


I think I finally know how to work this lmao // 23 Scottish// 18+ plz // she //

Don’t make yourself comfortable

Johnny Knoxville x Reader

Part 1: reader makes Johnny jealous and he returns the favour

Warnings: alcohol?

Ello ello this is my first time writing for this Tennessee motherfucker so any and all feedback is needed and some insight in what I should do for part 2!

Words: 1600 (not really proof read I’m sorryyy)

You brought it on yourself really. You could feel the heat rise in your face with jealousy as you glared over at him, leaning against that stupid juke box flirting with those two stupid girls.

See, you and Johnny had been secretly getting together recently. Between the stolen glances on set, the flirting behind the camera and the drunken nights you ended up in his bed; you were falling for this cowboy Casanova. The way you both would stay up and giggle to one another as you lay by his side, his fingers lazily dragging up and down your side, getting drunk on his all too familiar scent and listening to that gruff chuckle of his. You would look forward to going to set every morning, hoping that maybe you would both steal a quick kiss in a corner somewhere that no one could see you both. And you loved the way you could feel his eyes on you when you were pottering about getting things ready, him undressing you with every move.

The guy sent you butterflies whether you liked it or not. However, tonight you thought you were clever. Steve-o, your best friend, knew about your feelings for Knoxville and never stopped the teasing. Him being ‘the best wing-man’, his words not yours, decided to dare you to get a free drink from a random guy at the bar knowing this would drive his poor friend wild.

After Steve-o dared you, your eyes darted to Johnny, who was staring at you darkly. His eyes piercing into you reading ‘don’t you dare’. His brow low. You stared back. Your eyes gleaming, raising one eyebrow reading ‘watch me’. The liquid confidence guiding you. You stood up, pulling up your jeans and shaking out your hair winking in Johnny’s direction before shaking Steve-o’s hand, “done. And once I win you buy the drinks all night”. Steve-o laughed that all too familiar, scratchy chuckle and shook your hand knowing Knoxville was going to go nuts. “Deal”.

Off you went, flirted with poor Luke at the bar, who eventually bought you a shot and some fruity cocktail. You could feel the burn off Johnny’s eyes on you the whole time. Especially when you felt Luke lay his hand on the lower half of your hip, rubbing circles there. When you returned to the table, the boys all cheering you on, Johnny was nowhere to be seen.

So yeah, it was entirely your fault. It was your own doing. But that wasn’t going to stop you from being pissed at Johnny for flirting with those girls. Your glare moved from Johnny to Steve-o who was laughing at you. It was also his fault you decided.

“aw come on man, you didn’t have to agree to the dare” Steve-o laughs, nudging your shoulder. You rolled your eyes “aw piss off dick”. He laughs again before his attention is dragged away by Pontius handing everyone shots.

You took your shot off the tray and let your eyes trail back over to the dick in the corner by the juke box. You huffed, cursing to yourself as you watched him.

Then one of the girls took off the obnoxious pink cowboy hat she was wearing and placed it on Johnny’s head, brushing her whole body up against him. You could see him laugh, adjusting the hat on his head with one hand as the girls started dragging him on to the dance floor with his other. He then turned his head, looking straight at you. He was gleaming with mischief. His eyes staring straight in yours, his eyebrows raised as he started to sing the song that was playing, being pulled on to the dancefloor.

You rolled your eyes, boiling with anger and jealousy. ‘fuck him’ you murmured to yourself as you downed the shot, then proceeded to get up. Steve- looked up at you as you gathered your jacket and bag. “ay ay wow where you going?” he questioned, his brow furrowed like he was annoyed, pulling on your hand to stay. You glared down at him “home” you replied sternly, pulling your hand bag over your shoulder.

Before you could even move one step you felt someone grab your hand, pulling you towards them. Whipping your head round you see Johnny, pink cowboy hat still on his head, slightly swaying to the music. He pulls your hand up, attempting to twirl you but you’re having none of it and halt yourself from spinning, absolutely fuming at him.

“Where you going baby?” he says in the goddamn sexy southern tawng, still trying to get you to dance, which is infuriating you more. “don’t ‘baby’ me Knoxville” you point back, pulling your hand away from him.

“come dance with me darlin” he offers, taking the hat off his head and putting it on yours, trying to take your bag off your shoulder. You swat him away and place the hat down on the table next to you. As you do, you notice you have a slight audience being made up by the jackass team. You swing back looking at Johhny who is pulling your hands trying to get you on the dance floor but you pull away from him. “go and dance with your new friends” you sass, having to shout slightly over the loud music. He puts both his hands up to his heart and feigns being hurt. You roll your eyes and turn to the table behind you “I’ll see you guys on set, Monday” you smile, shooting Steve-o a ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ look. You hear them all groan at you leaving but you’re too pissed off to care.

Turning back to Johnny you scowl at him, shaking your head slightly, pushing past him to get to the door. Johnny sighs and downs the rest of his drink before saying a quick goodbye to the Jackasses sat round the table, who all cheer and shout at him to chase after you.

He grabs your hand as you try to leave but he doesn’t pull you back, he follows you to the exit, putting his hand on your lower back, guiding you. You huff, glancing up at him with your brows, scowling. He looks down at you and throws you that shit eating grin before pushing the door open at the exit.

“you can think twice about getting in a taxi with me Knoxville, no chance” you laugh, hailing down a taxi. He’s stuck to your side like glue, no matter how you try and move away from him. “oh come on darlin, my keys are still at your place last night and there ain’t no way I’m letting you ride these taxi’s yourself. Don’t know what kinda creeps are out there”.

You scoff, pushing his chest. “oh I know, I know fine well the creeps out here wearing pink cowboy hats and red check shirts”. The taxi pulls up next to you and Johnny opens the door for you to get in “oh you don’t mean that. You’re just jealous sweetheart, I know you’re into me. And that’s real cute honey”.

You clench your jaw. He’s not wrong, but the smugness is going to earn him a slap once you get out the taxi.

The ride back to yours is silent. Johnny glances over at you every now and then and you can feel him eyeing you up and down, but you continue to look out at the dark of night, hoping that he can’t see you blush under his gaze. You were still mad at him, even though you were hoping he would spend the night at yours.

It's still silent as you walk up the stairs of your apartment complex, but he’s so close to you. You can smell the liquor and cigarettes off him. Its intoxicating. Like a drug.

“You can come in but don’t make yourself comfortable grab your keys and head out” you break the silence, throwing your keys on the counter, he closes the door behind you. You head into the kitchen for a glass of water, and you hear him throw himself down on the couch, sighing.

‘The nerve of this man’, you mumble to yourself as you storm through to him. “I said don’t make yourself at home Johnny, you’re pissing me off”. He throws his head over the back of the couch running his hands over his face “I’m pissing you off?” he snarkily replies. You put a hand in your hip “yeah, you’re pissing me off” you raise your voice more.

He throws his hands up in the air, exasperated “you’re the one that fucken started it!”.

You sigh. He’s right and you know it. You pout slightly. Cheekily replying “so” as your eyes wander up his slightly exposed torso. His head jolts up, an aura of smugness around him. “So?” he repeats. Getting to his feet, sauntering over to you. “so… you get to just make me sit and watch you flirt with other guys.. as I sit and get wound up about you..” he's so close. His raspy, alcohol abused voice seeping right into you. “… and I’ve to do nothing about it?”

His fingers brush your chin, moving your head up to look into him, meeting his bedroom eyes. You swallow. His head moves closer to you, his lips almost touching yours. You tilt your head to meet him but he pulls away.

“but hey..” he shrugs “tu casa ain’t me casa…” he picks up his keys from the table and heads towards the door, brushing his fingers through his hair. “I’ll see you on Monday sweetheart” he winks.

You roll your eyes, admitting defeat. “Where the fuck you going Knoxville?”

This could go one of a few ways from here…

***OK LISTEN… I haven’t finished this because I’m unsure whether or not to go a wee bit smutty on the next part….? If that’s what the people want then please let me know. If not I’ll write another part of this which doesn’t involve any smut.

Repost becuase I fucken love this one and I’m thinking about doing a part 2 (a year fckn later I know - shocking)

Stay tuuuneeedddd


A Little Something

A/N: So apparently I'm on a bit of a streak right now. And so casually this morning I've decided to post this little blurb I wrote last night about Husband Taron. It's a tonne of domestic fluff with a smidge of smexy chat.

Love love love love


A/N: I don't know where this came from, or why I felt the need to write it, but here we are. I hope you enjoy this little stop gap before I next post after I've finished my Master's dissertation. I haven't edited this properly because I don't have the energy right now so please excuse any mistakes in it.

Word count: 2.2k

‘Can you come over?’ You asked, lips protruded into a gentle pout. The bedroom was dark and quiet, and the bed was cold and lonely. All you could bring yourself to do was stare at the ceiling as hope that sleep would soon settle itself upon you. ‘Come over and cuddle me.’ 

‘Babe,’ he sighed softly, so softly that you could see the toying smile at his lips as he did, ‘you know I can’t do that.’ 

You blinked slowly. ‘Who made that rule? It’s such a shit rule. Like, who is society to tell me that I can’t cuddle my fiancé? You realise how fucked up that is?’ 

Taron chuckled on the other end of the phone and you could just about hear him gulp down a sip of what you assumed would be a beer. ‘Some traditionalist years ago. Said it was bad luck to see one another, or whatever they say it is anyway.’ 

Absolutely in LOVE with this


Looking Dapper

Thank you for answering my ask. I really love how you write smut scenes so I was wondering if you could do something that included smut? Maybe where Taron and y/n haven't seen each other in years and something sparks between them when they first see each other. Maybe it's at a welcome home party for Taron who has been traveling for work for the last however long and someone invites y/n to the gathering. A/N: Hey anon! Thank you so much for sending one! I do love a good bit of smut but don’t write it too often because it sometimes makes me feel really out of touch with life. When the photos of Taron at his friend’s wedding first popped up, inspiration struck and led to this piece. A very smutty day indeed. Word Count: 5.8k Warnings: Alcohol consumption, explicit language, oral sex (f receiving), smut, sex in public,

Also: Sian is pronounced ‘sharn’. Trust me, it’s part of my first name and I’ve been using it for almost 24 years lmao 


To my fellow fanfiction readers,

When you're feeling alone, when you're sad, scared, lost, when you feel broken please try and remember this.

Your comfort character? Would absolutely adore you. They would think you were amazing, flaws and all. They would sit with you when you cried, they'd help you through every hardship.

They're here sweetheart, they're waiting for you, waiting for you to find the new story of your love, to revisit how you first met. They're so ready to fall in love with you all over again, and they will. Because they adore you. So please take care or yourself sweet one, they'd be so lost without you.

So what will it be tonight, friends to lovers? A/B/O? The one bed trope? Found family? Will you find eachother again after a time apart? Will it be smut or fluff? Love at first sight? Enemies to lovers? It's always exciting to start again isn't it? To rediscover how much you adore them.

I hope tomorrow is easier to live through than today, that you find that fic you're looking for, that safe place to land.

Remember your comfort character believes in you and so do I, the random girl on Tumblr, scrolling along with you, trying to make sure no one feels as alone as when they started. You are loved, matter, you are worth everything.



"I love you too."

Summary: (y/n) is on tour with Fall Out Boy (the band she's in) and is dragged to a party after a show. It's overwhelming and the reporters are too touchy but luckily Gerard's there too. (Gerard Way x fem!reader)

Warnings: Kissing?

Word count: 1.2K



Kindergarten Acquaintances

Gerard Way X F!Reader

Word Count: 2.3k

Summary: you go to pick your daughter up where she introduces you to her new friend. You recognise her father

Anonymous asked:

Johnny fluff where hes trying to flirt with u but getting too flustered bc he thinks ur pretty


summary: johnny getting flustered around u <333

pairings: johnny knoxville x reader

a/n: thank you so much for this request<3 i hope you enjoy!

warnings: mentions of drinking

Johnny Knoxville was the picture of confidence. Everything about him exuded charm and suaveness. He was able to get anything, or anyone he wanted, just with a joke and a smile. But for some reason, every time he was around you, he turned into a blushing, stuttering mess. 


when it comes to you. (johnny knoxville x fem!reader)

(this is hastily edited & based on a weird dream i had LMAO)

summary: u and johnny are work rivals, and one night you finally give in to the teasing.

nsfw. first time writing smut DONT LOOK AT ME. basically porn w/o plot. pet names & h*rny dirty talk. i love men.


you and johnny had an, uh, interesting relationship. in public, it would seem as if you hated each other. he was like a school yard boy, pigtail pulling and trying to trip you for attention. it wasn’t like you didn’t retaliate either, there was plenty of back and forth name calling between you two.

but in private he would freeze up, unable to make eye contact. looking down at his beat up shoes or at his hands. you never understood his sudden nervousness around you. you weren’t intimidating. you were never dressed up or anything, but he would act as if he had never seen a girl before. you never questioned it, because, you too were different when it was one on one. voices hushed and whispered, awkward and spacey. johnny had this ability to wind you up and wind you back down in a matter of seconds. he made you day dream about wearing his clothes, smelling his cologne and kissing his stomach. you hated those thoughts, they plagued your relationship with him. at the end of the day, he was your coworker, and workplace rival.

it was just another night after filming, everyone decided to head to a bar for a couple of drinks. you were nursing your second beer when Knoxville finally approached you, smirk already decorating his lips.

“i got a treat for ya darlin’.” he said with a smile. his hands were around his back, hiding the “surprise” .

“oh yeah?” you teased, taking a swig of your beer. his hands showed what he was hiding, a black leather wallet with regular wear and tear. he must’ve noticed your confusion, so he opened it, exposing the license showing a blurry photo of bam, and more importantly, his credit card.

“oh you’re a dick. gonna buy the whole house drinks?” you playfully pushed his shoulder, and he grabbed your hand to hold.

“no, just you and me, wouldn’t be nice to share.” he gave your hand a squeeze, folding the wallet back in his pocket.

“you don’t like to share?” you furrowed your brows, indulging in johnny’s game.

“nah, not when it comes to you.” he flashed his million dollar smile and let go of your hand to grab your waist, bringing you in.

you smiled and brushed this off, not thinking much of his sudden ownership over you. every once in a while, johnny would get like this, overly protective and witty, but only when it comes to you.

after a couple more drinks (and running from bam as soon as he figured out who was paying for your tab), you and Knoxville were posted in a shady corner of the bar, everyone else parting ways and saying their goodbyes. you picked the fruit at the bottom of your glass with your straw, feeling johnny’s chocolate eyes gazing at you.

“how come you’re blushin’?” he snidely asks, watching you squirm.

johnny liked how he could turn you into putty. at work you always seemed so tough, hell you had to. even though you’ve had snakes thrown into your purse, your car spray-painted and hair dye in your shampoo, the crew always had their reservations when it came to fucking with you.

even though he knew the grasp he had over you, it wasn’t like he wasn’t nervous. every day he checked his reflection a couple more times than usual, tried his hardest to get a smile from you. he could never focus at work if you were at the film site at the same time, constantly getting fucked with since he wasn’t focused, his head in the clouds. he didn’t like how he thought of you. he thought of you in his sheets, sprawled out with your back arched. he thought about your nails digging into his back. he would have all of these thoughts, trying not to get hard, and apparently, his payback would be getting tazed with a cowpoke by tremaine.

“you know why, your big puppy dog eyes are gonna burn a hole into the side of my head.” you tossed your head back to get the last of the liquor soaked fruit, dropping the glass with a clink. “whadda want from me?”

“you wanna head back to mine?” johnny suddenly looked at the table, nervous as ever. you never saw each other outside of work and film shenanigans. “rented a couple of things from blockbuster, and the night is still young.” he hoped to god he didn’t sound as lame as he thought he sounded. his palms started to clam as he watched you pretend to mull it over.

you were mentally freaking out. but outside, you kept your cool. “as long as there’s no Affleck, i’m in.”

the walk back was drunken stumbles and tight handholding. the cool Los Angeles air and light polluted sky was your flashlight as you giggled and bumped each other heading back to his small house.

it’s almost as if you both knew there would be no movie watching or awkward small talk. it’s almost as if your brains and bodies worked in sync as he unlocked the front door, holding your waist and making the hair on the back of your neck raise.

he shuts the door as your back is against it, johnny in front of you looking you up and down, as if you were a piece of meat and he was a lion awaiting his meal. his eyes glowed as he watched you, waiting for his next move in rather anticipation.

you pull him closer, your bodies touching and his hands on either side of you, blocking you in.

“honey i want you, can i have you all to myself tonight?”

he says in a hushed whisper, your lips grazing each other.

it’s like your heart is in your throat, you think about pinching yourself like this is some sort of cruel dream. you nod your head, closing your eyes.

“use your words, doll.”

“yes, god yes.”

clothes are hastily removed as you kiss and grab each other. it’s like he’s a porch light and you’re a moth, feeling the inner pull and urge to get as close as possible. johnny picks you up, and leads you to his bed, you lying on your back, pulling him on top of you. you can’t stop kissing him, it’s as if he was the missing puzzle piece. it feels so right, so good as his tongue explores your mouth and his hand wraps around your neck. he squeezes the sides of your throat, removing his lips from yours so he can watch you. it feels so good as your air is strained, just enough to breathe but little enough for you to gasp.

“do you like when i choke you, honey?” his words make you melt and moan, you nod your head and he lets go. he likes watching you, he likes seeing how submissive he can make you, the power he has over you goes straight to his head.

in between kisses he grabs some hair at your nape, your eyes meet his. 

“i’ve been thinking about you all day.” you kiss him, slow and delicate. “ you know i’m crazy about you, right?” johnny kisses your jaw, pecking around your neck before meeting your lips again.

the knot in your stomach builds as his fingers hook at the waist band of your pants, rolling them down as you simultaneously kick them off.

“can you touch me?” you whimper, trying not to seem so desperate.

“not yet.” he hums, feeling himself get harder and harder. “you gotta work for it.” you grab his belt buckle, pulling his hips in towards you. you start to undo his belt and slide his pants off. your hands are feverish and your touch is hurried, like you’ll snap your eyes open and this is all a dream.

it’s the way that johnnys hands warmed your cool blood and ease your anxieties.

“sweetheart, i got ya” he cooed, sweet as saccharine, his southern drawl convinced you to do whatever he wanted to you. he carefully peels the rest of your clothes away, you lying with your legs spread on his bed, knees bent.

“fuck,” he hisses, kissing your chest making his way down to your hips. “you’re a sight for sore eyes” you playfully hum, blushing as his featherlight kisses tease your body. he makes his way between your legs, working two digits in. your back arches and you moan, the knot inside you suddenly letting you loose, you pull his hair, him moaning into your clit. the way his tongue worked in you, your vision blurred and your head pulsed. seeing the man who relentlessly teased and flirted with you at work, now in between your thighs, making you moan and whimper, was something you thought would only happen in dream.

you felt your core tighten, and your fingers grabbed for his hand. he looked up then, taking a pause from his mouth on you. he saw your body sprawled out, mouth agape and eyes squinted. a state of pure bliss and euphoria, and he was the one who was making you feel this good.

“you like how i’m making you feel, baby?” he shyly asks, his left hand grasped in yours, his right middle finger curling inside you.

you could barely get words out, your voice breaking in a moan.

“cmon, you can do better than that. speak up, doll.” he said in a slightly harsher tone.

“mmhm” you whine out, bucking hips to get closer to an orgasm. he likes how desperate he made you. you could feel how close you were, whining his name and pulling him closer.

“you wanna cum?” johnny kisses you in between words, getting off on your desperation. your fingers are frantic, pulling and tugging his hair, your knees coming in closer.

“m so close.” words are barely audible, your voice covered in whines of orgasms. johnny watched as you came, your movement going from chaos, go slow and steady hip bucking.

“you look pretty like that.” johnny says absentmindly. it was minutes later. you’re curled up in his sheet, your head resting on his chest, his voice deep and throaty.

he began to rake his fingers through your hair, the image of you cumming locked in his brain.

“oh really? my mouth half open and hips halfway in the air?” your sarcasm was back.

“yes!” he laughed out, holding you close to him. “you look beautiful like that. you look beautiful all the time.”

you think back about set days of you covered in hot sauce, old lady makeup, bruises and animal bites, crusted old makeup or a full face for some weird promo.

you smile, lifting your head to kiss johnny.

“all the time?” you question, before leaning in.

he kisses you, soft and delicate.

“all the time.”


"Good Puppy," Johnny Knoxville x GN! Reader

A/N: Thank you guys for all the love and support when I said I was gonna write this, I love each and every one of you freaks 🤪. Words: 1.6k TW: Minor NSFW, very suggestive themes!! Tags: @whore4knoxville @jknox @alex-abn0rmal @trashy-panda777 @h3llbound @lightmyluv @butucantblameme4h8ingit (PS, if you commented or reblogged on one of the promotion posts you got tagged <3)

Jeff wanted to start shooting some episodes down at the beach, which gave Chris the idea to dress up again. He had been wearing the Bunny costume the entire shoot. Shortly, I found myself sitting in the middle of Dunn and Pontius, or Bunny the lifeguard. The sun gleamed down on the three of us. I lay on my stomach, conversing with the three. Now and again, Steve-O would bound up to us in his cheetah print speedo and talk about the stunt he was supposed to perform that day. I warned him that bobbing for jellyfish was very dangerous. 

Anonymous asked:

do you have any nsfw headcanons for the guys? if you're willing/comfortable with it of course!!!

i hope these are okay!! i’ll do a pt 2 soon!
18+ please, fem!reader

nsfw hcs - part 1

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