
I'm too pretty to die!

@humanspectre / humanspectre.tumblr.com

▌Alis▐ • 30+ • ♓ • INFP • She/Her • Bi • Brazilian • Ficwriter • Artist • Bioware is RUINING MY LIFE • tw blog: bistiles

She never hesitated. Few people know what Shepard’s been through. I’d like to think I come pretty close. And I worry sometimes she forgets: there’s a whole bunch of people who lose sleep over her getting back home. Maybe it doesn’t need to be said. Maybe we’re too dumb to say it. Soldiers like the Commander are rare. Women like Shepardeven more rare.

Happy Birthday Commander Shepard, April 11th, 2154

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,

The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won,

The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,

While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;

                         But O heart! heart! heart!

                            O the bleeding drops of red,

                               Where on the deck my Captain lies,

                                  Fallen cold and dead.

Supposed to be Shepard ascending the reaper beam thing to her death but whatever

edit: Fixed for mobile, added closeups


I always though it would’ve been really cool if everyone’s appearances changed over the course of the game, their hairstyles at least. 

So, y’know, since it’s not in the game i did it myself :V

Changing hairstyles for erryone!!!

(except for Sebastian because I’ve never played with him and also Carver and Bethany because I’d wanna do separate ones for their separate routes and… well honestly I ran out of steam)


Artober day 17: Mage

I used to think vivy’s design was cool until the Maleficent comparison + how ger personal question was handled now all I can think about is everything else could be better. So Here’s Vivienne with more natural-oriented ornate motifs and a veil ( with and without )…

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