


August, They/Them

“Almost ready?” I asked, leaning over while still standing, trying to tie my shoe in the most inefficient way possible.

“Let me get a drink first,” Veronica said, grabbing a glass and heading to the bathroom sink.  Veronica told me she liked bathroom water more than kitchen water on our fourth date.  It was a little weird, but I didn’t judge her.  Maybe she knew something I didn’t.

She paused to smile at the mirror before turning on the tap.  I remember what she told me about that, too.  She said she did it every time she came across a mirror to remind herself that she was a beautiful person.  She was beautiful, that was certainly true.  I couldn’t knock her runner’s figure or her shielded eyes or her Mediterranean brown hair.  She also dressed well.

When I was in elementary school, I remember we had this assembly in which some guy came in and the basic message of it was was that we should protect the rainforests.  I have a vague recollection that there were songs involved, but I can’t really remember the full details of something that happened almost fifteen years ago.  What I’m stuck with now is the question: why did the school permit someone to tell 7 year olds to protect the environment?  What could I, a 7 year old kid, possibly have done to stop the mean companies from bulldozing trees to make paper out of?  I disliked paper just as much as the next kid; you had my full support already.  Did they pay that guy or did he pay the school?  And which would be worse?

“Ready now?” I asked as she finished her second glass.  "We should get out there before sunset.“

“Yeah,” she yielded, tossing me the glass glass.  

“That’s glass,” I scolded, carefully setting it inside the dishwasher.  

Does this qualify as a skill: I’m really good at measuring someone’s attractiveness.  I can look at any woman and immediately scale her outward beauty compared to other women.  If you put 100 women in a room I could place them in order of my attractiveness to them without any struggle at all. What does that mean?  What does that say about me?  Do other people have this same skill?  I’m afraid to ask.  I haven’t ever mentioned this to anyone.  I realize it’s a very rude thing to even talk about doing.  Plus, where would I find the 100 women?

We disembarked from my second floor apartment, careful on the icy outdoor steps to the parking lot.  After four sentences of discussion, which I will spare you, we decided to head west, so we could face the setting sun as we ran.  I had forgotten my sunglasses, but Veronica had remembered hers.  She also remembered her water bottle and her ipod.  It was one of those mid 2000s ones, definitely pre-iPhone, but I couldn’t remember what it was called. Anyway, she also had one of those straps runners have that lets you attach it to your arm as you run.  Man, technology has really advanced.

When I first started driving I used to be really nervous about making left turns. Something about them startled me.  Maybe it was the improvisation and finesse required to judge the distance needed to successful turn without getting destroyed by the opposite side of traffic, maybe it was because I probably only did ten of them before going for my license test.  I think I’ve mastered it now, but I still really prefer right turns.  They’re a lot easier to pull off and there’s less of a chance your car will be hit if you make an honest American mistake.

I really struggled to keep up with her, no matter how hard I tried.  I had that sharp pain in my abdomen you get from not eating enough pasta and tomatoes the night before you run.  I also had one of those little woodchip spikes you get in your socks in my sock.  It wasn’t that bad, though; I had definitely had worse woodchip splinters in my sock before, that’s for sure.  All in all, it wasn’t worth complaining about and it definitely wasn’t worth stopping and getting left behind.  The sun was finally starting to do its nice colors thing, so I sucked it up and kept running at pace with Veronica.  She had on one of those yellow-green jackets runners wear to make themselves really visible.  I had one of those nice black caps that robbers wear, but they’re really warm so I didn’t mind having to face that stigma if it arose. 

I actually loved reading this and thought it was beautiful and cohesive but the notes say one of two things: that it’s satire and bad writing and also that it sounds like someone with ADHD’s inner monologue so idk what that says about me??


wanting and not wanting at the same time

a comic for asexual awareness week

bringing this back today for the start of pride month. still overwhelmed by how well this comic went down and with how many people relate. it’s easy to think aro-ace people are all totally accepting of their identities and really proud of who they are. i guess on websites like this you see a lot of people proudly putting their identity in their bio, a flag in their profile picture.

in fact i think a lot of aro-ace people really hate that part of themselves, hide it, and struggle for a long time to ‘accept’ who they are and feel any sense of ‘pride’. that’s the feeling i wanted to capture here. the disappointment, the loneliness, upon realising that you can’t feel what is such a wonderful thing. the embarrassment of not being ‘normal’, of being some random sexuality that nobody irl has heard of, and letting down those around you because you can’t be who they want you to be. how desperately you want to change, how desperately you want to feel. but you just can’t.

i know not all aro-ace people feel like this. i know lots of aro and/or ace people feel able to be in relationships, to feel closeness and have partners in other ways. but i think it’s important to be aware that some aro-ace people do feel like this.

the comments on this comic have mostly been great but a few have been very frustrating. a comment it got a lot was along the lines of ‘aw!! you don’t need to have sex to be in a relationship!’. you completely missed the point, hah. this is not a comic about sex. it’s about a lack of feeling, the lack of something beautiful other people seem to have. another comment that popped up a few times was ‘maybe she’s a lesbian’. well maybe lesbians and aro/ace girls have more in common than people think - maybe they both often struggle to accept that they feel no attraction to men, even though society has conditioned them to do so, sometimes spending years trying to force themselves to like men in that way, when they just can’t.

this comic is called ‘wanting and not wanting at the same time’ because she wants to love. but when it comes down to the reality, she can’t fulfil the requirements of that. she wants to love someone forever, to get married and have children and grow old with her soulmate, but she doesn’t want it with this person. or that person. or anyone she meets or will ever meet. a sort of catch 22, i guess.

hope that makes sense. thanks for listening, and have a lovely pride month ❤️

Coucou c’est moi

“she wants to love someone forever, to get married and have children and grow old with her soulmate, but she doesn’t want it with this person. or that person. or anyone she meets or will ever meet”

Well shit I didn’t need to be called out like that

I feel this so hard and often it makes me doubt my identity as ace so this is really validating. I straight up feel like I don’t know what I want. I know I want a soulmate but I am still figuring out what that would look like for me.

Ace awareness week!!


[Audio Description: A scene from the podcast Dungeons and Daddies.

Anthony: You hear the thump of footsteps behind you of two very familiar, very fast-paced footsteps. And you hear, da, da, da, da, da, and they go— 

Lark & Sparrow: Father! We have come here to save you! From the— from the crab! Aha!

Henry: What the fricking, ding, dang, gosh darn, dilly willy, heckin’ shark tooth, banana, chicanery— hooting, tooting, raspberry fricking fuck are you two doing here?!


Matt: Wow.

Lark & Sparrow: Oh, he used the fuck word.

Beth: I bark, friendly.

/end of audio description]

Blessing my own blog with this audio clip


I have a terrible habit of getting really into fan art and then totally forgetting to post SO here’s some of my early DnDads doodles. Nice to get rough shapes down without trying to dial in designs right away. Didn’t figure out Darryl on this pass but I got it later.

(Dungeons and Daddies a really fun, absurd show in which four dads from our world are sucked into the forgotten realms and must rescue their sons.)

Wow this art is so pretty


what if we pronounced female like tamale

tamale isn’t even a fucking word you fucking dipshits. the singular term is TAMAL. “betty ate a fucking tamal. plural is TAMALES. betty and the hoes ate some fucking tamales. i swear if i see another person say or use tamale i will implode. 

anyways imagine if we pronounced female like tamale

Hehe fah-mal-ay


throwback to the time I got really annoyed at the funko pop men who were coming into my store and bothering me during the pandemic so I made a bunch of memes and fake tweets


you can’t do this shit to me for a second i thought i had missed something important

Wait this isn’t a real meme that I missed??



[witty quip]

[fandom reference]


[unneeded response]

[controversial comment]

[random comment that has nothing to do with the original post]

[unnecessary lengthy response in emojis]


[porn bot]

[remark about post getting out of hand]

[ask if we’re gonna acknowledge the porn bot]

[doesn’t acknowledge the porn bot]

[dying in the background]


[someone saying ‘get out’]

[someone being confused about the original answer]

[comment on how I’ve been looking for this post for months]

[remark on how the post has changed since they last saw it]

[a comment questioning everyone’s sanity]

[a statement of how they’re gonna reblog this version]

[comment tagging @hellsite-hall-of-fame to send you all away]

[an excited reblog on how they’ve seen this post only in screenshots ]


[an unexcited reblog because this post is back for the umpteenth to disgrace their dash]


[heritage post]


[comment on a screenshot of someone else’s tags]

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