
Cute & Cool

@aurawesome / aurawesome.tumblr.com

Me puedes llamar Aura. • 21 years ● spanish & bad english ● fandoms, phtotos and text posts• series, cosas que escribo, y demás.
Anonymous asked:

Hola, disculpa las molestia. Quería saber que ha pasado con el fic Marked, hoy quería volver a leerlo pero no me aparece en tu perfil de fanfiction. La verdad es que lo leí hace tiempo y solo recuerdo vagamente de que iba, ¡PERO REALMENTE TENGO UN SENTIMIENTO DE HABER PERDIDO ALGO VALIOSO AHORA QUE NO ME APARECE! Por favor, dime que es un error de fanfiction.

Lo eliminé con la fantasía de hacer un libro de la temática. Es un proyecto que quedó en pausa desde que estoy en la universidad

Me: I am entirely self sufficient from now on.
Me: I do not require affection from other human beings.
Me: Who needs affection anyways? Love is stupid.
Best friend (ENFP): HEYYY!! *hugs* HOW ARE YOUUU?? :))))
Me: *thinks* I guess I could leave self sufficiency for another time.

“These are my children.”

“They look nothing li—”



for some reason I really like that she’s called Hilda.


This happened on my grandmothers farm when my mom was little,

baby ducks act a lot like baby chickens so in the beginning it wasn’t so bad

the main problem is that baby ducks  LOVE water, but baby chickens get very very dead from it,

so you can imagine the mother hens surprise and horror the first time they go by the farm pond and ALL THE BABIES RUN TO THE WATER AND JUMP IN

my grandmother had to come out of the house to investigate all the noise the hen was making

The mother hen was clucking and screeching in distress and running circles around the pond while the duckies were having the time of their lives.

This happened a few more times before Momma hen was like FUCK IT YOU WANNA SWIM SEE WHAT I CARE , and would sit a distance away watching them in the pond.

if the ducks ever abandoned any eggs my grandmother would always put it under that particular hens nest cause from then on she always knew how to deal with her “water loving” delinquent children




Note to my ex.

Today my professor told me every cell in our entire body is destroyed and replaced every seven years. How comforting it is to know that one day I will have a body that you will have never touched.

This just made me feel so warm.

thank you.

Important especially for victims of abuse, remember your body is yours and it heals in more ways than you realize.

Okay, so I just want to say that this isn’t necessarily true. Most of your cells have died and regrown several times in seven years, but some haven’t, and some have died and won’t return. The seven year cell renewal is a myth perpetuated by popsci in magazines everywhere.

That being said, anywhere they may have touched you, your skin, your hair, your nails and so on, was changing the moment they departed your life, even before that. Your skin became skin they’ve never touched within 27 days. Your hair grows (on average) six inches per year, so depending on how long yours is, you were rid of their touch there within a few years tops. Your nails will completely regrow within six months tops. You were a body they never touched within three or four years. You will be a body they never touched within three or four years.

You have been rewriting your body, you are your own, you are constantly changing, and you are the only one who owns your body 100% of the time.

I’m here for correcting science myths in supportive ways.

you will *have* a body they have never touched. People aren’t bodies.


What’s the most simple thing you’ve ever had to explain to a fully competent adult?

That you cannot fax money to someone.


Had someone accidentally fax us some paperwork. They then asked if we would fax it back due to the paperwork being confidential…

I have received a fax in an envelope. like… they took the documents, put em in an envelope, then faxed me a picture of the sealed envelope.

When I was a kid, I faxed my dad’s satellite office drawings of horses. I had watched my father send so many faxes that I had the process memorized. Except, for some reason I thought that I could fax things to grandma. I put in the numbers for the office every time, but was convinced that the faxes were going to grandma. I also didn’t think to inform my parents that I was doing this.

My dad visited the satellite office (three hour drive) one day and discovered their conference room white board absolutely covered in my drawings. The guys thought it was adorable that I sent drawings and letters to them, and didn’t tell my dad because they knew he’d stop me.


That’s one of the cutest things I’ve ever heard.

I like that this just turned into stories about faxing

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