
The AroAce Blog

@aromantic-asexual / aromantic-asexual.tumblr.com

A support blog for aromantic asexuals. Feel free to send asks or ims asking anything. var sc_project=11062379; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="091c2cad"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://secure." : "http://www."); document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" + scJsHost+ "statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");
Anonymous asked:

Does lgbt+ community include aces/aros? If it does, are we a part of the pride month too? Im so confused, some say yes and some say no *rudely* (i don't really understand where that hate comes from tbh) i just wanted to know, thanks x

I'm going to keep this short because I'm not here to debate. Yes we belong in the lgbt+ community. Yes we are part of pride.

The arguments used against our inclusion are both terf arguments and the same arguments that were used to try and keep bi folks from joining the community back in the day. Dont let these people have a platform. They dont deserve it.


Hello! Sorry if I'm bugging you, I don't do this very often. Anyway, I was just looking for some reassurance. I've been aro-ace for as long as I can remember, and its been hard. I've been told that we don't belong in the LGBT community, and my father just believes I'm a late bloomer. I tried to force myself to have a crush because of my mom, and it backfired badly. I'm just tired of constantly defending myself and trying to prove I exist.


Short answer: Yes we belong in the lgbt community.

As far as your father believing you're a late bloomer. Even if you ARE it does not change your feelings and identity right now. Labels are useful to individuals because they create a community of people with similar experiences so we can get support that we might not be able to get otherwise. What this means is. You can identify as aroace right now and in 3 years find yourself identifying as something else and it makes you NO LESS VALID now or then.

Long answer to the lgbt community question: denial of us in the community comes straight from TERF logic and honestly who has time to give them a pl platform these days? JKR is giving them a big enough platform already. Denial of us in the community stems from a belief that asexuality and aromanticism isnt inherently separate from being a straight person. It's a denial that our experiences set us apart from our classmates in a distressing way. It's a denial that we often grow up feeling like there is something wrong with us. That others think there is something inherently wrong with us that needs to be fixed. Even in adulthood those around us think we're robotic or repressed, that we have hormonal problem, that we're lying, that they can fix us. These are real experiences of our people and we belong in the LGBT community which at its core is meant to support. We belong. Dont let anybody tell you otherwise.


I was gaping the entire song this is insane


If I had a dollar for every time a musician made me feel like I’ve done nothing with my life, I’d be filthy, FILTHY rich.

Wow. Wooooooooooooooooooooooow. BLESS.


A girl at my old school did the same thing as this and holy shit I was in love with her all up through senior year

This man sweats talent

I’ve mentioned before how important music is to me. I went through music training my entire life, but felt I had more of a natural aptitude for writing, so I quit after high school because I never had any intention of taking music in college. I still listen to music everyday, and it aids in my writing. I appreciate the living heck outta artists whose work makes it easier for me to do my job. Thank you.

*dies* I play violin, but not as good as this guy


Hello my name is Dykath im a moderator over on AGN. Ace Gamers Network is an ace and aro friendly gaming Community open to all not just aro/ace, with a great active Community that doesn’t have a problem with trolls or spam. An active minecraft server, steam group and discord chat. and a good and fair administration. along with links to the site that are the “why join”. http://acegamersnetwork.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=551 along with the newcomer FAQ page. http://acegamersnetwork.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=31 hope to see you on there some time. if you have any more questions that those two links don’t answer please don’t hesitate to ask me.


For everyone planning to kill themselves in the event of a Trump victory:


We need you. The world needs you. We’ve been through this before, in one way or another, and we have prevailed. Who benefits from your death? Only those who want you silenced.

There will be blue skies ahead. There will be triumphs. This is not the end of the world.

Do not go gentle - we are here today because of the stubborn refusal of our predecessors to go away. There are oases even in the darkest of times. You are not alone, and you have not been abandoned. There *will* be blue skies ahead, and you will live to see them.

Stay strong, loves. Even if it happens, we can recover. Don’t give up! It’s not over yet~

this is actually really strange

because i just posted that i might kill myself if he wins

thank you.

The world is larger and stranger than you or I can possibly imagine. There are always going to be surprises waiting for us, and countless numbers of them will be beautiful and inspiring beyond words. Stick around for them.

This is not the end of the world. So much of it is ugly and painful and cruel, but don’t forget let the shadows cloud your vision. There will be brilliance yet, and I want all of you to be part of it.

Stay with us. Stay for ice cream, for sunrises, for kisses or Star Trek or spite or art or video games or cats or gentle mornings or campfires or more episodes of your favorite TV show. Stay for poetry, or for sunflowers, or random hookups at the club. Stay for yourself. Stay for your friends. Stay for love. Stay for a chance to say “I told you so”.

I can’t promise you anything, except this: you won’t regret it.

I know this isn’t what this blog is normally for, but right now this is a message some people need to hear. You are not alone, don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you need it.

Please stay strong

Anonymous asked:

Are there rings for aromantics? Like if I search in the www I only find chemical things and now I am confused?

There was a thread going around about a year ago? For white rings worn on the left hand like opposite an ace ring. I personally like it, but I'm not sure if it really caught on. I would love for it to though!

Anonymous asked:

So I know what the difference between sexual and aesthetic attraction is, but what exactly does aesthetic attraction FEEL like? Because sometimes when I see a pretty girl I get kind of excited but I'm not sure if it's arousal or not.

Unfortunately i think that this may be something that everyone experiences differently or describes differently based on their particular experiences.For me, when I am aesthetically attracted to someone I usually have a strong desire to simply be in their presence, I'm very tactile so I usually want to sit close to them and maybe cuddle.If I see someone attractive I usually compare it to finding a flower beautiful, it's a very similar feeling but with an extra urge to just be around them.I'm sorry if this is confusing, maybe someone else has something better? Followers?


Hi, so I think I've recently discovered that I'm aromantic. The problem is I really want to be with someone. I want to love someone and I was someone to love me. But no matter how hard I try, I never feel anything. Am I really aromantic if I still want to be with someone. Is it possible for someone who is aromantic to find someone they love? I just don't know what to do.


The short answer is yes you can totally still desire a romantic relation and you are still valid as aromantic, look into cupioromantic, it might be something that clicks for you, it might not though. Many people who ID as aromantic still desire a relationship and that's totally okay and you can still participate in those relationships. Keep in mind that communication is key in all relationships and it's important to be clear on boundaries. Keep in mind that you don't have to change who you are to be happy. You are enough and anything else is just extra on top


for everyone that needs a more firm, tough reminder:

it’s okay to be aro! it’s okay to not have romantic feelings for other people!! you are not a heartless monster!!! you are deserving of love!!!! stop hating yourself so much!!!! stop beating yourself up over something that you can’t control!!!!! you are good!!!!! you will be okay!!!!!!!!


Here is to all the aces

The transgender aces. The nonbinary aces. The lesbian aces. The bisexual aces. The heterosexual aces. The intersex aces. The POC aces. The young or old aces. The closeted aces. The aces who enjoy sex. The aces who are sex repulsed. The aces who don’t like being being aces because they feel like they’re missing out.

To every ace out there, you are so beautiful and amazing. Your identity is just as valid as anyone else’s. 

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