

@irisinally / irisinally.tumblr.com

Obsessed with Dgm | There are a lot of fandoms mixed in here, but right now it's mostly dgm, one piece, pjo and probably others | Pronouns: She/her | Probably INFP | Fanfic writer with too many ideas | Space nerd

I’m just so fucking pissed off man if they can surgically airstrike international volunteer food workers three consecutive times to ensure their operation is wiped out completely what the fuck is left for anyone to say

kill one group of aid workers with explicit intent so that all other potential or currently operating aid organizations pull out of the region to ensure gaza starves with no one willing to risk helping her people. deep sickness




where’s the body of christ?


reminder to worldbuilders: don't get caught up in things that aren't important to the story you're writing, like plot and characters! instead, try to focus on what readers actually care about: detailed plate tectonics

@dragonpyre any chance you could elaborate on this


I grew up learning about land formations. Seeing fictional maps that don’t follow the logic and science of them makes me upset

What are the most common sins you’ve seen relating to this? I wanna know


Why is the mountain range square. How did the mountain range form. Why is there one singular volcano in the center. Why does it act like a composite volcano but have magma that acts like it’s from a shield. If it’s hotspot based volcanic activity why is there only one volcano.

And then the misty mountains!!!! Why isn’t there a rain shadow!! And why is there a FOREST where the rain shadow should be!!!!!!!!

So what is a rain shadow?

Wind blows clouds in from the sea, but mountains are so tall the clouds can't get past 'em, so you get deserts on the windward side of mountain ranges because clouds can't get there to water the land, or do so only very rarely.

Oh yeah nothing is more annoying than fantasy maps that can't get mountains, rivers and rain shadows right.


May I recommend my new favorite tool: Mapgen4. You start with a random seed and then add mountains, valleys, shallow water, or oceans as you like. You can adjust the wind direction to make wind shadows off the mountains fall where you want. You can adjust overall raininess to make the rivers larger or smaller, or have more or fewer tributaries. It works best for small, isolated landmasses (think islands more than continents) but as there’s no scale bar and it’s all slightly abstracted anyway you can do whatever you want with it. I’ve only just started playing with it but it’s SO FUN.


tumblr has an AI toggle you should turn on to prevent your work being shared with training models/etc! it's under settings & visibility.

you have to do this with every single side blog btw. just doing this to your main is not enough.


Prevent third-party sharing

This option will prevent your blog's content, even when reblogged, from being shared with our licensed network of content and research partners, including those that train AI models.

In the app:

- Tap your account settings (the little human), and select the blog (if not already selected) in the top, left-hand corner of the screen.

- Tap the gear icon, select "Visibility," and turn on the "Prevent third-party sharing for [your blog name]" switch.

On the web:

Visit your blog settings.

- In the "Visibility" section, turn on the "Prevent third-party sharing for [your blog name]" switch.

- If you've already chosen to discourage searching of your blog, we've automatically enabled the "Prevent third-party sharing" option.


the end result will be beneficial regardless of what happens now, because there's basically 3 options at this point:

-either it habsburgs itself into oblivion and that's the end of it

-they'll have to be way more careful with input which will drastically reduce the things they can do and also make it easier to check what exactly is going in (basically crippling the thing)

-they'd have to find built-in methods to make the generated images distinguishable from the original ones to avoid inbreeding, but this would of course mean *anyone* would be able to use these methods and therefore generated images would become much easier to spot

it's dying either way!!!

yes!!! death to ai art!!!!!!!


reblog to kill machine learning images being passed off as art faster

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