
"We are reduced to asking others what we are, We never dare to ask ourselves."

It has been hard for me to talk about how what is going on with Israel and Palestine is affecting me personally, but I grew up in Gaza and most of my family still lives there. My father did not survive the bombings last week and I have not been able to contact my younger sister in days. I am try to being understanding that most people do not have personal connections to what is happening and therefore are justifying their silence, but is heartbreaking to see this misinformation being spread. What’s happening there is a genocide, not a war. It is not antisemitic to support Palestine, it’s not even antiemetic to criticise Israel. There is no grey area or neutrality regarding this, and it is so easy to find resources that will educate you on the subject. It is my people and my home being destroyed so I will never be silent about this, but I please urge everyone to get informed and start speaking up and finding ways they can help.

decolonizepalestine has tons of information on Palestine’s history/propaganda that has been spread throughout the years

Jewish Voice for Peace also has many resources for ways for US citizens to get involved, including protests


Ghazzah was once a thriving sea port, a center of medical knowledge, well-known for its textiles and beautiful patterns. It was a culinary wonder, and the food was well-known for the people's use of chili peppers in most of their dishes. Ghazzah was always special, not just within Palestine but within the broader region it existed at nearly the center of.

Ghazzah has since become a graveyard for children, through occupation, through Western imperialism, through their genocide of us. Through hatred and propaganda it was justified, by all of Western media, and the occupation's 'Hasbara' propaganda machine.

The people of Ghazzah and the city and its culture and its history have always been exceptional, that scared them; it scared them that they couldn't steal that from us. So they tried to tear it down. The circumstances imposed on us are not who we are.


there should be a thing like sick days but for when it’s just too nice outside . sorry can’t come in i’m busy smelling the flowers and soaking up the sun


There is no “after the revolution.” No “ideal world.” I don’t care how much progress we make, we will always fail someone, hurt someone, and the best thing we can do is accept that, and keep striving to make it better as we go.

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t say this to discourage anyone from trying to make that ideal world. Quite the opposite.

I feel like it’s very naive to continue to approach these big changes we want to make in the world as if there’s an “after it’s all over” when we don’t have to worry about it anymore.

We should always be striving to make life better, even when life seems pretty damn good.

Oh my god

I hadn’t thought to call it “rapture culture” but that’s EXACTLY what it is

“If [the Revolution] is seen as having any end, it will never truly begin.”

–Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Dispossessed”


“The end justifies the means. But what if there never is an end? All we have is means.”

-Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Lathe of Heaven”

process, there is no end, there are only
means, each one
had better justify itself.
To whom?

Diane di Prima, “Revolutionary Letter #26″


“You are a mathematician. More than that, you are a philosopher of mathematics. So then, tell me: what is the final number?”

“What is that? I 
 I don’t understand: which final number?”

“Well—the last, the highest, the biggest 

“But, I-330—that is ridiculous. The number of numbers is infinite; which final one do you want?”

“Well, which final revolution do you want then? There isn’t a final one. Revolutions are infinite. Final things are for children because infinity scares children and it is important that children sleep peacefully at night 

“But what is the point—whatever is the point in all this—for the Benefactor’s sake? What can the point be if everyone is already happy?”

“Let’s suppose 
 Well, okay then, say you’re right. Then what comes next?”

“How funny. A perfectly childish question. Tell a child something— explain it completely, to the very end, and they will always ask, without fail: What happens next? Why?”

“Children are the only brave philosophers. And brave philosophers are, inevitably, children. And that’s just it—we must always think like children with their what-happens-nexts.” 

Yevgeny Zamyatin, We (tr. Natasha Randall)


There is no “after the revolution.” No “ideal world.” I don’t care how much progress we make, we will always fail someone, hurt someone, and the best thing we can do is accept that, and keep striving to make it better as we go.

And don’t get me wrong, I don’t say this to discourage anyone from trying to make that ideal world. Quite the opposite.

I feel like it’s very naive to continue to approach these big changes we want to make in the world as if there’s an “after it’s all over” when we don’t have to worry about it anymore.

We should always be striving to make life better, even when life seems pretty damn good.

Oh my god

I hadn’t thought to call it “rapture culture” but that’s EXACTLY what it is

“If [the Revolution] is seen as having any end, it will never truly begin.”

–Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Dispossessed”


“The end justifies the means. But what if there never is an end? All we have is means.”

-Ursula K. Le Guin, “The Lathe of Heaven”

process, there is no end, there are only
means, each one
had better justify itself.
To whom?

Diane di Prima, “Revolutionary Letter #26″


“You are a mathematician. More than that, you are a philosopher of mathematics. So then, tell me: what is the final number?”

“What is that? I 
 I don’t understand: which final number?”

“Well—the last, the highest, the biggest 

“But, I-330—that is ridiculous. The number of numbers is infinite; which final one do you want?”

“Well, which final revolution do you want then? There isn’t a final one. Revolutions are infinite. Final things are for children because infinity scares children and it is important that children sleep peacefully at night 

“But what is the point—whatever is the point in all this—for the Benefactor’s sake? What can the point be if everyone is already happy?”

“Let’s suppose 
 Well, okay then, say you’re right. Then what comes next?”

“How funny. A perfectly childish question. Tell a child something— explain it completely, to the very end, and they will always ask, without fail: What happens next? Why?”

“Children are the only brave philosophers. And brave philosophers are, inevitably, children. And that’s just it—we must always think like children with their what-happens-nexts.” 

Yevgeny Zamyatin, We (tr. Natasha Randall)


“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” my side hustle is relaxing so that my body and brain can heal from by this nose-to-the-grindstone bullshit. I refuse to feel guilty for being a human with the need to relax sometimes. my side hustle is no.

whenever i hear about hustle culture i always think about this post on r/antiwork


Btw Israel let Palestinians celebrate not one (1) holiday in peace. They didn’t grant Christian Palestinians access to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, they actively attacked families who were already starving at Iftar during Ramadan, and now there are several reports of families being killed on Eid al-Fitr—a sacred multi-day holiday practiced by lots of Arabs. It breaks my heart imagining the Palestinian families in Gaza right now, most of whom are spending Eid mourning loved ones who were taken by Israeli strikes. Most of us will never understand the sheer magnitude of that pain.

I’m being completely serious when I say I can’t think of anything more dehumanizing than deliberately terrorizing Palestinians on their sacred holidays. It’s saying their culture is not worthy of being practiced with safety and security, it’s saying that they as human beings are not deserving of the luxury of culture and safety, it’s saying that they can do this over and over and get away with it because Arabs are invalids to the average person not directly affected by this. It should make you incredibly angry that every holiday so far has been grounds for a heightened volume of war crimes from Israel. It’s making me incredibly angry just typing this. Palestinians deserve better.

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