
"Love me some pie"


Hi there! I am Lisica, I love Supernatural, Turn: Washington's Spies, Hamilton, and Bendy and the Ink Machine. As you can tell, I am a Dean girl and mainly write stories with him. I haven't tried with Sam or Castiel yet, but I would be happy to try for someone! I do not write smut, but I do write pretty much anything else.

u know someone is having a rough day when their favorite song plays and they don’t sing along

No one will understand how much this just broke my heart.

this post got 500 thousand notes bc people think it’s some profound observation but it’s actually about my mother not singing along to fergalicious in the car bc she was mad at me..

this post got over one million notes and it’s still about fergalicious


Hello everyone! It’s time for a giveaway >w< We reached 1200 followers! Which is insane we never expected to reach that much! But enough talking! Lets get to the real subject!

There will be 3 Winners in this give away.

What the winners recieve is this:

1 Ducky Bendy

3 Prints of your choice! (A5 SIZE)

Now ain’t these duckies the cutest owo?

Well here is the rules!!

You have to be a follower! Please don’t be rude and unfollow us after the giveaway that’s not really nice QWQ.

You have to reblog and like! obviously.

This ends on the 4th of July! Good luck everybody ^^

(By the way , You need your parents permission to send in your home adress!)

Heyo People! We are pushing the deadline cause Marini is away for a while QWQ . So we are pushing the deadline to the 10th of July! We are very sorry but we have to push the deadline ^^


psa to skinny people:

if a fat person refers to themself as fat do NOT jump in and say things like “nooo you’re not fat you’re beautiful!!” being fat and being beautiful are not mutually exclusive. many of us call ourselves fat casually because that’s what we are, not to get ‘compliments’. telling us we can’t be fat and beautiful at the same time only makes it harder for some people to accept and love their bodies.

god fucking help someone trying to make you feel better

even compliments have to be fucking politically correct now

When someone is fat and the only way you can think to compliment them is by telling them they aren’t fat, you arent actually complimenting them, you’re just telling them that being fat isnt beautiful, and since they are fat neither are they. Try reading the post next time.

Ways to ACTUALLY compliment your fat friends’ appearance without the weird “nooo you’re not fat” thing:

  • “That outfit/article of clothing/etc. looks amazing on you!”
  • “You look great today!”
  • “You’re so pretty/beautiful/cute/handsome.”
  • “Your smile just lights up the whole room.”
  • “You look incredible in that.”
  • “I love (article of clothing) on you, you always look so (cosy/cool/sharp/fashionable/(name of their aesthetic)).
  • “You looked so cool when you were <doing x activity>.”
  • “I love your hair/makeup/accessories today!”
  • “You’re so gorgeous.”
  • “That is SUCH a great look on you!”

Things you can say when they bring up being fat:

  • When your friend says “ugh I’ve gained so much weight lately”: “Well it looks good on you!”
  • When your friend says “ugh I’m so fat”: “Well you look incredible.”
  • When your friend says “I was so much hotter before I was fat”: “You looked great then, yeah, but your new look is also great!”
  • When they say “I hate shopping bc they don’t have enough clothes for fat people”: “They really do have a shitty size variety here" and maybe “do you wanna go somewhere else with a better selection?”
  • Don’t scold them for saying the f-word and don’t deny they have fewer choices! If u can, make group shopping trips inclusive by hitting places that have a better size variety!
  • When your friend mentions they’re fat/have gained weight but seem neutral about it, don’t fucking comfort them about it! Stop assuming ppl’s feelings abt fatness! Think of other neutral ajectives like “tall” or w/e and respond like you would to that, when u don’t have context for how they feel about it!

A few weeks ago I was complaining about how I couldn’t find Bermuda shorts and I have cellulite but it’s so hot, I can’t wear pants all summer.

And my best friend is suggesting dresses and skirts and then she says “but your cellulite is glorious and so are you. Don’t feel like you have to hide your thighs.”

It made me feel so confident and awesome and I’ve been rocking midi length shorts ever since.


“so now compliments are about the feelings of the complemented, not the complimenter?  fuckin’ SJWs!!!11!”


terrifying your own child into submission makes you an abuser.

watching your child cry and screaming at them to stop and invalidating their pain and reasons for crying makes you an abuser.

staring at your child in disgust and contempt after they displease you makes you an abuser.

threatening to your child to take away their basic resources if they don’t give you exactly what you want makes you an abuser.

forcing your child to feel ashamed for not living up to your ideals makes you an abuser.

using slurs, hateful names and insults on your own child without any regard to what it does to their mental health makes you an abuser.

forcing your child to chase impossible expectations and making them feel like they’re worthless for not achieving them makes you an abuser.

acting like your child is a burden and a waste of space and blaming their illness/disability/depression on it makes you an abuser.

behaving like your child will never amount to anything and isn’t worth any resources and nurturing makes you an abuser.

making your child feel like they’re never good enough makes you an abuser.

if your child’s heart is hurting because they know no matter what they do and how hard they try they will always be a failure in your eyes, you are an abuser.

if your child can’t look at themselves without self hatred because they had to look at themselves from your perspective and all they saw is disgust and hatred, you’re an abuser.

If your child is struggling to believe they have the right to live and to be cared and loved, if they can’t stop hearing your hateful voice putting them down and using their every action to prove they’re worthless, you’re an abuser.

If you watched your child in pain and ensured them they deserved it, you’re an abuser.

If your child can’t love themselves from how badly you hated them, you’re an abuser.

Guys, this NEEDS more reblogs.

People go through this all the time regularly, I can hardly name a family in my town whose children don’t tell me stories like the ones above.

Emotional abuse is a real problem these days and the children in those households don’t know that it’s not normal, or at least it shouldn’t be normal, until they are older. If they ever find out at all, that what they went through wasn’t right.

It is not a tool of effective parenting.

And to those children and teens who are going through this today, you are not alone. I know feels like it but you aren’t. You have to do what is best for you sometimes, if distancing yourself from your parents makes it better, do that. If talking to your best friend about it makes you feel better, please do that. This won’t last forever, you will grow up and move out and see that the world loves you.

You are beautiful and strong and I believe you can make it through this.


Hello everyone! It’s time for a giveaway >w< We reached 1200 followers! Which is insane we never expected to reach that much! But enough talking! Lets get to the real subject!

There will be 3 Winners in this give away.

What the winners recieve is this:

1 Ducky Bendy

3 Prints of your choice! (A5 SIZE)

Now ain’t these duckies the cutest owo?

Well here is the rules!!

You have to be a follower! Please don’t be rude and unfollow us after the giveaway that’s not really nice QWQ.

You have to reblog and like! obviously.

This ends on the 4th of July! Good luck everybody ^^

(By the way , You need your parents permission to send in your home adress!)


Fuck I’m at a fencing tournament and literally a minute after I reblogged this my dad told me that he talked to the point people and I’m probably going to win a medal.




I need to follow up to say I reblogged this last night, and this morning I got some of the best news of my life, like, a life dream come true news thing.

Bagel what are your powers


FUCK, I though it was just another lucky meme but LISTEN. Since a week ago I was waiting a phone call to confirm me if I got a job or not in my university. I reblogged this yesterday’s night “just for fun and because I don’t want any bagel to be mad with me”, and today’s afternoon, while I was losing my time as always, the professor I was supposed to work with called me and asked me for my personal information to start working with her.



The bagel hasn’t let me down yet!

Need me those licensing rights for my play,,, @ burn bagel bless me


please burn bagel,,, help ryan out

i want 2 see his play

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