
The Irish Girl

@korinthya / korinthya.tumblr.com


‼️THIS IS FROM YESTERDAY!!!! Annabelle hinting at maybe working again with Cillian….. ‼️



I just found out Johny Dogs responded to that epic tweet from few days ago….

But I have told my little heart to calm down. I am STILL not keeping my hopes up. Before covid, she said something similar but covid happened things changed and who knows she was meant to appear in s6 but the story changed🙅‍♀️


WHAT???!! LET'S GOOO!! 💪🏻


Peaky Blinders s5 3 scenes 3 same children

In the words of Miley…what does it mean?!
  • 3 what look to be all blonde children shown in 3 scenes of s5. Little girl and two boys. Little girl and one of the boys look close in age and the other boy looks younger

1st Scene

  • s5e1 Tommy and Arthur are sitting at a booth @ the Garrison. We see Tommy gaze outside and notice 2 boys and a girl(all blonde hair) stealing milk from the back of a truck. He turns back around to Arthur, but again looks out the window, he even gets closer to the window. One of the kids is passing milk to the other two
  • There has to be some sorta Freudian symbolism here with children running after milk. Motherhood? Maternal nourishment and care? Abundance? Our very first nourishment is mother’s milk
  • For me those sun windows always have an associated with Grace in s1

2nd Scene

  • s5e2 Tommy and Arthur are walking towards Garrison. We see Tommy’s focus going towards 3 kids on a pile of coals. Tommy takes a coin out of his pocket and tosses the coin at those same 3 kids from e1. The camera then focuses on the kids as they start searching for the coin on the pile of coal.
  • I would also very much like to point out the office D above the door with an arch where the kids are on the coal…maybe a reference to section D?!Section D is also associated with the 3 children in the 3rd scene they are seen.
  • Is there a connection to loop s5e4 scene where we see Grace on the January buried under coal. Tommy was born on the January and where he healed in s2. Also significant to his relationship with childhood. Though this was a vision
  • Eerie to see kids looking for the coin in the coal pile and then Grace buried under coal.
  • Can we visit Grace’s grave in s6 just to double check

3rd Scene

Tommy is looking out the window of his office down to the street below. Those same 3 kids are kicking around a ball. We see younger arrive. We learn from their meeting that Younger has gotten resistance higher up his command from members of section D (villains of s3). Younger leaves and Tommy once again watches from his window. Those 3 kids are still kicking around a ball. One of the boys kicks the ball a 2x @ Youngers car and then the car explodes on the 2nd kick. Tommy races down to help and we can hear the heavy grace breathing in the background. Two of the children survived the explosion but the boy who kicked the ball dies. Tommy holds him in his arms

Just my thoughts…I’m just going to put the idea out there that maybe Grace and Tommy had more than one kid. And this is all foreshadowing to that reveal in s6

What comes to mind is in s3 how Tommy reacted to finding out Arthur was becoming a dad. Tommy looked utterly heartbroken. Was Grace pregnant at the time of her death? Tommy hadn’t even seen Arthur’s kid at the start of s4. Too painful reminder of the child he loss when Grace died?

Grace uses Children (plural) s3e2 talking about plans for the house, “I have the drawings of what they plan to do with grounds of the house. There’ll be an area for the children to play”.

Tommy actually uses kids (plural again) when talking to hallucination Grace in s5e1. “Too much to do Grace.” “The kids…” he stops speaking when the hallucination ends

I think it’s also very possible Grace could of gotten pregnant after epic love making of s1. Tommy didn’t follow her to NY. When she got to NY maybe she found out she was pregnant. There is a whole dialogue between Polly and Ada in s1 about what it means for a girl to get pregnant during this time. How the guy never comes back. Maybe this is what started Grace writing to Tommy besides still loving him? In her mind he had made his decision based off of a coin toss. She might of given the baby up for adoption?

When Tommy and Grace reunited s2 did she eventually tell him about the baby she gave up? When they took that trip to NY did they maybe try to find the child?

We would never know any of this because Tommy doesn’t talk to anyone about Grace after her death. That’s why it was so huge for him to open up to Ada about seeing her on the January


Interesting, thank you. I'd never noticed the three blonde children 😶


RIP HELEN MCCRORY (17 August 1968 - 16 April 2021)

The most powerful life force. The most ferocious and commanding actress. I learnt so much watching you work, watching you light up the room with your intelligence and wit. Your laughter infectious. Thank you for the whiskey fulled rehearsals late into the night. Thank you for showing me that it’s okay to not take shit. You will be deeply missed. My heart goes out to Damien, your children and the entire family.
~ Annabelle Wallis

I'd have loved to see these two make peace 😢


tag someone you’d give roses to-



Oh my gosh dude I love you aaaaa thank you gkfkdkdkdkd

These are all platonic btw

Right back atcha!! @ mutuals <33

@righteous–fury @antisocial-dipstick @plvtarch @waterandsilver @redtodd @girlsgettingitdone @faeratil and anyone else i’m forgetting (tho rn y’all are the ones on my mind 24/7)i would die for the chance to give y’all roses


aweee right back at youu <33

giving you guys all the prettiest roses!!


thank you @redtodd huhu


@nofckingfighting Thank you, thank you!! 🥰🥰🥰

This has made the rounds with most everyone on here. I am tagging you @beezv01.


Aww thanks @peakybaby 😘

🌹 🌹 @korinthya


@beezv01 thank you very much, love! Another for you and for those who still keep The couple alive despite the obstacles, which are not few... You know who you are 😂😂😂

THANK YOU 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


SmallTheory: Confirmation from SK that Grace is alive

I honestly don't know why I didn't realize this before when I first read it, I guess I was blinded by the idea of Grace being dead due to the elapsed time between S3, when she dies, and S5, when I started watching the series.

Forget all the previous theories and focus for a moment on this small compilation of answers from Steven Knight when he is asked about Grace over the years.

2016-17 (after S3)

With these declarations he already gave us hints about what Grace's role was going to be in the following seasons and how long it was going to last despite being dead, and subsequently, that was exactly what we saw. SK's words are revealing and (maybe) tricky.

2018-19 (before S5)

I don't think it’s necessary to remember that Alfie Solomons came back from the dead in that season. And I also want to highlight the abrupt change in his answer on Grace.

In the first interview, made after she "died", SK confirms that's true, but doesn’t give a definitive closure to the character since her presence will continue being in the series. But now that the end of the story is approaching and also the redemption of Thomas, his answer is a very different one. (Personal Perception: I suppose after seeing the insistence of the fans with this topic he avoid ambiguous answers, or with double meaning as I explain below, so as not to be accused of lying).

Answers with double meaning: another important fact to be considered is the belief in this series that when someone IS CLOSE to death undergoes a kind of psychological metamorphosis in which these people think they are dead, or at least, they are more dead than alive, and that’s why the author said Grace was dead, because by his own rules she is.

At this point and now taking everything into consideration, I could almost say it’s an open secret that Grace will return and not exactly as a hallucination... But since SK may come up with one of his fantastic plot twists along the way I keep this affirmation to myself and will only say the probabilities of her return have increased exponentially.

[Disclaimer: the dates of these interviews are unclear, for this reason I don’t set an exact date, but it’s obvious that all this happened after and before those seasons respectively due to the context of the questions and answers].


Anonymous asked:

Hiii 🤍

Is there a plausible reason for the PB fandom to hate Grace so much? I'm shocked sometimes because there is no real reason, and like, a lot of them would rather see Lizzie being treated like nothing by Tommy (because his lack of love affection for her is very clear) than accepting that he loved Grace.


(I LOVE your theories btw, they give me life)

❤ Glad to hear that ❤

First of all I confess that I don’t like to write this kind of post, I prefer to focus on what I like but I will answer you according to my criteria so...

I believe that this hatred, when exists, is mainly because of two reasons with a first and last name:

First Reason, Thomas Shelby

- Thomas is the protagonist of this story, and as often happens, with whom we live more situations and experience more emotions, therefore we empathize more with him than with the rest (which makes us forgive him easily as well).

And this brings me to the next point: quite a few of the supporting characters are vaguely developed, SK tries with Arthur and Polly but many times I see more inconsistencies in their narrative arcs than anything else. Many of them are puppets or tools at his service. In my opinion, this situation started in the second season and was accentuated in the third one. This leads to the public becoming more attached to him due to his strength as a character in comparison and because we better understand his motivations, hence we distance ourselves unconsciously from the others (including Grace), who seem shadows of what they were or could have been...Season 1 is the most generous in this regard, even Finn has personality there.

-  Thomas has become an idol for men and women as a consequence of his Gary Stu qualities and a writing that blesses him with luck, which crowns him with the title of untouchable in the eyes of his fans or viewers, obviously not all of them, who decide to continue with this story, his story. Eg. 4x1, if it wasn’t for the miraculous letters he found that compromised the king, his family would have been executed because of him.

Second Reason, Grace Burgess

- Grace is a character who truly challenges and misleads/confuses him and that is linked to making him look bad (harming his “reputation”) or literally hurting him.

["Character X" touches "Untouchable Character" = Disgusting Character that is worthless and should be dead].

I'm not making it up; you can often find one of these adjectives aimed at her or other characters in a similar situation.

- And if we add to that Grace is a person who comes and goes, the viewer doesn’t know her or empathize with her so much, which makes her unpredictable, "unpredictably harmful". However, I have to say in favor of SK that in her case, unlike other secondary characters, he made up for her lack of screen time through details to delve into her psyche, but he didn't try too hard either, huh. Eg. She wrote him letters for two years telling him about her life (S2), the lavender color that we saw in 3x1 and 3x2 means the mourning that she feels for her deceased husband, among others.

 Thomas' lovers

- And finally, the viewers prefer Lizzie (faithful to Thomas from minute one), or May (more business = more wealth), over Grace.

Reading the statements of her detractors, I’ve come to the conclusion that the problem, or the key, is usually the same: She is a worthy character / partner depending on how useful is to him.

Yes, as if they were scissors to prune a hedge. And hey! They are not entirely wrong, taking into account their depth or that the conflicts they present with themselves and for the plot are more superficial than a puddle, especially May. They are simply there, waiting to be used by Thomas... and that availability, that control over them and the assurance that they won’t "create problems / harm" the Untouchable it’s what they really like the most. It doesn't matter if Thomas treats them like shit or they have nothing in common, or even if they use each other for purely superficial purposes. As long as Thomas comes out well from whatever and the woman in question has been good to him they make a wonderful couple. So yeah, I hope Lizzie is the Black Swan because she at least has potential.

 -Oh! But I'm not saying a dysfunctional relationship isn't worth telling or developing, long live the diversity! That can offer a lot, BUT that’s not the case here, mainly because of the immense indifference shown by one of the parties and the inactivity of the other. (Guess which is which).

 In short: They are angry because Grace putted one over on Tommy, the blue eyed boy, and on top of that, he liked it and then got married to her. Instead, Lizzie is easier to handle than a lollipop.

  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the story and most of the characters, but as much as I like something, contrary to Thomas, and quoting Grace: I'm not blind.

 Thx for asking


Double Theory: Why I think Grace is on a cover mission


  Praise coming from the enemy. That way, Churchill is now aware of her excellent espionage skills

  An unfinished dispute whose hidden objective is to remind the viewer of the role of agent of the crown that she played in S1

  Thomas, and with him the narrative, never finishes giving a definitive closure to her character

  The government and Churchill have the Shelbys under control. They are able to access and manipulate them at will for their own benefit

 Series of photographs of Grace wearing her uniform, seasons 4 and 5. Another reminder of her former occupation

  The three elements of the beginning come together: Churchill, Campbell and Grace. The protagonist is not suffering from any delusions in those moments, however, her presence is there to point out their shared past

THEORY #2 Why everyone thinks she is dead

  Catalepsy, or apparent death, is a symptom that can occur due to chemical poisoning among other reasons, whose characteristics are: rigid body, lack of response to visual and tactile stimulous, loss of muscle control and slow down of bodily functions; such as respiration, digestion, and heartbeat. Cataleptic attacks can last minutes or even days. The person appears to have passed away.        (It could be a possible and good justification...specially for a tv show).

 As we saw in season three, Thomas was transported in an ambulance controlled by Section D so as not to arouse suspicion, and then they injected him with some drugs to bring him round because they needed him active.

  What do I mean by this? It’s clear that Thomas and Grace are a reflection of each other, hense the same situation could have happened to her in that same season. The government, or Churchill, would have needed to use her espionage skills for a secret mission in which it was imperative that her true identity disappear. She had to be dead to everyone.  Nontheless, all these hypothetical answers and explanations about what happened still leave me more questions that I hope will be answered satisfactorily in the future. For example:

  •     In S6 we’ll be placed in 1934 (confirmed), so she’s been missing for ten years, which leads me to wonder: Has she tried to make contact with her family in any way at some point? Or are there too many obstacules in the middle?  
  •     And there is Churchill, who has been subtly connected to Grace two of the three times he has appeared in this season. Does he know anything about all this? He should, I think.

    Brief explanatory note about the latter: 

  •     5x1 Thomas receives a letter from Winston Churchill for no apparent reason  -”He was in New York and had a dinner with Charlie Chaplin”. Grace lived in New York for a couple of years and Chaplin contributed to Thomas and Grace reconciliation. Their son was named after him, SK confirmed.
  •     5x6 Campbell, Churchill and Grace  -“Was it you who killed that Ulsterman intelligence officer?” (Grace’s breathing)

    Also it wouldn’t be the first time that this series has tricked us with graves and the content inside them...I do believe there’s some sense in this madness, feel free to share your opinion ^^  

[This is a mix of conversations and hypotheses that I had with @craziigamerchick​ who has a good analytical eye]


THEORY       Robins and Handkerchiefs

The boy I love is up in the gallery,    The boy I love is looking now at me,    There he is, can’t you see, waving his handkerchief,    As merry as a robin that sings on a tree.

 Hi everyone! Today I’ve got a new theory related to the song “The Boy I love is Up in the Gallery” whose hidden meaning passed unnoticed from my point of view. Of course, all of this is just speculation based on small details collected throughout the series, Steven Knight has the final word.       

So, let’s go…                                                   

  When Grace sings the song “The boy I love is up in the gallery” she mentions the handkerchief and the robin. On the other hand, Thomas is looking at her captivated but he is also listening to the music lyrics. This becomes a symbol between them, the song and its lyrics. 

It should be noted this bird is not red actually, in any case orange, but even in other languages this animal is considered red despite of its orange tones, (Anecdotally in Spanish is called ‘’petirROJO’’) that’s why we have to focus on the ESSENCE of these details.


  Clothing and clothing accessories are also important because express secret ideas and messages.

Now, Thomas telling Grace to buy the matching dress with ‘his handkerchief’ (1x3)… He doesn’t mean Billy Kimber’s, but the boy’s in the song which will be a foreshadowing of her feelings towards him. Moreover, he’s never seen Kimber wear a red handkerchief, yet. The man appears for the first time in 1x2, but he is not using that.


THEORY       Robins and Handkerchiefs

The boy I love is up in the gallery,    The boy I love is looking now at me,    There he is, can't you see, waving his handkerchief,    As merry as a robin that sings on a tree.

 Hi everyone! Today I’ve got a new theory related to the song "The Boy I love is Up in the Gallery" whose hidden meaning passed unnoticed from my point of view. Of course, all of this is just speculation based on small details collected throughout the series, Steven Knight has the final word.       

So, let’s go...                                                   

  When Grace sings the song "The boy I love is up in the gallery" she mentions the handkerchief and the robin. On the other hand, Thomas is looking at her captivated but he is also listening to the music lyrics. This becomes a symbol between them, the song and its lyrics. 

It should be noted this bird is not red actually, in any case orange, but even in other languages this animal is considered red despite of its orange tones, (Anecdotally in Spanish is called ‘’petirROJO’’) that's why we have to focus on the ESSENCE of these details.


  Clothing and clothing accessories are also important because express secret ideas and messages.

Now, Thomas telling Grace to buy the matching dress with ‘his handkerchief’ (1x3)... He doesn’t mean Billy Kimber’s, but the boy’s in the song which will be a foreshadowing of her feelings towards him. Moreover, he’s never seen Kimber wear a red handkerchief, yet. The man appears for the first time in 1x2, but he is not using that.


Um. Y'all see this from earlier today? Peep that photo in the background. Style inspiration? Do we know if she's working on anything atm? Or could all of your Ghost Grace worst fears be true?


OMG THAT COMMENTS SECTION !!!                                                                                                                                                                                     🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣                                          



   A Connemara Girl is an early 1870s painting by the Irish artist Augustus Nicholas Burke. One of the most identifiable paintings in Ireland, it depicts a young girl in traditional Connemara attire carrying a bundle near the shore. It is one of many paintings Burke created of daily life around his native Connemara. It hangs in the National Gallery of Ireland and is one of the more popular paintings despite its simple subject matter. The painting is oil on canvas and was presented by Mrs Ida Monahan in 1951.

 The National Gallery of Ireland label text is:                    

  "Showing a young woman in traditional Connemara attire, this painting might be said to evoke rather than illustrate Augustus Burke’s beloved west of Ireland. It was probably painted before the artist’s reluctant emigration, prompted by his brother’s murder alongside the Chief Secretary in the Phoenix Park in 1882. While the artist has relied on authentic detail, particularly in the girl’s costume and the terrain, he has made no attempt to disguise the contrived nature of the composition. The central position of the figure, her head and shoulders framed by a heavy shawl, calls to mind devotional Christian imagery.”
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