
something else


Malu - 26 - Ⓥ

Men won’t even ask “are you gonna finish that” before cutting off your sentence and starting their own


Can someone pleaseee find me that post where someone asked someone else how they met their best friend and they answered with something like "I hotboxed my apartment for 2 years....." something something they met themselves in the end


Mutuals what if we deleted our blogs and moved in together then we could say our “text posts” to each other and instead having to “like” them I could give you a little kiss on the lips


me: *feels nostalgic about past lives i cant even remember*


Giving homeless people MONEY instead of FOOD can save their lives this winter, shelters cost money, being able to sit in McDonald’s and nurse a coke for a couple hours to warm up costs money, often accessing public toilets (whether it’s to use them, wash up or just to be out of the wind) costs money. 

Just give homeless people cash, just do it, no excuses, no whining about “enabling their drug habits”, if you have money to spare, give it and possibly save someone from literally freezing to death. 

Bringing this back cause this heat can kill you, giving money is always in season

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