
I’d Rather Be Digging


I am the Queer, Neurodivergent, Jew-ish Asian with too many piercings that conservatives fear | Archaeologist in training | they/them | 22 | art account: @threeapplesfromthesky | archaeology blog @digging-time-w-kaz

whoever made the story for this game hated kids so much

would you believe me if i told you the story of this game put the possibility of death and dying and terminal illness in my head as a kid. i was 4. the dread i felt for this game cannot be replicated

i just barely remember what this game was about because i was 4 but basically you’re a dog and you live on an island and your dog family has a dog sister. or brother. i don’t remember. your dog sibling falls ill with a terminal illness or it is heavily implied that it will be fatal. there is a scene where the ill dog sibling tries to go to a party and they collapse and the audience is led to believe that they died. they do not die but are bedridden. your dog father tries to find a cure overseas but goes missing and is pretty much as close to “confirmed dead” as you can get in an e for everyone title. then you try to find a cure overseas and your boat gets separated and you get lost at sea. you do not die and end up on another island. a doctor is there. from that point i do not remember anything about the game other than giraffes try to attack you or something . i had to stop playing because this game made me So upset i was afraid to touch it. the game looks like this


If you’d kept playing you would’ve been so much more traumatized than you already were, it does not get less intense. Allow me to tell you about some of the other fucked up plot points/subplots:

  • You don’t just get separated from your boat, no, it’s MUCH more upsetting than that. There’s a storm, and the captain says you won’t be able to make it to the island. The idea of returning home without a cure is so unbearable to you that you jump overboard and try to swim there. You almost drown, but a bird you nursed back to health earlier in the game alerts a resident of the island, who saves your life.
  • The town’s water supply gets poisoned at one point and everyone gets sick but you. You have to find a healer in the woods because even the town doctor can’t help
  • A nurse dog on the island is afraid of the color red and is mercilessly bullied by a group of dogs in her town. You have to help her get over this fear. It originated from a traumatic event in her childhood where she thought she killed her best friend.
  • The doctor who helps your sick sibling also has a traumatic past. His fiancé got terminally ill and because he argued with another doctor on the best treatment, she died. He visits her grave often.
  • The miracle cure (a flower) you’re searching for to save your sibling? When you find it, it’s wilted. If you can’t find a way to restore it, you know your sibling will almost certainly die.
  • Also the literal apocalypse has been building up for the entire duration of the story, and you have to literally travel to an alternate dimension to consult the queen of a mythical race on how to save the world
  • To get a magic stone that will help you save the world, you have to fight a giant dinosaur skeleton referred to as the “Ancient Monster” and it is heavily implied that it fought your father at some point, and may have even killed him. Yes this is still the same game

Yeah but that game was really something. There are pirates. There are poisonous snakes. All of the enemies have the ability to kill you. The soundtrack is phenomenal. You have a magical sidekick named Petasi. One of the game’s central themes is the importance of kindness. I tried to play it on my own once and got killed by a gorilla while trying to find grapes.

Mobile wouldn’t let me add images to my original reblog so here:

Screenshots taken from this video

What the absolute actual fuck

Who hurt these devs


Got curious and looked up the devs and they’ve made a lot of WWE games but most importantly that one berserk ps2 game

Sadly I couldn’t find any of the games credit online to keep looking but I think I did enough research


dog half life


when i see people express sentiments like this, my thought is pretty much “who exactly are you trying to prove a point to?” the democrats? if trump gets elected, they’re going to be completely sidelined if not worse and will be entirely focused on trying to get back in power and i can tell you they will NOT be moving further left. netanyahu? it’s a BETTER outcome for him if trump wins since trump is SIGNIFICANTLY more pro-israel than biden has ever been. the people in gaza? they need a ceasefire which has been rejected by both the israel and the hamas sides multiple times and a trump win WILL NOT make that a stronger possibility.

"Some of you are going to die but that's a price I'm willing to pay"


Too real, I see this all the time. Joking about how certain people in prison should be taken care of or molested. Two wrongs doesn’t make a right

this is not argue with you just adding opnions /gen

i wholehearted agree with you except for crimes against children then by all means let them rot not death but rotting in prison, death is too good for them

@fall-ofachilles, this post is about you. If crimes against children receive extra-special punishment, then the State is directly incentivized to find an angle by which to define the people it doesn't like as having committed crimes against children.

Y'know, such as defining Existing While Queer as a sex-crime against children. For an extremely non-hypothetical, entirely real world example.

i was more referring to convicted child predators i.e pedophiles

You're not listening to me. If "Pedophiles" are uniquely punished under the law, guess what will immediately happen to the definition of the word "Pedophile?" It will be broadened and broadened until it contains everyone the State does not like.

This is in no way hypothetical; there are a great many american states which are actively pushing legislation to define "being trans" as a form of pedophilia.


Florida is a state that is already doing this. They are already defining trans people existing around children as a sex crime against children.


Rapists, and killers, too? Really? (Those on death-row?) The drug/prostitution problems are just a portion of USA criminals.

yes, all criminals. the moment you say “except X criminal” is the moment that people will try to convict their opponents as having committed X crime.

it’s the same thing as what’s going on right now with people equating drag to some sort of child exploitation. “but the children!!” they wail, and people listen because oh, if drag is harming children, then drag MUST be BAD, so we HAVE TO BAN DRAG.

do you understand what i’m saying? you can’t take away the rights of any category of criminal, because suddenly that category will be overflowing with people who totally 100% definitely committed that horrible crime.


Just to look at this from one step further back, let's accept the premise. Let's imagine that there is a type of crime that is 1) horrible evil irredeemable universally-agreed-upon bad, and 2) could somehow be prosecuted with 100% accuracy and 0% bias. Yes, even then, those criminals deserve a right to vote.

Do you they're going to like vote themselves out of jail? Vote to make murder legal? What exactly are you afraid of.

Realistically they'll just... vote just like anyone else. They'll help elect city councilmembers they think will better their hometowns, and presidents they think will best serve the country. They might even vote in their own interests! To reform prisons, fund rehabilitation programs, and outlaw predatory practices by telecoms. Are you saying you don't want any of those things?

And even if there were one of those super-duper-unambiguously-evil totally misanthropic death-row convicts, who's scheduled to be execute the very next day and just wants to sow chaos and watch the outside world burn however they can... what's the worst they could do, vote republican?

Taking people's rights away isn't bad because it might happen to someone you like, it's because taking people's rights away is bad.


do people think that convicted serial killers are going to vote to legalize serial killing


people ask this question like there aren't tons of criminals voting now.

sure, they might not be in prisons, but they're criminals all the same. just in our schools and government and neighborhoods and law enforcement, I could go on.


there's been a lot of obnoxious pop history trends in the last few years but the bizarre total sanitization of vikings/pirates has to be one of the worst. like sorry to the queer neopagan anarchy symbol in bio twitter user community but like. are you aware both vikings and pirates enthusiastically traded slaves

and to be clear i'm not calling people out for liking the aesthetic or being into historical fiction or whatever i'm specifically talking about the genre of post that's like "it's crazy how most people think vikings were violent raiders when they were actually antiracist feminist sheep herders living in free love communes and operating dog shelters"


I think this comes from an inability people have to, like, be moderate on things.

The initial failure to be moderate comes the traditional received view, e.g. "the Vikings were all horrible barbarians who did nothing but raid and pillage and be evil". Then someone comes along and, rightly, tries to question this view. They say "hey, the Vikings were just people like you and me. Maybe they even did some things that are worth admiring, you know. Maybe we've been treating them unfairly." And this catches on, especially as the original power dynamics that motivated the received view start to fade (slander of Vikings has a lot less motivation when the Catholic church stops being so politically relevant). And people are often inclined to use these other, traditionally maligned societies as foils to critique their own society. And so it becomes widely accepted among the sort of people who consider themselves smart and thoughtful that the Vikings really weren't as bad as they've been made out to be; they've been unfairly maligned. They were just people, like you and me.

Except here comes the second failure to be moderate, when the view slowly morphs into "the Vikings were right about everything, Viking society was so much better than modern society" etc. And that's where you get these twitter leftists, who are somewhere down the second-failure-to-be-moderate telephone line.

Anyway, I'm responding to this post, and respond to many like it, in an attempt to preempt what I have often seen as an inchoate third failure to be moderate, a return to the received narrative that the Vikings just totally sucked, man. No, no! I'm not accusing OP of this specifically (I don't think they're guilty of it), but it is... in the air, around these parts.

Moderation! Moderation! Nuance! Be careful lest you become what you sought to destroy!


#tbh this is the hardest part about teaching any type of history bc people want to either valorize or vilify and like no!! #seek truth not goodness in the past #no society is free of sin and no society is free of merit #but that shouldn't be your goal in learning about them - it should be understanding)


If you do not believe that Jews are indigenous to the place that was called Judea, Judea being the source of the words Judaism and Jew, then where are we supposed to be from?


We had a conversation in one of my sociology classes about this and I wrote down some of the wildest answers. I want everyone reading this to know that these are completely true things college students have said:

- “like somewhere around the northern part of Europe”

- “Germany”

- “Poland right? That’s where they came from right?”

- “Mesopotamia” (this one was said with a lot of confidence)

And my personal favorite answer:

“I thought Moses lead Jewish people across the Pacific Ocean to Europe?”

By the end of the conversation my sociology professor was very disappointed in the class because it took around 20 people giving crazy answers before someone finally said the Levant.


What I was taught growing up: Wild edible plants and animals were just so naturally abundant that the indigenous people of my area, namely western Washington state, didn't have to develop agriculture and could just easily forage/hunt for all their needs.

The first pebble in what would become a landslide: Native peoples practiced intentional fire, which kept the trees from growing over the camas praire.

The next: PNW native peoples intentionally planted and cultivated forest gardens, and we can still see the increase in biodiversity where these gardens were today.

The next: We have an oak prairie savanna ecosystem that was intentionally maintained via intentional fire (which they were banned from doing for like, 100 years and we're just now starting to do again), and this ecosystem is disappearing as Douglas firs spread, invasive species take over, and land is turned into European-style agricultural systems.

The Land Slide: Actually, the native peoples had a complex agricultural and food processing system that allowed them to meet all their needs throughout the year, including storing food for the long, wet, dark winter. They collected a wide variety of plant foods (along with the salmon, deer, and other animals they hunted), from seaweeds to roots to berries, and they also managed these food systems via not only burning, but pruning, weeding, planting, digging/tilling, selectively harvesting root crops so that smaller ones were left behind to grow and the biggest were left to reseed, and careful harvesting at particular times for each species that both ensured their perennial (!) crops would continue thriving and that harvest occurred at the best time for the best quality food. American settlers were willfully ignorant of the complex agricultural system, because being thus allowed them to claim the land wasn't being used. Native peoples were actively managing the ecosystem to produce their food, in a sustainable manner that increased biodiversity, thus benefiting not only themselves but other species as well.

So that's cool. If you want to read more, I suggest "Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge: Ethnobotany and Ecological Wisdom of Indigenous Peoples of Northwestern North America" by Nancy J. Turner

And this is just the terrestrial resources. Sea gardens were also a thing along the coast.


I just love the flavour text on this one. After spending idk how many hour on the first game and fighting through countless runs this sounds so so sweet to me.


During my first staff lunch at the library, everyone got pickle spears with their sandwiches. One of the children’s librarians didn’t want hers, so I took it. And then someone else said “I don’t want mine either” and I said “gimme.” I ended up eating the equivalent of three whole pickles that day and every staff lunch after that, everyone saved me their pickles.

I am pickle queen.


What I love about this is that the results are almost 50/50. The pickle takers (of which I am also one) are matched by the pickle givers. A truly balanced social dynamic.


The only good thing about long COVID is that it made the medical community admit myalgic encephalomyelitis is likely caused my viral exposure. We were like “Hey, I had a virus and just never got better.” and doctors were like “That’s silly. And stupid. Chronic fatigue syndrome is just a random vague constellation of symptoms. Or just depression. It’s all in your head.” and now doctors are experiencing it.

I hoped COVID would have helped people understand that a viral illness isn’t “just a virus”, it can irreversibly wreck your health and ruin your quality of life, cause permanent damage to your body, make you more likely to develop cancer and yes, cause chronic fatigue syndrome. But no. The public is still downplaying it. If you’re not dead, you’re fine.

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