


Too old for Tumblr, but somehow here anyway.

My daughter and I were playing Pokemon pretend and she was, obviously, a Ponyta. And at one point she said, "I'm going to fart on you!!!" and I said, "A Ponyta fart?! Their tails are made of fire!!! That's so dangerous!" and then she cackled maniacally. But I thought the idea was funny and since my husband sometimes draws little comics, I told him about it.

Sigh. Sometimes my husband indulges my ridiculousness, and sometimes he's annoyingly pedantic.


dude im. i follow the hogans heroes tag but until ur response to anon i didnt realize there were many active on here! ik ab the papa bear awards but thats like. it. do you know of many other ppl in the fandom u would recommend me following? id love to get more involved! <3


I'm not too familiar with who's who on Tumblr. The HH tag is a good thing to keep tabs on posted content. I don't know who consistently posts mostly HH stuff. We're an eclectic group with lots of different interests. But I'd say you have to check out @belphegor1982 and her art/stories (she's so good at writing LeBeau) and @benevolenterrancy has the most adorable HH drawings (she's been a consistent PBA winner since we started to include multimedia). @incorrect-hh-quotes @incorrect-stalag-13 are hilarious. There are more of us out there but I'm terrible with handles. So start there!


Hi I like to draw Hogan's Heroes art!! I tend to have a pretty mixed blog, whatever catches my fancy at the moment, but Hogan's Heroes is definitely in regular rotation over here!

Who else can I think of that might be good to visit... @nessaadraws does some really cute HH art and @rose-of-pollux, @frau-wilhelm-klink, and @planningconsquest all write fics for the fandom

And some mixed fandom blogs that I know reblog HH when it's available include @radarsteddybear, @pazithigallifreya, @auxiliarydetective, @pencil-pilferer and my reblog account over at @carriagelamp... there's definitely more but those are some off the top of my head

Honestly, if you're here and excited about Hogan's Heroes, come talk to people! You'll be more than welcomed! This is such an old fandom that the more people talking and passing around headcanons and sharing ideas, the livelier it becomes! It's felt a bit quiet lately (or is that just me? idk) so it's always fun to have someone that's willing to come and play and stir the pot

Hi, I see I've been mentioned :)

I used to do a lot of Hogan’s Heroes stuff and even though I've largely moved on to other stuff now, this fandom and show will always have a special place in my heart and on my blog. Also, funnily enough I literally just finished a new piece of Hogan’s Heroes related art a few hours ago, so... perfect timing! Gonna get that posted soon.

If you don’t mind a bit of multifandom chaos, feel free to hop over! I specialise in anything related to OCs. If it exist, I will make OCs for it and then go a little bit insane over it all ^^"

Also, adding to the list of Hogan’s Heroes blogs: @whatisthismandoinghere ! With a very fitting blog url even!

Either way: Welcome to our corner of this blue hellsite! Enjoy your stay!

Hi, hello! *waves*

Came here after I was mentioned solely to recommend @whatisthismandoinghere's blog, only to find @auxiliarydetective beat me to it😂 So instead, I'm gonna second that recommendation. They're a little shy, but if you reach out to them, I promise you they're very friendly....and funny! (Using generic pronouns because I don't know how they'd feel about me using the proper ones.) They have a lot of great takes on the characters too. Some rambling is usually involved, but that's a good thing because if you can't ramble on about your hyperfixations, but why bother having them? Oh, and they also write for multiple fandoms, so I highly encourage you to check out their profile on AO3 under the same name.

@benevolenterrancy is another one I'd like to second. Like tuttle-4077 said, her HH drawings are so cute! A lot of the fandom - including myself - tends to reblog them, so even if you happen to miss one, chances are you'll stumble across it again on somebody's blog. She's also written a HH story on AO3 and it was really good! Will we ever get more than one? Hopefully!🤞🏻

It's true I do write fics here and there, but the muse hasn't given me much in that department lately. Too absorbed in a different project. I'm not as active on here as I used to be either; I mostly just reblog stuff at this point. But every now and then I'll post a picture, HH-related opinion, headcanon or something shippy. Usually it's Klogan since that's my OTP, but Newgan makes regular appearances as well. Klink and Hogan are my favorite characters and I could talk about them all day. (Also, I've somehow become the local Klink expert, and I'm not sure how?🤷‍♀️) I like to explore the boundaries of what could have been/might have been, so if you decide to read my work, you'll quickly notice that. All of the platforms I've ever posted on are listed in my bio for easy reference.

Let's see, who else is in the HH fandom? I know @roemerschanze, @good-evening-mr-kaplan, @that115richtofengirl, @wandering-wolf23, @alwaysbookedfanfictionresearch, @hhcaps, @dontkeepcalmjustpanic, @spaceshipave0322 and @thatpoorfraulein are, but nearly all of them have either been quiet or involved in different fandoms as of late. Oh! @vielmouse, @flower-girl-blue, @someguywriting, @only-kinda-historically-accurate and @fireinthefireproofvault are pretty active. Not me out here trying to remember everybody's handles😂 I am a potato in that aspect and I freely admit it. To quote Hogan:

Anyhow, that should be enough to get you started. Just remember, there's a lot of us who are really nice, but are too shy to make the first move. Don't be afraid to reach out!

Thank you for the mention 🥰 I’m trying to be more active here- life got a bit messy but I’m hoping to write & contribute some things soon 😉

I’m mentally screaming because I stumbled across this thread and found the HH fandom people?! I just want to say hiii to all of you! 👋 I’m a bit shy, and new to the Tumblr fandom, but excited to meet others here! Got some new blogs to follow now too, so that’s fun! ☺️

Anyways… I grew up watching HH (and MASH), my dad has the DVD collection for both shows, so I was a fan from a young age. I would quote Schultz’s “I see nothing, I know nothing” on a regular basis as a pre-teen. I recently binged HH for the umpteenth time with my partner because… they had never seen it before?! I didn’t even know that was possible? So I did the right thing and introduced them to the series and now my OTP is Klogan (Klink/Hogan).

I had tumblr for a while, but was on hiatus for a few years, life got crazy. I started being more active this year and started writing (and posting!) some HH fanfics and have some WIPs on the go. I’m on AO3 as Anna_Pineappel (almost the same as my tumblr handle). I don’t post on here too much about HH, but I do reblog the odd gifset or fanart or other fandom content when I see it.

@ghosthorse-tracks is also in the fandom, and hasposted some gifsets in the past. I know they were already mentioned, but @nessaadraws has such a great art style, and drew one of my favourite drawings of Hogan and Klink 💕

Feel free to follow, my blog is a bit chaotic and is mostly reblogs about writing but I do reblog fandom content from time to time.


@annapineappel oh my god thank you so much for mentioning me 🥺 as someone with major imposter syndrome, I struggle sooo much with appreciating my own art style, I feel like it’s never good enough and people will hate my drawings (hence why I don’t really post that often) but your comment definitely helped me tackle some of that fear!

Love this thread! So glad to find new Hogan’s Heroes blogs to follow on Timber! Hi everyone!!!

Sorry I can’t think of anyone on here that hasn’t already mentioned, but I get so much joy from @benevolenterrancy, and @nessaadraws art and @incorrect-stalag-13 ‘s quotes that you can just hear in the Heroes own voices! I can’t thank @whatisthismandoinghere enough for helping me enter the Hogan’s Heroes realm here on Tumbler with her wonderful challenge two years ago now! Also, thank you @tuttle-4077 for orchestrating with Abracadebra the Papa Bear awards and honestly if it wasn’t for you posting on here, I have such difficulty navigating the forums on FanFiction.net, I would be at a loss regarding the Papa Bear Awards!!!

I have been a member of the Hogan’s Heroes fandom since 2013 when I discovered that fan fiction was a thing when I first got internet and tried to scour the web for an ending to a series I had been obsessed with for a few years already!

My handle over on FanFiction.net is LightShiner14 and I wanted to say that I about died from sheer happiness with the results of the Papa Bear awards this year!!! I legit screamed, cried, had heart palpitations, was speechless, and near scared my husband to death 😭

I’m trying to get back into the swing of being more active in the fandom, but I have been suffering from horrendous writer’s block, work, and have a 9 month old who is the light of my life, but a handful!

Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

@annieslytherpuff21 Light Shiner!!!! So glad to see you here. I thoroughly enjoyed your story, Ashes, and am so glad it won an award! I'll be honest, I didn't read it before the nomination round because I am a horrendously slow reader. So I'm glad someone nominated it because as soon as I read it, I knew it was definitely earning my vote ☺️

Congrats on the little one! They're so fun at that age! (And exhausting, but, hey, worth it!)


I saw a cat by my front porch as I was leaving the house today. It was pretty skittish and ran off. I told my husband about it and he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his pictures. "Is it this one?" he asked. And that's how I found out my husband has a picture catalogue of all the neighbourhood cats that he has befriended.


"I watch hogan's heroes for the plot"

The plot:

Season 3 episode 14 "Everybody Loves a Snowman" or as I like to call it "Everybody Loves Peter Newkirk in a Tank Top"

I just love how we all collectively lose our minds over this scene 😂😂

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I'm new to the fandom :3 still trying to find my way around. But so far it looks super nice and friendly so I'm happy to be here!

I have a weeeee bit obsession between Hogan and Newkirk, and I'm looking for any fanfictions that ship them, or have them paired w fem! readers/OCs. What would you recommend? Any good places to look?

TIA! :)

Hello there, anonymous.

I'll confess, unless it's Pride and Prejudice, I'm not really into romance, slash or otherwise. I mean, I appreciate when my husband makes romantic overtures, but that's a different thing altogether.

However, I can say that Newgan is very popular in the fandom. I believe it's a pairing that GrrraceUnderfire focuses on? She definitely pairs Newkirk romantically. (She can be found on AO3 and FFN). @frau-wilhelm-klink may have more ideas for you. Like, really, my eyes tend to glaze over when reading romance so I avoid it most of the time. No offense to anyone who enjoys it.


Last year I made rodeo dresses for my girls. This year my cousin is coming up from the states and bringing her girls so I decided to make dresses for them too. But I could not find any good cowboy fabric! Maybe it's too early in the season. But, either way, I decided this popsicle fabric was a good summer theme with a mix of Americana and Canadiana colours. The next dress with be red with popsicle trims, then the other two will be popsicle with red/blue trims.


dude im. i follow the hogans heroes tag but until ur response to anon i didnt realize there were many active on here! ik ab the papa bear awards but thats like. it. do you know of many other ppl in the fandom u would recommend me following? id love to get more involved! <3


I'm not too familiar with who's who on Tumblr. The HH tag is a good thing to keep tabs on posted content. I don't know who consistently posts mostly HH stuff. We're an eclectic group with lots of different interests. But I'd say you have to check out @belphegor1982 and her art/stories (she's so good at writing LeBeau) and @benevolenterrancy has the most adorable HH drawings (she's been a consistent PBA winner since we started to include multimedia). @incorrect-hh-quotes @incorrect-stalag-13 are hilarious. There are more of us out there but I'm terrible with handles. So start there!


so I'm Canadian and I grew up ALWAYS taking my shoes off in the house. I watch a lot of American TV though and they almost never take their shoes off in the house, which for years I thought was just for convenience when filming, but I've learned that apparently some people actually do leave their shoes on???

anyway all this to say can you reblog this with where you're from and whether or not you take your shoes off in the house?


Canadian, here. Of course you take your shoes off! I lived down in the States for a while and whenever I'd go to someone's house, I'd start taking off my shoes and they'd say, "Oh, don't worry about it!" but I just. Couldn't. Stop myself. I probably should have kept my shoes on because everyone else was tracking in who knows what and then I was walking on it with my unprotected feet but it just felt so weird to keep my shoes on.


No in between. Reblog if you vote pleas

Again, please reblog if you vote. At least like, man

For everyone not from the US this is 15.5°


It's warm if you're coming out of winter. I mean, once it hits 0°C here in the spring, we're out in t-shirts and some people even go out in their shorts. But it's cool if you're going into fall. Time to break out the sweaters.


“People have always been people” is my favourite part of anthropology

People graffitid your mum jokes on the walls of Pompeii

Junior monks wrote complaints into their copied manuscripts

The Aborigines passed down 10,000 year old oral histories in campfire stories

Children played with little rolling ox toys in Mughal India

Indigenous Americans hurled balls around courts in games like ones we still play

Bored Roman soldiers carved dicks on Hadrian’s wall

Vikings climbed to very high places in distant countries just to carve their names there

Women in ancient Egypt sang songs making fun of their husbands while they worked

Victorian schoolgirls embroidered their hatred of stitching into their samplers

People have always been people, and it is my favourite thing

Anonymous asked:

So this is like really cheesy but i really wanna thank you for being part of why the hogans heroes fandom feels so welcoming. Like im not very active in it but every time i return it feels like sitting around a campfire and its such a wonderful feeling so like. Truly from the bottom of my heart. Thank you

You're welcome ☺️☺️. I remember when I first joined the fandom and when I came back after my ten year hiatus. I was soooo nervous, but everyone was just so gosh darn nice and encouraging. I've really tried to pass that on to others.

Cheers, Anonymous. And hopefully we'll see you around more often 😊

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