♚ 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 ♚

@drottniing-a / drottniing-a.tumblr.com

Indie. selective. Freyja; written by Norgie. Under construction atm. Dark themes/NSFW present.

Okay, I feel like this has to be said in light of new events;

If you dislike, hate, disagree with, find offensive—- any of the material I write or you just dislike me in general, the easiest way to fix that is; BLOCK ME. Unfollow me, block me, blacklist my URL. I won’t be offended if you do. I may write NSFW/Dark themes— My characters may not always follow their ‘canon’ exactly— My characters may not have the best tendencies— But I have all this stated in my rules. You do not NEED to interact with me. YOu do not NEED to like me. You do not NEED to read my writing.

Tumblr is supposed to be a place where people can write, have fun, meet new people, and explore different ((Maybe not always great or ‘canon,’)) topics without judgement! We all came here to HAVE FUN. I don’t think any of us came here with the intent to be unkind to others or start fights. But again, you don’t NEED to like everyone or their writing! That’s your choice! And you can easily get someone off your dash with Tumblr, brand new, pantented, BLOCK/BLACKLIST FEATURE.

Again, we all signed up for tumblr looking to have fun, meet friends, write, and explore with words what we sometimes cannot do physically. Nobody signed up for their first blog with the intent of being unkind, to send hate, or spread rumors, right?

Moral of the story is— If you dislike someone, BLOCK THEM. You find what they write offensive? BLOCK THEM. You really cant stand their writing? BLOCK THEM.

Doing so is much, MUCH easier than going around, thinking up crass things to say, then sending hate. And its even easier than going behind their backs, stalking their blogs, spreading rumors, and gathering others around you to feed off of the negativity.


Please remember; that when you send that death threat, that gore, that condescending ask, that hateful message, or spread that rumor, and encourage others to do the same— You are talking about a REAL PERSON, with REAL FEELINGS.

So please, be kind. If not for others, then for yourself. The negativity can and WILL consume you, and in the end, you could end up actually hurting someone— And over something as stupid as text on a screen? Thats not worth it.

Remember the easiest way to get rid of someone on your dash that you dislike is; Unfollow, block, blacklist. Stop the negativity cycle, and lets all just go back to writing and having fun, okay?

Ah.. Brunhild! Why the long face, darling? Are you not excited to see your queen?”
❝   …Yes…. I am sorry…. I did not think ;                     Yes…. I did not think you to be… Ever summoned.    ❞  

A soft laugh,


Yes, it IS rather surprising, isn’t it? I, for one, did not expect to be summoned either— Nor did I expect to find you here. Though, I am thankful. Your presence means I will not be so lonely~”

Anonymous asked:

I'm curious where in either Poetic Eddas or the Prose Eddas does it state that Freyja is the wife of Odhinn and that she and Freyr are the same?


Freyr is her brother anon, and I never said those two are the same— However, I know you were trying to ask how she and Frigg are supposedly the same.

The Poetic Eddas and the Prose Eddas don’t say so. But there is a lot of speculation that this is the truth. I’ll include some of the discussion about it in screenshots under the readmore if you’d like to see. In these it is also stated that both of them have been married/consort to Odin.

Though, as I have stated in my rules— A lot of this blog is characterized and not  ‘canon’ by Norse mythology. I merely wished to explore a character and the rumors surrounding them as I saw fit. You are entitled to your opinion, and as I stated in my about page, if you dislike any of what I post/write or find it offensive, you are free to unfollow.

Anyways, screenshots below with some discussion about Freyja/Freya and Frigg— ((Also, I don’t know if it was your intent, but you don’t need to come at me being sarcastic. That’s not polite at all and I would be more than willing to answer your legitimate questions if you asked nicely. I do research on my mythology muses, and unless I’m bein stupid, then nothing I say or add to them is without some form of basis, no matter how weak.))

Anonymous asked:

Screw mean anon. No one deserves hate but especially not you


Pssssh— Well thank you, sweetie. I probably deserve more than you think I do, but, it still means a lot that you’d say that.


Just saying, if I were to ever suspect Norgie was going behind my back on anything in our relationship I would ask her. However, Norgie would never do such a thing -- and even if she DID, I would forgive her as long as it was not a consistent thing. Why? Because I love this woman. She is a very bright light in my life, even when we were friends she made me a whole lot happier; if the goal is to upset Norgie to upset me, it won't work, because this woman is a whole lot stronger than I am.


AND EVEN STILL— I would never do something like that because I’ve had the exact same thing done to me over and over again in previous relationships. I know it hurts, and I would never want somebody else to have to feel that way because of me.

And ya know, Devil says I’m stronger than him, but he’s like, one of the strongest people I know. So if I’m stronger than him, and he’s at god tier, what does that say about me—???




So, I’mma just say this; Yes, anon, I got your hate. I deleted it. Yes, anon, Devil knows I play many dark muses with unhealthy tendencies. I would never go behind his back with such things. Yes, Freyja is a huge flirt who will sleep with whomever she pleases, With that said, this is the only time I am going to acknowledge you. So don’t expect much of a reaction from me. I’ve been on tumblr too long for anon hate to get to me. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t come for me sooner— But I digress— Muse does not equal mun, and the only time I am a ‘slut’ is for Devil~


Not all the pages are finished yet but— Please like or reblog this post if you’d be interested in interacting with the Norse Goddess of love, fertility, motherhood, childbirth, and, at times, WAR. Her name is Freyja and she’s the waifu of the allfather, Odin. Though that won’t stop her from flirting your pants off— ((This Freya is based off of the speculation that Freya and Frigg are one and the same, just fyi—)) ANYWAYS! Do somethin’ to the post and I’ll check out your blog and probably follow you! Thanks bunches, ((Norgie~!))


So, as most of you should know, Inari has been moved to the new multimuse, and this blog is going to be re-done once again— New muse and theme and everything. I’ll probably have this done pretty soon, but until then, just hang tight on checking out the theme or anything cuz it’ll probably be ugly—


So, as most of you should know, Inari has been moved to the new multimuse, and this blog is going to be re-done once again— New muse and theme and everything. I’ll probably have this done pretty soon, but until then, just hang tight on checking out the theme or anything cuz it’ll probably be ugly—


Hi there! Could you please like or reblog this post if you’d be cool with interacting with an AFFILIATED Master/homunculus OC who’s made for the Fate universe and has ties to the Einsbern family? This blog is affiliated with grailedrpg but is open to interactions with Indie blogs! Thanks bunches! ((~Norgie!))


Hi there! Could you please like or reblog this post if you’d be cool with interacting with an AFFILIATED Master/homunculus OC who’s made for the Fate universe and has ties to the Einsbern family? This blog is affiliated with grailedrpg but is open to interactions with Indie blogs! Thanks bunches! ((~Norgie!))


Do you like princesses? Do you like sing-along songs? Magical romances? Pumpkin carriages? Fairy godmothers? Well— TOO BAD. Because THIS Cinderella has a bit more reality woven into her backstory. Please like or reblog this post, if you would be interested in interacting with a (Saber-faced,) ruler class servant, based off a more twisted version of Cinderella! If you do, I’ll check out your blog and probably follow you! Thanks bunches~~ (Written by Norgie!)


Hi there, hi there, my names Norgie, and I have way too many heckin blogs! So, I made a multimuse to consolidate! Would you please, like or reblog this post if you’d be interested in interacting with a bunch of lovely Norse, Egyptian, or Grecian deities/powerful ladies~? If you do, I’ll check out your blog and most likely follow you! Thanks bunches!

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