
Dragon Age Inquisition Party Banter

@dai-banter / dai-banter.tumblr.com

An archive of the silly things our best friends say when we're all having a fun time in Thedas! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

“elfy hurt too much”

Trying something a little different, folks. What I have for you today is some rare dialogue that I found by digging through the game file with a mod maker program. In order to see this dialogue, you have to be a female Lavellan, romance Sera, and break up with her after “What Pride Had Wrought” over your differing religious views.

When you speak to her at the Winter Palace in Trespasser, after you visit the Ruins the first time, you can have the following conversation:

Inquisitor: When you start talking about elves, it’s hard to tell if it’s about them or about you.
Sera: Ugh. And when you do that, I don’t know if we’re talking about what we’re talking about, or if we’re talking about Mythal. Again.
Yes, I was a bit shit. No, it wasn’t fun. Yes, we maybe could have compromised. No, it isn’t about elfy stuff now.
Inquisitor: Now you think you could compromise? You drew a hard line at the time.
Sera: Well, now I could slap your arse and say, “That’s very interesting.” But back then, “elfy” hurt too much. Because I was never the right kind.
It would have been bad, anyway. It’s like Giselle, patting heads but moving the Maker higher. Saying one thing but meaning another.
We were grand but kind of broken. So we stopped. And maybe that’s good? To be stupidly true, even if it ends things?
Inquisitor: A shame it ended like it did.
Sera: It really is. We’re alike on that.
So…friends? Because everything seems like it’s ending, and maybe it’s been too long to sit on this much growly?
Inquisitor: I think so too, Sera. Time to let it go.
Sera: If you’ve no plans later, do you think we could survive a drink for every time things were stupid?
Inquisitor: (Chuckles.) Unlikely.
Iron Bull: I'm just saying, Dorian, you carry around this picture of the Qunari in your mind.
Iron Bull: Like you see us as this forbidden, terrible thing, and you're inclined to do the forbidden.
Dorian: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Iron Bull: All I'm saying is, you ever want to explore that, my door's always open.
Dorian: You are impossible. This is...(growls).
Iron Bull: Good. I like that energy. Stoke those fires, big guy.

about the party banter that's supposed to trigger when you enter the Eluvian for the last time: it's easy to miss bc it seems to be bugged and randomly not trigger at all (it didn't for me). Saving before u enter and then evtl. reloading should help



I heard this from a couple other people too, so I’ll just post this for others who have the same problem!


I was just wondering, when does Dorian (or any of them) say that thing about it having been an honor to fight and he knew you'd break his heart? I finished Trespasser with a romanced Dorian and can't recall him saying that D;


All the posts I’ve tagged with “Finale” are variations on the conversation that triggers after you walk through the Winter Palace eluvian for the last time, ie, right before you head to the Darvaarad.  It’s one of those conversations that you can easy walk out of on accident, so you may have missed it!  Also the “it’s been an honor” line is optional.  It’s the top dialogue option at that point in the conversation.


That’s it!

I’m all through, folks. Huge thanks to everyone who ever sent me a nice message or left a sweet comment in the tags. I don’t know what the future of this blog is (apart from some organizational type things) but hey, I’m open to ideas. For now, I’ve run out of nonsense to post, so I’ll have to stop posting it.

It’s been a pleasure.  ✨❤👋

Sera: So what's this about your hand getting worse? It isn't, though, right?
Sera: I mean, Leliana isn't always right. She can't be. Please?
Inquisitor: Whatever happens, I wouldn't trade the years we've had together for anything.
Inquisitor: I love you.
Sera: Fucking words. We do, and we fight until...(breathes) I love you, and I get to keep something. You hear?
Inquisitor: We all knew this was probably our last time out together. Let's make it a good one.
Dorian: Enjoy me while you can. I expect you'll all miss me terribly later.
Iron Bull: It's been an honor to kick asses beside you all. Anaan.
Iron Bull: Red told us what happened with your hand.
Iron Bull: So this is it, huh?
Inquisitor: Whatever happens, I wouldn't trade the years we've had together for anything.
Inquisitor: I love you.
Iron Bull: Love you, too, kadan.
Inquisitor: No matter what happens, it has been my honor to fight beside each of you.
Vivienne: Let us show all who would cross the Inquisition the price of their mistake.
Cassandra: Thank you...all of you.
Dorian: Leliana told us about your little pyrotechnic display during your last chat.
Dorian: Why didn't you say something? I could have...I don't know, something!
Inquisitor: Whatever happens, I wouldn't trade the years we've had together for anything.
Inquisitor: I love you.
Dorian: I knew you would break my heart, you bloody bastard.
Inquisitor: No matter what happens, it has been my honor to fight beside each of you.
Thom: One more fight, then. Let's finish this.
Cassandra: Thank you...all of you.
Cassandra: Leliana told us what happened with your hand.
Cassandra: There must be something we can do.
Inquisitor: Whatever happens, I wouldn't trade the years we've had together for anything.
Inquisitor: I love you.
Cassandra: And I you. Always and forever, my love.
Inquisitor: We all knew this was probably our last time out together. Let's make it a good one.
Vivienne: Let us show all who would cross the Inquisition the price of their mistake.
Varric: All right, Bianca. Let's show all the tall people how it's done, one last time.
Thom: Leliana told us what happened with your hand.
Thom: Don't tell me I'm going to lose you.
Inquisitor: Whatever happens, I wouldn't trade the years we've had together for anything.
Inquisitor: I love you.
Thom: This isn't over...but I love you, too.
Inquisitor: All that matters now is stopping the Qunari. The rest, we worry about later.
Sera: Right. Last time to be legend. (laughs) Try to keep up.
Cole: We helped. All of us. I won't forget.
Thom: You know, when I traveled alone, I'd fight bandits, some drunk chevaliers—nothing out of the ordinary.
Thom: Back with the Inquisition, and a moment later we're battling secret Qunari assassins in a dream-library.
Cassandra: It has certainly been memorable.
Dorian: Any regrets, Rainer?
Thom: I wouldn't have missed this for anything.
Sera: Aww. Back at you, Beardy. We’re the best in the worst place ever.
Cassandra: Demons, dragons, and even darkspawn. Now Qunari. I wonder if we will ever run out of things to fight.
Thom: Wouldn't mind darkspawn. At least with them, you know where you stand.
Sera: Dragons were the best. Well, until Qunari women were everywhere. All...like they are. (giggles)
Cassandra: You are aware they're trying to kill us. Don't be distracted.
Sera: Just saying, fighting's better with candy.
(or, if the Inquisitor is in a relationship with Sera)
Sera: They're still dying. I've got better at home.
Vivienne: Look at all of this! What a pity.
Inquisitor: You mean the library or the books?
Vivienne: Actually, I meant the elves. To build an entire empire on the foundation of magic...
Inquisitor: They couldn't have known that the magic would one day dry up.
Vivienne: The elves trusted completely that the world as it was would never change. This rubble is the legacy of that trust.
Vivienne: Empires fall and regimes change, Inquisitor. Do make sure you're still standing when the dust clears.
(or, if Vivienne and the Inquisitor are not friends) Vivienne: Better to trust in nothing.
Dorian: Look at this place. Now that we have so many samples...how hard would it be to build eluvians of our own?
Varric: I knew this apostate in Kirkwall you would've gotten along with like a house on fire.
Cole: Mirrors to places, that mirror what you've seen in those places.
Dorian: Is that approval? Hard to tell with you.
Cole: You want to bring some good, a piece of the past that aches to think it's lost.
Dorian: After these past few years, it would just be good to create something magical that is also helpful for a change.
Vivienne: Or make a fruitless chase for Tevinter's lost glory?
Dorian: Come, now. We could visit each other on a whim! Think how much fun life would be if I were always a step away!
Vivienne: My dear lord Pavus, the mind practically reels.
Cassandra: Is that wise?
Dorian: If I get round to it, I'll send you an eluvian, Cassandra. Striking women can never be flattered by too many reflections.
Cassandra: (laughs) If you get around to it, shall I be forced to accept?
Dorian: If they're going to stuff me into politics, I've got to have some fun on the side.
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