
Silver Sable Herself


The only thing standing in the way of anarchy and more anarchy.

I'm replaying all three Spider-man games because I'll be honest... I've lost the hyper fixation but I really do want to complete my Sable fanfic. I'm really sorry it's been so long. After my medical scare a few years back, the pandemic hit and just curb stomped all of my motivation. I had gone from working 25 hours a week to over 60 and it was all spent doing retail where people were screaming at me for nothing. I guess it just killed all of my energy.

When the second game came out, I really hoped that I would fall in love again and it would rekindle my love of my fanfic but it didn't. I didn't really like Spider-man 2 if I'm being honest. But it did make me want to replay the first one which still holds a place in my heart.

I hope to someday finish my fic but so much has changed, I don't know if anyone would even like it anymore. But even so, I see all of your comments and I read all your DMS asking me to finish it. I'm sorry I've ghosted this fandom for so long. Please know that I am trying. I promise.

Peter: *drunk* Sable I have a confession!
Sable: *scooping her drunk little spider into her arms* do tell.
Peter: I fucked my best friend and I kind of want to again.
Sable: *who only knows Yuri and MJ* well... Yuri's a lesbian and MJ is your ex so I don't think that's a possibility.
Peter: nooooooo. Harry.
Sable: Harry who?
Peter: Harry Osborn.
Peter: ye.
Sable: *knowing Harry is currently undergoing "treatment"*... Yeah I think your chances are slim on that one too. I think you better stick with just me.
Reporter: how do you feel about people sexualizing you on the internet?
Spider-Man: people are sexualizing me on the internet? Since when?
Reporter: since always I guess...
Reporter: WHAT?!
Spider-Man: it's cool now though. That's fine I guess. But you all better get it right. I do not dom. I don't want to see any "Dom Spider-man" on the internet.
J. Jonah Jameson: ... Jared I don't even know what to do with this information. Cancel my show. I'm done.
Peter: hey Jonah we should do our next "team building workshop" at Disneyland.

JJ: and why would we do that?

Peter: you know... Happiest place on earth and all that Jazz.

JJ: *thinking it's just because Peter's always wanted to go there and he kinda feels for the kid because he obviously can't afford it* I'll think about it.
Peter: *who thinks it would be funny because people would think JJ is dressed up as Walt Disney and will get hounded for pictures all day.* cool, thanks

First you guys complain that Peter looks too young in the first game. Now you’re upset he looks too old in the second? He looks exhausted which is realistically what Spider-man would look like all the time.

I'm sorry, people thought Peter looked young in the first one and old in the new one? For me it's opposite and I want the og back


I beat the game. I haven't slept more than 3 hours a night since the game came out. I have almost passed out at work. I'm leaving for vacation in less than 24 hours and I still have the FNAF movie to go see in like 14 hours. I am a mess. I am dead. I am... Unsure of how I feel at this moment. I am sure of one thing tho. I am so fucking tired.

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