


๐—˜๐—ป๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ด๐˜†+๐—ง๐—ฎ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐˜ ๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ฟ

โฃ๏ธŽ ๐— ๐—ฎ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—น๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜ โฃ๏ธŽ




Hii, love. I hope you're doing well <3

I am a new follower. Can I please participate in your new game if that's okay?

Thank you and take care

A.S โค


Hello dear, you're 100% welcome to join the game! Thank you so much for participating ๐Ÿ’—

Scorpio Descendant/7th House. Scorpio in the 7th House indicates that you attract obsessive, jealous, possessive, observant, protective, and stubborn partners. When your partner/s are at their worst they may be controlling, possessive, and stubborn. It is likely that when your partner/s are underdeveloped they can refuse to be wrong or maybe they try to control specific parts of your life. When your partner/s are at their best they will be interested in you, your life, your feelings, and your thoughts. Because they're so stubborn they can actually be quite loyal and dedicated to showering you with love and affection, even if they have a subtle or different way of expressing love. It's even possible that they will closely observe your behavior and quirks in attempts to get to know you on a deeper level, in attempts to understand what makes you feel loved.

Aries Venus in the 12th House. You're a passionate lover who seeks stimulation.. mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical. You want an honest lover who won't lie to you but at the same time you don't want them to be so harsh with their words to a point theres no room left for compassion and empathy. You seek a fairytale sort of love, you have unrealistic expectations and people can easily take advantage of this, for the worse or better. You love very deeply and feel your partner/s pain as if it was your own. When this placement manifests negatively you can attract partners who are obsessed with bringing you down. The way in which your partner/s try to hurt you depends on you, them, and the relationship.. but they will attack anything they think you're insecure about, things that they think you hold a deep shame, embarrassment, trauma, or grief for. Your Aries Venus indicates that you may stay in a toxic relationship because it stimulates you (mentally, emotionally, physically, etc) and since your Aries Venus is in your 12th House you tend to see the good in everyone you love, even if the negativity in them overpowers the positivity. Overall this indicates you may stay in a toxic relationship/love situation for longer than you should.

When this placement manifests positively you'll attract partner/s who love you very deeply and do everything in their power to make you feel happy and safe. They'll likely be jealous and possessive but that's just because they're extremely loyal and expect the same in return. When your partner/s are developed they'll learn everything they can about you and try to live up to your dream love. They'll stimulate you, they'll take the time to understand you, empathize with you and your pain. It's likely they'll view you as either being innocent and having a youthful soul, or the complete opposite.. being mature and having an old soul. When your partner/s are at their best it will be so good for your mental health, especially since your partner/s are one/some of the most important people to you.


๐—”๐˜€๐˜๐—ฟ๐—ผ ๐—”๐˜€๐—ธ ๐—š๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ

Current status: Closed



~[~ Send in your Birth Chart + your initials and I will tell you about your past/present/future partner/s and possibly even your spouse/future spouse ~]~


No anons.
Be nice, don't just send your birth chart with nothing else and expect me to give you an in depth reading for free lol
Don't rush me to answer, and don't demand that I answer.
Not a rule but you're free to use any house system you'd like (as long as it's in tropical/not vedic)
That's it!!

Okay so the ask game is now closed, as in I will no longer be accepting asks and will now focus on answering as many people as possible! Thank you so much to everyone who has chosen to participate ๐Ÿ’•


hi!! can i please participate in your astro game? (ะพยดโˆ€`ะพ)

here is my birth chart:

please take your time and feel free to not answer to my ask! + i donโ€™t know if i can say this, but you can leave the fs part ๐Ÿ˜…

thank you in advance and have a lovely day!! ๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค


Hii love!! Thank you for participating in my ask game โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’—

Disclaimer: This is simply my own interpretation of the many possible indications of the birth chart above. Not everything below will resonate 100% because not every placement will manifest in the same way.

Scorpio Venus in the 1st House. You're an incredibly deep individual with very intense feelings, you love passionately and you're possessive, obsessive, and jealous. When you love you're somewhat dramatic but the love you feel is so genuine. You aren't into superficiality and you want a partner who loves just as deeply as you, you want a partner who is dedicated, loyal, and sincere. Both your Scorpio Venus and Venus in the 1st House indicate that you're rather charismatic and people are really drawn to you. You're amazing with people and your social skills are on point, people find you fun and magnetic. However many who are attracted to you and your energy aren't necessarily attracted to the real you, but more so your energy, what you present on the outside, and all of the superficial things. Because of this you attract partners who don't love you as deeply, passionately, and sincerely as you love them. You may attract people who only date you as an accessory, people who only date you to brag about how they have someone as special as you and not because they genuinely love you for you. Because of this you're often dissatisfied with your relationships and feel as if the other party/s aren't giving as much as you do.. it feels like theres an imbalance, because there is. But this doesn't mean it's impossible to find someone who really cares about you as a person, it just means you should be careful. Most of these disingenuous people will make it obvious they aren't so hyped about you once enough time passes. Those who are really passionate about you will prove it over time.

Aries Descendant/7th House. Your partner/s are often impulsive, aggressive, and passionate. When your partner/s are at their best they are passionate and fun, they want to do fun things with you and they may feel hurt when you do things they enjoy without them. They might try to get revenge on those who hurt you lmfao. They also may become very aggressive and mean with people they view as competition or people they think are attracted to you/you're attracted to. Because of your 1st House Scorpio Venus they will absolutely adore you too, you're literally perfect to them. To them you're the definition of beauty and they're fascinated by the little things you do and your unique qualities. They're so proud that they have you. They may also wanna be a power couple lol

When your Scorpio Venus in the 1st House + your Aries Descendant/7th House manifests in a negative way, you can attract partner/s who are toxic, aggressive, and controlling. You can be attracted to toxic or even abusive partners because you perceive them as passionate and genuine when often times they just want control and power. You might attract partners who are jealous of you, your charisma, passion, and magnetism so they try to dim your light.. or you may attract partners who try to control the way you act and present yourself so you can align with what they want the outside, superficial world to see.

Black Moon Lilith in the 7th House. You crave deep and passionate connections but you fear intimacy. It is possible that there was once a time you had no problem being intimate and close with others but then someone took advantage of your openness, leaving you unable to open up and connect with others the way you really want to. This means you might be attracted to toxic people and relationships, because at least there's some sort of spark and feeling when toxicity and mind games are involved. You're also likely to stay in toxic relationships for way too long, trying so hard to be with someone when it's clear it's just not going to work out. A part of this is because you have difficulty getting over someone you love but some of it can also be because you enjoy the feelings that a toxic relationship can give you.

Overall your birth chart indicates that you're a passionate lover who will either attract a partner whose dedicated to bringing you down, or a partner who is dedicated to spoiling you with deep love and an aggressive type of affection <33


Hey!! โคI would like to participate in your game

My initials are SAV

My birth chart

Thank you so much โค .. May God bless you ๐Ÿ’™ have a great day๐Ÿค—


Hello love!! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to participate โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’—

Disclaimer: This is simply my own interpretation of the many possible indications of the birth chart above. Not everything below will resonate 100% because not every placement will manifest in the same way.

So starting off you have a 12 Degree Taurus Ascendant/1st House and Scorpio Descendant/7th House. A Scorpio 7th House can indicate an obsessive, jealous, and possessive partner.. but it also indicates an observant, protective, and stubborn partner. This means you may attract people who are controlling, possessive, and possibly even abusive at their worst. The type of people to hide important matters from you and do everything possible to prove that they're in control, that they're the authority and that you're to obey. At their best, your partners will be interested in your life, your feelings, who you are as a person and your entire being. Because they're so stubborn, they can be so dedicated and loyal when they're truly interested in you and they will make it a point to almost intertwine their soul with yours. Very big on intimacy.

Mercury in the 7th House. When you and your partner/s are at their best your mental connection will be amazing. Both of you can communicate clearly and express both your thoughts and feelings to each other without worrying if it will cause a fight or misunderstanding because you guys know how to be patient and learn each others unique way of communicating as an individual. This goes further than physical speech.. this includes the way one thinks, facial expressions, body movement, and so much more.

Now realistically speaking everybody is a human with both advantages and flaws so on average your partners will probably have a combination of the worst and best traits. You may have an observant partner who takes the time to learn how you express yourself therefore building the communication aspect of your relationship, but that partner may also be really jealous and unfairly possessive.. or you may have a partner that struggles with communication but can be super protective and vengeful towards those who harm you.

Your birth chart indicates that your spouse/future spouse will be an amazing communicator who you share a deep mental bond with. You want an intelligent partner who takes the time to understand how you think, speak, express yourself, and you're not likely to settle down until you find someone who will fulfill this desire. You adore your partner/s when they study a subject they're passionate about, or when they get all nerdy and rant to you about the specifics of a topic nobody else would know but them.

Sun in 7th House + Pluto in the 8th. You have this strong desire to always be in a relationship, you always want to have someone by your side who can understand you better than no one else. In the past you may have attracted toxic and possibly even abusive partners who did not have the best intentions. You may have been cheated on, or maybe a partner was super controlling and possessive. Some of your partners may have had a lying problem or a hard time expressing themselves. It's very likely that you crave intimacy yet fear it at the same time which can cause even more misunderstandings in your relationships.

The more time you spend having relationships and experimenting with new possibilities the more you will learn about yourself and what you truly desire in a partner. In the past your partners didn't match up to your desires and expectations and even though you weren't truly happy you may have stayed because you crave connection and intimacy so strongly. You may have gotten with just anyone because you thought it was better than having no one. Over time you started to realize how unfulfilled you are when you're with people who have nothing pleasurable to offer you, you developed a strong respect for yourself and you know what you want when you want it. Your spouse/future spouse will likely have most of the positive qualities you desire in a person since you know not to settle down with someone who isn't making you happy or is bringing you down. You desire a partner who is sensual, peaceful, communicative, confident, and understanding. Someone who you can share a deep emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical bond with. Maybe someone who has shared experiences with life and can understand the traumas you've been through.

This placement can also indicate multiple marriages. It is possible your first spouse was toxic or abusive, they probably had many negative qualities you forced yourself to set aside for their happiness. You sacrificed your own happiness just to have someone by your side. The more time you spend with them and experience struggles/hardships you will start to realize that they do not have anything you desire in a partner, that they're not your person. After this you're likely to be confident in your self and by yourself, you have no problem waiting for the one because you know that they will come when the time is right.

Alternative interpretation:

If that didn't resonate (or even if it did) it is also possible you were raised in a toxic/abusive environment/household where intimacy was practically nonexistent and if it was it would be used against you. This may have lead to either a fear of intimacy or an extreme craving for it, maybe even both. Because of your thing with intimacy, you got into relationships that weren't so beneficial to you. With a fear of intimacy this can be because you fail to be an emotionally intelligent partner who can connect on a true level.. you may have been (or are) the cold type who prioritizes logic over emotion which could have caused some significant relationship issues. With a craving for intimacy your partner/s may have been the unemotional type who viewed you as too needy or nearly impossible to please, it seems as if no one can merge their heart and soul with yours.. you just find yourself craving more and more but nothing ever matches up to your expectations leading to some intense disappointment (or even grief!!)

With both a fear of intimacy and the craving for intimacy.. well, it's chaotic. You want to have sincere, deep, and meaningful connections but you may be unable to open up no matter how hard you try. Possibly it's a natural coping mechanism/reaction for you to immediately repress any intense emotion you feel to a point you forget how to express yourself when it benefits you.

However this placement manifests or presents itself, whoever you end up with in the long-term will most likely be your type for the most part since you developed high self-respect and low tolerance to toxicity. Your birth chart indicates that you will work through significant relationship issues that will teach you what you value deep-within.


Canโ€™t risk it

The duck of creativity. I waited so long for it.


the duck has graced me oml





๐—”๐˜€๐˜๐—ฟ๐—ผ ๐—”๐˜€๐—ธ ๐—š๐—ฎ๐—บ๐—ฒ

Current status: Closed



~[~ Send in your Birth Chart + your initials and I will tell you about your past/present/future partner/s and possibly even your spouse/future spouse ~]~


No anons.
Be nice, don't just send your birth chart with nothing else and expect me to give you an in depth reading for free lol
Don't rush me to answer, and don't demand that I answer.
Not a rule but you're free to use any house system you'd like (as long as it's in tropical/not vedic)
That's it!!


๐Ÿ•ทScorpio along with Capricorns have the most intimidating stares and aura. Example
-JUYEON From The Boyz (Capricorn Sun) This man has such an intimidating stare it was hard only choosing one Gif/Photo.
๐Ÿ•ทGemini placements, Aquarius placements, and sometimes Sagittarius placements have a thing for hands and especially when they long and thin hands and well kept that's really attractive to them and it sets something off๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ˜ถ.

๐Ÿ•ทI'm not sure why but I've heard of a little observation from a couple of astrologers both from tumbler and from YouTube that Pisces are the sign most likely to be overweight or gain weight easily. Even though Taurus is known as the sign of food it seems that picese gain weight the easiest.
๐Ÿ•ทThe placements most likely to become alcoholic or drug addicted is Pisces and Virgo since both of them are sister signs, both are likely, but I've heard from a YouTube astrologer and psychic that Pisces placements are most likely to die from it ๐Ÿฉธrather than virgos because virgos are moderate and specific Pisces do it more emotionally since they are a water sign.
๐Ÿ•ทCancer placements and just water placements in general tend to have the prettiest eyes and they always have such soft features at least from the women I've seen them have this. Also men who have water in their big 3 especially Cancers and Pisces in their big 3 tend to have more feminine software features along with libra.

-Sunoo from Enhypen (Cancer sun)

๐Ÿ•ทEarth signs in Venus is the least flirty placements. You will never see these people flirt but they will flirt but it will be more physical friendly flirting like touching. Some people may say Scorpios are cold when in love and while this is true they still have an intensity towards the way they show their love language, like intense staring, and they will be more emotional with it because they are a water sign.
๐Ÿ•ท The reason why people aren't as devoted to astrology and instead believing in themselves and being helpful towards earth and out community's is because this is the age of Aquarius and the age before ours was the Picean age where people lived blinded and where the vaile hadn't been lifted. Things are slowly being revealed in this day and age because of it being the Aquarian age.
๐Ÿ•ท I've read in many posts that Aries placements are the least patient sign and.... I've never agreed more to something in my life!! I have Aries siblings and they are living proof of impatience ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿคฃ.
๐Ÿ•ทThe most flirty placements from my observation are 100% Libra, Gemini, and sometimes Sagittarius and Aries placements. Aries are more aggressive flirts than natural flirts, and Sagittarius don't even have to flirt for you to fall in love lol, it's just their aura.
๐Ÿ•ทMajority of good dancers have Aquarius, Virgo, Gemini, and Scorpio placements from what I've seen .
๐Ÿ•ทLeo placements are bosses at making people feel appreciated and confident because they know how it feels like to be neglected of those things.
๐Ÿ•ท The most stubborn placements of the fixed signs are Scorpios and Tauruses.
๐Ÿ•ทI feel like Leo's either hate Scorpio or love e'm but either way there's an attraction but most times it ends up being toxic because they both want control and possession over one another since they are both fixed.
๐Ÿ•ท The more trines a person has in their natal things get handed to them easier.
๐Ÿ•ทHaving many planets in retrograde can signify not being able to fully finish your karmic past life lessons which is what you're here to do now.
๐Ÿ•ท Do you know why there's always more focus on space than on the infinite ocean, as above so below which means that our focus is always on "is there aliens in space", but what if they are below us? Look at the ugly things that have been found in the deep sea but we've only discovered 5%??. Like for example we went to space!! But somehow we haven't found out the mysteries of what's going on in the Bermuda Triangle which is much closer to us than landing on the moon but somehow we did that?? (Anyways, off topic but how interesting ๐Ÿค”).
๐Ÿ•ทEarth and water placements have such an ethereal look and such ethereal eyes as well. Example-
Heeseung From Enhypen(I think you can tell from my last post and from this post that I use the group enhypen a lot๐Ÿคฃ).
๐Ÿ•ทIn my opinion people talk about how scary Scorpio placements are and powerful but the true powerful signs that are scary are Capricorns, Scorpios, and Cancers.
๐Ÿ•ทFire placements and Virgos have the best top notch jokes.Fight me.They are the funniest zodiac sign.
๐Ÿ•ทI've observed that virgo placements tend to space out easily. Like you talk to them and you talk to them again and it's like they don't even hear you, like they're in their own little world inside their heads.
๐Ÿ•ทThe 6th house tells you about your pets and your 5th house tells you about you children. For example my 5th house is in Capricorn so my future 1st child and maybe my following children will have Capricorn or 10th house placements. I have Aquarius in my 6th house so my pet is most likely going to show Aquarius characteristics or they will influence in an Aquarius manner.
๐Ÿ•ทI've noticed that the moon sign is much more influential than the sun sign when looking at appearance. I always try guessing somebody's sun sign based off their appearance and it always ends up being their moon sign!!.
๐Ÿ•ทAries are the most athletic looking sign.
๐Ÿ•ทCancer placements either loveee children or absolutely hate them. My ex friend hated them she said it was because they whine and cry a lot๐Ÿคฃ.
๐Ÿ•ทIn my opinion I think that Leo's enjoy children more than Cancer placements. The reason why is because Cancer rules fertility but Leo rules childhood and creativity so I think they have a deeper connection to children because children make them feel young again and it takes the adult responsibility off their mind. Leo's are also really childish so they get along with children well.
๐Ÿ•ทThe signs that let themselves get walked over the most are Picese, Virgo, Leo, and Libra placements. The signs that won't take any crap from anybody are Aries (their patience isn't made for that loll), Gemini (roast tf out of you infront of everyone), and Capricorns (The sign who's stare itself demands respect).
๐Ÿ•ทScorpio and Aries always end up with each other even though they bump heads and argue a lot ๐Ÿ˜ถ.
๐Ÿ•ทI have a theory that the sign on you 5th house represents the characteristics that you like to show off to other people. For example I have a Scorpio in the 5th house and I have a friend that has Scorpio/8th house placements or they just embody the sign Scorpio, I might feel the need or want to show them off because it's the traits that make you prideful of them and the traits that make you feel they need to be shown to other people.
๐Ÿ•ทVirgo and Pisces are the most psychic of the zodiac signs.You can fight me on this as well๐Ÿ™ƒ.

The best piano music ever!!. Recommend listening 100%!!

Give love to this post, thank youโคโค

Also thank u to my followers and viewers for reading , enjoyyyyyy!!!!โคโค


Omg this was crazyyyy accurate ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ thank you for reminding me to shut my curtains and download a vpn because clearly you're stalking me if you know this much๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ/j /lh

A quick lil rant because I am feeling mildly annoyed right now:

Some of you in this spiritual/tarot/divination community need to stop pressuring people into rushing their healing process. I'm talking about when y'all just assume someone hasn't taken their time to deal with the aftermath of something that left them severely distressed if not traumatized just because they still have some toxic habits, have their bad days, have a negative mindset.. fuck even for feeling rightfully upset about something horrible that happened to them. The truth is that healing takes so much time, you can't erase months/years worth of trauma by just being positive. No one is going to heal from a traumatic childhood just because they repeat a few affirmations every morning, practice mindfulness, meditate everyday, etc.

What you're doing by invalidating people's struggles, all of the terrible things they had to go through, and all of the effort they've put into healing is teaching them that they're a failure because they have yet to be "fixed". You're teaching them that they shouldn't feel their feelings, that they should bury them deep within. Which prolongs the process of healing, making it take longer to heal than if they were told that sometimes the only thing you can do is cry, be sad, feel everything. You need to feel and release these feelings in order to move on with your life and actually heal.

Spirituality is an amazing tool to help one in their healing journey but it should -never- replace therapy or professional help.


This is your occasional reminder that stars, planets, seasons, and signs DONโ€™T define you, your personality, strengths, or weaknesses; and the FACT is you can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to do.

Fuck astrology. Donโ€™t limit yourself.


Placements that indicate an ethereal/magnetic vibe/appearance

All notes are based on my own research. Other placements/aspects in the chart can reduce or exaggerate these traits. Take what applies.

~ Virgo Sun/Moon/Ascendant

~ Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces Sun/Moon/Ascendant

~ Neptune/Moon/Pluto in 1st House

~ Neptune/Moon/Pluto Dominance

~ Neptune/Pluto conjunct Ascendant

~ Neptune in 3rd House

~ Pisces 3rd House/Capricorn Rising

~ Neptune trine Moon or Ascendant

~ Neptune sextile Venus or Ascendant

~ Pluto trine/sextile Venus or Ascendant

Of course!! The planet Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and is often associated with illusions, dreams, spirituality, glamour, intuition, etc. The 3rd House in astrology is the house of communication, including physical speech, writing, and even how you think and understand things. If you have Neptune in the 3rd House it can indicate having a dreamy, unique, and ethereal way of communicating. Those with this placement can also be sensitive and soft-spoken, people will notice this. Some will project their own ideas onto you which is why some could perceive you as ethereal/magnetic. Your way of expressing yourself is uniquely gentle, dreamy, and it can really draw others towards you.


Placements that indicate an ethereal/magnetic vibe/appearance

All notes are based on my own research. Other placements/aspects in the chart can reduce or exaggerate these traits. Take what applies.

~ Virgo Sun/Moon/Ascendant

~ Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces Sun/Moon/Ascendant

~ Neptune/Moon/Pluto in 1st House

~ Neptune/Moon/Pluto Dominance

~ Neptune/Pluto conjunct Ascendant

~ Neptune in 3rd House

~ Pisces 3rd House/Capricorn Rising

~ Neptune trine Moon or Ascendant

~ Neptune sextile Venus or Ascendant

~ Pluto trine/sextile Venus or Ascendant

Anonymous asked:

Hello! What placements do you think will make someone oblivious to people who have a crush on them?

{astro placements}


I actually like this ask! Thanks for sending this one ๐Ÿ˜˜

๐Ÿ’ Mercury aspecting Venus (in Retrograde)

  • There is a whole lot more to people with their Venus in retrograde, of course, but what I've observed with these natives is that their normal actions and words are taken out of proportion, and being often mistaken as being flirtatious. Therefore, this placement might garner a lot of attentions and affections toward the native.
  • But then, the native becomes confused as to why the people around them start acting strange and pushy towards them when they've only ever been friendly to begin with. Their natural charm and friendliness is misinterpreted by others as flirting, and this can leave the natives feeling as if they've probably said something wrong. (Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong!)

๐Ÿ’ Libra placements aspecting Ascendant

  • Yet another case of the native who's only being friendly but people are just won over by their naturally charming character. People's first impression of these natives are adorable, amiable, yet vulnerable โ€” which is far from the truth. Others severely underestimate people with this aspect simply because the natives tend to avoid confrontations. And this might give off the sense that these natives are open to admirers' advances.
  • Regardless if the native accepts other people's romantic advances, people often overstep their boundaries. They think the native is just going to keep nodding their head, and smile. Lastly, these natives will have to face very surprising confessions in their lifetime. It's like... when you thought you're being friendly and have made it clear that you're not interested in relationships, and then suddenly, these "friends" would confess their feelings to you; which leaves you torn because you might not feel the same about them, but you don't want to ruin the friendship.

๐Ÿ’ Venus negatively aspecting Neptune

  • With this one, the native might give off a sense of eccentricity to the people around them. If you have this aspect in your chart, you might be seen as that "pixie dream girl/boy/person" because of your out-of-the-box energy. The way you approach others might see normal and friendly to you, but other people can be ensnared by your uniqueness and carefreeness โ€” which is not your fault, of course. Others might just feel like they want to keep you in their lives because you give them the feeling of being free from their daily constraints, and you provide that joy and different perspectives to their problems.
  • The native has the tendency to really be oblivious to other's feelings toward them because they thought they've established proper boundaries; which they actually did. But then again, other people's intentions can overstep those boundaries. (Again, this isn't your fault.)

๐Ÿ’ Saturn aspecting Neptune and Pluto

  • This might surprise you but people with these aspects really have a lot of secret admirers. Like, a lot. And the natives don't even know it. Their admirers can be really good at hiding their affections and feelings, that even if the native has the ability to sniff out suspicious behavior, they won't be able to sniff this one out.
  • These natives might suddenly find a box of chocolates or flowers in their work desk, or locker (if you're still in school). Or someone might have given you an object you were wanting to have for quite some time now just because your admirers could've overheard you saying something about it.
  • Beware, though. If negatively aspected, this might give way to stalkers. I've had an experience myself, and my best friend; in which both of us have these placements. We had to be fetched by our parents by car every time we were dismissed from class back in college because the authorities figured out that these "admirers" have been following us home.

๐Ÿ’ Sun, Moon, Venus, and Ascendant in 7ยฐ, 8ยฐ, 12ยฐ, 19ยฐ, 20ยฐ, and 24ยฐ

  • These planets and placements, if in Libran, Scorpionic, and/or Piscean degrees, can actually garner a following! Let's say your Venus is in Leo in 7ยฐ. This means that a lot of people can see and feel your presence because your aura is very noticeable by many. You exude pleasant energy that people tend to be drawn to, and you can come across as someone who is easy to get along with.
  • Any of those degree and planetary aspects I've mentioned above are those who have intense magnetism, and people can't help but want to be close to you, or establish a connection with you โ€” whether platonic or romantic. But the thing is, you're just minding your own business most of the time. ๐Ÿ˜… Yet, other people can't seem to resist your presence, and would want to "shoot their shot" with you. Again, expect impromptu confessions from people you didn't expect to have harbored feelings toward you.

๐Ÿ’ Lilith aspecting Sun, Venus, and Ascendant

  • Natives with these aspects might have experienced people's strange behavior towards them. You haven't even spoken a single word, yet people already have a crush on you. This is Lilith's influence, of course. Even people in your friends' group might be having secret feelings about you, and you may not know about this.
  • If negatively aspected, you may face a lot of "rivals" you didn't even ask for. You may get a lot of disdain and hate from other people simply because they're jealous that you have the affections of the person they have a crush on.
Please note: If you feel unsafe about some people's attentions or affections toward you, it would be best to notify someone close to you; like a family member or close friend. So that they someone can be with you in times of need. And if your "admirers" behavior can be classified as stalking, please notify your local authorities. I just want to say this so that y'all be safe. ๐Ÿงก

I have all but one of these LMFAO


I feel like doing this for a while. Tell me your moon and venus sign and tell me what attracts you.

Taurus Moon + Aquarius Venus
It's hard for me to be attracted to anything honestly but those are the basics.
1- Money minded people who knows how to earn and deal with money.
2- Unique charismatic people with a different style, way of thinking, it's important for them to Stand out from the crowd.
3- Mature People who can make decisions and can handle responsibilities.
4- Respectful and lay down people with a cool and polite attitude.
5- children and animals lovers.
6- Rebellious people who are not afraid from saying their opinion and at the same time respect others.

Cancer Moon, Leo Venus (Retrograde)

~ Emotional sensitivity and those who are easily attached. It makes me feel extra safe, cared for, just nice overall.

~ Emotionally expressive people that aren't afraid to show how much they love you. I have an incredibly hard time showing affection out of fear of rejection and when others can be sweet with me openly helps me feel safe to open up and show how I'm really feeling without much fear or anxiety.

~ Loyalty. Pretty self explanatory.

~ Tattoos

~ Mature, wise, stoic individuals that know what they're doing.

~ Someone who shares the same interests/has gone through similar experiences and traumas.

~ Someone who listens to what I have to say and acknowledges my thoughts and opinions regardless if they agree with/like it or not.


You arenโ€™t your thoughts...

Do you know what intrusive thoughts are? Intrusive thought are thoughts that randomly come to your mind.ย These differ from normal thoughts since they go against your morals, your religion, your values โ€‹โ€‹or what you consider correct.

Iโ€™m just here to remind you that you arenโ€™t these thoughts. These thoughts don't equal you. You are a good a person, and having them doesnโ€™t mean that you are bad or horrible.

Placements that indicate an Intimidating vibe/appearance

All notes are based on my own research. Other placements/aspects in the chart can reduce or exaggerate these traits. Take what applies.

~ All Aries/Scorpio Personal Placements especially Mars, Mars/Pluto in 1st House, Mars/Pluto Dominance

~ Any Personal Placements in a Fire Sign

~ Any Capricorn/Aquarius Personal Placements

~ Mars/Pluto in 3rd House, Aries 3rd House/Aquarius Rising

~ Mars/Pluto in 6th

~ Personal Placements + Pluto in 8th

~ Sun/Saturn Dominance/in 1st

~ Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn MC

~ Pluto, Saturn in 10th House

~ Mars - Pluto aspects

~ Mars/Pluto - Personal Placements

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