
@night-filled-mountain / night-filled-mountain.tumblr.com

“Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.”
-Albert Camus, “The Myth of Sisyphus”

It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.

  • Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
  • There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
  • Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
  • The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
  • There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
  • The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
  • Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
  • Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.

Like to charge, reblog to cast


So I live with my husband, my 4-month-old daughter, and our best friend and housemate, who is a trans guy (and single). We all bought a house together over a year ago. Split the down payment three ways, split the mortgage and bill payments. We're in this for the long haul. We're a family.

My housemate also wanted kids and wanted to try IVF, but was obligated by his insurance to try three (expensive) rounds of the less invasive IUI first, which his doctor assured him WOULD NOT WORK.

One round and he was pregnant. WITH TWINS.

The twins will be born in January (or maybe late December, who knows)--less than five months younger than my baby. In many ways, we will all functionally be raising triplets.

I will be leaving my job in less than a year (when Housemate's parental leave is up) to care for my goddaughters full-time for a few years because it is the cheapest option for our household (and I can't fucking wait).

Our neighbors, coworkers, etc. cannot figure out the dynamics of our household for the life of them.

I never post here anymore, but I figured only Tumblr could possibly appreciate my life.


I’m a massive shipper myself but Beau and Caleb I think might be the best relationship in critical role history. The journey these two went on from being people who genuinely despised each other to being best friends and understanding each other better then anyone else with the only exception being their spouses has been amazing to witness. I want more M9 because to me Beau and Caleb add a dimension to the show I don’t think we get in any other campaign. It feels like Marisha completely understands Caleb and Liam completely understands Beau and they bounce off one another perfectly because they completely understand each others character. I love my empire siblings and I want to see more of them as soon as possible because their friendship is 2nd to none I love them so much.


Reminded again, as I periodically am, that there's a fair number of people in the fandom that think of Nott the Brave and Veth Brenatto as two different characters, and not fundamentally the same woman. In the absolute literal sense, this is false: Nott the Brave, returned to the body of her choice and using her real name once again, is absolutely precisely the same person she was before Caleb cast Transmogrification on her. This is, incidentally, one of her main sources of angst towards the end of the campaign! A part of Nott must have both feared (and, in some ways, hoped) that when she was changed back into a halfling, she would also be a different person. That the person she became traveling with the Nein would be an easy identity to shed, which she may have hoped for because it would be easier to fit herself back into her home life with Yeza and Luc--and because it would be easier to say goodbye to the Nein if that were the case. And she feared it because she liked this person she became, no matter how transgressive society would label her for it. And she loved the Nein and didn't want those feelings to be altered.

But she didn't change. Veth Brenatto is Nott the Brave and Nott the Brave is Veth Brenatto. This was always the point. That's why it's an anagram. It's just that when she's Veth Brenatto again, she is much more focused on the why of what she's doing. Why am I still with the Nein? Why am I still adventuring? Why do I have this reticence to return home to my family? Why don't I long for that quiet, domestic life the way I once did? Her emotional journey becomes intensely personal, sometimes subtly/quietly told, and wholly about what kind of future she wants for herself and how her choice could affect those around her. Her two families become anchor points pulling her in different directions and she has to deal with that. Which is a different story than what she was telling when she was still Nott the Brave. Nott's story was much simpler--I am a goblin and I hate it and I would like to be a halfling again. I would like to be able to be with my family again. It's straightforward and it's achieved! But that's not where it ends, because she still needs to figure out a real, functional future for herself once her goal has been achieved.

All this to say, I think when people say they prefer Nott over Veth, it's important to remember that you are reacting to a certain story arc for the character, not an entirely different character. It may also pay to ask yourselves why you think they're so different. Was "Nott" funnier than "Veth" to you? Does her ability to serve as comic relief fundamentally change whether you like her or not? Did you appreciate "Nott's" themes more than "Veth's"? Or did you even notice the themes being explored in Veth's later game at all?


From a queer elder…

Being queer isn’t supposed to be palatable to non-queers.

We don’t tick little squares on a checklist of “queer enough”, we obliterate the checklist.

We defy societal norms that say our bodies, families or relationships have to look a certain way.

Queer is the insult we took away from oppressors. We’re here, we’re queer, get used to it.

The people who hate us will hate us regardless of how palatable we make ourselves.

Stop licking fascist boots by policing queers who are queer in different ways than you.

Oh, someone is bi/pan trans lesbian with he/him pronouns? So what! They’re welcome on the rainbow. Their identity doesn’t have to make sense to you, it has to make sense to them.

Our identities don’t make sense to non-queers. They see us as unnatural and disgusting, so why are you turning around and crapping that same garbage out at your own community??

Once you drive the visible queers underground, the same people who hate us all will target you next. Nobody will defend you because you drove away everybody who would have.

Enough already!

— sincerely, an old queer.


Reblogging as another queer elder to boost this post.


Hey, if anyone has copies of any of the (understandably!) deleted/privated CR videos and is awesomely down to share, I’m looking for the following:

  • Honey Heist 2: Electric Beargaloo
  • Critical Role and the Club of Misfits
  • All of UnDeadwood
  • All of Between the Sheets

Many thanks in advance!

Thanks so much to those who helped me out with this! 💙 I’m still looking for UnDeadwood, as well as Ashley’s episode of Between the Sheets, though I very much understand if that one is well and truly gone.

Update: I am all set! Thanks to all!!


Hey, if anyone has copies of any of the (understandably!) deleted/privated CR videos and is awesomely down to share, I’m looking for the following:

  • Honey Heist 2: Electric Beargaloo
  • Critical Role and the Club of Misfits
  • All of UnDeadwood
  • All of Between the Sheets

Many thanks in advance!

Thanks so much to those who helped me out with this! 💙 I’m still looking for UnDeadwood, as well as Ashley’s episode of Between the Sheets, though I very much understand if that one is well and truly gone.


So when I go to my dashboard, I only see posts from people I follow.

A friend of mine just made a Tumblr and is getting all these “recommended” posts on her dash that she can’t get rid of.

I no longer have any memory of what I might have changed in my blog settings, Xkit, or adblocker to stop this phenomenon, so I don’t know how to advise her. Any thoughts??


If your argument against any queer identity is “they’re making the rest of us look bad” I implore you to consider just who the fuck it is you’re trying to look “good” for and why you give a damn what they think.


anyway, in honor of pride month, thank you to all of the leatherpeople, bondage lovers, rope lovers, rubberists, sadists, masochists, mommies, daddies, littles, brats, tamers, petplayers, dom/mes, subs, crossdressers, sissies, bimbos, and other kinksters who have protested and fought alongside other queers for our rights and for bravely displaying their lifestyle and queerness for closeminded people to see. pride has never been a "family friendly" event- it has always been a protest and you *are* going to to see things that shock you. that's the point. thank you, queer kinksters and fetishists


something something the group need to keep queer language Pure and Accurate and easily diagrammable and mappable and the group need to play word cop against queer language contaminators who break the rules of which word is allowed to describe what according to whom and that thing larry mitchell said about how the faggots and their friends and the women who love women can keep the men off balance for a long time by subtly, but continually, changing their identities, the men who are in charge of controlling it all find it difficult always to know how many of each kind there are, and who they are, each group can grow and shrink as the men’s changing ferociousness demands.

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