the better fed they are but it never reached an inhuman point.
  • Not that Aaron has to worry about that.
  • He can only feed on the weekends when they’re at Eden’s and he can sip blood from one of the bags in the back room.
  • When he and Kevin get together Aaron will drink Kevin’s blood if he’s particularly drained or has something big coming up.
  • He’s still hesitant to do it, mostly because blood is important and Kevin doesn’t seem to understand that with how often he offers his neck to Aaron.
  • Aaron’s fangs are shockingly small, of course they’re still big enough to be fangs but they’re proportioned to his body.
  • Kevin thinks his fangs are adorable.
  • When his fangs are out he has a lisp that makes Kevin’s heart melt.
  • He hangs upside down when he studies to help what little blood is in him flow to his brain.
  • Constantly wearing sunglasses and looking fucking dead and judging everyone like a fucking icon.
  • Kevin kissing the scar on his neck from when he was turned.
  • Constantly makes jokes about being dead.
  • He’s a little reckless after since normal things can’t really kill him and he was going through it (he jumps out of a few windows)
  • Ultimately he’s just amazing and adorable and I love him.
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