

@artymakeart / artymakeart.tumblr.com

Where I deal with my art struggles

To all the fic writers out there that are not currently writing. Either it's because of RL, health, writer's block or something has happened that have disheartened you. Thank you for what you've written, and don't ever feel pressured or stressed - fanfic should be something good for all of us; both reader and writer. You're more important than what you do, but thank you for what you've done!


Hello, everyone!

Before you sign up, please remember that this fest deals with mature subjects and the participants are responsible for curating their own experiences within the fest. This applies to viewing the prompts list, which is uncensored.

Here’s a little F.A.Q. to help our claiming process!

  • First of all: CLAIMING is a first come, first serve process.
  • Also very important: THIS IS AN ANONYMOUSLY POSTING FEST, so we ask you not to divulge the prompt you are claiming. You’ll be able to talk about the prompt you’ve claimed within our creators-only Discord server once you join it.

To claim a prompt, you must fill out this Google Form: https://forms.gle/kg7tfak66MuDET2X7

The information we ask is:

  • Your name or alias & pronouns;
  • An e-mail account for contact (we will send a confirmation that we have received your claiming through this address);
  • Your Discord ID, so we can have another way of contacting you during the fest. This isn’t mandatory, but appreciated. When you sign up, you also receive a link to our fest’s Discord server (restricted to creators), where you can discuss your art piece/fic, look for a beta reader, or just share your creating process.
  • Your AO3 account (you must use an AO3 account to enter the fest because the works will all be posted to a collection on the site. If you do not have an AO3 account yet, let us know on the “anything else” section of the form);
  • The number of the prompt you are claiming;
  • What pairing do you intend to use on your prompt (if any);
  • Anything else you might want to add.

You will be able to claim ONE prompt during the Claiming period (27 Nov - 11 Dec).

  • We will not list the claimers name on the prompt list.

After claiming time is closed, if you have both finished your creative work and submitted it properly, you will be able to claim another prompt.

The mods have varying schedules, so please be patient with hearing back from us.  If you haven’t heard from us within 48 hours, assume something went wrong and contact a mod.

If you have additional questions, please message us here on Tumblr, or email it to remuslupinfestmod@gmail.com


Yeah, I drew that.

Half my life as a comic book creator is explaining that almost all of my training as an artist is pre-internet, pre-Photoshop, and pre-computer.

No, I don't trace all my figure work or backgrounds because almost all creators of my generation had to learn to draw extemporaneously, and it is actually easier and faster for me to just draw off the cuff than it is to dig through a pile of pics to get what I want.

No, this doesn't mean I never use reference and it doesn't mean I haven't ever closely followed reference - or even closely copied a reference photograph.

It means I usually don't have to use reference for things I draw every day, like the human body. But if I had to draw the Taj Mahal, I'd use reference. I mean, I could do a generalization of the Taj Mahal from memory, but I'd need reference to get it right.

No, back in the day artists didn't all use the Camera Obscura, overhead projector, or lightbox. There is the sight size method, the comparative method, and the construction drawing method. I learned all three and have never used a Camera Obscura. I only used overhead projector a few times and hated it. I usually only use a lightbox to transfer sketches to the final art boards.

In classical ateliers, artist candidates are locked in rooms without access to any kind of Camera Obscura-style tools to make sure the artist can draw and paint without reliance on them.

No, this doesn't make me a Luddite and it doesn't mean I don't use computers now, it just means I can draw and paint and write without them, perhaps with a bit more confidence than some who never had to do without.

There are some computer artists who can do without, and some who can't. No judgment.

You do you.

I did without computers because there was no with computers. And that is how I learned.

But I don't appreciate that some out there flat out mislead about drawing methods because, it seems, if they can't do something, clearly other people can't either. Just because an artist used reference on one picture or even a dozen pictures, that doesn't mean every single element of everything they draw was slavishly referenced.


Hello and welcome to Remus Lupin fest!

Remus Lupin Fest is a prompt-based fest, anonymous posting fest featuring the one and only Remus Lupin! We welcome fics and art of any rating, and any (or no) pairing, as long as our favourite werewolf is central to the story/image.

Prompting: 17 November - 24 November 2023 Claiming: 27 November - 11 December 2023 Creative works due: 29 February 2024 Posting begins on AO3: 10 March 2024 (Remus’ Birthday!)


I am so insane about the Job arc.

God says, "I will destroy Job's children," and Aziraphale says, "How did he wrong you?"

God says, "I will destroy Job's children," and Aziraphale says, "How will you make it right?"

God says, "I will destroy Job's children," and Aziraphale says, "Gosh, I don't doubt you know what you are doing and all, but maybe we could slow things down a little and talk about this? And it's essential to the divine plan? Are we sure?"

Crowley says, "I will destroy Job's children," and Aziraphale looks him in the eye and says, "No, you won't."

#more faith in crowley than god. that's fucking nuts actually. (@dat-eyebrows)


I want every single person becoming unhinged over this post to know that I am kissing you very gently on the forehead. This thought scrambled my neurons and I am glad you are all here to share it with me.


So I just finished reading Red, White, and Royal Blue a few days ago. Then I decided i wanted a T-shirt, too. Then I decided to drink A LOT of coffee and decided EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE ONE. IDK how to get it out other than RedBubble. so here it is. Let me know if i missed something. 

EDIT: so I found this in my draft and realized that I might have never posted this….since I read the book two years ago and went a little bit crazy….i mean what else is new. But here is the link to the redbubble for this. No, I will not apologize for finding this post Pride month because Pride is year long and you can’t tell me otherwise. 

Reblogged cause I just saw the movie 😂


@stvksn on ig


i hope your god has asked you for mercy and i hope you've refused to forgive him

is so insanely powerful. that's gonna be seared in my brain for a long time. fuck.


More notes. They are not in order by the way. There is still more stuff to say about the world building/drawing/exploring topic. I just haven't gotten to these notes yet.

This one is about lights but it's in progress as well. Feedback is welcomed


The Barbie movie reminded me about how when I was little my parents were upset that I kept making my Barbie dolls kiss, so they bought me a Ken doll. The next day they found me having a funeral for poor Ken in the garden, he had died of tuberculosis. All the Barbies were in attendance and I buried him under our rose bush. The Barbies were too poor to afford a headstone (it was 1875) so I didn’t mark where the grave was and I never could find him again. He’s probably still there.


Growing up Mormon AND with long hair that I didn’t cut because of pressure from my mom, to me the metaphor here is pretty obvious… you can read it how you want though.


First image, panel at the top of the image: Hand drawn image using green, brown, white and black only, of a plain Rapunzel tower, text says "Do you think she knew?"

In the frame is the author's website: sarahluann.com

Under the first panel, to the left: image of Rapunzel's hair falling down through the middle of the frame in a zigzag pattern. Text is: "Did she know that tower-length hair isn't normal?"

Under first panel, to the right: drawing of a stone wall with the hair dropping down from top to bottom in front of the wall, with hands reaching down to hold the hair. "That her own hair was being used to control her"

Top left of the second image, first panel: We see a girl standing at the top of the wall, pulling all of her hair up into one arm (there's a lot). "It probably seemed like a part of her."

Top middle, second panel: The girl is walking with a huge armload of her own hair. Background and floor are black with white lines to accent where wall and floor end/begin. She's wearing a long black but simple dress with a white long-sleeved shirt underneath, she has bare feet and seems weighed down with her hair. "Because it was."

Top right, third panel: The girl puts the pile of hair down into a little cart. "something she learned to live with."

A lovely flow of hair curls and weaves across the middle of the image, text is intermingled in the gaps of hair: "Something she learned to work around because it was always there".

Bottom panel of the second image, the girl is pulling the little cart piled up with her hair. "A familiar inconvenience."

Third image, first panel top left. The girl is in the background looking to the foreground at what looks like a knitting basket, with balls of wool and a prominent pair of scissors. "What must it have been like,"

Top right panel: image is a close up of the girl reaching for the scissors. "When she realised,"

Bottom left panel: girl standing holding the scissors in one hand and her hair in the other. "that this part of her,"

Two panels the same height as the bottom left, are on the right, top panel: images of hands, hair and scissors, the moment she's about to cut her hair. "Was actually optional?"

Second right hand bottom panel, is the hands, hair and scissors again, but hair has been cut. Text reads "SNAP".

Fourth image, top left: drawing of the girl tying the cut end of hair to what looks like a bed post. "How satisfying it must have been," (written in white on a black background), "to turn the tool of her abuse" (written in black on the white of the headboard).

top right: the girl goes to the window of the tower with the rest of her hair. Inside of the tower is black, she's framed by mostly white round stones in the stonework of the tower and the round-topped window. (no text)

To the left going down the rest of the image is her hair, again flowing a bit like a river, but hinted that it's falling down from the window towards the ground.

Middle right, the girl climbs out of the window, using her hair and round stones of the tower to start climbing down.

Middle bottom, just an image of her hand on her hair as if she's climbing down hand over hand. "into her means of,"

Bottom right panel is the bottom of her skirt all in black, then one leg and bare foot touches the grass. Written in white in the black of her dress is: "escape".

Fifth image: girl is standing on a grassy hill, with the the tower and hair flowing from the window, in the background. Her skirts are tied up on the sides, showing her bare legs, arms spread out to the side and she has a smile on her face. Wind is blowing in her now shoulder length hair, there's a deep sense of freedom.

{I love this so much}

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