
The Ocean is Better Than Romance

@arotaro / arotaro.tumblr.com

Alex, she/her, 24, aro bisexual, hispanic. Jotaro Kujo themed aro vent blog & OG voidpunk. Exclusionshits will be blocked on sight.

People thinking this blog is going to be active again just because I answered a few asks this week šŸ˜­ Nah...

Tbh this blog mostly exists because at the height of The Disk Horse, it was impossible for me to so much as mention the concept of aromanticism on my main blog without getting harassed, so I made this blog to keep discussions of aromanticism mostly away from my "public" Tumblr life. That's not as big of an issue anymore and I have other things going on in my life right now, so like... I'm not planning on deleting the blog or anything but I also don't really use it, lol. I'm just some guy y'all idk why everyone thinks I'm some sort of Authority on certain matters?

Anyway I guess if you miss me for whatever reason my main blog is @greed-the-dorkalicious


I think ive heard of voidpunk before today somewhere but today was the first time i saw your blog and was like "huh maybe i should look into what that is, it sounds cool" and MAN i wasnt expecting to relate that hard!! Anyway the intense urge to make a voidpunk moodboard for one of my ocs thats a very on the nose metaphor for my own experiences of dehumanization but i dont have much free time to do that today,,, wails,,, maybe soon??




I love voidpunk but Iā€™m also curious about if there are any guidelines or rules, like what things are allowed and what things arenā€™t? /genq sorry if youā€™ve answered this before or answered something similar and I missed it Iā€™m not super pro at finding stuff šŸ˜­ also double sorry if itā€™s an offensive question to ask. Iā€™m genuinely not trying to offend you Iā€™m just trying to learn more and since Iā€™m kind of a baby queer I want to make sure the words I use fit me.


You can check the voidpunk tag on my blog, since I have talked about it before, but I'll go over some quick points:

  • There is no "requirement" for participating in voidpunk. Anyone who tells you "oh, only such-and-such group can be voidpunk" or anything along those lines is lying. HOWEVER:
  • The "punk" part of voidpunk is not there for no reason. It is tied to the punk subculture and it's best to have a general understanding of this subculture before participating in voidpunk. Also, voidpunk is specifically a reaction to dehumanization, and it's important to understand that certain people experience this more than others. People of color get dehumanized. Disabled people get dehumanized. People with personality disorders get dehumanized. Trans people get dehumanized. Aspecs get dehumanized. etc. etc. We are here to call attention to and take power away from this, not to be niceys about it. I left the voidpunk subreddit and its associated Discord server because it was full of entitled white cunts who acted like they couldn't possibly be racist because they were autistic or some shit and I was being sooooo mean and disruptive for asking them not to be blatantly racist, and I just want to make it clear that if this had been a real life social group and not an online space, I would have knocked their teeth out. Understand? That said, you don't have to be every oppressed minority ever to participate in voidpunk- you just have to be respectful and willing to listen.
  • One misconception I see very often is that voidpunk is some sort of personal identity along the lines of otherkin, etc. This is not true. Voidpunk is an aesthetic and philosophy, NOT about genuinely believing yourself to be inhuman. There certainly may be people who identify as both voidpunk and otherkin, or what have you, and that's fine! That's cool! I love those people. But they're not synonymous and should not be treated as such. You don't assume I'm really a vampire because I'm goth, right?
  • Also, the "void" part of voidpunk doesn't really mean anything. Genuinely, it was chosen because it sounds cool. I think another misconception I see sometimes is that voidpunk specifically is about like, literal voids or shadows or black holes or space or something, which is not true. It's kinda whatever. There are as many flavors of voidpunk as there are blue guys in the X-Men.

Have fun!


Ayo, is there a post about the rgb codes for the alloaro flag you made so I can make something in ms paint? Thanks


Sure. I'll give you the hex codes while I'm at it.

  • Top: #3da542 R61 G165 B66
  • Second from top: #a8d379 R168 G211 B121
  • Middle: It's just white. lol
  • Second from bottom: #fae34b R250 G227 B75
  • Bottom: #e8ba00 R232 G186 B0

Hello, I'm contacting you because I'm doing my dissertation on voidpunk-nonhuman individuals and the lived experience and the understanding of the body they have. I have a more detailed post explaining it in my newly created blog. I'm hoping people from Tumblr would be interested in participating!

I would really appreciate some help in spreading the initial participation invitation on tumblr, since I'm new and have absolutely no followers or reach. Thank you!


You're probably better off just posting in the relevant tags tbh. I do not consider myself nonhuman, and this blog is pretty inactive in case it wasn't obvious lol, so there's not really anything I can do for you. Unless you need background info on voidpunk in general and its history, in which case feel free to DM me. Good luck with your dissertation!


Hi! I just recently found voidpunk and I wanted to say thank you for putting it into words. I love how broad it is, it just feels very freeing, and it's great how there isn't really a wrong way to do it, so yea, thanks for sharing, and I hope you're doing well /gen


God maybe I should make a post explaining what voidpunk actually is at this point. Like I feel kinda bad for being all "you kids don't know what you're talking about blah blah get off my lawn" but I'm also tired of seeing the tag filled with more or less unrelated stuff lmao


Damn people still don't understand what voidpunk is huh lol

Eh, nothing in particular, itā€™s just that lately every post I see in the voidpunk tag basically treats it like Otherkin 2: So Spooky And Quirky Woah!!! which likeā€¦ Is not at all what it is lol. Nothing against otherkin/therians of course, but while the communities have some overlap sure, theyā€™re distinctly very different things and I donā€™t think a lot of people actually have any clue what voidpunk is anymore tbh

Though I'm not surprised it's misunderstood, since it spread to Reddit a while back, where all the self-proclaimed "voidpunks" will piss and cry if you tell them to stop being racist lmfao


Damn people still don't understand what voidpunk is huh lol

Eh, nothing in particular, itā€™s just that lately every post I see in the voidpunk tag basically treats it like Otherkin 2: So Spooky And Quirky Woah!!! which likeā€¦ Is not at all what it is lol. Nothing against otherkin/therians of course, but while the communities have some overlap sure, theyā€™re distinctly very different things and I donā€™t think a lot of people actually have any clue what voidpunk is anymore tbh


hey so random question i know your apart of the group that made voidpunk i was curious if i could do a fursona around it as iā€™ve been dehumanized and i think it would be a great way to say screw the people who dehumanized me. iā€™m more so curious if i could use to colors. if not thatā€™s cool! i was just curious


Sure? I'm a little confused as to where colors come into it, but like, you can do whatever you want. I've said it a lot, but nobody has to ask me permission to do anything in regards to voidpunk. Just don't be racist/ableist/homophobic/racist again/transphobic/please for the love of god I cannot emphasize enough don't be racist/etc. and you're good.


Wow not sure why that reblogged to this blog lol


How do you feel about the current state of voidpunk? What to you currently like and dislike about? Also, how far do you think voidpunk will continue to spread?


Honestly, I have no idea what the "current state of voidpunk" is. I don't really keep up with like, a community or anything. I'm just here lol


I started watching jojo recently and I'm halfway through part 3 and oh my gosh you are so right. Aro Jotaro


Literally he's such a legend. Also sorry about what's to come


Hi, I'm thinking of doing an ethnographic study on the rise of voidpunk for my class. Would that be alright?


Wym by ethnographic study? Sounds interesting but I forgot what that is lol, could I get a description of what it is you plan on doing?


Okay so I came out to my mom as aro yesterday and today she sent me a meme with the aromantic flag as the background with Shadow the Hedgehog standing in front of it with text saying ā€œcrushes are for the weakā€ like oh my god guys.


OMG I CREATED THAT MEME, shoutout to your mom very based

This is the meme for people wondering

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