
How many times we gotta tell yall it's {noun} of color not POC {noun}

Yes this is ok for white people to rb

Anyways unlearning incorrect terminology is not easy but itā€™s not an excuse not to try or to tell poc itā€™s not that deep if youā€™re an ally.

So like

Doctor of color


Person of color doctor

Genuinely asking cause my reading comprehension is shit


For example, if you have a woman of color who is also an actress, youā€™d call her an actress of color, not a WOC actress or a POC actress!


Although there were planes used against the miners in the Battle of Blair Mountain, it is not true that this was the first time planes were used to drop bombs on American soil against Americans. 

The Battle of Blair Mountain took place in August and September of 1921. Just a few months prior to that, on May 31 and June 1, planes were also used to help destroy the Greenwood district of Tulsa, Oklahoma, a prosperous black neighborhood nicknamed The Black Wall Street. At least 39 people died during the event, which is known as the Tulsa Race Massacre. Hundreds were wounded, and 6,000 black people lost their homes. 

Both of these events were hugely important moments in American history. 

Ask yourself why neither was taught to you in school. Also ask your local school board. 


hey if anyone could take a moment to sign this petition calling for an immediate investigation into the cops who pepper sprayed teenagers & peaceful protesters inside central station after the sydney black lives matter protest on june 6th thatā€™d be really helpful! central station is underground & really close quarters, itā€™s a really brutal place to get attacked with pepper spray

Anonymous asked:

Inability to understand the difference between annoyance at poorly timed puns and sexual assault should not be considered salt in the first place.

This is delicious tea, who brewed this?


Wish I could say I did, but I dont, it is very nice though.

Give me some more Anon.

Ok but on a serious note this is a main reason why I hesitate to write salt.

Like, it's easy to write ladybug being annoyed by his puns and jokes. That's normal, they're superheroes, they have a JOB to do. Make a joke when it's over.

The assault however; the hand kissing, staying in her space, not listening to her say "no" again and again. Again, that's not salt, that's canon! And it is downplayed and 'normalised' in such a way to make Ladybugs refusals look bad on her.

That's how the writers did it, that's the entire reason why the episode 'Felix' exists. To make Chat look good in comparison.

The punch scene? Done to show how marinette can and will respond to that behaviour. Her not doing it to Chat? The writers.

On top of which she needs Chat in a fight to win, so she can't do Anything to send him away.

And the writers know this!

Writing about the sexual assaults is salt worthy, claiming simple puns as the same is not.

The hand kissing and the staying in her space? She leans into those. She likes those. She got mad at him when he stopped. That is, therefore, not assault.

Whenever she says ā€œno,ā€ he does listen. He comes back later, yes, but whenever she says stop he stops. That is, therefore, not assault.

Ladybugā€™s refusals arenā€™t meant to look bad on her, they are her asking him to respect her space and he does. They trust each other, they respect each other, and yes: Marinette can and will respond to people doing things she doesnā€™t want with immediate and intense reactions, as you yourself admitted. She doesnā€™t push chat away; she leans into him.

Chat does not and has never committed sexual assault. He occasionally pushes her boundaries, but immediately backs off when she reasserts them.

To the people who view chat as an SA:

How fucking dare you. Im an SA survivor and that is not sexual assault, so please shut the fuck up

Same actually.

Honestly, Iā€™ve SA and from what I see, this is not sexual assault at all! She enjoys it (even if she doesnā€™t show it in the right way). You can see she is visibly upset when Chat flirts with another hero.

(ex. Rena Rouge, Ryuuko)

And as we can see in Felix, she knows when enough is enough. Seeing as she is love with Adrien and knew that he wouldnā€™t act like that and punched because she did have enough.

She knows Chatā€™s puns and hand kisses are a playful tease while still being serious and therefore, no SA

If you genuinely believe that Chat Noir is a sexual harasser, unfollow me this instant please šŸ¤—

And also rededucate yourselves on the topic too so that you don't go around mislabelling fictional characters this and that šŸ„°šŸ–•

This was one of the reasons I had to take a step back from the MLB fandom. Iā€™ve been through SA - admittedly, to a relatively small extent - and the stuff everyoneā€™s so salty about? That ainā€™t it. In fact, if you watch the show, youā€™ll know Ladybug often flirts back with Chat Noir! Not to generalise, but if she was uncomfortable with him kissing her hand, sheā€™d probably yank it away and move back, instead of leaning into his personal space to boop his nose.

Ok, firstly - with no excuses from me - I'm sorry. Massively.

Secondly, I've been on a very long no-sleep run and am not functioning at full capacity. So I'm not thinking straight.

I'm sorry to each and every person who has been a victim of SA,  none of you deserved that, no-one does.

as someone who has been (and still is) on the receiving end of physical and verbal abuse. I have a hard time identifying abusing behaviours (just spent about ten minutes between these two words dealing with one of my siblings getting physically aggressive towards me for nothing, no joke.) So sometimes I rely on others to see it and learn from them.

So I have a lot of pent up frustration and I guess... After seeing all the Adrien salt and both sides of the arguments on Adrien's behaviour I kinda... Projected? Is that right? I dunno... Too tried to think that much.

So, obviously, I was wrong with what I said, these aren't things I say when lucid.

as a side note, I'm not 'just saying' this cause it looks like I cornered myself here, I am openly admitting I was wrong and out of line here. Next time I get this tired I'm going to take a hammer to my thumbs so I can't type.

Holy fork @spartanxhunterx are you okay?

Also, Iā€™m sorry for both whatā€™s happening in your real life and for the dogpile that occurred here. I appreciate that youā€™re trying to learn to identify abusive behaviors yourself, and, to be fair, if Ladybug hadnā€™t consented to what was happening, it would be assault, so I can see why you made the misattribution.

Thank you for coming back to this and listening to what everyone on this thread is saying, and I hope things get better for you soon. Get some sleep!

(Also I know the hammers thing was a joke but Iā€™ve found that even joking about self-harm can have negative effects on your mental state, so remember to take care of yourself!)


These Four Companies Claim to Support BLM. They Support White Nationalist Tucker Carlsonā€™s Fox News Program.

Last week, Carlson advised viewers that they are not ā€œrequired to be upsetā€ about George Floydā€™s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, especially if they have ā€œnever even been to Minneapolis.ā€
Last month, as the protests began, he described them as an ā€œancient battle between those who have a stake in society and would like to preserve it and those who donā€™t and seek to destroy it.ā€ Carlson later described the conflict as between ā€œthugsā€ and ā€œnormal people.ā€
None of this is out of character for Carlson. He has a long history of using white nationalist rhetoric. Last August, Carlson said the idea that white supremacy is a problem in America is a ā€œhoaxā€ and a ā€œconspiracy theory.ā€ In 2018, Carlson said that immigrants were making America ā€œpoorer, and dirtier, and more divided.ā€  In 2017, Carlson described Obama as ā€œvulgarā€ because he ā€œvacationed with rappers.ā€ The same year, he promoted Gab, a social media site that caters to white nationalists. In 2015, Carlson attacked Stephen Colbert for wearing a ā€œBlack Lives Matterā€ wristband, saying it meant Colbert believed ā€œyou divide people on the basis of their skin color and say, ā€˜This one group of peopleā€™s lives matter.ā€™ā€

Tucker Carlson is a despicable racist and bigot. These four companies claim to support Black Lives Matter (and have made a HUGE deal about their alleged support), yet they continue to sponsor this reprehensible racistā€™s show:

  • * Papa Johnā€™s Pizza (of course)
  • * Disney (unsurprising, but still disgusting) SEE UPDATE!
  • * Vari (office furniture company I didnā€™t know existed before today)
  • * Johnson & Jonhson (all lives matter, or something)

Papa Johnā€™s is a lost cause. That guy is the patron saint of shitty right-wing pieces of shit, an unrepentant right-wing Trumpist. Fuck that guy and his garbage ā€œfoodā€ forever. 

Disney is likely to respond to sustained and overwhelming public outcry, and getting Disney to drop its support for a white nationalist would go a long way toward pressuring other sponsors to drop their support.

Vari and Johnson & Johnson are easy for me to boycott. Maybe they are for you, too?

If you care about this sort of thing, you can vote with your wallet. You deserve better than that Papa Johnā€™s garbage. Get your pizza delivered from a local place. Finding alternatives to Johnson & Johnson should be pretty easy in any drugstore. Disney is really tough, because letā€™s be honest: theme parks are great, and Disney+ is pretty awesome. But I will write letters, and so should you. Vari doesnā€™t exist in my life so Iā€™m just going to go ahead and put that company on generic blast for supporting a racist bigot. If you handle purchasing for your company, maybe you can encourage your bosses to buy office furniture from some other company.

But all of us can write letters, tag on social media, and let the people who make the decisions at these companies know that we are watching, and we will not support them as long as they continue to sponsor a white nationalist.

HOLY SHIT YALL while I was writing this, Disney pulled their support!! One down, three to do. We can do this!

Johnson & Johnson doesnā€™t advertise on Carlsonā€™s show.

Reblogging to add the correction, and to update that even the excretory Papa Johnā€™s pulled its advertising, too. Good news, all around.


So I realized I was bi just a couple months ago and I sometimes just forget that I am? It's weird I'm totally cool with liking pretty girls but I see all this stuff about pride month and while I think it's cool as heck it still feels like I'm not supposed to be here, I'm supposed to support from the sidelines

I kiiiinda wish I'd realized this before getting married but I love my husband and I don't need anyone else, any gender.

Does being in a hetero relationship mean I'm relegated to being an ally? Genuine question, I don't need to claim any "points" by being bi, I've always supported the fight for LGBTQ+ rights even when I thought I wasn't part of that community, and I always will. And now I realize I am part of this but. Am I really?

You are. This isnā€™t even a hedgeā€”if youā€™re bi, it doesnā€™t matter what kind of relationship youā€™re in. Youā€™re LGBT. Thatā€™s what the B stands for!


I live right by the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle.  For those reading from further away ā€“ itā€™s important to keep in mind what the past week has been like in this area.

Every night, the cops would attack peaceful protestors after it got dark.  The violence was apparently pointless, was often completely unprovoked and massively disproportionate when provoked, and seemed almost perversely dedicated to eroding any remaining public trust in the police.

Day after day of events like 

- ā€œyou know how, after people were furious about the tear gas, the mayor and police chief declared the police would not use CS gas for 30 days? well, itā€™s been less than 48 hours, and they just used CS gas againā€

- ā€œout of nowhere, a guy drove madly into the cop/protestor standoff and shot someone, and the protestors did more to stop and apprehend him than the copsā€ (see also here, etc.)

Events of this kind became almost surreally predictable, not in their details, but in their shape: no matter how badly the police are behaving, theyā€™re going to hit a new low tomorrow.  If they seemed indefensible today, theyā€™ll somehow make themselves into even more clear-cut villains tomorrow.  (Example: the night after the ā€œtear gas ban,ā€ they used OC gas, whereas technically the ban was limited to CS gas ā€“ and the night after that, they abandoned all pretenses and used CS gas again.)

No one understood why the cops did what they did.  In press conferences and the like, the mayor and police chief contradicted themselves from day to day and sometimes seemed to be unfamiliar with the basics of the previous nightā€™s news.  The city council was baffled, everyone was baffled ā€“ the cops even found an odd, tangential way to piss off the Seattle School District in the process of doing all this other stuff.

When the cops left the precinct two days ago, all of that stopped.  I donā€™t mean to sound like the protest isnā€™t important anymore, or something like that, but ā€œa continuous peaceful protest is happening in your areaā€ is ā€¦ well, a lot more compatible with ordinary life and work than than ā€œyou now live in a warzone where the city attacks its citizens every night.ā€

Right now it doesnā€™t feel like some new group has come in and ā€œtaken over.ā€  Really, itā€™s the opposite.  The very unwelcome group that ā€œtook overā€ last week ā€“ ā€œtook overā€ in terms of their new aggressive behavior if not in terms of literal physical presence ā€“ is finally gone.


On twitter Iā€™m seeing dozens of threads from Black activists warning people against burnout, giving all sorts of useful tips about preventing and managing it for the sake of a long-term, sustainable effort.

On tumblr Iā€™m seeing a hell of a lot of young white kids yelling at anyone who actually follows those steps, and acting like burnout is a moral falling rather than a well-proven psychological phenomenon.

Be careful who you get your information from. Donā€™t let guilt lead you to make choices that will harm both you and the movement.

Iā€™m going to reblog this again since I see more individuals are inquiring about burnout prevention tips in the notes and itā€™s why I sought out this resource. I hope it helps you!


there is no reason good enough to arrest a 6 year old, this is purely racist




Imagine being such a punkass little bitch that you arrest a kindergartener for throwing little baby hands.

Highly recommend this book for those concerned about the treatment of Black girls in educational institutions.

Try searching for it on Bookshop.org and help support local bookshops instead of buying from Amazon. Even better if you can find a Black owned bookshop online and buy direct from them.

ADDITIONALLY: Contact your local school board and ask if the public school contracts with local police departments for their school resource officers (SROs). Demand that they terminate their contract and redirect resources plan a better way to serve their students. Minneapolis public school board did this last week.

Source: t.co
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