

@jaydpuppycat / jaydpuppycat.tumblr.com

This is a random blog/ 27/ I post anything I see as interesting, i.e. ffxiv, Pokemon, digimon, Zelda, Fairytail and etc. random things + science. Freakin love video games and anime: battlenet - Jaydpuppycat 1529

“if you liked this title you may enjoy” but with animal species


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its so shiddy when u have to convince yourself to do your hobbies. like, its fun, you like it, why cant you just do it. do it. do it. but what if.... mindless media consumption instead....

im so sorry to the seven thousand of you so far who relate

upset at the accuracy of these tags


I can’t stop watching it.

For fans of chocolate and fans of Particle Annihilation Beam technology


not to be angry or anything but capitalism really did latch onto the video game industry like a parasite draining nutrients from its host, huh

Hey capitalists in the notes: the main context of this post is me remembering the experience of being the child of a programmer in the industry, seeing him get home at 9-10pm and working weekends and being so visibly exhausted even my idealistic 7-year-old self could notice it because devs are pushed and pushed and pushed to get as much done as possible in unethical timeframes so like. If youre in the notes saying i’m naive, or can’t understand basic economics, or am just a dumb socialist like. Seriously, Fuck You. Get stuffed. This shit affects people and it affects their families.

capitalism fanboys have found this post again so i would like to reiterate my above point and say that i can smell your rancid stenches from here <3 any industry that wrings the blood from its workers for the sake of profit doesn’t deserve the ability to do so you complete buffoons


Oh my God...cops are so pathetic

Remembering this photo from the Shake Shack Cop Poison Panic of 2020

Okay, but they legitimately tried to intimidate this dude and put him in harm's way.

The police unions plastered his name and face all over social media so their Blue Lives cronies can target him.

A police higher up went to Gilliam and tried to physically intimidate him because he "put three of mine in the hospital." That's some gang shit.

I hope Marcus takes them for every penny they're worth.


sorry to be cringey but can we stop this idea that every furry is a sex hungry freak that likes bestiality and has really disturbing kinks. being a furry is just thinking anthropomorphic animals are interesting and cute. theres nothing inherently sexual about being a furry. just because someone says “im a furry” they arent necessarily confessing to you how they get horny for foxes with tits or diapers on dogs or something. so when u see someone make a fursona or draw an anthro animal, dont immediately think “they wanna fuck animals”. sometimes its just that….anthro animals….are fun to draw. 


literally what is so bad about this

Also a lot of furries are literal children

Also, furries are one of the best and most generous when it comes to supporting artists. When they commission an artist to draw something, they as a group tend to pay the best rates and be the most reliable. 


Also furry communities are overwhelmingly queer - like statistically, I mean, just for example, the number of transgender furries is ten times higher than the general population, and like only 1 in 4 furries are straight.

Which is like? Firstly, not a surprise that something steeped in alter-ego resonates for queer people, especially trans people.

And secondly, also super not surprising that it’s a community that is massively oversexualized and denigrated as sexually deviant. Like, js it’s a tale as old as time to target an overlapping interest group as a guise to target a minority demographic. 

And targeting sexual shaming at queer-dense populations, hah! HAH, I’m not surprised.

I’m not even goddamn kidding, seriously. A huge chunk of bullying directed at the furry community is just socially acceptable queerphobia.

Don’t forget that a lot of furry hate is just rebranded hatred for autistic people, who are a decent sized chunk of the furry community.

This blog loves and supports furries!!


having to come to terms with the fact that love is not an everlasting performance in which you attempt to retain the attention of your significant other but rather a release of control and putting faith into them and trusting them to choose to stay with you no matter what you have to offer

to love and be loved is to rest

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