


He/him 🐺 20 🐺 Welsh 🐺

Little fucking guy alert!!

[ID: two photos of a porcelain triceratops from different angles. The triceratops is very small and has blue floral designs on its crown and body. Its three horns are painted with gold luster.]


I’ve officially forgiven Dublin Bus for all the times they were late or never showed up cos the pride Bus they done with proud dads was the most wholesome thing i’ve ever seen in my life & i still can’t watch it without tearing up omfg

i thought i could keep it together but i lost it at “let’s go to pride, son” 

I too lost it at that part


Same here

Hey OP, change your name.


I don't know what 13 year old, or 14 year old, or just any teenager needs to hear this, but I fucking promise, you don't need to watch real life gore videos.

You don't need to watch it to get better at drawing blood/gore. You don't need to watch it because you think it makes you cool. You don't need to watch it to get "desensitized" to the status quo that the internet has set up when it comes to gore footage. You don't need to watch it in general, you shouldn't watch it.

It's not worth it, it's not worth the trauma, paranoia, or other mental ramifications that come from seeing someone die on video. You might think you're fine in that moment, but it comes back to bite you in the ass years down the line.

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