
Everybody needs friends

@trunksette / trunksette.tumblr.com

Emily|20's|Aromantic| Canadian|Magical Girl

If I had a nickel for every aita I've been sent where a group of teenage friends has some kind of formal ruling council, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice

And I don't even think it's the same group, unless one submitter was from the ruling council and the other wasn't

holy fucking shit dude

I mean I didn't think it was but now I'm wondering if I'm the one whose experiences are not universal


being a writer is so embarrassing sometimes like awww no my feelings got hurt guess i'll go make up 90,000 words about it. ugh

two types of responses to this post: “only 90,000?” & “god i wish i could write 90,000 words”


typical edgy and dark magical girl anime but it's about a bunch of stupid girl learning that things CAN and WILL get better for them if they work together instead of free teen girl suffering


I think some of yall forget what fat people look like and just think broad women with big tits are because they don’t immediately fit the dichotomy of “skinny” vs “fat”

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