
For the Love of Thedas

@theneras-la-lath / theneras-la-lath.tumblr.com

New url meaning; Dream of Love. A blog to share my love of the games, and Solas; there will be lots of Solas. I'll also be linking my fan fics and post previews from current WiPs. I write Solas, Fenris, and Cullen paired with OC, Lavellan or Trevelyan. My latest OCs are Grace Winters and Gabriel Trevelyan.

One of the ballsiest things Tolkien ever did was write 473k words about some hobbits called frodo, sam, merry, and pippin and then write in the appendices that their names are actually maura, ban, kali, and razal. 

This just in: Eowyn and Eomer’s names actually start with the letter “L.” [source for other nerds

No, they have Westron names and English names.

What you’ve got to understand is that everything Tolkien wrote was him pretending to merely translate ancient documents. He was writing as if the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings were actually been written by Bilbo, Frodo, and Sam (or Bilba, Maura, and Ban) and he was just some random contemporary academic translating it all into English for us. 

There are many languages in his books, but generally speaking, everything written in English in the books is a translation of the language “Westron.” Therefore any names that come from Westron, he translated. Names coming from other languages, like Sindarin, he left as they were. Why? IDK. Maybe because the stories are from a hobbit perspective and hobbits speak Westron, so he wanted the Westron parts to sound familiar and the other languages/names to remain foreign? 

“But Mirkwoodest!” you cry, “The word ‘hobbit’ isn’t an English word! And the names Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Peregrin Took, and Meriadoc Brandybuck” all sounds super weird and not like English at all!”

Psych! They are in English! (Or Old English, German, or Norse.) Once again you underestimate what a nerd Tolkien was. Let me break it down: 

In Westron, hobbits are actually called “kuduk,” which means “hole-dweller,” so for an English translation, Tolkien called them “hobbits” which is a modernization of the Old English word “holbytla” which comes from “Hol” (hole) and “Bytla”(builder)

“Maura” is a Westron name which means “Wise.” Weirdly enough, “Frodo” is an actual Proto-Germanic name that actual people used to have and it means the same thing. 

“Banazîr” is Westron for “half-wise, or simple.” In Proto Germanic, the prefix “Sam” means half, and wise is obviously a word we still use. 

“Razanur” means “Traveler” or “Stranger” which is also the meaning of the word “Peregrin(e)” This one is a twofer because  “Razar” means “a small red apple” and in English so does “Pippin.”

“Kalimac” apparently is a meaningless name in Westron, but the shortened form “Kali” means “happy,” so Jirt decided his nickname would be “Merry” and chose the really obscure ancient Celtic name “Meriodoc” to match. 

Jirt chose to leave “Bilba” almost exactly the same in English, but he changed the ending to an “O” because in Westron names ending in “a” are masculine. 

I’m not going to go on and talk about the last names but those all have special meanings too (except Tûk, which is too iconic to change more than the spelling of, apparently). 

The Rohirrim were also Westron speakers first and foremost, so their names are also “translations” into Old English and Proto-Germanic words, i.e. “Eowyn”  is a combination of “Eoh” (horse) and “Wynn” (joy/bliss)

“Rohirrim/Rohan” are Sindarin words, but in the books, they call themselves the “Éothéod” which is an Old English/Norse combo that means “horse people.” Tolkien tells us in the “Peoples of Middle Earth” that the actual Westron for “Éothéod” is Lohtûr, which means that Eowyn and Eomer’s names, which come from the same root word, must also start with the letter L. 

The names of all the elves, dwarves, Dunedain, and men from Gondor are not English translations, since they come from root words other than Westron. 

The takeaway from this is that when a guy whose first real job was researching the history and etymology of words of Germanic origin beginning with the letter “W” writes a book, you can expect this kind of tomfoolery.

Notes: Sorry I said “Razal” instead of “Razar” in my original post I’m a fraud. 

Further Reading: 


I’m having a stroke

Tolkien was the most extra son of a bitch my goodness

This is why C.S. Lewis wanted to punch Tolkien in the face sometimes. 

In the great hierarchy of nerds, Tolkien remains at the very top.

No one can top Tolkien.


I’m so mad because this worked

help me roger

Reblogging myself because… what was that? Five minutes?



………my friend has made me curious


help me roger

Update: after I reblogged this someone messaged me offering me tickets to the sold out Hausu screening with a Q&A and autograph session with the director

These never work for me, but here’s to trying.

  1. I don’t believe in these things
  2. But last time I reblogged one ten/fifteen minutes later I got a call offering me a job
  3. But I reblogged it because I was waiting on hearing back from the job. So there you go.
  4. Roger is cute.

Eh Roger is cute I might as well


That fish is so happy it makes me happy.


Reblogging myself because I reblogged this yesterday and got promoted today!




mostly reblogging because Roger is totes adorbs.  you know what else is totes adorbs? good luck.

Definitely time to send Roger around again…

I’ve got an application due today, so heeeeere’s Roger!


I feel like this could stand to go around right now…


OC/canon and selfships are good y’all are just scared of having fun

“But it’s cringe” ok what if it is? What’re you gonna do about it? Call the cops? Are you some kind of cringe police? Huh? Suck my nuts. I have 30 bfs and gfs and I’m having fun while you sit in your sad little clown corner getting second-hand embarrassment from looking at people having a blast. Make a self-insert oc and maybe you’ll feel better


The spread of red lyrium

This isn’t new information by any means, but with the extent of the inclusion and the sheer amount of red lyrium shown in the three DA4 teases we’ve had thus far, it’s shaping up to be a prominent plot thread and considerable threat in the next game, so I felt like revisiting it.

Environmental impacts

  • It can grow almost anywhere. In some places the composition of the earth makes it grow faster and more abundantly 
  • Once enough of it is present in an area, it’s very difficult to near-impossible to remove. The chances of even dwarves removing it from Emprise du Lion is thought to be 0.014%. Characters worry such a removal attempt could go wrong and cause it to become airborne
  • Even if the crystals themselves are removed, the substance will have already been introduced into the food chain, first at the trophic level of tiny underground creatures and then progressing upwards as they are eaten by various other animals
  • Red Templars at advanced stages of red lyrium corruption are able to sow it into the soil from their bodies. They “spread” it and it “grew at their touch [sic]”. “Let it follow where we walk, take root where we settle.”

Effects on health

  • Physical: Increased strength, increased endurance, increased pain tolerance, new powers, altered appearance, pain, corruption, deformity, petrification, death, poisoning if ingested in fatal amounts
  • Psychological: Paranoia, possessiveness, aggression, hearing the “song”, mental agony, memory loss, lyrium madness, insanity

Other attributes

  • Stronger, much more potent and more addictive than normal lyrium
  • Doesn’t need to be ingested in order to have an effect on a person
  • Tainted by the Blight
  • Its growth can destroy inanimate objects
  • It can make things float and inanimate objects come to life
  • Thins the Veil, making it easier for spirits - and alarmingly, demons - to interact with the waking world


For some reason I’m struck by the similarity between how red lyrium progresses through the body -

Crystals will grow inside their bodies; even, I am told, sprouting through their heads 


I opened up the creature and saw that red lyrium had fused to the bones, overgrown its lungs, and spread like a fungus into the brain. As I watched, the red crystal pulsed and spread the smallest fraction of an inch deeper into the flesh of the corpse. Blood drained out of the surrounding tissue, as if the lyrium itself were feeding on it.
I have ordered my assistants to wear masks and gloves while burning the body. Posterity forgive me, I want no truck with the forces in that thing.

and how dragons are unusually resistant to the Blight, with physiology that can to an extent stem the spread of the Blight infection -

Within the carcass of the Abyssal High Dragon, we found cysts of hardened flesh. Sister Brigette, a scholar from Nevarra, said she had seen, once or twice, similar nodules in other beasts. To protect itself, the body grew a barrier around a foreign object that could not be removed.
Naturally, of course, we cut into the cyst. The flesh within was Blighted. We immediately examined all other cysts found in the other dragon carcasses. Each time, we found the Blight. The only conclusion we can draw is that dragons can stem the spread of the Blight within their own bodies. They cannot do this indefinitely, as the existence of Corypheus’s dragon suggests, but they are more resistant than other creatures.

I guess it’s no wonder why dragons don’t want to go near red lyrium. That would be a form of Blight corruption they couldn’t to an extent deal with or stave off -

From eyewitness reports, the adult dragons never ventured close to where the red lyrium grows, even though they could easily have done so. I can only conclude that the creatures instinctively understand that red lyrium poses a threat.

You see a LotR ‘One Ring effects’-style impact of red lyrium exposure on characters like Bartrand and Meredith. If Solas is using or going to be using the red lyrium idol… is he immune to the effects of the substance? Andruil wasn’t immune, he wasn’t immune in the Red Lyrium Future. Is that why he’s on a dinan’shiral?



Pairing: Loghain x F!Amell

Rating: T

Word Count: 16,276


Loghain only survived the Landsmeet because Solana needed him to help her fight the Darkspawn. He never expected her to soften towards him after all he’d done, much less become his friend, and, in time, over a great distance, so much more than a friend.

This was a joy to read! You have captured Loghain’s voice and his motivation so beautifully. His road to redemption was hard earned, and as with everything else he doesn’t make excuses, but accepts the facts for what they are. 


I did that thing where I was checking out a wip I haven’t touched in a long while, and before I knew it I was really sucked in and just reading it and enjoying it, and then it just fucking ended abruptly during a good scene and I nearly started screaming, and then I remembered it’s my own fucking wip and that means I have to be the one to fix this and finish it and I really really nearly started screaming and just asdfghjkl

Hey op, you didn’t have to come into my house, drag me out of bed, and proceed to drown me in my own bathtub

Anonymous asked:

do we REALLY need to bring back "don't like don't read", "YKINMK" and "no flames uwu" from FFnet circa 2007? Because if antis can't handle any level of nuance then maybe we should just have ourselves our fancy little disclaimer that works 100% of the time in all cases.

already been proposed and loads of people have utterly missed the point like “don’t like don’t read was about normal fic you weren’t interested in not PEDOPHILIA” as though “dldr” wasn’t being used on NSFW Harry Potter fanfic before these children were born


Gonna add my two cents to this and it’s more about the general debate around these terms than it is this particle post TBH but:

Don’t like don’t read means exactly that. Don’t read a story about [x] if you don’t like or are uncomfortable or even triggered by [x]. You are not obligated to read it so clicking on it or continuing to read it is entirely your choice and if after all the tags, ratings, and warnings you still decided to carry on you only have yourself to blame if you end up getting your pants in a twist. So I don’t really get why what the phrase means or doesn’t mean is up for debate. It’s a simple phrase. It’s exactly what it says on the tin. A lot of these sayings only went “out of style” simply because they were so understood by many people in fandom. They were unspoken rules/etiquette because everyone had been so entrenched in that environment for so long it felt like it went without saying. “Everyone knows if you don’t like something you shouldn’t read it! That’s common sense! I don’t need to keep reminding everyone!” But a lot of the spaces that these ideas came from no longer exist or are no longer popular and a new wave of fans who have only ever interacted with fandom on sites like Twitter and Tumblr don’t know about Ye Olde Ways.

Fandom contains a vast array of content and variety of different people all with their own preferences, comfort levels, perspectives, and experiences. In order for all of that diversity to coexist everyone has to have a very strong understanding of “to each their own”. As well as how to curate their online experience and knowing that fandom can’t be 100% a safe place (whether you like it or not this is simply the truth of the matter–a lot of fandom spaces are both public in the sense anyone can interact most of the time and anonymous, and this can spell trouble if you don’t know what to expect or don’t know how to conduct yourself and sadly all the spaces where you can control who can see you content or engage with you is more personalized are so niche nowadays that most people won’t use them even though they fit their needs) for any individual simply because of the high rate of engagement people have with each other and the fact it’s impossible to control other people. If simply the idea there is content you don’t like exists is enough to cause someone to go off the rails then fandom simply isn’t for them. It’s possible to create small and highly vetted communities on Discord servers and the like but as a whole outside of modded spaces with a select number of people it’s impossible to control fandom in the way antis want it to be.

People may think that sayings like DL:DR and kink tomato are outdated or no longer in use but, in my humble opinion, they’re still important. Maybe not as many people use them anymore but that doesn’t make them any less useful or true. Yes, it is common sense not to read or engage with content you don’t like, but apparently common sense is in short supply these days and so…if you don’t like it don’t fucking read it.

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