


Anonymous asked:

I love it when we get to see the boys interact with each other on stage ❤️

same! it’s one of the things i miss most about them 😕

here’s some other moments in my gallery, they’re only van and bondy though 🫶🏼


Free therapy… 💕

Looking at pics of Van’s thighs to cheer myself up…


Imagine being the childhood friend of Zuko and him getting angry when Jet starts showing an interest in you.

Your POV

To be fair Zuko had held in his fury over being banished and hunted down by his sister quite well but apparently the journey to Ba Sing Sei was where he drew the line and decided to have a break down. Zuko spat out his food and you smirked to Iroh at his dramatics. “This is disgusting” he yelled throwing the bowl down before resting his head in his hands “I’m sick of living like this”. You went to remind him you only had one more day of this boat trip left until you reached Ba Sing Sei when someone else spoke. “Aren’t we all?” a smooth voice called and you and Iroh turned to see a boy watching you all. He approached Zuko and introduced himself as Jet the freedom fighter, whatever a freedom fighter was. Zuko didn’t return the gesture but you saw this boy, Jet, swept his eyes over the three of you and he smiled. He walked around to stand between you and Zuko and leant forwards “I heard the captain’s hoarding all the food and eating like a king, how would you like to help me liberate it?”. You and Zuko exchanged a look and you smiled knowing what Zuko’s response would be. “We’re in”.

You waited for night fall and then met Jet and his friend by the kitchen. Jet picked the lock easily with his swords and waved you all inside. Jet whistled as you all stared at the large kitchen amazed at it’s size. “You two take that side” he said to Zuko and his friends “we’ll take this side” he said and gestured to you. You nodded to Zuko and followed Jet to search the room. “So you or your friend got a name?” Jet asked as you searched. “Maybe” you shrugged opening a cupboard “but ours are nowhere near as colourful as Jet”. Jet smirked at your joke and walked closely past you to search the top shelf. “So if you won’t tell me your name how about where are you from? You and your friend seem close so I’m guessing you’ve known each other a while, since children?”. “Correct” you nodded “we’ve been friends since we were 5”. “Cute” Jet smirked “childhood sweethearts escaping to Ba Sing Sei to start a life together” he grinned mockingly. “We’re not childhood sweethearts” you snapped moving away and Jet followed you “ow really so you’re not a couple?”. “NO!” you said loudly before blushing as Jet laughed at your response. You hadn’t meant to be so adamant and you looked down embarrassed “I just meant that is not at all our situation, we’re just really good friends”. Jet nodded and stepped past you “that’s good to hear”. You watched him confused and he shot you a smile over his shoulder “for me that is”. You rolled your eyes but there was something about the boy that was very attractive. Jet smirked at your response and carried on searching. He opened a cupboard and grinned “look what I’ve found”.

You packed all the food up and snook it out of the kitchen easily. You distributed it out to the other families on the ship and Iroh smiled as you passed him a bowl “thank you y/n, you and Lee did a good thing”. “Try telling him that, he’s still pouting” you replied making Iroh laugh. You returned to get more for the other families but got distracted. “So your name’s y/n?” a familiar voice asked. Jet appeared beside you “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop of course but I couldn’t help it”. “Of course not” you smiled sweetly and Jet laughed “It’s a nice name, y/n, it matches you well”. You shot him a look but were slightly amused. It was honestly nice to have someone around that didn’t have the fire nation seriousness. You didn’t make it easy for Jet though and just ignored him. You opened the remaining boxes looking for more food but it was all gone. “Well I guess that’s the last of the food y/n” Jet said pointedly emphasising your name “how about we go for a walk? To celebrate?”. “Aren’t you hungry? We just liberated all that food”. Jet shrugged “I’d say you’re far more interesting to me right now so how about it…y/n” he said smirking and you smiled. You had a pretty boring time on Zuko’s exile so you shrugged “lead the way” and took off with Jet.

Zuko’s POV

Zuko made sure all the food had been dished out before he returned to his seat beside his uncle. He was just about to start eating when he noticed something was wrong….he couldn’t see you anywhere. Zuko looked around for you and blinked “uncle did you see where y/n went?”. Iroh frowned when Jet’s friend spoke up. “She left with Jet” Smeller Bee replied and Zuko blinked “why? Are they running another job?”. “No, Jet just works that quick” the girl shrugged before going back to her food. Zuko paused confused and craned his neck to see if he could see you. “You mean they’re….on a date?”. “Sure lets call it that” Smeller Bee agreed and Zuko frowned, when on earth did that happen and how did he miss it?

Panic seized Zuko and he began to wonder how on earth he’d missed this developing. He cursed himself for allowing it to happen right infront of his own eyes and wished things were different so he could’ve told you how he felt. The truth was Zuko had liked you for a while, more than a while actually. He’d liked you for almost as long as he could remember but he’d never told you for multiple reasons. Before when he was a prince he never told you because he was worried with him being the heir that would make you feel pressured to feel the same way and Zuko was 100% certain you didn’t like him. Then when he was banished and you decided to come with him he was amazed. He still remembered you marching your way onto his ship, demanding to come with you and how impressed and in love he felt. So he agreed to let you come but he couldn’t tell you he liked you for a different reason now. He was banished, what if he told you and you did like him? Then you’d get pulled down with him, tainted through association to him. You could return to the fire nation anytime and Zuko didn’t want to do anything to make you share the same fate as him and so he never told you how he felt and it appeared someone had beaten him to it.

When you hadn’t return before they retired to their cabin Zuko wanted to go out looking for you but Iroh told him you were just off on a date and not to ruin your fun. So Zuko didn’t search for you not wanting to *ruin your fun* but there was no way he could sleep not knowing where you were and so he waited up for you. As the time passed he got more agitated and decided if you weren’t back soon he would scour the ship for you no matter what Iroh said but just as suddenly as you’d disappeared you appeared. You opened the door to the cabin quietly and then jumped violently when you saw Zuko stood there in the dark. “Zuko…what are you doing?”. “Making sure you got back okay, you took off with a stranger”. You rolled your eyes “we’re on a boat Zuko, it’s not like i could be whisked off somewhere plus you know Jet!”. “I know of him” Zuko said pointedly and you smirked “it’s sweet of you to worry but don’t worry i can handle boys like Jet” and you disappeared into your room. You patted Zuko as you passed and he sighed. Zuko didn’t like where this was going but he didn’t see how he could stop it. So ignoring the tingling sensation where you touched his arm he stomped into his room and laid face down in the bed.

Your POV

You arrived in Ba Sing Sei the next day and were eager to get off the boat but not as eager as Zuko. He practically dragged you and Iroh off the boat just so you could get stuck waiting in line for 4 hours. After your paperwork was finally approved you got into Ba Sing Sei and realised you had no idea where to go. Iroh claimed due to his old siege days he knew the city but as you stared at a map in the train station he frowned “hmmm it appears to have changed a bit” and Zuko cried out in anger. “You said you knew the city!”. “I did but that was over 10 years ago” Iroh explained “this might take some time”. You saw Zuko was getting ready to yell again and grabbed his arm “hey how about we go get some food while we wait?”. Zuko relaxed slightly and Iroh nodded “I’d love some tea”. “Of course” you smiled and tugged Zuko away. “You have to calm down” you told him softly “Iroh will work all this out we’ll be fine”. Zuko nodded “I know I’d just rather than was sooner rather than later”. “Why?” you asked “what’s your big rush?”. Zuko glanced around you as if looking for someone and then looked down “nothing I just want to get out of this place”. You frowned, something was clearly bothering your friend but you also knew Zuko well enough to know when he was in a mood like this there was no way he would tell you what was wrong. Zuko didn’t open up often and being agitated didn’t help that. So you tried to give him space and hoped he would confide in you when he felt comfortable enough. You spotted two different food carts and nudged his arm “you go get the tea, i’ll get us some food and meet you back by Iroh”. Zuko nodded and without a word walked away. You watched him with a worried frown before you walked towards the food truck. You joined the line, waiting for your turn to order when you heard a voice “so you made it in the city okay?”. You smiled to see Jet again and nodded “obviously” making Jet grin. It was your turn to order next and you stepped up and told the man what you wanted. When it came to paying you went to get the correct money but Jet stepped forwards. “Don’t worry I got this” he said placing some coins down on the counter. “You don’t have to” you started but Jet shook his head “no, I never got you anything on our date the other night so call this payback”. You rolled your eyes as you collected the food but you were blushing slightly. “I wouldn’t really call it a date, more of a walk”. “That’s true” Jet agreed “so that means I have to take you on a proper one”. “Ow really? You have to”? you asked and Jet nodded “for sure, custom all but demands it, I have to do it if I want to or not” Jet said shooting you a wide smirk. You laughed in shock and Jet smirk grew “it’s just a coincidence that I want to”. You smiled and went to tell Jet you’d think about it when Zuko appeared. “Y/n have you got the food?”. You looked down at the bag in your hands and nodded “yeah…”. “So are you heading back?” he asked glancing at Jet or more accurately glaring and you looked down. “You go ahead I’ll be right behind you”. Zuko narrowed his eyes and took the bag from your hands “Mushi is hungry so I’ll just take it”. “Z…Lee” you sighed but Zuko just shrugged “no it’s fine you stay and talk” and he stormed away. You frowned watching Zuko walk away and Jet laughed “that might’ve been my fault. You looked at him confused and Jet shrugged “your friend clearly has a problem with me”. You shook your head confused how Jet reached that conclusion “nonsense Lee likes you he’s just…moody, sometimes”. Jet smirked “that i believe but no this seems specific to me and you”. “Us?” you asked and Jet nodded “i saw him watching us before he came over, he clearly doesn’t like me being around you”. “I’m not sure…” you frowned and Jet smirked “y/n he’s watching us even now!”. You glanced at Zuko where he sat on the bench beside Iroh. Like Jet said Zuko was watching you and not just watching but openly glaring. He jumped when he saw you’d spotted him and looked away. "He’s just protective” you tried “we’ve been friends forever”. Jet smirked “he’s protective alright but not because you’re friend, I think the fact you’re just friends is where he has the problem”. You realised what Jet meant and swallowed “i…no that can’t be true”. Jet shrugged and laughed slightly “hey i’m not going to try and convince you, why would i when i’m interested in you?”. You looked back at Jet and smiled “you are?”. “Yeah, didn’t i make that obvious? Well maybe this will help” and Jet moved closer.

Zukos’s POV

As soon as you’d all arrived in Ba Sing Sei Zuko was thrilled for one sole reason. Jet. Ever since your date Zuko was anxious to make sure you never saw that boy ever again. So he rushed you and Iroh off the ship and was frustrated to see the long lines that awaited. However he never saw Jet once and so that helped ease his mind. Then when you finally did get through his uncle didn’t know where to go and he felt his temper rising again. Any moment now Jet could appear and tag along and…Zuko didn’t want to think about what could happen, how you and Jet could actually become a proper a couple. So Zuko was not in the best of moods and then the devil himself appeared. Zuko left your side for a second and who was there? Jet. Zuko was furious and so he tried to get you to come with him but you wanted to stay with Jet! Zuko couldn’t believe you were falling for this act and he stormed away from you both angry and upset.

He sat on the bench too angry to eat, just clutching his cup of tea staring at the back of Jet’s head. “Stop watching y/n nephew” Iroh commented and Zuko jumped “i’m not i was just….don’t you think it’s suspicious how much he’s around her?”. Iroh shrugged “not considering what happened on the boat, it’s called dating”. Zuko glared as Jet moved closer to you “but how do we know we can trust him? He could be anyone”. You looked over suddenly and Zuko tore his eyes away “y/n should be careful, what if he hurts her?”. “Well it’s ultimately y/n’s decision, we can’t control her and while i think your concern for her is admirable perhaps you could work on your honesty?”. Zuko paused “what are you trying to say uncle you know i hate riddles”. “I’m saying that rather than chasing away any boy that comes near her maybe you should recognise your feelings for her and tell her”. Zuko snorted “that’s preposterous! Y/n is just a good friend nothing more”. Zuko knew that was a lie but he couldn’t have anyone working out his secret. Zuko was thinking of all the ways your friendship would be ruined when he glanced over and saw Jet kiss you. He breathed in sharply and clutched his cup so hard tea spilled over the sides burning him. He groaned in pain and threw the cup down. Iroh chucked passing him tissues “still going to pretend she’s just a good friend to you?”.

Your POV

“Here it is!” Iroh called throwing open the door “home sweet home”. Finally after days of waiting around and searching you’d found a home and jobs all thanks to Iroh. Zuko however wasn’t feeling so grateful. He glanced around the room and  gingerly dragged his hand across the table “it’s filthy, is everything in the earth kingdom filthy?”. Iroh shifted the plant pot in his hands and frowned “all it needs is a little cleaning and it will look as good as new. If we all chip in it won’t take long at all”. “Would you mind if we cleaned later please Iroh?” you asked and Zuko headed towards his room apparently done with this conversation. “Just I agreed to met Jet soon, we’re going to go explore the city a bit”. You didn’t notice but Zuko had stopped dead in his tracks. 

“Of course we can clean later better yet me and Zuko can get it all sorted for your return! Go and have fun you deserve it” Iroh smiled at you. You grinned and hugged him tightly “thank you!”. You separated and only then noticed Zuko was watching you. “What?” you asked “would you like to come too Zuko?”. “No!” he cried disgusted “why on earth would I want to hang around with you on your date”. You sighed and nodded “just asking”. “Are you two official now then?” Zuko asked and you shook your head “no”. “So that at the train station was just nothing?” Zuko asked and you frowned “why do you care?”. “I don’t care I just don’t understand why you’re wasting your time on him, you know he hates fire benders don’t you?“ Zuko commented "if he knew you were one there’s no way he’d be sniffing around you so much”. You rolled your eyes determined not to let Zuko ruin this for you. “Open your eyes Zuko everyone hates the fire nation and can you blame them? If anything Jet’s disdain for the fire nation makes him more attractive” and with a shake of your head you disappeared out the door. 

Zuko’s POV

The door shut behind you and Zuko gripped the table tighter. He stared at the door and breathed deeply to stop himself launching fire at it. “Nephew…” Iroh started and Zuko groaned “not now uncle!” and stormed into his room slamming the door.

Zuko flopped on his bed when he suddenly heard your voice. He walked to his open window and saw and Jet down below. Jet was smirking at you, standing way too close to you while you just looked up at him smiling. Zuko felt his stomach churn as how cocky Jet seemed with you. You started walking away and Zuko sighed, he went to turn away when suddenly Jet looked back. He looked at Zuko’s window, stared Zuko right in the eye and smiled. Zuko’s temper flipped and he glared. So Jet knew what he was doing then? Well Zuko wouldn’t let him get away with it. Zuko climbed out of the window and began to discreetly follow you.

Your POV

You and Jet explored the city all day and you were amazed. The city was huge in a way the fire nation city could never be. Endless rows of shops and houses all protected by the huge walls of Ba Sing Sei. After walking for as long as your feet could possibly manage, you and Jet retreated to a restaurant to refuel. You were quickly shown to a table and ordered immediately you were so hungry. “So what do you think of the city?” Jet asked and you smiled “it’s lovely, it feels like there’s still so much to see and we’ve been walking around all day!”. Jet nodded “well we can always walk around tomorrow….and the next day and the next….there’s nothing stopping us”. You nodded your head “good point” and Jet smiled before frowning. He focused on something behind you and leant forwards “Is that Lee?”. You turned around and followed Jet’s gaze to a corner booth when a man held a menu infront of his face. “It can’t be he was back in the apartment….” you started when the man dropped his menu and you saw it was indeed Zuko. Zuko spotted you immediately and went pale. “Told you he didn’t like me and now he doesn’t trust me either” Jet commented and you sighed. “I’m so sorry can we rain check this? I have a friend to yell at".

You and Zuko argued the whole long way home. “I told you it was a coincidence!” Zuko yelled “why on earth would I be following you?”. “So you expect me to believe you were 40 minutes from home, in the same restaurant as me and Jet just by chance? You followed us Zuko and I want to know why. Do you hate Jet that much?”. “Well I don’t like him” Zuko agreed and you frowned “Jet said that! What has he ever done to you?”. “Nothing I….I just don’t like how you act around him?”. “Me? How do I act? you asked your temper rising and Zuko rolled his eyes. “I don’t know all embarrassed and quiet, you’ve never been shy in your life”. You paused ready to convince Zuko you were fine with Jet when he made it 100 times worse.

“Honestly it just seems a little fake and desperate” Zuko finished. He seemed to realise his mistake seconds later as you gasped loudly. “Desperate!” you yelled “you did not just call me that! How could you even say that?”. Zuko didn’t really see how he could back down so he carried on “all i’m saying is you’ve flung yourself at the first boy who looked at you despite the fact he’s clearly a criminal! Or did you forget how quickly he suggested breaking and entering to us? Who knows what other crimes he’s committed". “Have you forgotten we’re criminals too?” you hissed “you of all people should understand the law isn’t always black and white, fair and unfair, why are you so hard on jet? You liked him fine until i started seeing him”. “Well maybe that’s why!” Zuko yelled “you shouldn’t date him! He’s not good enough”. “Not good enough?” you asked “Zuko i’m just having some fun, the most i’ve had since we’ve been on the run, it isn’t that serious”. “Well you would see it that way you’ve been behaving immaturely ever since we got here" Zuko said coldly “throwing caution to the wind, fraternising with people who openly detest the fire nation. Did you ever wonder what danger your actions have put me and my uncle in? How you could’ve ruined us all with your recklessness? I think you have been away from the fire nation too long, you have clearly forgotten your honour”. You gasped surprised “my honour?” you asked. Back home having a *superior* say something like that was an abrupt dismissal and you knew Zuko was aware of that. You swallowed and stared at Zuko “are you…does this mean you’re dismissing me from your company?”. “Of course not! I would never leave you alone here but i do think you should consider your actions”. “Are you ordering me to stop dating Jet?”. “No i’d never order you…” Zuko said backtracking and you glared. “Good because i am not going to stop seeing him just because it worries you, so sorry your highness” you said bowing mockingly “but you’re going to have to get used to it” and you slammed the door.

Zuko POV

Zuko couldn’t believe the rubbish that had tumbled out of his mouth in your argument. He wanted to punch himself for somehow blaming you for all this. He knew he only had himself to blame but he’d attacked you instead. Zuko decided to apologise to you and was rehearsing it, trying to get it just right when Iroh appeared. “Zuko why aren’t you dressed we have a shift in 20 minutes!”. “It’s that time already?” Zuko asked, he’d been planning your apology for so long he’d lost track of time. “What have you been doing?” Iroh asked staring at the stacks of paper and Zuko covered them quickly “nothing just let me sort something and I’ll be ready to leave”. Iroh nodded and left. Zuko stared at his apology and sighed, it wasn’t right yet! He couldn’t find the right words to say what he needed to say and it to be perfect or else you might not forgive him. He tried rewording a line but then threw his pen down in frustration, he’d just have to finish this later. He quickly dressed in his uniform and followed Iroh to the tea shop.

The evening shift was usually dead but for some reason it was packed tonight. Zuko was rushed off his feet so much he didn’t even notice Jet when he walked in. It didn’t matter though Jet made his way straight to him. “You’re from the fire nation aren’t you?”. Jet said it loudly and Zuko froze as many people turned and stared. “No” Zuko said calmly but Jet smiled “figured you’d say that but I heard you admit it with your own words. How dare you sneak away as a refugee when you’re one of them”. “I’m not, we’re from the earth nation…” Zuko tried but Jet carried on “and if you’re fire nation then maybe you’re benders too….only one way to find out” and he drew his swords.  

Zuko grabbed a sword from one of the nearby customers sheath and met Jet’s first strike. Zuko worked on defending himself only, he wasn’t interested in hurting him but the boy wasn’t making it easy. Zuko managed to take the fight outside and tried distracting Jet. “What do you mean you heard me say it, were you spying on us?” Zuko asked and Jet nodded. “After you made such a big deal following me and y/n on our date I got suspicious. Being jealous was one thing but you were downright manic! So I followed you both home and heard y/n say how you were fugitives from the fire nation, fire benders seeking aid in Ba Sing Sei” Jet glared “you’re the reason we’re all here!”. Jet carried on attacking Zuko but he deflected them easily, Jet was too emotional, he was getting easier to anticipate. “I should’ve known all along though” Jet smirked suddenly “you hated me far too much for it just to be over a girl”. Zuko glared “for the record i hate you completely and utterly because you are nowhere good enough to be around y/n, you’re not worth the mud under her shoes, she’s too good for you”. Jet spat on the floor “she’s a fire bender, she’s worthless and i regret the energy i wasted on scum like her”. Zuko tensed and tightened his grip on his sword. Now he was interested in attacking Jet, screw defence, he was going to make this kid pay. 

Your POV

You heard about the fight from passer-by. When they described a boy with brown hair and hook swords fighting a teashop worker with a burn on his face you know exactly who they were. You waited for Zuko and Iroh to arrive home and the second they walked through the door you exploded. "You got Jet arrested?“ you cried and Zuko looked down. Iroh frowned "y/n it wasn’t like that…Jet was attacking Zuko!”. “I’m sure it wasn’t unprovoked, was this part of your plan?” you asked Zuko. “I refused to obey your order to stop dating Jet and so you arrest him?”. “You ordered her to what?” Iroh cried and Zuko sighed “i didn’t order her i just suggested she consider her honour and re-assess her choices”. Iroh sighed “you two are so…” he took a deep breath and fixed Zuko with a piercing look. “Zuko this has gone far enough explain yourself to y/n and just maybe she’ll forgive your awful behaviour, Y/n listen to what he has to say and afterwards then you can judge him but let him finish first, okay?” Iroh asked before storming from the room without waiting for a reply. 

You and Zuko were both speechless to hear Iroh raise his voice and so you blinked and turned to Zuko “I make no promises to wait until the end but go ahead”. Zuko was quiet for a while and you could tell he was searching for the words he needed. “Zuko…” you frowned and he sighed “I was jealous okay! That’s what all this was, I was jealous of you and Jet spending so much time together”. Zuko stopped talking and you rolled your eyes “are you kidding me? So i can’t have anyone else in my life? Only you can take up my time?”. Zuko shook his head “i wasn’t jealous of Jet taking up your time, if he’d just wanted to be your friend i’d have been fine but he clearly didn’t and that’s why i was jealous” Zuko snapped “he wanted to be something more and you did too and that bothered me”. “Because you didn’t like Jet?” you tried and Zuko shook his head “because I liked you…like you” he said awkwardly staring at the ground. You blinked and stared at the ground too in shock “wow I….I don’t know what to say, how long have you…”. Zuko sighed “I can’t remember when it started because it’s been so long" he said softly “but I remember the moment I noticed. It was when my mom left, i was miserable all the time apart from the times i was with you. When you were around, i was still hurting but it was less and the more you were around the less and less it got until i didn’t hurt any more. You healed my pain and that’s how i knew i liked you”. Zuko finished and you blinked “but Zuko your mom left when we were 11 you’ve known you liked me all this time? Why didn’t you just tell me?”. 

“Because it wasn’t just a small crush it was big y/n and it grew more and more every day and by the time you left the fire nation with me i didn’t just like you it was…more”. You got chills as Zuko spoke but you felt unable to speak or move. “When you came with after i got banished i so wanted to tell you but you’d left the fire nation just to help me, i didn’t want to do anything to make you to throw your whole life away for me. I hoped that even if i couldn’t return to the fire nation one day you could and have the life you deserve. I planned to send you away once i got on my feet, and then again when i got my ship working well, and then again once we’d swept the four nations for the avatar. But every time i came close i delayed it because i was selfish. I didn’t want to drag you down with me but i couldn’t seem to let you go. I made a mess of everything and i’ve done it again. I was jealous of you and Jet but also too afraid to tell you and so i ended up hurting you” Zuko sighed “y/n i am so sorry for that, you’re the last person i meant to hurt but still because of my selfishness i harmed you and that will always taint my honour but i hope you can forgive me one day”. Silence fell and Zuko looked up “y/n? Please say anything”. You looked up as if in a daze and shook your head “You still haven’t asked me”. Zuko paused “i did i just asked you to forgive me”. “Not that” you said shaking your head again “you told me you liked me but didn’t ask me back” you chuckled. “You just assumed to know my answer without asking me, do you think you know me that well?” you asked staring at him. Zuko stuttered. “I….i’m sorry i didn’t mean to…wait does this mean? Do you…”. You smiled “i can’t give an essay on the exact moment i knew like you just did but yes” you nodded “i like you Zuko”. Zuko stared at you in shock “you…you do?” he asked grinning. You nodded again and Zuko laughed out loud hugging you tightly before he stopped “wait so all this agony watching you with jet, i could’ve avoided it all if i just told you this earlier?”. “Yup” you nodded “Zuko, Jet was an angry cocky teenager who fights with swords…why do you think I liked him? He reminded me of you”.  Zuko eyes widened and he promptly smacked himself in the face “idiot!” he cried. You laughed pulling his hand away gently “it’s fine we know now right?”. Zuko nodded “that’s true…” and he took your hand staring at you intensely. You blushed and buried your head in his chest to escape his gaze “stop looking st me like that”. “I can’t help it” Zuko laughed holding onto you “i can’t believe someone like you would like me”. You moved your head out of his chest to fix him with a look “are you kidding me? You’re amazing, i’m the one that’s shocked, you’re smart and funny and kind…”. Zuko turned an ever deeper shade of red and you grinned “did I make the angry fire bender blush?”. “Stop it” Zuko said “that’s an order” and he smiled to let you know he was joking. “Well I have an order for you” you said calmly. Zuko looked at you confused and you just smiled “kiss me”. Zuko obeyed immediately and you were caught off guard but it was a pleasant surprise. You weren’t sure if it was the long time waiting or the pent up tension these past few days but Zuko was very passionate and the kiss quickly became heated. 

You were enjoying it but were also very aware Iroh could walk back in any minute. “Zuko” you whispered “you’re very good at obeying orders but we’re in the middle of the living room”. Zuko immediately blushed and looked down “sorry I think I got carried away”. “Don’t be” you smiled “I liked it just Iroh will be back any minute and he’s the last person I’d want walking in on us”. Zuko nodded his head “that kiss was not as sweet and innocent as I planned it to be” Zuko frowned “i don’t know what came over me”. You chuckled “it’s fine it was wonderful but a date first would be better next time”. “Of course, how does tomorrow sound” Zuko asked blushing and you smiled leaning against his shoulder. “That sounds perfect”. Zuko wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours “Tomorrow night it is”. 


Zuko stans who hate Jet somehow miss that Jet is meant to be a reflection of Zuko.

He's a teenager who lost his childhood & family to the Fire Nation, who fundamentally wanted to do the right thing but was blinded by anger & got lost along the way, who came to Ba Sing Se to start a new life & leave his mistakes behind him but is still struggling to move on.

Sound familiar? Let's keep going!

Jet seems to be doing well until he finds out that firebenders are in the city, and that sends him spiraling until he goes after Zuko with no backup plan. Zuko seems to be doing well until he finds out that the avatar is in the city, and that sends him spiraling until he goes after Appa with no backup plan.

You can even take it further if you want! Jet is mentally manipulated into attacking Aang by Long Feng, but manages to overcome that manipulation in order to help Aang instead. Zuko is emotionally manipulated into attacking Aang by Azula, but manages to overcome (years of) that manipulation in order to help Aang instead.

Jet's character arc is extremely reflective of Zuko's, and that's very intentional! His story obviously isn't given as much time & development because he's not the main character, but y'all cannot demonize Jet while also singing Zuko's praises when the deliberate parallels are right there.


Jet and War

I always felt the Jet’s character could have provided a lot more to the show.

The difference between Jet and all the other characters we have is that all of them had the luxury of getting away from the realities of the war in some way or the other.

Katara and Sokka lost their mother, but the Fire Nation never returned to the South Pole after that. And they had the whole village’s support and love. But the important thing here is that they had days of peace (since talking about mentor support would make this too long). They never forgot the war because the men had left, but they didn’t have to see the carnage and attacks every day or fear for their lives.

Aang missed the majority of the war, and after that he moved from place to place with all his loved ones with him. Yes, he lost all his people, which is nothing to scoff at, but he wasn’t there. He didn’t live with that grief and memory for years. He didn’t have to scrape by on his own in order to survive.

Toph was largely protected by the war.

Zuko didn’t actually give much thought to the war until much later, but it served the purpose of teaching him more about his nation. His people were on the winning side, and his home was safe. The war didn’t threaten his safety in the same way as any of the other nations.

You see the contrast here then. The Fire Nation was working to take over the Earth Kingdom and was actively burning down entire villages, taking away the men, or just colonizing the villages and completely destroying their culture and history.

Jet had to see all of this throughout his life. The home he made for himself, the Freedom Fighters he led—they were all reminders of the war. The idea of starting somewhere new and letting go never occurred to him because nowhere was safe from the Fire Nation. 

Well except for Ba Sing Se

The war was something he lived through every day of his life, and you may argue it was because he chose to stay and fight. But what would fleeing matter when the Fire Nation continued to take over more and more land with very little victory on the side of the Earth Kingdom? Nowhere was safe.

The show had the opportunity of showing someone starting out with nothing, no home, no family, no bending. Jet had to work to get everything he had in the forest— the treehouse system, the whistles, the kids, the skills necessary to fight, and the confidence to do it all by himself.

Jet’s actions were all tied to his trauma, and there was an opportunity to showcase how war/death/grief/trauma affects children to such extents. There were so many lessons of peace and forgiveness. And yet here was a clear example of why war is wrong and painful in the first place, which would have helped the theme of peace and acceptance of all nations and cultures. 

You know, if they had actually made it clear that it was trauma that made him act the way he did at all times. That it wasn’t obsession in Ba Sing Se, but actual fear because these were the people that terrorized his home, took away his family. These people were in war with his country. How exactly was he supposed to be calm when they were in the supposed only city unaffected by the war?

Given proper writing and time for healing, Jet’s character could have taught us that even with loss and pain and having to start from nothing, you could still make it, still work toward something good.

That there is hope for things to be better if you just keep working toward it.


Jet is always left out of the "these kids had to grow up too fast" conversation and I get that he's more Peter Pan than parent, but he lost everything and everyone as a small child and his reaction to that was collecting other war orphans and strays so they could keep each other safe.

He has a lot more emotional growing up to do than Katara and Sokka (I'd say he's at the same level of emotional intelligence and maturity as Zuko starts out with) but he takes in other displaced and disadvantaged children with little care to how that would affect resources or anything resembling an established order. I don't think it's just for the sake of having more fighters, either, as there are unarmed children living with them too. Jet's whole "I know what's best and if you don't think so you just don't understand" schtick is admittedly very smug and manipulative, but he's been the grownup for the group of sometimes much younger kids so I find it hard to blame him for thinking he's the only one qualified to make big decisions.

On top of that, the real tragic thing is in trying to help others like himself so none of them would have to be alone, he's built himself an echo chamber. It's not only his trauma he has to process with no idea how, it's that of his entire group, some of whom likely got it when they were even younger and more helpless than he was. How can you hear child after child say "they killed my family and burned our home to the ground" then maybe mention any number of other atrocities and not become exponentially more angry and hateful? When everyone, even the youngest, whom you give shelter and food because no one else will or can has been hurt in irreversible ways and exposed to evils no child should ever have to worry about by the same nation of people, how can you accept that? How do you move on when the people who were supposed to teach you how and that it's the right thing to do were slaughtered like animals for simply existing?

Jet grew up too fast too. He grew into all the righteous fury and hatred of a father whose children had been brutally wronged, but with only a child's capacity to process it.


Hmm, how do I say this..?

I love Zuko as a character. He's complex and conflicted and better written than we probably deserved. Not to mention Dante Basco's performance is top notch and makes him so memorable and alive.

But I still find Jet much more compelling.

I don't know what it is, but something about Jet feels a lot closer to home, both as a kid when the show first aired and rewatching. The Blue Spirit and Zuko Alone are fantastic episodes. The writing and pacing are the closest to perfect I have ever seen on children's television. But neither has the same emotional impact on me as Jet backsliding into extremism again with Zuko and Iroh or the double whammy of Longshot speaking up to say "he's our leader" and Toph pointing out that Jet's lying when he says he's gonna be okay in Lake Laogai.


@mostly-mundane-atla - It could be that Jet is more like us and other people we know in terms of where he came from. While Zuko is a compelling and well-written character with an excellent arc, he also comes from royalty and has certain values and responsibilities that most of us will never have.

And while I hope no one ever has to suffer Jet's childhood trauma, he comes from humbler origins and we could more easily see ourselves in his shoes. Resisting cruel power, but not with the fate of the world on our shoulders. Maybe we're only responsible for our family, friends, or local community. And it's our responsibility to not let that struggle make us hard, like it did Jet.

While both Zuko and Jet have been pawns of power, for Zuko that power has the face of family. For Jet, that cruel power is faceless, and family is all he has, which makes him a little crazy in their defense against this huge monster trying to swallow them up.

And that is very relatable.

Zuko's family situation is actually very relatable as someone who grew up with an abusive father.

I won't go into too much detail, but suffice to say he was unkind and unimpressed by my beliefs (considered me a "bleeding heart hippie type") and limited abilities (I was already verbally diagnosed autistic but he was pretty ableist about it). I never doubted that my mom loved and cared for me, but she wasn't always around when I needed her. The palace setting didn't change that feeling for me.

I think, for me at least, it was more than the fact that the power hurting Zuko was his family and the one hurting Jet threatened his. Family being the thing that drags you down was all too real for me to dismiss that. I think, for me, is was that Zuko was at least treated as an obstacle. The power against him saw him as something to be dealt with and taken care of, and eventually, as a threat.

Jet, on the other hand, ultimately wasn't as feared as he thought. When he turned against the people who used him, who should have been protecting him, he was swiftly discarded. He wasn't even considered a major problem, just something disposable. He didn't have to be publicly shamed for his troublemaking or branded a traitor. No separate extra special teams had to be sent after him. He was just left to die.

And only a handful of people will remember him.

Does anyone even remember his name by Korra's time?

There's a certain hollowness you feel when you think about Jet too long. With Zuko you can see all he was able to do and how far he was able to go despite all his hardships and you can breathe easy and say "at least it wasn't all for nothing." You don't get that with Jet. He wasn't one of the heroes of the story. He doesn't get to be a special case or accomplish anything. He was just a cog in the machine like who knows how many before him. And that shakes me to my core


Talking about Jet redemption??

What I want most is Jet therapy.

  • Jet having a supportive nurturing adult figure in his life since his parents died.
  • Jet not having the freedom fighters be active and instead they’re just safe and chillin.
  • Jet forcing his skills and aggression and trauma into something better.
  • Jet genuinely getting fucking therapy.

and you know the boys to do it?

Piandao and Jeong Jeong

  • Training his fighting skills with piandao
  • Jeong Jeong and jet having discussions about fire bending
  • Jeong Jeong helping jet over come his trauma of firebending.
  • Piandao helping jet channel his energy into different activities.
  • Piandao helping jet forge new hook swords (and maybe a dagger?)
  • I don’t think iroh would be a good mentor for jet, because of the history they already have. Especially with Iroh’s history as a fire nation general.
  • I think they could eventually get along, but I don’t think iroh would be the best choice for the adult figure that jet needs.

This post mentions a very good point - I think what would be the best for Jet is to get passionate about something entirely new.

The boy has been around weapons his whole life - I mean, we can safely assume that he forged his hook swords himself, so Piandao would definetly be impressed. But he would want to give Jet help in starting over, so he would try introducing various other activities to his young student.

Basically, Jet finds out that he has great talent for art - an instrument, perhaps? - and although he is still passionate about fighting and swordmaking, he developes his art skills, through which he channels his emotions healthily. 

Jet learns to play a fucking ukulele.

This. This is wonderful.


The only thing I don't agree with in the original post is that Jeong Jeong would be any good at helping Jet overcome fire-based trauma since he has his own fire-based trauma and genuinely believes fire AND the Fire Nation are all evil and dangerous.

However I do think in spite of Jeong Jeong ALSO being ex-military he'd be subtly better than Iroh at being Jet's guardian, if only because when Jet starts going off about how he despises the Fire Nation and everything they stand for Jeong Jeong's just gonna be like "bitch me too. The fuck"

@the-golden-ghost i love these tags.

Very fair point! I had gone under the impression that Jeong Jeong had a better relationship with fire at the end of the series; as he helps iroh and uses his bending.

Maybe perhaps Aang/Iroh could help them out with that more? Jet and Aang’s relationship seems pretty okay last time we saw it, and the white lotus seem to be friends.

Aang also hurt using fire (like Jeong Jeong has [im assuming I don’t really recall if he himself caused harm to others]) and has trauma caused by fire/fire nation (the loss of his family and home, like jet).

i think that before jet would be able to heal from his trauma, he would first have to be surrounded by adults who take him and his concerns seriously while shielding him from taking action. jet views fire and the fire nation as inherently dangerous and deadly, and the reason he takes action is because he believes that other action is insufficient to rid his home of threats. if we consider jet’s backstory - orphaned after a raid at 8 - it becomes clear that jet has suffered from a lack of adult support in his life, and we are given two options.

1. at age 8 he started fending for himself (possibly with other children) OR

2. jet was placed in an orphanage in a town that had become/would become occupied by the fire nation

in both cases jet does not have adults that he can trust or that he can express his fears and trauma to. when his expressions of fear aren’t taken seriously, he begins to get reckless - he abandons sokka in the middle of a forest when he doesn’t see the old fire nation man as a threat, and when longshot and smellerbee don’t believe him that mushi and lee are firebenders he begins to get obsessive and lash out.

jet’s trauma can be separated into trauma caused by action (by the fire nation) and trauma caused by inaction (no one else stepped up to defend him, his friends, his family, so now he’s forced to do it).

if jet, either straight from the forest or ba sing se or even freshly orphaned (lmao weird wording), was told that fire wasnt a deadly element, that it was, or could be, beautiful and warm and full of life? he would distrust whoever said that as a sympathizer (as he did with sokka despite the fact that he’s traveling with the kid who is meant to end the war). rightly or wrongly, jet doesn’t view anything to do with the fire nation in shades of grey - either you are fearful and hate the fire nation, or you sympathize with their cause/are fire nation. even the slightest inkling that you hold anything except contempt for fire benders would be met with disdain, distrust, fear, and action (the action vs inaction trauma, jet is scared but knows that no one else will protect him or his friends).

for jet to form a bond and grow to trust an adult they need to validate his fears, fully, without conditions, without trying to convince him that he’s wrong or that there are nuances - because, functionally, in jet’s world, there hasn’t been. this is why jeong jeong, as he meet him would be a perfect guardian for jet.

even though jeong jeong is fire nation, he’s left the military, he hates fire nation (yes, caused by trauma) and everything about him validates jet’s feelings. jet would see jeong jeong as an adult he can trust, as someone who understands his fear and pain, and once that is established, he would be able to give up some of the control that he holds on to, and pass it over to the adults who clearly care for him and believe him. piandao doesn’t align himself with a nation, and jeong jeong is so anti-fire nation that it removes any worry that they would sympathize with fire benders.

while jeong jeong def needs therapy to deal with his trauma (and probably self hated for being a fire bender) this could only happen after he and jet have built an established and trusting relationship - if jet were to enter his and piandao’s life, and jj started talking about the beauty of fire, poof, jet would be out of there because these adults are just like everyone else: they don’t believe him, they don’t listen to him, they won’t protect him. i’d argue this is why jeong jeong (and piandao) are the ONLY adults in canon that could help jet - because he is so disillusioned and hasn’t seen the beauty in fire, has only awoken to the carnage.

and honestly... what’s more poetic? a hurt child learning to heal by listening to a healed adult? or a hurt, traumatized child, learning to heal from a war that took everything from him with a hurt, traumatized adult, who’s learning that there’s more to him that death and pain? jet is independent by necessity, but while trying to heal, he allows himself to be vulnerable, only because he knows that the people he’s healing with are trusted by him, and trust him with their own trauma.


Me: *leaves my bedroom door open so my cat can come in*

My cat: no I don’t wanna go inside >:(

Me: *closes the door*

My cat: how fucking dare you!!! >:O


alright ive been on here for a couple months so i feel qualified to give some atlaverse fic recommendations (im probably not LMAO) 

pls check all of these people out because all of their writing is amazing, not just these fics!! they’re also all writers that inspired me to start writing my own fics on here <33 the masterlist or the first part is linked in the title 

fire lilies - zuko x princess!reader by @melzula

this was the very first atla fic i read on tumblr so congrats. you began my spiral. it’s an amazing series and i love the secret tunnel premise, and im always a sucker for lovers to enemies to lovers lmaoo 

rotations - zuko x fem!reader by @sunflowerazula

once again, one of the first fics i read on here and really just. amazing all around. it should be a rite of passage to read rotations honestly her writing is so good and words can’t express my love for it 

reminiscence - ? x fem!reader by @sunflowerazula 

another one of caylie’s fics because i love her writing so much. this is a lok fic and it’s such an interesting idea, im not going to spoil who the reader ends up with but it’s a great read :)) 

playing with fire - sokka x fem!reader by @beifongsss 

she’s on a hiatus right now unfortunately, but what’s done of this series is *chefs kiss* i dont know if she’s going to come back but i really do love it 

traitor - sokka x fem!reader by @sokkascroptop 

this should be another rite of passage. her characterization of azula and the reader’s interactions with everyone are just so so amazing (she literally has chemistry w everyone) and it’s just such an incredible fic. one of my main inspirations for writing. it’s still going on but it keeps getting better. go read it. now. 

petrichor - zuko x oc by @sukifans

this is another ongoing series but her writing is just so. i dont know how to describe it but it’s so nice, especially this series the vibes are so good. that scene under the tree lives rent free in my mind. 

new phone, who dis? - zuko x fem!reader smau by @missmorosis 

another ongoing series but. this is so funny and very cute. i love morosis’ writing and she’s so nice. pls be more confident in your writing gorl you’re amazing at it 

apartment 4e - sokka x fem!reader by @sokkaspirit 

this is the cutest thing ever. i wholeheartedly agree that 4e sokka is the only boyfriend who deserves rights. this is also ongoing but you need to read it it’s so cute. have i mentioned that it’s cute because it is 

anyways i’ll probably add more to this like with oneshots or maybe i’ll make another post but!! please check all of these amazing writers out you will not regret it. and while you’re at it check out everything else they’ve ever written lmao 

thank you oh my goodness 🥺


almost kings. atla fantasy!AU. (mako x f!reader)

hi everyone!! here is my new baby. it’s a oneshot so pls enjoy :)

SUMMARY: (y/n’s) not quite ready to take on the responsibility of ruling an entire kingdom. perhaps two brothers will be her saving grace. 

(Y/N) opened her mouth to argue, but closed it. She hadn’t thought that far ahead. She couldn’t just shove the kingdom into the hands of random people. She had to make sure they were worthy somehow.

“You never think things through,” Korra sighed, and (Y/N) scoffed.

“As if you’re any better!” She snatched the paper back from Korra. “I’m going into town to find them regardless. I just have to see.”

Korra pursed her lips, then nodded. “Fine, but I’m coming with you.”

“Absolutely not, you’ll ruin everything.”

“You wound me, Princess. Someone has to make sure these ruffians don’t kidnap you and I’m the only one I trust.”

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. There would be no arguing with Korra. She was as stubborn as a mule. “Shouldn’t that say something about your ability to train your men?”

“It says nothing about my ability, and everything about the fact that they are men.”

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