archive, a sweet little hive 🐝

@ayakoarchive /

⋆ ayako ⋆ 18 ⋆ queue: counting sheep ⋆ favorites: dream big ⋆ toda and mana pls interact ⋆ blog better viewed on desktop! ⋆ {ARCHIVE.}

actually might just start from scratch and archive this blog. There is so much dumb history on here that I might want to morbidly scrape through one of these days

yes I am doing that. New blog is a secret :)


actually might just start from scratch and archive this blog. There is so much dumb history on here that I might want to morbidly scrape through one of these days


Women be treating themselves to Special Coffee Drinks to motivate themselves to accomplish tedious errands

Sadly special coffee drinks don’t motivate me so my husband and I came up with Shrimp Points. We organized our Tasks and daily chores and stuff that’s been hanging over our heads and assigned various amounts of Shrimp Points to each item, and once we get to 1000 points we get to get neocardinia aquarium shrimp as pets. 

free to play lifestyle


btw if you live in the midwest (a region where a lot of the states are going to have trigger laws or ban abortion completely it looks like) and if it’s possible that you can leave ur state, get to illinois. Illinois isn’t just a state where abortion is permitted, in illinois abortion is strictly a protected right. illinois’ right to abortion is permanent and isn’t going to be changed anytime soon. in illinois your abortion rights are completely confidential. illinois is one of the easiest states to access abortion in and the process is fairly simple, and it’s going to always be legal to do so even as the right to abortion is overturned in other states. it’s very much a safe haven to anyone who needs to flee their state right now. if anyone can provide any resources and links that would be greatly appreciated.

it’s extremely in depth and shares a lot of very valuable info if coming here is in your best interest.

Just to mention it, as I’m sure others have, as of 6/1/2022 all minors can get an abortion in Illinois without parental consent or parental notification (previously, you had to get a court order to skip the notification). Also, Midwest Access Coalition is a group dedicated to providing funds to those who need to travel here to get an abortion. Please do pass this info on to anyone who may need it.


something like 80% of the chicago abortion fund’s funds were used for people coming in from out of state. that’s not a bad thing at all, it’s necessary medical work. please do come here. we’d love to have you in. everyone else: donate to the chicago abortion fund.


Okay but these fucking dudes are trying hard to reach an audience and I respect the fuck out of them for it. 12/10 sanitation department of New York City.

I was prepared to cringe but I think this was good

These guys at NYC Sanitation are paid 150k a year and retire on 125k a year pensions til they die......

And they should. God bless them

Salary of public sanitation workers should be more than the salary of any politician


They don’t get those figures until they old af and in certain positions but also like bruh of any job to pay peolle nsane mkney this is a flex

Sanitation is one of the most dangerous jobs out there, and one of the core reasons we have eliminated or diminished many illnesses. Sanitation workers deserve their weight in gold.

Doctors cure individuals of diseases

Sanitation workers protect *entire cities* from diseases

If you genuinely believe that sanitation workers don't deserve to be well paid, you might need to take a good hard look at your internalized classism


we as the autistic community have GOT to start talking about how a special interest can be toxic

you might have a toxic special interest if:

  • it interferes with your ability to care for your own needs, be they physical, psychological, or social
  • they bring out your worst behaviors (might overlap with a toxic fandom)
  • they are demonstrably harmful to minority communities/the world at large

i once had a therapist tell me to think of special interests like relationships. they CAN be bad for you and sometimes you have to end them.


wut. I thought Wikia was good?

wikia is not good.

wikia is a hypercapitalist monopoly that's crushing independent wikis and it's an adware-infested hellscape that sucks ass and has a horrible user interface.

wikia is a for-profit corporation that does not care at all about fandom, stole and trademarked the fucking word "fandom", and is actively monopolizing the fanwiki world while either buying out or outcompeting actual legitimate independent wikis.

they manipulate google results to drive searches toward their much shittier wikis rather than towards the actually helpful and worthwhile independent wikis.

if you google the word "fandom", the top result AND the wikipedia page they suggest are both wikia.

their user interface is horrifyingly terrible for a wiki and they allow almost no customization at all to the wikis who have to use their platform. you cannot run a wiki on wikia without forcing people to see a huge, obnoxiously bright yellow WIKIA!!! banner along one side, a huge header filling up the top of the page, a massive useless sidebar, and often a fucking video above the article, not to mention the literally endless wall of completely fucking unrelated ads that scroll up under every article, and instead of talk pages they have fucking comments sections.

this is an actual wiki:

and this is the equivalent page on a fucking wikia wiki:

neither of those screenshots are edited.

you cannot see the information on the wikia page upon opening it.

but you know what you can see?

fucking ads.

have you ever heard of NIWA? it's the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance, a group of independent wikis that are each around a specific Nintendo fandom (Super Mario Wiki, Bulbapedia, etc). a couple years ago there was a huge controversy because ZeldaWiki, one of the founding members, shifted to Gamepedia, a wiki farm and possibly Wikia's biggest competitor. people were annoyed, and were occasionally making jokes like "what next? are we going to start including Wikia wikis?"

then gamepedia got bought and merged with wikia.

this is what zelda wiki used to look like:

and this is what zelda wiki looks like now:

terraria recently changed their official wiki to an independent one since Gamepedia got bought out by Wikia, which is good, but it's drowned out by the literal thousands of crappy, hard-to-navigate wikia-owned wikis. I've seen wikia wikis that have to append each article with a tag at the top saying "we're sorry about that huge video ad above the article, we can't do anything about it, wikia's in charge."

and wikia gets away with it because site hosting is expensive and difficult so many people, especially younger people, have no choice.

and nobody cares.

support independent wikis wherever you can.

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