
the darkside has cookies!! (they might be burnt...)

@cookiesallaround / cookiesallaround.tumblr.com

Two writers make soooo many books...You bring you own milk. We got the cookies

Someone Who Cares Masterlist

Heroes and villains are not supposed to get along. Yet roommates are. Sam is an anxious hero who's simply trying to get good enough grades to pass college and get into a medical profession to escape the daily horrors of being a hero. Luke is a villain who's guarding himself while trying to get better at one of the few things that makes him happy, art. While their secret identities don’t last long, will their friendship?

This story in an alternate universe dips into the realm of fantasy, but it isn’t all about the world and life that we are found in. We focus more on the characters, who they are and why they are important. While there are a lot of laughs this story dives deep into depressive backstories and messed up lives which, as it progresses, gets a bit more dark. But what we hope to share is that when you have someone who cares for you, it’s the best remedy for even your darkest of days.


“It interests me to see someone who is used to being alone, to suddenly have someone who would care. Whether they could help or not. As for the other. People make connections. People go out of their way to make friends. They are by nature. So why are you refusing your nature?”
“The floor is just a big uncomfortable bed!” He chuckled a bit. “Join the dark siiiiide! We have cookies!” He joked a bit while rolling around a bit.
He stopped, staring at him. “Care? Of course I care! I don’t want you to die!”
Luke chuckled as his eyes glowed. "You are sounding very dark Sammy. Yet, it doesn't suit you. As much as I enjoy it."
He had to stop laughing to breathe. "Because whoever did, is a freaking genius! They got your face perfect!"
It started as a faint tingling at the base of Luke's neck. Easy to ignore at first, but it was slowly becoming a problem. He would have hours where he was violent for no reason only to be completely exhausted for the rest of the day. Somehow he had kept it sorta a secret from his friend, though that would be short lived.


Meet The Characters!!

Luke Fira ~  “The floor is just a big uncomfortable bed!” 

Sam Recio “Well, although I do looove being in this fire room, I think we should get back to the city.”

Mischief ~ “I smell bloooood! Aw. Did you get me a snack?”


Would you like to be added to a taglist? Let us know! current taglist is @myst-in-the-mirror @thelaughingstag​ 

~ PhoniexFox or Rose!


Hello and thank you for signing up to be a part of my writing event! It means so much that you all care enough to do so. Whenever I figure it out, I am going to message you with another blog’s writing routine. At which time you can then find a day you have off or free, and try and write like the other blogger for the rest of the day. You can take photos, give updates once an hour, make a video, or just a long post of a giant review of the person’s style. Feel free to tag the person who you’re writing like as well as me so I can try and help boost the post! Please be kind in your posts about the other person. What works for them may not work for you, and that’s ok, but don’t ever attack the person or their style.

Before we start though, I just need confirmation that you as an individual understand others' writing routines are different than your own, and that’s ok! If there is an issue after you’ve received their routine and for some reason, you just can’t bring yourself to do it, please let me know right away. I’d like everyone to participate in this event and don’t want anyone’s routines left out, so I can switch them around.

The only other thing I’d like to point out is this. There’s a lot of information left out. Most routines only have one time where I mentioned eating, but please eat to a normal consistency you usually do, and if you don’t eat in the mornings but the other person does, go ahead and skip it. The same goes for drinks! Don’t dehydrate yourself, it’s 100% ok to bend the rules to keep yourself healthy or accountable. Like bedtimes, if you usually go to bed at 12 and someone goes to bed at 4, you can stay up late but don’t force yourself awake until 4 AM unless you want too. And a lot of you have pets, please take care of them!! The point of this is just to try different writing times, and locations, and see if there’s some more inspiration bubbled up inside you that you can bring out.

If you have ANY comments or questions let me know. Please send me confirmation you received and understood this (you can just do a thumbs up if you don’t feel comfortable talking with me haha). THANK YOU!!! ❤️❤️

I know this is annoying for you guys so I’m sorry. Please interact with this post for me? Tumblr thinks I’m a robot and has decided to block my messaging systems on two accounts now

Oh my bad I didn’t see this, I was just checking out your other account. I don’t think it contacted anyone on your list, I didn’t get notified at all :) just letting you know. -Rose (ps I read it and am cool with it!)

… yayyyy… thanks for letting me know. Kinda hoped tagging people would show up


Hello and thank you for signing up to be a part of my writing event! It means so much that you all care enough to do so. Whenever I figure it out, I am going to message you with another blog’s writing routine. At which time you can then find a day you have off or free, and try and write like the other blogger for the rest of the day. You can take photos, give updates once an hour, make a video, or just a long post of a giant review of the person’s style. Feel free to tag the person who you’re writing like as well as me so I can try and help boost the post! Please be kind in your posts about the other person. What works for them may not work for you, and that’s ok, but don’t ever attack the person or their style.

Before we start though, I just need confirmation that you as an individual understand others' writing routines are different than your own, and that’s ok! If there is an issue after you’ve received their routine and for some reason, you just can’t bring yourself to do it, please let me know right away. I’d like everyone to participate in this event and don’t want anyone’s routines left out, so I can switch them around.

The only other thing I’d like to point out is this. There’s a lot of information left out. Most routines only have one time where I mentioned eating, but please eat to a normal consistency you usually do, and if you don’t eat in the mornings but the other person does, go ahead and skip it. The same goes for drinks! Don’t dehydrate yourself, it’s 100% ok to bend the rules to keep yourself healthy or accountable. Like bedtimes, if you usually go to bed at 12 and someone goes to bed at 4, you can stay up late but don’t force yourself awake until 4 AM unless you want too. And a lot of you have pets, please take care of them!! The point of this is just to try different writing times, and locations, and see if there’s some more inspiration bubbled up inside you that you can bring out.

If you have ANY comments or questions let me know. Please send me confirmation you received and understood this (you can just do a thumbs up if you don’t feel comfortable talking with me haha). THANK YOU!!! ❤️❤️

I know this is annoying for you guys so I’m sorry. Please interact with this post for me? Tumblr thinks I’m a robot and has decided to block my messaging systems on two accounts now

Oh my bad I didn’t see this, I was just checking out your other account. I don’t think it contacted anyone on your list, I didn’t get notified at all :) just letting you know. -Rose (ps I read it and am cool with it!)


What other stories do you have? Sorry decided to move it off the post haha


XD fair. Well, mostly fantasy. Some spin offs from the Sam and Luke story. I like doing anything with dragons. Rose can give you more details. (I'm scarlet)

-Ace Dragon


We have a lot of random books @aseasonwithclara however we do have some more specific ones

The next one we’ll begin posting (maybe) is about to kids who were put into a lab. One there since they were a baby, and one about 10 years old. (They meet at the second age) sorry that’s confusing but I can make a collage or something if you want


What other stories do you have? Sorry decided to move it off the post haha


XD fair. Well, mostly fantasy. Some spin offs from the Sam and Luke story. I like doing anything with dragons. Rose can give you more details. (I'm scarlet)

-Ace Dragon


Someone Who Cares Masterlist

Heroes and villains are not supposed to get along. Yet roommates are. Sam is an anxious hero who’s simply trying to get good enough grades to pass college and get into a medical profession to escape the daily horrors of being a hero. Luke is a villain who’s guarding himself while trying to get better at one of the few things that makes him happy, art. While their secret identities don’t last long, will their friendship?

This story in an alternate universe dips into the realm of fantasy, but it isn’t all about the world and life that we are found in. We focus more on the characters, who they are and why they are important. While there are a lot of laughs this story dives deep into depressive backstories and messed up lives which, as it progresses, gets a bit more dark. But what we hope to share is that when you have someone who cares for you, it’s the best remedy for even your darkest of days.


“It interests me to see someone who is used to being alone, to suddenly have someone who would care. Whether they could help or not. As for the other. People make connections. People go out of their way to make friends. They are by nature. So why are you refusing your nature?”
“The floor is just a big uncomfortable bed!” He chuckled a bit. “Join the dark siiiiide! We have cookies!” He joked a bit while rolling around a bit.
He stopped, staring at him. “Care? Of course I care! I don’t want you to die!”
Luke chuckled as his eyes glowed. “You are sounding very dark Sammy. Yet, it doesn’t suit you. As much as I enjoy it.”
He had to stop laughing to breathe. “Because whoever did, is a freaking genius! They got your face perfect!”
It started as a faint tingling at the base of Luke’s neck. Easy to ignore at first, but it was slowly becoming a problem. He would have hours where he was violent for no reason only to be completely exhausted for the rest of the day. Somehow he had kept it sorta a secret from his friend, though that would be short lived.


Meet The Characters!!

Luke Fira ~  “The floor is just a big uncomfortable bed!” 

Sam Recio “Well, although I do looove being in this fire room, I think we should get back to the city.”

Mischief ~ “I smell bloooood! Aw. Did you get me a snack?”


Would you like to be added to a taglist? Let us know! current taglist is @myst-in-the-mirror @thelaughingstag​ 

~ PhoniexFox or Rose!

Anonymous asked:

I've got a snake-based whumpee who accidentally bites her caretaker out of instinct when she gets spooked. Thankfully it only happens once, and it was a dry bite so there wasn't any venom, but that was a terrifying moment for both of them. (She apologized for it, her caretaker understood, and it never happened again because they both made changes to how they responded in situations like that.)

That’s a good concept, I like it!


Anon we should chat cause I have venomous snake whumpee turned whumper ;) -Rose


An open letter to fanfic readers

Do not leave criticism in fanfic comments. Even if it’s constructive. Even if you’re “just being honest.” This is not traditional publishing, and you should not treat fic in the same way you treat traditionally published works. AO3 comments are not Amazon reviews.

If you want to offer the author criticism, please follow the steps below:

  1. Contact the author to see if they even want your criticism (their vision and intention might be different than yours; this isn’t for-profit publishing, so there’s a chance the author has no desire to make their fic anything than what THEY want it to be. Moreover, unless you’re some kind of literary genius, it’s possible that they might not give a fuck about your opinion)
  2. If they do, provide it in a private forum so that they have the opportunity to accept or reject your criticism outside the public grounds of AO3 comments (what I mean is: CRITICISM IN COMMENTS IS FUCKING HUMILIATING)
  3. Do not be offended if they don’t accept your criticism
  4. Thank them for their time and for listening to you speak your peace

Some additional notes:

  • Do not leave negative criticism/hate/wank on a WIP (or, see above: ever). Some people are enjoying the story and negativity might (will) make the author fall out of love with what they’re writing such that they don’t want to finish it. Also, you owe it to the author, who is writing FOR FREE, to hear them out to the end of their story in case they end up fixing what you were criticising. 
  • Do not leave a comment telling the author why you stopped reading the fic. The author isn’t going to fix it and it’s just going to make them sad and feel shitty. Seriously, these types of comments are everywhere and they help NO ONE.
  • If you read something in a fic you don’t like, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST STOP READING IT. Please don’t let yourself believe that the way you see fic is the way fic ought to be. Everyone likes different things. It’s okay to exit silently. It’s the polite thing to do. 
  • Do not point out OOC. Ever. Period. End of story. Interpretation is the entire point of fanfic. If you don’t like someone’s interpretation, DO NOT READ IT. You’re not the IC Police.
  • Avoid backhanded compliments. Please don’t start a comment with, “To be honest I hated this at first, but…” or anything similar. If there is an insult in your comment that is turned positive somehow, it is still an insult, and it is still hurtful.

Please please please, I am begging you, readers of fanfic, to take into consideration that fanfic authors are not celebrities, even if you think they’re super popular and amazing writers and you get hearts in your eyes when they acknowledge you. If you cut them, they will bleed. If you talk to them, they will listen. If you tell them they suck, they will believe you.

Be kind to fanfic authors. They do what they do because they love to do it. Don’t take that away from them by leaving tactless or rude comments.

Fucking all of this.

OMG! This is so true! I hate it when people think that they have the right to hurt Fanfiction writers because they think they write better… Fanfiction is not Grammar Lessons …Fanfiction is not a Writing Course… Fanfiction is the way to show the love we feel for our ships or stories… so please be positive and support Fanfiction writers… Thank you all for sharing what you write!!


Someone Who Cares Masterlist

Heroes and villains are not supposed to get along. Yet roommates are. Sam is an anxious hero who’s simply trying to get good enough grades to pass college and get into a medical profession to escape the daily horrors of being a hero. Luke is a villain who’s guarding himself while trying to get better at one of the few things that makes him happy, art. While their secret identities don’t last long, will their friendship?

This story in an alternate universe dips into the realm of fantasy, but it isn’t all about the world and life that we are found in. We focus more on the characters, who they are and why they are important. While there are a lot of laughs this story dives deep into depressive backstories and messed up lives which, as it progresses, gets a bit more dark. But what we hope to share is that when you have someone who cares for you, it’s the best remedy for even your darkest of days.


“It interests me to see someone who is used to being alone, to suddenly have someone who would care. Whether they could help or not. As for the other. People make connections. People go out of their way to make friends. They are by nature. So why are you refusing your nature?”
“The floor is just a big uncomfortable bed!” He chuckled a bit. “Join the dark siiiiide! We have cookies!” He joked a bit while rolling around a bit.
He stopped, staring at him. “Care? Of course I care! I don’t want you to die!”
Luke chuckled as his eyes glowed. “You are sounding very dark Sammy. Yet, it doesn’t suit you. As much as I enjoy it.”
He had to stop laughing to breathe. “Because whoever did, is a freaking genius! They got your face perfect!”
It started as a faint tingling at the base of Luke’s neck. Easy to ignore at first, but it was slowly becoming a problem. He would have hours where he was violent for no reason only to be completely exhausted for the rest of the day. Somehow he had kept it sorta a secret from his friend, though that would be short lived.


Meet The Characters!!

Luke Fira ~  “The floor is just a big uncomfortable bed!” 

Sam Recio “Well, although I do looove being in this fire room, I think we should get back to the city.”


Would you like to be added to a taglist? Let us know! current taglist is @myst-in-the-mirror @thelaughingstag​ 

~ PhoniexFox

One two, one two. Who is who? Is that you? Screaming pain. Hungry rage. One from the stars. One from the flames. Burning bright. Burning everything in sight. Destined to destroy. Forever alone. A gentle trickle turns to a roar. Over loading. Beware black flames.

Acedragon: Someone Who Cares 


hey tumblr!

Hi Tumblr- we are two writers with too many stories in our head and not enough time to get them onto paper.

Common things you can see throughout our books are heroes , villains , assassins , dragons cookies , messed up family relationships , slightly traumatized characters , and lots more. We have many genres, the main probably being fantasy. We write angst to fluff to everything in between. 

We have touched in bbu, whump stuff, villain/hero dynamics, really any and everything like that :)

We started this blog cause we wanted to share our writing with others. 

Our writing may not always be the best at times, but we are trying and hope you stick around for our ride- it may be bumpy but it will be fun!

~ PhoenixFox

“Hello I’m Scarlet! I use she/her pronouns and I’m female :3. I write with my friend! So. We write a lot of fantasy. Like a loooot of a looooot. My writing tag is AceDragon…. I like dragons.”
“Hi I’m Rose (Rosie) but my writing tag is gonna be PhoenixFox. I’m female and I use she/her. (when referring to both of us feel free to use they/them) Writing is so much more fun writing with someone else, and we hope you like reading it to!”

Hello again!! We’re active again so check out our writing, if you’re interested

Someone Who Cares includes friendships, hero and villain whump, lots of other whump, but in the long run a story of recovery and happy endings!


Meet ~ Mischief




Full Name: Tom Tom 

Nicknames: Mischief. Blood sucker. Crazy one. You see, you die. Tommy.

Gender: Male (he, him)

Age: (currently) “18”

Birth Date: UNKNOWN

Birth Place: UNKNOWN

Currently Living In: Bay City

Species: (Self Proclaimed) Ghoul (real) V-ERROR-

Ethnicity / Race: White

Languages: English, ASL

Religion / Beliefs: Blood for the blood God.

Astrology Sign: UNKNOWN

Blood Type: AB-




Father: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Relationship: None

Mother: Molly Sipher

Age: 28(deceased)

Relationship: They had a pretty good relationship until Tommy killed her on accident when he was 7.




Height: 5’ 8”

Weight: 147 pounds

Frame / Build: He is over all pretty thin.

Hair length: To his shoulders

Hair color: White

Eye shape: Round

Eye color: Pale red sometimes looks gray

Complexion: His skin is pretty dry and scalesih

Face size: narrow

Voice type: He has a pretty raspy voice

Foot size: mens 9

Tattoo(s): Promise on his pinky. Jokers head on his wrist. Flowers in the shape of a skull on his calf. "The sun will rise and I will try again" with a sunrise on his ankle.

Scar(s): his back, arms, legs, chest, and neck are littered with scars




Social Class (nobility, artisan, merchant, commoner, etc.): mass murderer

Occupation: Villain

Income: He doesn't make any money just attacks people.

Residence: Underground.

Transportation: Glitch




Favorite Food(s): Blood

Favorite Sport(s): Tag

Favorite Book(s): none

Favorite Show(s): blessed be our harths

Favorite Music: Family by adams family, medication

Favorite Color(s): Red and black

Clothing Style / Preferences: baggy clothes 

Hobbies: Attacking Glitch and Atomic

Role Model(s): Black and Sombra

Likes: blood, having fun, some heroes (their screams)

Dislikes: Order, calmness, promises being broken, Stabby being taken away.




Good Qualities / Trait(s): Will protect what he loves. Loves kids and would kill if he saw one hurt,

Vices / Negative Trait(s): Bites people to lick up their blood. Tends to be a bit toxic. Is insane.

Strengths: Will do things most people don't want to do.

Weaknesses: He can become stunned if his head is knocked in just the right spot.

Habits / Idiosyncrasies / Quirks: Often bites people when bored. Will drag Glitch off to bite him. 

Phobia / Fears: Being alone, being locked away, everyone dying

Loves: Having fun and cuddling with his brothers.

Hates: Being left alone or punished. Hurting children.


Character owner is AceDragon (Scarlet)


From Scarlet: “Mischief is pretty much a child in an adult body and I feel bad for him. I love him dearly but there are a lot of things he does… I don’t really like. But he will always be my favorite villain… Favorite insane villain.”

From Rose: “Ya Um. Mischief is something else. He’s incredibly sweet though. Just wait.”

Two makes three One runs off and adds one more One falls and makes a splash Three makes grief so much more Abuse makes rage, fire, and hate. Gentleness makes kindness, water, and love A boy who does not belong. Borns who should not exist One of stars. Another of flames. They mix together and make a man born in rage and sorrow. All to make, ones long dead.

AceDragon source: someone who cares (via cookiesallaround)


open rp

Hey can I get seven large cokes and a bbq sauce


is pepsi ok

‘i guess’ i said sulking, my amber hued orbs peering down because of gravity

‘ok.’ i hand you seven large cokes and a pepsi

Luke hummed a bit while tilting his head. “What do you need the barbeque sauce for? I can make some.”

Anonymous asked:

Are you open for requests?

We’d be happy to here what you’d like!

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