

@alt--h / blog.alt-h.net

The former official tumblr of alt-h.net - a group dedicated to increasing awareness and acceptance of alterhuman people.It remains here as an archive; you're still more than welcome to join us on our Discord or forum!

Hey all.

It's been a little under three weeks since we launched the #WolfGetsReal campaign. And after many varied responses to it, we had some reflecting to do. Thank you to everyone who responded with constructive feedback, whether in support or criticism. Every piece of good faith feedback was taken on board and heard, and helped inform our response here. These are the conclusions we've come to.

I think one of our biggest takeaways is that social media is not something our team is equipped to manage. In an environment where saying or not saying the right thing in the right way can get your whole message mis-read, and where companies profit from anger driving engagement with their platforms, none of our team members are equipped to handle that work. We have tried in the past to bring on specific social media management, but it hasn't worked out so far. Which leads us to the next point:

We're just not a big enough team with enough energy to keep up with what we've built up for ourselves. We had bigger visions, but quite frankly they just haven't practically worked out. Our skeleton crew of 6 disabled systems/people, all with busy lives, is not big enough to keep up with what we used to. We try recruiting new volunteers, but have yet to see many applicants when we do.

We also can't help but feel like there's a number of bad faith critics who responded to us not with constructive criticism, but attacks. This is part of a bigger problem of only ever recieving feedback as a group when we do something "wrong," but never getting engagement on the projects we do start that people share and seem to like -- and even ask for. One criticism asked why we don't do writing or discussion prompts like the 30 Day Otherkin Challenge, and I think people forget that we once did this. Years ago, we tried doing this and almost never got engagement. It ended up being more stress and effort to run than it was worth, because absolutely nobody participated. Similarly, our Wikipedia editing initiative was outright mocked for "failing" when ... that relies on y'all. If it failed (and it did not) then it would be because the community did not respond to the call.

We did get helpful feedback during this, the first of which was an anonymous modmail message letting us know more about why there were suddenly issues around zoophiles being brought up on one of our staff member's posts (that was not made as a whole staff response). Once it was explained that a handful of animal abusers were particularly vocal in some communities we weren't really aware of, we responded quickly on Twitter. I think the criticism of us being suspicious in not having spoken up yet was levied at us in bad faith, when it had never been asked of us before now. When it has come up in the past on our server, we have addressed it the same way. For instance:

We were also told that perhaps if we aren't on social media enough to manage it, don't do a hashtag campaign. And you know what? Fair! Lesson learned. We could sit here dissecting all the things we did right and wrong with this (and have in the staff room), but frankly with this being our main lesson I don't think it would be productive to future projects. The one thing we acknowledge is that we could have collected more public feedback for longer on how to do this. Some of us wanted to push this in part because we have a history of dragging things on unnecessarily long by asking for too much feedback, so we overshot. Oops. We will adjust.

But what we plan to do from here will first and foremost be looking for a platform off Tumblr. Our general ability to handle managing a social media presence aside, Tumblr has been a uniquely toxic environment for us. We'll be keeping our Twitter for the purposes of networking and announcements only. Where we'll go is uncertain, though our Discord, forums, and website will all remain right where they are.

We're also dissolving the LTD. It's been $200/yr almost entirely out of staff pocket for various business expenses, and it's giving us a corporate feeling that we don't really want and might be holding us back at this point. This will involve shutting down the patreon as well - the remaining $40ish in the account will go toward site hosting until it runs out. Along with this, we will be narrowing and re-focusing our scope to work on pamphlets and very ground-floor advocacy work like we were initially. The Wikipedia editing initiative will also continue as usual.

This has been stressful for us. It's also been a big learning experience. Ultimately, we feel pretty confident that we'll do better things going forward (and do better by our own mental health at that). If you'd like to continue to follow along with what we're doing, and you haven't already, do consider joining the Discord or the forum. That's also where you can go if you've got feedback about this post - we won't be responding to things on Tumblr. You don't have to have been verified on the server to use the modmail, if you'd like. You can also reach out to us by email at staff@alt-h.net

~ Aster (The Flock)


so. Wolf is, obviously, incredibly irresponsible in its message. but i think it’s important to turn attention to the other group spreading harmful rhetoric about us in all this too: the journalists reviewing it. bc while the movie is bombing, these people are putting their opinion that our existence is disordered or insulting to transgender people in front of a lot more heads.

i’ve collected what i think are the most egregious examples, and i encourage you to pick one or two of them and leave a comment on the article explaining that people with species dysphoria exist and are affected by this too:

i picked these ones because they seemed the most explicitly derisive plus they seem to have the biggest reach, but there are plenty more examples on the rotten tomatoes page which you could also turn your attention to.

i also want to emphasise being respectful in your response. address their points instead of firing off a pre-written message. validate the impact this has on orthohuman transgender people, because it is there, even if it’s secondary. don’t blame them for not knowing about this. the point is to build solidarity - most of them are already outraged that it unjustly portrays someone, and it’s simply a matter of notifying them that we are that someone too.



as an extranth, i don’t have to imagine a world where my alterhumanity is seen as a disorder. the treatment in Wolf has been compared to conversion therapy, and justifiably so! but i also wanted to point out the clear similarities to the mistreatment of plurals - we get it, and we should be building mutual support and understanding here.

medical abuse of transgender people is still unacceptably rampant. that said, these days, the prevailing medical opinion is that transition is the solution to gender dysphoria, and standards of care are about helping you get that. the prevailing medical opinion about plurality is that it needs to be eliminated, the standard of care is integration. this reality is much closer to that of Wolf’s. the clinic is depicted as unusually cruel, but ultimately in line with what doctors think about species dysphoria in that universe: it has to be ‘cured’.

i don’t have a big essay to write, i’m not that kinda guy, but i wanted to point this out to highlight that we’re all on the same team, here. singlet otherkin: be aware that this story is already truth for many of your fellow alterhumans. consider what you can learn from the plural self advocacy movement to prepare you for doing the same in the future. plurals: we know what this feels like. we should be supporting and advocating for nonhuman identity as much as we do ourselves.




In the movie Wolf (2021), writer/director Nathalie Biancheri imagines a world where people with species dysphoria are "cured" of their nonhuman identity and feral behaviors (such as knuckle-walking naked in the woods) through forced confinenent and barbaric therapeutic practices.

The majority of Wolf's runtime focuses on a inpatient facility for nonhumans (distastefully) called "the zoo", run by an abusive psychologist known as "the zookeeper". The "zookeeper" is an antagonist, but his brutal and coercive therapeutic practices "cure" nonhumans of their nonhumanity within the narrative of the film, glorifying abuse of nonhumans and mental illness patients.

As a nonhuman pluran who has been involuntarily institutionalized, Wolf horrifies me. Abuse is a rampant and regular part of real world mental health systems that should not be portrayed as comic, novel, or "successful". Nonhumans are a vulnerable group in psychiatric settings.

Wolf is harmful to nonhumans and anyone else at heightened risk of psychiatric abuse, particularly plurals and trans folx. This fetishistic and stigmatizing sensationalist clusterfuck should be condemned.


i said it on twitter and i’ll say it again here: the fact that anyone in the alterhuman community thinks Wolf is a sympathetic depiction fucking baffles me.

a sympathetic writer would not admit to seeing researching us as a chore or the need to depict us realistically as a burden. a sympathetic writer would not spend half the fucking movie on drawn out scenes of people like us being abused and tortured and mocked.

what purpose does that serve? not ours. people with species dysphoria are nothing but a prop to Nathalie Biancheri by her own admission and if you want to outright attack people for criticizing it just because it’s the first movie that’s focused on species dysphoria by name then like, seriously? genuinely, you ought to respect yourself more. because you deserve better than this too.

‘any representation’ is not good representation. we don’t have to settle for this shit.


I posted this on twitter too, but I feel as if it goes here as well. Why am I posting this? The film Wolf, that’s why.

Our identities as species dysphoric people are not “comical”. We’re not here to be mocked, we’re not here to be gawked at, we’re here to exist. I’m disgusted, and the amount of negativity this film will generate for the nonhuman community terrifies me.

We’re a DID system of mostly nonhumans, and some of us identify as otherkin or alterhuman in some other way. This film will affect all nonhumans, in systems or not, and seeing as we already are very alienated from our peers due to our identities, this isn’t good.

Species dysphoria affects many in the alterhuman community, including us. It’s not making a mockery of trans people–we’re trans ourselves. It’s not something funny or something to lock someone up for. It’s not something to gawk at. It’s an experience. A real experience.

Anonymous asked:

Can I have your email address? I have thoughts about Wolf, but I don’t have a tumblr account.

absolutely! you can reach us at staff@alt-h.net (and that goes for anyone else reading this, too)



I crawled out of my hole because Wolf scared me

The director and filmmaker both admitted point-blank to looking at otherkin, thinking about species dysphoria, purposefully doing no research, and purposefully envisioning a future where conversion therapy prisons are the norm for people with species dysphoria. 

This is not an exaggeration. This is real. Someone actually looked at us and decided this was the reality they wanted, and they didn’t wanna base it in actual reality at all. 

Please don’t let people think this movie is an allegory for transgender people or gender dysphoria. It literally by admission is not. And while trans people are obviously impacted, we need to start admitting that there are other very real people that this is literally – not allegorically – about forcing through conversion “therapy.” 

They made a movie about conversion therapy prison for species dysphoric people. 

As a pluran, I can say it is the equivalent of Split for species dysphoria.

Please tell people species dysphoria is real and people with it are going to be harmed by this being one of our first major pieces of “representation.”

Not all representation is good. This isn’t representation when they literally admitted to not researching real species dysphoria at all.


Current community initiatives

If you want to help us advocate for alterhuman awareness and acceptance, try getting involved with one of these!

#AHWikiProject - Help us improve alterhuman representation on Wikipedia by contributing to and creating articles on alterhuman topics.

#WolfGetsReal - Lend your voice to the conversation surrounding Nathalie Biancheri‘s Wolf, a movie whose protagonist is committed to a mental asylum for species dysphoria.


Community initiative: #WolfGetsReal

On the 3rd of December, Wolf was released – a movie which features a protagonist with species dysphoria being committed to a mental asylum. It’s been getting bad reviews, but many critics mention one idea in particular: that this is a metaphor for mental illness or gender identity.

[image ID: snippets of reviews criticising Wolf as ‘social commentary’.]

The thing is, the director has explicitly stated that Wolf is inspired by real people with species dysphoria. She states nonhuman identity has an ‘obviously comical side to it’ and is a ‘growing syndrome’. She also confesses to deliberately not researching the subject.

Non-alterhuman transgender people are affected by the film’s messages too. But it’s critical to understand that we are the people this movie is about. We deserve to be seen as more than a metaphor for transgender issues – especially when so many of us are transgender ourselves. We also deserve to be seen as people capable of living happy lives, not pathologized for our experiences.

We're calling for society to recognize that people with species dysphoria are not an allegory. We're real, and we’re affected by these representations.

And you can help us make that happen. If you're a person with species dysphoria or an ally, we’re asking you to join us in sharing your feelings about the movie using the hashtag #WolfGetsReal. We’re interested in:

  • Opinions on the movie, its production, or the critical response to it
  • How species dysphoria affects you and how other people have treated you for it
  • Experiences with the mental health system and hospitalization as a nonhuman
  • How your species identity and gender identity intersect, if relevant
  • Anything else you think people need to see and know about!

We’ll be boosting and promoting content that uses the tag #WolfGetsReal anywhere we can. Anything from a full blown video essay to a single tweet is welcome. If you’ve got stuff to say but you’re nervous about putting yourself out there? Send us an ask, email us, or come discuss it on the discord or forum, and we’ll publish it on your behalf.

You can also help by:

  • Sharing your perspective in conversations about the movie in your social spaces
  • Leaving reviews for the movie on Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and other review sites
  • Leaving comments on articles reviewing the movie (or even directly contact the journalists writing them!)

For better or for worse, nonhuman identity is entering public awareness. Other recent films like Wild Mountain Thyme show that this is not a fluke, but the beginning of a potential trend. But if we stand together and speak out, we can prevent these careless depictions and incredulous critical responses. It all starts with raising our voices and taking the narrative into our own hands.

Let’s get real.


Alt.horror.werewolves was created in November, and a year later the first therian ‘howl’ was organized. Therians came together in a physical space “…to socialize, get to know one another, howl at the moon, leap over raging bonfires, and to generally share the camraderie that exists amongst members of the cyberpack”. It was made to coincide with the night of the full moon, and so has every Therian Day since!

What are you doing to celebrate your animal side today? Whatever it is, Alt+H hopes you have a great time!


Community initiative: Bring alterhumanity to Wikipedia!

Wikipedia is the single most consulted source of information on the internet. But have you looked at its article on otherkin? What do you think about it? Do you think it could be better? What about all the other alterhuman topics which don’t have articles at all?

We want you to help us improve the representation of alterhuman topics on Wikipedia, and therefore to the public in general.

And we’ve set up this project to do just that. By working together, we can:

  •  educate each other on how to make factual and useful edits to Wikipedia that won’t be removed, and back each other up when edits are challenged
  • pool our research resources, using different people’s memory of alterhuman history and access to material to build good sources
  • decide as a community which articles are worth our attention, what information is relevant, and how to write in ways that represent us fairly
  • combat the systemic bias that’s inherent to Wikipedia’s structure

How can you help?

We wrote this guide to give you an introduction to how Wikipedia operates, different tasks you can do, and how to do them.

Once you think you understand how it all works, check out the list of articles we’re keeping an eye on and the project trello for specific things to do.

Then you can head to the #alth-projects channel in our Discord server or the project’s thread on the forum to let us know what you’ve accomplished! You can also suggest things to add to the to-do lists, get help with specific tasks, and just generally ask any questions or make any comments you might have.

You can also use the #AHWikiProject hashtag on social media to talk about this, share progress, tips, questions, and anything else!

We hope you’ll join us in making the internet’s favourite reference site a better ambassador for alterhumans!


we’re looking for community mods!

we’d like to get some more people on board to help us manage both the Discord server and the forum. we are looking for:

  • people who are (bodily) 18 years or older. Alt+H is legally incorporated, so we have certain legal responsibilities to volunteers. managing that is simpler when we don’t have to contend with child volunteering laws, which vary massively by country and even US state. there’s also, of course, some experience that comes with age, especially in relating to other people.
  • people who have a good handle on their mental health. it’s essential that you’re able to keep a level head when dealing with server incidents so as not to escalate them further. preferably you should also not have any triggers that are so unavoidable that they’d hinder your ability to mod.
  • people in timezones outside of central time, mountain time, eastern time, and greenwich mean time. this isn’t a hard requirement, but we probably will give preference to folks who can fill the gaps in our current coverage, since we’re all kinda clustered around the east coast of the united states and the british isles right now.
  • people who are going to be active on the server/forum. we want mods who are a part of the community, not just someone who steps in to make rulings and then steps out again. as far as we’re concerned, keeping discussion lively is part of the gig.

previous mod experience is nice but not required – as long as you have the soft skills, we can teach the actual mechanics of moderation and our specific policies. you can apply to be a moderator on both our platforms, on just the server or forum. (also, we’re prioritizing looking for forum mods, because the mod team for that is much smaller, and activity is lower, and we’re hoping to give it a boost.)

if you wanna help out, you can join our discord to view the application form

(you must be a member of the Discord regardless of which platform you want to mod for, because that’s where our staff room is)

we’ll be leaving the form open for a month, after which we’ll contact the people we’re interested in taking on. we hope to see you there!

last call for this, we’ll be leaving applications open for just another week!



breaking ground on #AHWikiProject! it wasn’t much, but i added some info on more plural self-advocacy that’s happening to the Rights Movement section of the DID article. the info came from my post on the history of plural self-advocacy for alt+h, which contains a lot more stuff, but this was probably as much as would be accepted as reliable by wikipedia. if you have more sources, maybe consider adding something yourself!


Community initiative: Bring alterhumanity to Wikipedia!

Wikipedia is the single most consulted source of information on the internet. But have you looked at its article on otherkin? What do you think about it? Do you think it could be better? What about all the other alterhuman topics which don’t have articles at all?

We want you to help us improve the representation of alterhuman topics on Wikipedia, and therefore to the public in general.

And we’ve set up this project to do just that. By working together, we can:

  •  educate each other on how to make factual and useful edits to Wikipedia that won’t be removed, and back each other up when edits are challenged
  • pool our research resources, using different people’s memory of alterhuman history and access to material to build good sources
  • decide as a community which articles are worth our attention, what information is relevant, and how to write in ways that represent us fairly
  • combat the systemic bias that’s inherent to Wikipedia’s structure

How can you help?

We wrote this guide to give you an introduction to how Wikipedia operates, different tasks you can do, and how to do them.

Once you think you understand how it all works, check out the list of articles we're keeping an eye on and the project trello for specific things to do.

Then you can head to the #alth-projects channel in our Discord server or the project’s thread on the forum to let us know what you’ve accomplished! You can also suggest things to add to the to-do lists, get help with specific tasks, and just generally ask any questions or make any comments you might have.

You can also use the #AHWikiProject hashtag on social media to talk about this, share progress, tips, questions, and anything else!

We hope you’ll join us in making the internet’s favourite reference site a better ambassador for alterhumans!


we’re looking for community mods!

we’d like to get some more people on board to help us manage both the Discord server and the forum. we are looking for:

  • people who are (bodily) 18 years or older. Alt+H is legally incorporated, so we have certain legal responsibilities to volunteers. managing that is simpler when we don’t have to contend with child volunteering laws, which vary massively by country and even US state. there’s also, of course, some experience that comes with age, especially in relating to other people.
  • people who have a good handle on their mental health. it’s essential that you’re able to keep a level head when dealing with server incidents so as not to escalate them further. preferably you should also not have any triggers that are so unavoidable that they’d hinder your ability to mod.
  • people in timezones outside of central time, mountain time, eastern time, and greenwich mean time. this isn’t a hard requirement, but we probably will give preference to folks who can fill the gaps in our current coverage, since we’re all kinda clustered around the east coast of the united states and the british isles right now.
  • people who are going to be active on the server/forum. we want mods who are a part of the community, not just someone who steps in to make rulings and then steps out again. as far as we’re concerned, keeping discussion lively is part of the gig.

previous mod experience is nice but not required – as long as you have the soft skills, we can teach the actual mechanics of moderation and our specific policies. you can apply to be a moderator on both our platforms, on just the server or forum. (also, we’re prioritizing looking for forum mods, because the mod team for that is much smaller, and activity is lower, and we’re hoping to give it a boost.)

if you wanna help out, you can join our discord to view the application form

(you must be a member of the Discord regardless of which platform you want to mod for, because that’s where our staff room is)

we’ll be leaving the form open for a month, after which we’ll contact the people we’re interested in taking on. we hope to see you there!

Anonymous asked:

I think the alt+h forum archive is down, it gives an error message when I click on the link

was it the one about the PHP being out of date? the document server had some unexpected downtime yesterday because nextcloud thinks it's super good and cool to auto-update itself without checking that its own requirements are met first. it's fixed now!

for anyone else wondering, you can view the archive [here].


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