

this is getting out of hand but I don't give a fuck
Main: digilici
Art: digiliciart

but no yeah lets have the conversation:

"the CEO doesnt want to run that kind of website" Excuse, shouldnt have bought the 'go nuts show nuts whatever' website if thats the case. APPEAL DENIED

"we have to follow the TOS of the appstores we're hosted on" Excuse item one, no you dont, item two, you have since those days implimented infrastructure that would allow pornography and sex work on this platform Without violating TOS of any applicable app store. APPEAL DENIED

"we own the site we get to make the rules" Incorrect, this site has only ever made profit when the users willed it. we collectively own the site as a hive mind and no legal change in ownership will change that. APPEAL DENIED

"we have to keep this website safe for the children who use it" Argument based on fallacy banning pornography and sex workers does not prevent pornography and sex work from occuring on the site, it only forces aforementioned users to hide and avoid labling their content appropriately, which REDUCES the safety for children and sex workers alike instead of increasing it, this has been shown to the point that making this argument at all is tantamount to admiting fascist intent APPEAL DENIED

Reblog it. I want this to be on Tumblr radar by end of the week, i want my notes to be useless from the discourse, i want every single person on Tumblr to have seen this post at some point


If blood was an adorable shade of pastel pink instead of dark red, we’d all be terrified of it by association. Imagine a slaughter movie and the walls are painted in baby pink.

I’m not terrified of dark red, i have to deal with that shit every month

Like context matters. People aren’t terrified of the color, they’re terrified of the suspicious red stain. Of coughing into a hankershiege and blood speckles being on it. It would be the exact same with light pink. Context matters you dipshit

A’m terrified o burds. Ah mean how can ye bleed for seven days in a row n dinnae die? Pure superhero material

from the way my sister describes it, i think it’s safe to say it feels like death to a lot of people


All the shower response blogs

I’m gonna try and do it. I’m gonna try and list them all. wish me luck. Tell me if I missed anyone






I think thats everyone

*stumbles down the stairs* what


when I become an eccentric billionaire I'm going to buy every house in 10 square blocks of unremarkable suburb. I will have them all furnished and decorated except for (and this is key) one house in the dead center. this house I will put up for sale at a ridiculously reasonable price for the area. once it sells, and the new owner/couple/family moves in, the plan will spring into action.

every single house besides the one in the center within my 10 square blocks will remain uninhabited. I will put all the lights inside on timers so that it appears that people are living in there, I will have lawns mowed when I'm sure everyone in my victim house is at work/school, I will have decorations put up during the holidays and cars moved there and parked in driveways when I'm sure that the owner/couple/family in the house at the center is not there to witness it happening. I will produce all the superficial trappings of life without a single person actually being there.

who knows how long it'll take them to realize that something is wrong? when their kids are playing in the yard, and they notice they've never seen another child around here even once, despite the four-bedroom family homes all down the street? after a few weeks, when they realize the lights in the house across the way click off at exactly 9:45, on the second, every single night? when they've been living there for a month and a half and they realize they've never seen a single car park in front of another house? when they want to greet their neighbors and not a single house in the whole neighborhood opens its door?

when they do realize that they're completely alone here, what would they do with that fact? what would you do if all at once, as you stood in a crowd, you realized that every single person around you was a mannequin? it's unnerving, sure, but enough to warrant a move? how long will they live in this idyllic ghost town before it gets to them? can a person survive in a dollhouse? Thank you. *I wave to the crowd as I walk offstage at my ted talk. one person gives a halfhearted round of applause from the back. a talk about sustainable ecosystem management was scheduled for right now and no one knows how I got up here.*


If Toph from Avatar were to kick someone in the nuts she would then know how big their schlong was due to being able to see with the vibrations of her feet

why would she need to know that. isnt she like 12

yes but the point is not that she would need to know, the point is that she would know. and would probably hate it. but she would absolutely earthbend a rock up to hit someone in the nuts and that is just a fact


Sharks have never eating anything crispy like pringles


Wow, how faaascinating. *ding*

ok now you’re just being a killjoy. it’s something interesting that doesn’t really occur to most people. why respond with something snarky like that? it kinda makes you look like an asshole.

If you honestly think that’s interesting, then you’ll love this: Most lions have never eaten any sort of pastries, and hippos don’t take their vegetables steamed or with butter. *ding*

are you actually making fun of me, or is this just a bit? i literally cannot tell.

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