
Ultra Faggot


I shouldn't be allowed to live, I'm in like 60+ fandoms, I've seen every episode of supernatural, Sherlock, and Doctor who, Charlie and Matteuez are my OTP, gay atheist, prepare to be offended, fanfictoin addict

honestly “i’ll do whatever you want” “then perish” is the single most powerful exchange possible in the english language and it’s from some bizarre “hewwo” obama rp

And there was that other post where someone dreamt that Obama said “violence for violence is the rule of beasts” like what is it about Obama that makes people come up with such raw fucking dialogue for him

my mother had a dream where he lived in the forest and she had a cigarette with him and he said “to become god is the loneliest achievement of them all” and put it out and walked into the mist and i’ve never fucking forgotten that

I’m an ex Muslim, who lives in a Muslim country, in a strict Muslim family. And let me tell you, ISLAM IS BULLSHIT, most Muslims who defend it are just brainwashed helpless people from birth, from birth they’re told what to say and what to think, they really believe it’s the right way of living and I’m sick of it I believe Islam set back my country a 100 years ago And all my Muslim friends who actually did research Islam and tried understanding it became atheists, just like me. I was like that before, defending Islam online, telling foreigners we Muslims are good and that Islam isn’t abusive towards women. But once I researched it well to find better arguments to defend it, I just kept finding out how stupid, twisted and misogynistic it really is. It’s against human rights. And I realized that when I ask my Muslim parents why we do or believe certain stuff, they really don’t know. They just do it because their god said so or their parents told them to do so to make god happy.

(via mahamara)


“ok but if it turns out Moon and Toffee are actually related I will fliP MULTIPLE TABLES like I WROTE THIS SHIPPY FANFICTION FOR NOTHING??” - anonymous

It's confirmed that their related


Barman: There’s a woman with a gun who’s looking for “That idiot detective.”

Sherlock and John: Ah, ah! Someone is in trouble!

Barman: She’s a brunette in a lab coat…

Sherlock: Oh shit, it’s Molly! I’m the one in trouble!


i love broadway reprises because the plot can go from “oh no on monday my friends will be gossiping to the entire school” to “i just faked my own suicide and now I have to stop a school bombing”


Auditioning for Heathers

Director: So which character will you be auditioning for?
Me: All of them.
Director: Pardon?
Me: A L L O F T H E M

Superhero Shows as High School Stereotypes

My brother and I loveeee superheroes and all the shows that have been put out recently so we decided to compile a list of what high school stereotypes they would be if they were personified. (I like the motif my brother had for the extra kids but I added alternative names if you guys think it got a repetitive) 

Smallville - The Star Quarterback Supergirl - The Preppy Cheerleader Gotham - The School Shooter Arrow - The Moody Emo Teenager The Flash - The Science Nerd Legends of Tomorrow - Extra™ Kids/Theatre Geeks The Defenders - The Other Extra™ Kids/Gang Kids Daredevil - That One Blind Kid Jessica Jones - The One Who Gets Held Back 4 Times For Senior Year and Is More Adult Than The Rest Iron Fist - The Rich Kid Luke Cage - The Try Hard Agents of Shield - The Final Group of Extras™/Track Team Legion - The Crazy Kid

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