
Art and stuffs.

@maneatingbunnies / maneatingbunnies.tumblr.com

Hello people! Welcome the the awesome blog of the kingdom hearts fanatic: Maneatingbunnies. And this Canadian is currently obsessed with Kingdom Hearts and FInal Fantasy. I mostly draw Kingdom Hearts fanart

whoever keeps putting the cheshire cat on disney villains merchandise….. damn you. damn you, to hell. i hate you. he is NOT a villain. heis fucking. just a weird little stupid creature. fuck you. FROLLO deserves that spot. FROLLO . this is a warning. re evaluate. or die. this post was made by Catholic gang


so i was talking to my grandmother about old-school video games and she was all “y'know there was one game i used to play, and it had like a maze, and it was underground, and there was a guy in first person and he had a weapon” so knowing her penchant for puzzle games, i started guessing like myst, or legend of grimrock so we start hunting through these 90’s-era games featuring dungeon crawls. turns out. it was not a puzzle game. it was nothing close to a puzzle game. apparently, in the mid-90s, my grandmother would sit down and play fucking Wolfenstein 3D and listen to AC/DC for like hours on end.


Au contraire, the puzzle was “how to kill Nazis” and the answer was “use gun”


Which one is your favorite? Mine is coconut milk! 🥥

Ah yes, cashew milk is definitely cruelty free

Almond milk also kills a ton of bees. Over 50 million bees (that’s more than one-third of bee commercial colonies) have died in 2018-19 winter in the US due to pollinating almonds. The bees can’t keep up and the almond industry in the US would collapse without bees.

Thank you for pointing this out! A lot of vegan food is actually more detrimental to the environment as a whole, disrupting food webs and harming the ecosystem.


Vegan food is NOT cruelty free. 

Also, on the front of veganuary, y'all are hurting farmers. On my farm, the cows are down £400 each. That’s a third of the price PER COW gone because of a trend.


People in notes adding “but what about all the land the animals take up??“ Like… Free range. Eat animals that live free range. You know, like hunting? Like hunting all the damn deer and boars that are destroying the environment right now??

Even besides that, it’s better to keep cows *humanely* in a pasture than grow a crop. A pasture lets native plants and animals thrive. Rows and rows of the exact same fucking food plant, on land that is intensively tilled and covered in pesticides (which organic plants need much more of) does NOT. Guess what one of the major things killing bees and other pollinators is?

So. You want some bees left alive to fertilize your crops in the first place? Keep cattle. Or better yet, if you live in the US and REALLY want to save the environment, help bring back bison. http://theconversation.com/bison-are-back-and-that-benefits-many-other-species-on-the-great-plains-107588

I just want to note that while you’re absolutely right that crops can’t provide an environment for native plants and animals, a pasture doesn’t, either. Because cows and sheep absolutely mow that shit down. Anyone who’s ever been to the country can tell you this.

So like, sure, some insects are fine. But pollinators? Yeah, no.

Overall tho everything in this thread is pretty correct, to my knowledge.

I actually grew up up in the country in a state that is almost entirely farmland. Specifically, cows and sheep mow grass down. Not trees, not bushes, not thickets, not a lot of other plants. They’re grazers, not foragers like goats. How homogeneous you keep your pastures affects how much they get mowed down. I grew up where pastures had lots of trees, brambles, and ditches, so despite living in a state that was historically largely prairie, there were still plenty of plants the cows didn’t touch.

Even if they *did* eat all the grass, though, that would still be a lot damn better than crops! Non-domesticated plants have much more extensive roots systems, which means they help anchor the soil in place, and help water penetrate further. This means a bad flood won’t result in landslides, or otherwise tons of topsoil getting washed away.

The fact that you wouldn’t be using pesticides is no small matter, either. That alone is going to save not only countless native species, but help the health of the people who live there, too. You really don’t want to be drinking water that pesticides and fertilizers have gotten into.

Maintaining, harvesting, and processing a crop also takes a lot of work. (To say nothing of plants that have to be pollinated by hand…) Animals largely take care of themselves, and most of the processing is done by the consumer–so, no slave labor!

Because you don’t need a special environment/growing season to keep most domestic animals, unlike plants, this also means we don’t need to destroy the land of other countries and keep making banana republics.

I cannot emphasize the importance of trees enough. Even if the only other thing you have growing in that pasture is mowed-down grass, you’re fine if you’ve got trees, because if you get enough of them together, trees control the damn weather. As in, the water they absorb from the soil (which is, again, penetrating the soil much deeper because of all the grass roots!) gets evaporated into the atmosphere and becomes clouds, keeping the air nice and cool and moist so everything doesn’t turn to desert. Fresh air is also a bonus.

And remember what we were saying about pollinators? The adult pollinator may drink the nectar from one plant, but it’s usually a totally different plant that it’s going to be eating and living on for the majority of its lifespan as a larva. Many caterpillars live on trees. For bees and wasps, trees are essential places to build their nests. Beetles are overlooked, but also essential pollinators, and their grubs often live in the soil and feed off roots. Many gnats, midges, and even regular flies are also pollinators, so even maggots growing in cow pies will grow into crucial pollinators!!!

Let’s not forget the vertebrates, either! Most birds need trees to nest in, obviously. Many mammals and ground birds want trees and burrows in pasture to live in. Even small streams and ponds will form places for turtles, amphibians, ducks, geese, and catfish (they can crawl on land to find new bodies of water, which is why they’re all over the Midwest)! And we can’t forget the aquatic insects, either! And, even if you have absolutely nothing *but* mowed grass in the pasture, that’s still providing a place for tons of insects, which are foundational to the food chain. Grasshoppers, crickets, bugs, and beetles can all live on just grass, and are just big, fat packets of protein!

There’s also the fact that even having *one* pasture like this creates a reliable base for these species, and having a safehaven is a huge step in helping them reestablish in other places. Even if they lose one habitat, they have another to fall back on.

So, yeah. Pastures are pretty damn good places for native wildlife to get their bearings.


The fact that trees make more clouds and more rain might be one of the most important yet under emphasized facts in the *world *. A lot of people don’t even know it and never heard it. People think rainforest just grows where it’s already a rainy climate rather than the two actually sustaining one another.




Not to be dramatic but I would rather watch those 5 minutes of redeemed Ben Solo on loop for 2.5 hours than the rest of 'The Rise of Skywalker'

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