
Stomach Growls Galore


Just my place for stomach content. I mostly like hunger, but I'll talk about anything with y'all, and I prefer sfw. Also some general whump because I'm a mess.

Hi guys, I feel it’s really important to let you know I have far too much social anxiety to respond to private messages on here. It’s nothing personal to any of you, I just am really, really bad at talking one on one to people. There’s pretty much a 0% change I’ll respond to a conversation message. Sorry.

Anonymous asked:

just remembered years ago i wrote a fic where asra got turned on by my apprentice's growling tummy and made it louder with his magic 👀 that would definitely be something he'd do

Psst, if this fic still exists, feel free to share with us-

Anonymous asked:

thinking about how hot asra's route in the arcana is every time the apprentice's tummy growls. He always feels the need to comment on your hunger. Hc that he has a hunger kink and likes to listen to his lover's belly rumbling and watching it cave in

And at this rate my apprentice is gonna have the same thing

Anonymous asked:

Hi there! I’m very thankful for this blog, I don’t feel as embarrassed to enjoy hungry tummies when I know other people do. Thank you for the good posts!!

Thank you and you're welcome!

I started this blog because there was a blog like that for me, that made me comfortable with this little interest and felt like a nice place to enjoy it without feeling judged and stuff, but the owner of that blog deleted it and disappeared so I thought it would be nice if we could still have a nice little hunger prompt blog out there for us. I'm so happy to hear it's been good for others!

Anonymous asked:

Man, I miss the old bandom blogs that focused on hunger/tum stuff u-u. Especially justtummythings, i still remember their oneshot about a singer trying to record a song, only for weird static to interrupt each time until it's revealed it was their stomach. I adored the other members' concern and the singer's bashfulness about the situation. Hoping to find some reblogs so i can read it again.

What a mood fr, I loved those blogs so much, I had so many favourite posts that got lost to the void of blog deletion TT_TT


Man, sometimes going through the hunger kink tag feels like navigating a minefield - sometimes there's a whole bunch of posts in there with absolutely nothing to do with hunger, not even the slightest mention. Sometimes the posts are entirely about other belly kinks but again no hunger. Sad times, my dudes. I just want to enjoy hungy tum posts TT_TT

Anonymous asked:

An immortal being decides to stop eating anything since they can't die anyway only to realize that the pain that comes with hunger is kinda sucks

'Maybe this was a mistake' they think as they lay flat out with their stomach howling painfully. They don't remember when they last bothered to eat, but man is starving way more painful than they expected considering it can't even kill them. Damn body, what's even the point of immortality if you still have all those silly mortal needs?

Anonymous asked:

I had supper early so went to bed with my belly growling and just woke up to a hungry tummy 😩 now that you've said you like the fantasy scene recently, I can't get the fantasy (ha) of being a hungry sorceress out my head. Imagining practising magic as my belly howls, only being able to make a few sparks because I'm running on empty. Another person watching me practise from afar, enjoying the growls and how my starving belly caves in


You know what I specifically want all of a sudden? Starving necromancer sorcerer/sorceress, to appeal to my hunger kink, fantasy settings and gothy vibes lmao

Anonymous asked:

The phrase "ready for dinner" is so good. Just think about it for like two seconds and tell me it's not good


Anonymous asked:


Characters A, B, and C.

They're together, just trying to survive. Characters A and B don't have to eat all that much. C, however... needs to eat a lot.

They'll have a meal, and only a couple hours later will C start to feel hungry again. They're really shy about it, they don't want to stop... They really don't want to inconvenience the other two... so they let their stomach growl and gurgle until A and B decide it's mealtime~

Always a good one!


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