
Certified Ryan Fucker™


If I could trade mistakes for bios..... I'd have a kick ass bio.

Brendon: How many of you are ready to dance?!?!


Me (in my head): They’re gonna play time to dance!!

Brendon: Well thats great this is a song called Camisado


I made a ryro one bc I was getting bored of the Josh Dun one as my wallpaper

Pictures not mine, I just made the collage

message me a request with a person if you want one, and I’ll do it as soon as I can :)

reblog if you use


Panic! Theory

So I don't know if you guys saw what's going on with P!ATD and there social media but they just shared some Illuminati type stuff and changed there profile pictures and twitter header. So at the points of the 3 triangles there is a Sun, a Moon, and an Eye. The eye is representative of Brendon's tattoo of Sarah's eye. The moon is of course Ryan, and the Sun is Brendon. Guys its a fucking Love Triangle!!!!


brendon urie + guitar lockscreens for anon


Ryden Theory

Alright this one is kind of a small theory, but I was thinking about it yesterday and I just about died. So you know how in Do You Know What I’m Seeing Brendon sings “I know it mad, but if I go to hell, will you come with me, or just leave?” Then in the Emperors New Clothes music video Brendon goes to hell and he is ALONE. Ryan left him that’s why he’s in hell alone. Ryan thought the direction Brendon was taking the band in was crazy. So he didn’t follow him to hell or stay in the band/relationship he left, and Brendon never got over that


Reason #168 I’m gonna fight Brendon Urie: what they said Brendon what does this mean we need answers Sent by @prettyoddcamisado


the evolution of ryden

these took wayyy longer than they should have 
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'procrastination'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
also let me know if i should post any separately
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