

yall don't even wanna know

Tumblr Code.

If I ever see any of you in public, the code is “I like your shoelaces”

that way we know we’re from tumblr without revealing anything

I’m just going to say this to strangers until i find a tumblr person


must keep reblogering!! Im going to be so suspicious if any one tells me this now!

Remember the answer is: I stole them from the president.


always reblog tumblr identification

good god this just crossed my dash in the year of our lord 2023


Let’s take it to 4 million, folks!


almost there!

TO 4 MILLION!!!!!!!!!



Gods bless the post. :)

(Remembering with pleasure when I got to do this last year with an auditorium full of people at Finncon in Tampere.)


im sorry people calling watchers response "too late" are incredibly wrong. they took two days. the original announcement was posted on friday and then they posted their response to backlash the following monday. that's a perfectly normal respone time. they took the weekend to gauge the opinion of the fans, reformed their plan and then posted an update admitting fault. im not saying i think their response was good or bad but it was definitely quick.

Literally!! That one person on here yapping about crisis communication does not seem like they've ever worked an actual job

Crisis communication should be quick AND FOR A COMPANY IT WAS

Could they have put something on socials? Sure. Except that would not have been a good decision because then people would've hounded them even more and they clearly were trying to do a full idea rehaul before coming out with a new thing

Also I would not count this as a HUGE crisis like some are claiming. Shit business decision? Yes, absolutely. But not something you need to rescind in literally minutes

It makes me so annoyed that people seem to blow everything so out of proportion not to mention the amount of cyberbullying happening.


Ok this is genuinely not ok anymore, I understand people are upset but it is NEVER OKAY to bully and harass someone just bc u disagree with a decision they've made.

People have been flooding the comments of Ryan Bergara's wedding photos on Instagram with hate, booing both of them and telling him she's gonna leave him when he goes broke from his stupid business decision. ITS FINE TO NOT LIKE WATCHERTV. ITS FINE TO NOT SUBSCRIBE. but it's not ok to completely dehumanize, other, and harass them. I've seen people telling Shane and Ryan to kill themselves. That is Not Fucking Okay. They are STILL HUMAN BEINGS. NOT UNTOUCHABLE 1 PERCENTERS.

I know cyberbullying and harassment is normal these days but it's not fucking okay. Hate on them all you want, genuinely criticize their decision all you want, but don't go to all their socials and send them that hate. They're human beings with feelings, and you guys need to go touch some fucking grass.


Anyone who's saying "they remain silent during all this" with the watcher stuff have never been in a situation where everything is crumbling around you and there's intense pressure from some public audience. You are in flight or fight, you are panicking, and trying to figure out what to do. (Whether you're in the right or wrong). They're definitely planning next steps, and I don't think it's wrong to take time to do that vs addressing the situation fueled with emotions.

If you were them in this situation (remember , these are real people, not characters) you'd also be a mess. Not defending the choices they're making or anything, but after I went through something where there was pressure from the public and a group of people and I felt like my life was falling apart, I get it. It's hard. People fuck up, it happens, but I see some of y'all equating this to the try guys situation or Colleen ballinger and it's so not on that level


nobuddy feels like they have a sharp attention span these days, right? and we all just click “agree on terms of service” because its hard to love yourself sometimes, well

enter Terms of Service, Didn’t Read: a website and a browser addon that streamlines the terms of service of many popular web services to be read by the tech sunday drivers.

It’s graded from A (great) to E (awful) and if you have the addon you have access to the info about the website on your bar

this post came back to me like a dear son from war, hello ol boy


no but the funniest part of sprint was nico trying desperately to solve lewis’ problem in slow corners 😭😭 babe I dont think he couldve heard you


nico rosberg really is the best f1 commentator currently because not only does he actually know what he's talking about but he's not afraid to make bitchy little comments and wax poetic about lewis hamilton like what more do you want


it's been exactly five minutes since the race has started and nico rosberg has already written three sonnets and an ode to lewis hamilton and defended his move for the zero people that attacked him for it I know that's right


i truly do not get the comments that are like "i love this for them" or "it's such a smart move to follow dropout"

this is above all a shitty money oriented move they do not have the platform for


Once again Lewis is top 3 when a certain blond German is in the paddock.

Do you think he saw Nico and was like : No way I'm having HIM talk shit about me, I gotta perform.


Andrea Stella confirming McLaren didn't even advocate to have the lap reinstated, he literally just said "they just changed their mind" lol. LOL!!!!!


It’s interesting how diseases rip through schools at incredible speeds despite being in an arguably modern, clean(ish) environment. I wonder if it has something to do with the whole “you need a doctor’s note to excuse your absence of even one day” combined with the average price of going to a doctor, the lack of education on things like “you’re still contagious even after the fever goes away”, and the overwhelming message of “if you don’t struggle through it, you’re a failure!”

On my campus there tends to be a problem where even I you have the doctors note professors will still take points off of your final grade regardless of how sick you are. I’ve seen people show up to class with the stomach flu, pneumonia, respiratory infections and all sorts of other contagious ailments.

Here’s a fun story:

The school system I grew up in put an absolutely ungodly amount of pressure on kids to Show Up Every Day No Matter What. Many schools are like this, but looking back, my town’s was borderline fucking dystopian. They asked me why I didn’t just “postpone” a surgery at one point— when I was fifteen— to give you an idea of how monumentally obtuse these people were.

So, in elementary school, I started having chicken pox symptoms, right? They were mild because I was vaccinated (yay!) but my mom recognized them quickly and took me to the doctor, because my mom is a reasonable human being with standards. The doctor said “yup, you’ve got those pox, it may seem mild but please for the love of god DO NOT take her to school, she is very contagious even though she may FEEL okay.”

So I had to stay home from school until I got clearance from my doctor to go back. I was an angry little gremlin the whole time, because I wanted to go to the school library and read books about the human skull, but my mother said, “no, you cannot leave this house, and do not scratch the bumps please.” So I sat at home and tried not to scratch the bumps, like a good little gremlin.

A few days into my Chicken Pox Related House Arrest, we got a letter from the school. I was far from the only person with chicken pox, as it so happened. Like… a tenth of my second grade class had Confirmed Pox. We all fell ill within DAYS of each other.

So how did this happen, you ask? Well, a kid had chicken pox, and he came to school anyway. “Ah, well perhaps they didn’t know,” you may very well say. “Maybe his parents didn’t notice!” No. No, they noticed. In fact they KNEW it was CHICKEN POX. They sent him to school anyway.

The kid’s parents…….. were, in fact, teachers at the school. And they KNOWINGLY made him go to school sick, because they didn’t want to risk hurting his precious “perfect attendance” record. They figured that since he wasn’t, like, Literally Dying, it was better for him not to miss school. Never mind the fact that they were actively endangering hundreds of little kids.

Fast forward to my freshman year of college. A kid came to class with mumps because he ‘couldn’t afford to miss’. Guess what happened? Mumps outbreak! Diseases are, as it turns out, good at being diseases! Vaccinations are phenomenal, but they can only do so much, and some people rely on herd immunity to not be killed by preventable illness.

This entire attitude needs to die. It’s dangerous. Food service workers are forced to show up sick, little kids are forced to show up sick, college students show up sick because they’re afraid of flunking out.

And on top of it all, misinformation campaigns are encouraging people not to get vaccinations! It’s 2019 and we’re flirting with the plague! Next thing you know some blogger is gonna be like “actually we should all be fucking rats and eating our meat raw, death to all science and god bless america”


Many kids at my school will show up really sick because we only get like three days of excused absences without a doctor’s note.


this is what those in literary academia call “foreshadowing”

(note the dates)

this post aged like an ice cube in an oven



This also sucks as a teacher. We only get 10 days of leave, and we’re pressured to not take it all because of the shortage of subs.

And we get sick all the time because we’re surrounded by germs

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