

cade. neither man nor beast, neither the living nor the dead, but all things mingled, the form of all things but devoid of all form. (they/she/he, 20s)

when the warmer weather starts it's like, this is it. it's time to start reading a fuck-off huge novel and cart it around various parks to read throughout the summer


everyone hate my loquacious swag. its always "why did you make this sentence so long" and "why do you use so many commas and em dashes" and never "how did you come up with run on sentence" or "writing that run on sentence looked fun"


A copy of Holinshed's Chronicles has been found which was annotated by John Milton (very exciting because we only have a couple of samples of his handwriting), and the way the researcher describes it is killing me, why did you have to come for him like that?

On 1st March, Dr Pratt noticed a surprising little “e” in notations added to the book. “I was like, ‘God, there’s no way in hell this is true, but it kind of looks like this stupid way Milton writes ‘e’,” Pratt said.
Dracula thwarts the Sisters' attack on Jonathan & feeds them the infant
from the Milwaukee Ballet's production of Michael Pink's Dracula Randy Crespo as Jonathan Harker Davit Hovhannisyan as Count Dracula

I've been writing poetry again, this is either the beginning of a beautiful new era or a very very bad sign


Always love how much folklore especially creature folklore emphasizes that there is a way for you to win. These are the steps to ensure the dead don't rise: take them out through a hole in the wall and give them iron shoes. Vampires cannot abide sunlight. If you hear a dog howl on a churchyard path turn around and get home as fast as you can. Iron and salt and the colour red. None of this doomed idea, the world is incomprehensible but if you're a bit clever you'll survive it just fine, there's always ways out.


kid in the library just said "a VILLAIN who lives in the MOON is after us" so keep an eye out for that today guys


Tonight is creepy. Just went to close my window before I go to sleep and I can see the stars and a muddy orange moon but there's thick fog settled in the valley – usually I can see lights on the other side of the river but tonight it's deep and hazy. It's 1 am and I can hear sheep?? No city noises, just sheep, owls and dripping from the rain earlier this evening. Half convinced I'm going to wake up tomorrow and find a werewolf passed out on my kitchen floor

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