
Under The Influence

@hollygopossumlovesj2 / hollygopossumlovesj2.tumblr.com

My loves are Supernatural, Dean Winchester, Jensen Ackles, Opossums, crushing on Jared Padalecki & fan fiction! MOBILE MASTER LIST Wincest/J2 Sideblog: @jensensdirtylittlesecret
Also, I have a dirty mind, so under 18 beware! Talk to me, I don't bite... hard, anyway.

must a fictional relationship be “healthy” or “functional”? is it not enough to simply watch two made up people destroy each other, hand in unlovable hand???

hey what the fuck is wrong with you people

idk, what is wrong with me? i’m in a healthy and stable relationship with a great partner, i’ve had lots of therapy that has helped me establish strong boundaries and recognize red flags, and i have an active social life and fulfilling career. could it be that i just… like to read books and watch movies and tv shows about dysfunctional people??? you tell me, tumblr user girlcreator!

You’re a bourgeois degenerate who wants to see shitty despicable & violent relationships for your disgusting sense of entertainment— and you should feel fucking ashamed of yourself.

I agree with @girlcreator but I definitely know there’s something wrong with you. People like you are a huge red flag to me. Bad vibes, for sure.

can you weirdos just smoke some fucking weed

shakespeare frantically rewriting macbeth’s marriage to be healthy and adjusted becuase no one will ever want to watch the original 

reblog if you’re a bourgeois degenerate who wants to see shitty despicable and violent relationships for your disgusting sense of entertainment (and you should feel fucking ashamed of yourself)


@spnhiatuscreations | Week 7 | Fav’ Relationship

I love this. I love the ‘you and dean chose each other’ because I chose my parents to have as my family instead of meeting someone and creating a new family. I feel like this should be addressed more. There’s more to life than meeting someone and procreating.


do you ever read fanfiction so good you wish it was a book that you could buy and put on some shelf in your bedroom and gaze at sometimes and remember how amazing that motherfucker was instead of having to squint at it on your too bright phone screen at 3 am

That’s what Lulu is for folks!!! Make your own fanfic-book! For cheap! It’s quite easy once you get the hang of it!



So easy

(even easier if you don’t bother doing personalized covers like me but I wanted it to look realistic)


Ooohhh @epicstuckyficrecs those are gorgeous! ❤️ I only got the one done so far but I’m so pleased with it and will definitey get a few more!


Modern media and technology is SO FREAKING AWESOME! 😃

Thanks for the info!

Apparently this is something I’m going to be doing now too

I’ve done this for three of my fics (Remember I Loved You, Swallow your Soul and Nothing Burns like the Cold) and it’s ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL.

I know @thepoolofthedead ’s dog ate up their edition of Swallow Your Soul too!

Yall need to be doing this!

whoa. I definitely need to look into doing this with some of my fave long fics. Maybe when I finish writing this last installment of my Wordsmith verse, I’ll even do it with that!


ok, 1) this is super cool! 2) this is Not Terribly Expensive. like $10 for a 400 page paperback book 


The only question is: where am I going to start???

I’ve always been tempted by this. What series should I do?

I’m gonna need all my fave authors to do this! Like. Right now. I need my library!!


Cast No Shadow Masterlist

Summary: A new relationship with an existing family is hard. Can they make it work?

Pairing: Jensen Ackles x reader

Other Characters: Danneel Harris, JJ Ackles, Zeppelin and Arrow Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki, Melissa Benoist. All characters are written as interpretations and are not accurate reflections of the characters true lives.

Word Count: 10,500

Warnings: Smut, fluff, angst, break ups, heartbreak

A/N: This is a fictional story. Personalities and behavior of named individuals are entirely fictional. For the purposes of this fiction, Jensen and Danneel are amicably divorced and JJ is a bit of a brat.


Part Four (14th May 2020)

Part Five (15th May 2020)

Part Six - FIN (16th May 2020)

This story is absolutely adorable with a side of lovely smut, too. Kittenofdoomage is a master and I highly recommend this series! 😍


Happy birthday @hollygopossumlovesj2​! I can’t believe I’m so lucky that I get to write this absolutely ludicrously adorable plot bunny (plot possumy?) This fic is sponsored by all-round superstar @silver9mm​ who consistently comes up with these wonderful ideas 👅 Love to you both!

“No,” Dean said. 

“You don’t even know what I’m going to ask!”

“Okay, ask.”

“Can we please keep the–”


Sam glared at him and then very deliberately put the shoebox on the war room table. “I’m keeping it.”

“You’re not.”

“It’s injured, Dean.”

“It’s got rabies, Sam.”

Sam took the lid off the shoebox and carefully peeled the towel back. His face went all soft and ridiculous as he peered inside. “It’s so sweet Dean, how could you even say that? Look at it!”

Dean looked into the shoebox. A pile of matted and muddy fur looked back at him. It made a deep hissing sound. The kind of sound a submarine might make if it was also simultaneously trying to commit murder with it’s beady little eyes.

“Oh yeah,” he said. “It just oozes adorableness. Oh no wait, that’s the maggots.”

“It doesn’t have maggots!” Sam whisked the box off the table, looking for all the world like Dean had just insulted his baby. Which. Oh no. Uh oh.

“You’re getting attached! This is why we don’t have pets! You picked it up like three minutes ago and you’re already attached!”

“I’m not attached!”

“What’s it’s name?”

Sam cradled the box in his arms. “Marigold if it’s a girl, Cyril if it’s a boy. Wouldn’t that just be so precious?”


Sam left the room with his nose in the air and the shoebox of unwanted hairball under one arm, giving off the distinct impression that Dean was the bad guy in this situation.

“WE’RE NOT KEEPING IT!” Dean yelled after him. Sam didn’t respond.

Whatever, it would probably die overnight.

(It did not die overnight.)

Sam cleaned the damn thing up, and dried it carefully, and when it was looking more like an ugly cactus than a soggy tea-cozy he announced that it was a girl, and also that it was a baby.

“No,” Dean said again, but Sam clicked the “pay now” button on his fast-track order of specialty food and blankets.

“No,” Dean said again when the thing needed feeding every four hours and Sam suggested a roster.

Somehow he got rostered on anyway. Marigold managed to scream at him the whole time, even when she was drinking.

“I hate you,” Dean told her. “You look like Cousin It got in a fight with a bobcat.”

He gave her the whole bottle then tucked her back into her warm nest.

“No,” he said when Sam announced that Marigold had progressed to solid food and Dean needed to make a run to the store.

He made a run to the store.

“No,” he said when Marigold needed to learn climbing skills and Sam asked him to make a rope course in the garage.

He made the stupid course.

“No,” he told her when she climbed on his lap to reach the biscuit he was eating. He swapped it to his other hand. Marigold put her paws on his chest and stretched up to reach it. “No,” Dean said again, more forcefully. “I don’t like you and we’re not friends and biscuits aren’t good for you.”

Sam came home thirty minutes later. Marigold was curled up in Dean’s lap, gnawing on a biscuit and looking very pleased with herself. Dean’s hand was resting over the curve of her rump, his thumb stroking her back. Sam crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

“Shut up,” Dean muttered. 

(But he didn’t stop patting.)

“No,” Dean said a month later, glaring at everything and nothing and definitely not upset or anything.

“It’s okay if you are crying.”

“I’m not.”

“I know you secretly liked her. But it’s time to say goodbye.”

“Good. I’m glad. I don’t care.”

“Okay, last chance.” Sam put Marigold’s carry-case on the ground. Marigold sniffed eagerly at the exciting outside air.

Dean stared doggedly at the horizon. 

Sam gave her a final wave. Then asked, “Do you want me to let her go without you even saying bye?”

Dean’s jaw was clenched hard. A minute passed, and then another.

“No,” he finally said. He pulled her favourite biscuit out of his pocket.

Bubbles, you have outdone yourself! Thank you so much for creating a lovely birthday surprise! It’s so very bittersweet and I love how grouchy Dean was and how he was inevitably going to get attached. 😍 Thank you for what you do with WIRES! 😘

And Silver, I’ve already screamed happily at you through messages but again, thank you so much for thinking of me and sponsering a fic about opossums and having that go to helping Australian critter kiddos too. This was a perfect birthday present! 🥰😘

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