
We're All Mad Here!

@spellbinding10 / spellbinding10.tumblr.com

Hey! I'm Spell and I am a huge nerd! I also rant a lot so get used to that! I enjoy the little things in life such as Dylan O'Brien's bootayyyy ;)

Listen Before I Go (SH x Fem! Reader)

Summary: A quick call won't hurt, right?
Warning: It's Sherlock everyone like him..heavy angst? Attempt Suicide, mental breakdown, mental health, You are loved by people, don't do that. You need a hug, pleading, high ceiling, hanging rope, almost suffocating. The Empty Hearse episode.
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.


home sweet home


Sherlock invites you to be his plus one to John and Mary's wedding. You haven't seen him in years, but he still feels like your home.

"Your- you want me to be your- best man? me?" Sherlock asked after several minutes of silence.

"Of course Sherlock" John reassured his best friend with an amused smirk on his face.

Sherlock was confused, surely, but happily surprised nonetheless.

"So? Do you think you could do it?"

"Y-yes. Yes, I do."

"No offense, but that is not something I'd want to hear from you when talking about my wedding."

Sherlock let out a nervous laugh, but his mind was elsewhere. He was organizing, browsing, scheduling, defining, panicking. But he was happy.

As the wedding planning went on, - Sherlock being really involved in its every part - it became the detective's priority. The great Sherlock Holmes was already really selective when it came to cases to take on, but now, since he vowed to dedicate most of his time to his new responsibility, he became even pickier.

Mary and John tried everything to distract him once in a while, but it only worked for a brief period of time: no mystery was intriguing and time consuming to the point where he'd take more than six hours to solve it. Until what was supposed to be just a simple question completely froze his brain.

"Hey Sherlock, I was thinking..." John begun.

"Well done, John, I always knew you could make it one day." Sherlock mocked.

"...I was thinking" John repeated with a roll of his eyes. "who you're going to take as your plus one to the wedding."

"My plus one?" Sherlock looked at his friend with confusion in his piercing blue eyes. "Am I not enough on my own?"

"Of course you are." John chuckled. "I'm just saying, if there's anyone you'd want to ask, feel free."

"That's a kind offer, thank you John." Sherlock smiled, but the feeling of confusion wouldn't leave his head; then it moved to his stomach. He thought about it thoroughly, but the whole time he knew who he wanted to see standing next to him in such an important day. It was you.

He hadn't seen you in so long, but he never missed a chance to talk to you via text. The two of you had been friends for as long as you could remember. The dynamics of your relationship was nothing but an innocent childhood bond, that slowly tuned into the best kind of flirty friendship. You had left England years prior, due to your parents' job, then to your own. But you wouldn't have missed the wedding for the world, you couldn't miss a chance to see your favorite curly-haired best friend.

The day of the wedding finally came and so did the reception.

"So, Sherlock" Mary begun as the bride and groom approached him. "Are you having fun?"

"Yes, very much so." He absentmindedly replied while attentively looking around.

John tried to follow his gaze for a few seconds. "Are you looking for someone?"

"Yes, I am looking for my plus one."

"You brought someone?" Mary smiled. "Like- you actually brought someone?"

"Yes. Is this so surprising to you?"

"Yes. But in the best possible way."

"Why so?" Sherlock asked, moving his focus on the bride.

"Because now John owes me 10 pounds." She laughed.

"No, no I don't owe you anything because we still don't know if that's actually true. I won't believe it until I see her. Or him."

"Her." Sherlock corrected as his gaze started scanning the room again.

"Or him." John replied.

"Oh no, it's definitely a her." Mary interrupted while openmouthedly following the point where the best man's gaze had fixated upon.

The moment you walked in you quickly scanned the room in search of the familiar face. You felt really confident and beautiful in the outfit you had chosen and, from the gazes you were receiving, many of the guests would agree with you.

"There she is." Sherlock smiled warmly as you approached him and the spouses. "On time, as always." He mocked.

"Why William, you have somewhere else you'd rather be than here, waiting for me?"

"Never." He confessed sincerely, kissing your hand softly. How much had you missed him. The two of you always jokingly flirted, but you couldn't help but feel a thunderstorm in your stomach every time. Neither of you would address the feeling they'd get when the other said or did a certain thing in a certain way. You could only hope it was all true. But it would be unrealistic and unfair of you to ask the most famous persona in the whole England to not get involved with anyone because you loved him.

"Wait a moment-" John interrupted. "William?"

"Oh right. You're known as Sherlock here, aren't you? The Great Sherlock Holmes. I don't mind it, it has a nice ring to it." You jokingly pinch his blushing cheek as he rolled his eyes. "You must be Mary and John. I'm y/n." You smiled at the two, shaking their hands. "Congratulations. You know, I've heard so much about you two."

"I can't say the same." John's gaze darted between you and Sherlock, not hiding his confused expression.

"Oh Really?" You turn your eyes to meet the icy blue ones of your friend. "Maybe William is just ashamed of me."

"It's the exact opposite of that. If I had told them how beautiful you were, they would've thought I was crazy." He flirted.

"That's not why we think you're crazy, Sherlock." John chimed in, causing you and Mary to giggle.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Sherlock offered. Mary and John politely declined the offer, but you didn't.

"Yes please, a glass of wine would be perfect." You smile thankfully, watching him walk away.

"He was always so sweet and kind, and just so fun to be around. I'd give it all to be able to live in the same city as him. Like when we were kids, and we were neighbors." You say nostalgically, earning puzzled and perplexed looks from the spouses.

"Sweet and kind? And fun to be around?" John exclaimed amazed. "Your William and our Sherlock must not be the same person, then." He let out a chuckle, followed by Mary.

"He always was a little...peculiar, if that helps. But I'm glad he has found people who love him just as much as I do. He always talks about you two, I've heard the most wonderful things."

"That's very kind of you, y/n." Mary smiled. "And that's very kind of Sherlock." She let out a giggle.

"There it is." Sherlock smiled. He handed you the glass, to which you kindly thanked him with a small kiss on the cheek. You didn't need to turn your head towards him to know how deep the shade of red that had taken over his cheeks was.

"You see that too, right?" John whispered to Mary. "I'm not going crazy, am I?"

"No, he's blushing hard." She whispered back.

The two newlyweds excused themselves to go check on the other guests, leaving the two of you alone.

Not too long after you were standing before an unforgettable moment. You couldn't help but tear up at the sight of the weds, dancing to the sweet familiar sound of Sherlock's violin. You knew that song far too well, he always used to play it for you. He had written it for you.

After the first dance of the bride and groom you quickly dried your teary eyes. But, as soon as you lifted your gaze again, Sherlock was no longer amongst the musicians that had just then started playing all together. You looked around and to your immediate right, there he was, standing next to you, dangerously close.

"Could I have this first dance?" He softly whispered in your ear. His deep, warm voice making your heartbeat accelerate.

"You'll always have the first dance." Your lips brushed against each other before lightly pulling him towards the crowded dance floor.

He was right there, right then. His voice, his gaze, his touch.

"I missed you." You whisper.

"Me too." He lightly tightened the grip of his hand on your waist. The two of you just stayed in the moment for a few seconds before Sherlock spoke again. "When are you going back to the States?"

"In a couple of days." You replied sadly.

"Where are you staying?"

"At a friend's. She offered me her spare room."

"I have a spare room. And I am your friend."

"You know you're much more than that, Sherlock." You confessed as your eyes drowned into each other's. "If I stayed at yours, I would risk never wanting to go back.

"It's fine by me." He smiled, making you chuckle. Your lips spontaneously turned into a smile the moment your head reached his chest.

Every time, he made you forget why going back to where you lived was so important when your home was right there, in your arms. Home sweet home.

would you like a part 2? maybe with a bit of angst?😁 lmk!!


You Repel Me (Sherlock x Reader)

Summary: you and Sherlock fight over his work schedule and lack of attention towards your relationship.

Warnings: Arguing


Sherlock I mean honestly! Just one day that’s all I asked just one!” You yelled at your boyfriend after leaving you once again to go out on a case.

“It is not my fault Lestrade found a case that needed my immediate attention. I am a consulting detective Y/N this is what I do.” He replied a little too calmly for your liking.

“I understand that Sherlock and I understand that this case needed your full and immediate attention but not all of them do. Not every case needs to be dealt with right at that moment. Sometimes cases can wait. You always have the option to say no and yet for some reason you agree to take every single case Lestrade has given you. Even the ones you solve in a day then complain that they were too simple to solve. You have been taking anything that has been thrown at you and I just don’t understand it.”

“Y/N I don’t know what to tell you. I solve cases, that's what I do. I thought that was fairly obvious when we first started this whole relationship.”

“Sherlock I beg and plead for us to spend time together but you can never pull yourself away from work long enough for us to do anything. I’m not asking for a lot, I’m just asking that you take time out of your detectiving to spend some time with me. One day a week or every two weeks. I’m not asking for much just a day where we can go out on a date or out to dinner, anything. I don’t want the only time I see you to be when you’re sitting in this apartment where you’re surrounded by work and severed body parts!” You yelled.

“I experiment, it's part of what I do.” He replied annoyingly calm.

“Yeah well they’re repulsive. I shouldn't be opening the fridge to find loose body parts like I’m dating Dr Frankenstien!” You fumed. You were tired of Sherlock being so calm while you lashed out. You understood he doesn’t always get it but he has to catch on at some point. He’s a genius after all, the famous Sherlock Holmes.

“Well you repel me!” He finally yelled back.

“If I’m so repulsive why are you even with me?”

“I’ve been asking myself the same thing.”

“You know what, fine, fine then I guess I’ll just go. Obviously being in a relationship is too hard for you.” You grabbed your phone off the table and started walking to the closet to get your coat.

“You know, when John left and got married you whined that you didn’t like that he was gone. That things were going to change then you asked me to move in. Now I see that you only wanted me to move in so you wouldn’t be alone. So you would have someone to hand you your phone when it's 4 inches away from you. Or when you need someone to talk to so you don’t look crazy. This was never about you wanting to spend more time with me, or loving me. God I was so stupid to think you would know how to actually love someone. You couldn’t even make time for me before we moved in together and that’s supposed to be the honeymoon period of a relationship. I should have known it was only going to get worse once I moved in. I mean for god sakes we live in the same apartment and I still hardly see you! All I want, Sherlock, is to spend some time with you. I just want to be like normal couples for once! I want to go to dinner then go to the movies where we can sit in the back of the theater, maybe cuddle up and kiss like teenagers. Would it kill you to do something romantic once and a while just to show you actually care?! For Fucks sake Sherlock we wouldn’t even have to leave the apartment for me to be happy. Order takeaway, light some candles that would be more than enough for me. I don’t need all the fancy things. I don’t want expensive dinners or fancy jewelry, all I want is you.” He continued to just stand there looking indifferent to everything you’ve been saying to him.

“I don’t know why I’m wasting my breath… I don’t think you’ll ever be able to give yourself to anyone. The sad thing is I know you want to. I know you don’t want to be alone but if you continue down this path that’s exactly where you’re going to end up. Alone… I love you Sherlock, I really truly do. With every piece of my heart. I honestly don’t think that I will ever love anyone the way I love you but I can’t do this. This one sided relationship, I feel like I’m the only one trying to make it work. The only one who cares and it’s killing me.. Wondering why I’m not enough. Searching the internet for ways to make you love me the way I love you just to come up with no answers. It breaks my heart.” You held your head back trying to keep the tears from falling but you couldn’t. You gave him one last glance then opened the closet, taking out your coat.

You threw it over your shoulders and fished your arms through the sleeves without ever glancing back at him. You had one hand on the door knob and was getting ready to turn it and leave but his voice stopped you.

“It was never once sided. You have always been enough. More than enough for me.” He called to you. You turned and looked at him wanting to know if he was going to add more. “I’ve always seen love as a disadvantage. Doing all those things that normal couples do.. It frightens me. I’m afraid of falling too deep, of falling too hard and then it all being over like it’s about to be. But I love you, more than I have ever thought possible. You’re right I don’t want to be alone but I don't want to get too close and risk the pain of you leaving either.” He explained.

“Sherlock you can’t love someone and keep them an arms length away. Love is all or nothing. Love is giving someone your heart and trusting them not to break it. Love is being vulnerable. Love, Sherlock is giving someone every part of you and trusting that they will take care of you. I have trusted you with that. I have trusted you not to hurt me and you have.”

“I’m sorry, truly. I love you and I promise I will do better. I was afraid if things got any more serious it would kill me to see you go.”

“Sherlock getting more serious is how people show you that they don’t want to go. I didn’t move in with you just because you asked. I moved in with you because I wanted to take the next step in our relationship. I wanted to show you that this is real for me and that I wanted to keep moving forward. Move in, then someday get engaged, get married and have children. That's how these things work, Sherlock. I know this is all new to you but you were having doubts you should have just asked me. In all the time I’ve known you, have I ever lied to you?” He shook his head.

“No you haven’t.”

“And I would never start. If you thought for a moment I was having doubts about our relationship you should have asked. To which I would have called you a fool, kissed you and told you that I love you more than anything in the world.”

“I’m sorry….Are you going to leave me?” He wouldn’t meet your gaze, already bracing for the rejection that he knew he deserved. Letting out a deep breath you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his neck to which he raised an eyebrow.

“I will leave Sherlock. Don’t think that I won’t. But I will also stay if you make some promises.”


“I want us to have one date night a week. I don’t care what it is. Dinner, a movie, staying in I honestly don’t care. I just want to spend time with you without you worrying about work.”

“Consider it done.”

“I’m not finished.”

“I didn’t think you were.” He smiled softly.

“No more staying up all night every night. I want you in bed on weekdays at midnight at the latest. I can see what it’s doing to you, Sherly. It hurts for me to see you like that. Plus I miss the cuddles. Cuddles are important to me.”

“That I can do.”

“Lastly. I want an apology. What you said hurt Sherlock. The fact that you said I repelled you makes me feel disgusting. Like I’m some bug that you can’t get rid of.”

“I’m sorry my love. I didn’t mean it. I said it out of anger and I know I can never take it back. You are so beautiful and being around you makes me the happiest I have ever been. There’s no one I would rather spend my days, evenings and nights with. I love you. Please forgive me.” He took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles then placed your hand on his chest over his heart.

“You’re forgiven.”




Secret - S.Holmes; Prologue

Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader

Genre: purely angst, upcoming age and some smut

Warning: none

Word: approx 700

Chapters index

prologue | part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part night | part ten | part eleven | part twelve | part thirteen | epilogue

You should never have had slept with Sherlock Holmes.

From the moment you mistakenly kissed after a long night of drinking, it was a downhill spiral of secret meetings in the private study room – not studying – and late hours in the lab room – not practising. All of your friends warned you that it would only end in a heap of tears over a destroyed friendship.


crash course (t.h.)

pairing: tom holland x bi!musician!reader

summary: fresh out of a breakup, tom moves in with his childhood best friend. she teaches him a thing or two about moving on.

word count: 6.8k (phew)

warnings: best friends to lovers, flatmates au, sexual tension, reader is a fuckgirl/chaotic bi, tom is an idiot, language, drinking, weed, fluff, minor angst, smut!, fingering, oral (m/f), protected sex, dirty talk, bro talk lol

song inspo: hozier - moment's silence / john mayer - in your atmosphere / harry styles - woman / lianne la havas - courage / billie eilish - when the party's over

notes: soooo it was based on this ask but it turned into... a monster lmao. i absolutely love y/n here; she's like a combination of harry styles, st. vincent, hozier, and john mayer and i hope you enjoy it!


After a rigorous nine-month long shoot and a tough breakup after a two-year relationship, Tom feels like he’s due for a fresh start. He’s had enough of wallowing in his parents’ house, taking Tessa on long quiet walks at the park, and taking the piss out of his brothers at home. No more of that. He needs to be somewhere different. New.

Hence why he’s taken his car and his stuff to this newish apartment complex in Battersea. (And yes, he’s aware that it’s only a half-hour ride from his family home. But it’s more of a… mental distance more than anything else.)

And there she is, like the most constant thing in his life, standing at the curb in her old grey hoodie and ratty sneakers, with a smile she’s always sported for as long as he’s known her. For a moment, he doesn’t feel all that nervous about this impulsive move.


The Cooking Class

synopsis: Realising him, his daughter, and his housemates couldn’t live off of fast food forever, Tom Holland joins a cooking class.
pairing: single dad! Tom Holland x single mum! reader
warnings: fluff, angst, no-no words, and absolute cuteness from one Miss Autumn Diana Holland and one Mister Lucas Peter Y/L/N
from tags to more tags aka join my taglist? please :)

the four muchachos meet a baby—they’re completely useless. and sam likes to meddle.

three out of the four muchachos™️ get kicked out, tom meets a ✨goddess✨ and uses his daughter as an excuse pt. 1

harry’s a stalker, harrison’s a good wingman, and miss autumn’s too smart for her age

tom’s unlucky, harrison likes to ditch tom for the pretty girl in the class, and tom uses his daughter as an excuse pt. 2

tom’s an idiot, harry likes to rat out his brother, and autumn is the ultimate wingwoman

tom blows his chances, y/n decides to bite the bullet, and blueberry scones make for perfect breath mints

uh oh spaghetti-o’s. tom likes to self-destruct, children are sad, and y/n makes a mean lemon custard pie

surprise, surprise, tom’s a div, sam’s a phenomenal friend, and autumn is a little personality

tom doesn’t deserve y/n, lucas gets the apology he deserves, and theres a lot of ignoring the elephant in the room

sam and y/n are ultimate friend goals, y/n goes through the motions of life, and lucas has been a cutie since birth

heartfelt confessions, touching reunions, and the cutest little family

autumn wants a pony, lucas is the world best brother, and tom is glad sam meddled.

wanna join the game of Tag? Here’s the link


Rebound | t.s.h.

Pairing: Tom Holland x fem!reader

Excerpt: “The terms of the mutual agreement couldn’t have been clearer: mind-blowing sex, moral support when needed, hot milk-chocolate and, the most important one, no feelings involved.

You could do that... right?”

Warnings: English not being my first language, angst, fluff, smut, fwb agreement

Status: Completed


brother dearest

Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader

Summary: Mycroft had never considered himself to be overprotective. However, he isn't overly pleased with how smitten his little brother is with you...

Word Count: 1.8k

Warnings: John is the only one with any emotional intelligence and Mycroft is faced with the horrifying ordeal of realising his younger sibling is dating, so they're all idiots really

Mycroft Holmes could practically feel his blood pressure rising. Confidential documents had been stolen from the very hands of the British government, putting the democratic well-being of an entire nation in jeopardy. And his little brother wouldn't answer the phone.


The Experiment pt. 2

Sherlock Holmes x reader

Summary: Sherlock needs something new to keep him occupied. You have the perfect answer to his problems.

Author’s notes: couldn’t resist writing part 2, which was also requested after I wrote part 1. In my Victorian dirty talk research I discovered that the term ‘blow job’ comes from the Victorian term for cum: ‘blow,’ and how could I not make the most of that information??

Warnings/content: nsfw - smut, f!reader, blow job, hand job, marriage, first times (Sherlock’s first blow job), discussion of safe word, sub!Sherlock vibes if you squint

Upon returning to 221B, you found Sherlock barely out of bed; half-dressed and dropped down onto the nearest armchair, hair mussed from sleep and face sullen.

He hadn’t had a case for over a week, and whilst at first he had taken to spending his free time gladly tending to your desires, you did need to leave the house from time to time to run errands and see to your other commitments.

It was moments such as these that the ennui really set in. Sherlock needed something to occupy him, and if he couldn't have you, he needed something new to excite him, but whatever that would be hadn't yet arrived on his doorstep.


make my heart surrender | carmen 'carmy' berzatto x fem!chef reader | social media au - part two: the first year of dating era

@notsochillnerd said i should keep going so i'm gonna keep going. scenes from the make my heart surrender universe, from their first year of dating. i didn't say anything but yesterday was my birthday and this social media au is a bday sweet treat to yall but also for me. it feels good to feel inspired. i realize that i didn't write much about this phase of their lives so it was fun dreaming up what that time of their relationship could look like. did it accidentally become a love letter to her and syd's friendship? sure did.

i think i need to do this for burn your life down too ah!!!!

you can see part one here. or read the story here.


threesome; tomdaya x fem!reader

smut word count: 2.5k a draft that took a mind of its own...pls enjoy

"Do you know the walls of this cabin are paper-thin? Because we could hear everything last night," Zendaya sneered taking a sip from her coffee while looking directly at you.

"Oh my god, seriously?" you asked feeling your face grow warm recalling the events of last night. It wasn't like you and Tom weren't discreet about your sex life. You had sex. Lots of it. But it hadn't crossed your mind that maybe other people didn't want to know those details of your life. At least not when they didn't have a choice in the matter.


(not so) simple masterlist

pairing: anthony bridgerton x fem!reader

status: complete!

summary: coercing lord bridgerton into pretending to court you to avoid the affections of a baron is very simple. that is, of course, until it isn't.

featuring fake dating/courtship, minor rivals to lovers, idiots in love, mutual pining that they think is unrequited, slowish burn, hurt/comfort, a signature bridgerton happily ever after, and my blood sweat and tears!

total wc: 44,497

overall warning(s): historical inaccuracies, period typical misogyny, implied/referenced sexual harassment -- individual, more specific warnings on each chapter. reader is referred to with the last name worthing for convenience

part 1 ↳ 10k words | miss worthing makes an awful sort of proposal to the viscount bridgerton.
part 2 ↳ 7.1k words | miss worthing despises and enjoys the viscount bridgerton's company in equivalence.
part 3 ↳ 9.7k words | miss worthing has a terrible realization.
part 4 ↳ 7.6k words | the viscount has a revelation and miss worthing decides against her heart.
part 5 ↳ 9k words | miss worthing and the viscount find themselves at a crossroads.

Riding experience (Reader & Bridgerton Siblings)

The horse neighed loud when you entered the barn. The stable boy finishing up the last of securing the saddle. You moved towards the horse, wanting to touch it as it moved his head up. Shushing her, he calmed his head allowing you to lay your hand on his nose. – “It’s alright boy.” – you said letting your forehead touch his head. There was commotion behind you, making you look away.

The commotion getting louder with footsteps. With wide eyes, you watched as most of your siblings entered the barn all discussing. Anthony clearly in a heated discussion with Daphne. Eloise joining in from behind as Benedict forced himself into the conversation as well. Colin and Francesca trying not to get between the heat.


The moment I knew // part 10 (Reader!Bridgerton x Tewkesbury)

Summary: A confession has been made. Will you take the offer and finally live your happily ever after? | final chapter part 1 & part 2 & part 3part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7 & part 8 & part 9]

It means I love you.

Your heart was pounding loudly in your chest. Overpowering your thoughts as you couldn’t think anymore. You weren’t sure how you were looking at him. In shock? Panicking? Glowing? Flustered? Gawking? Seemingly frozen in time as you couldn’t move. – “Miss Y/n.” – Tewkesbury said taking your hand as it startled you awake. – “I cannot bear it any longer.” – he started joining his other hand on yours.

“Every moment apart from you, is excruciating. A pain I no longer wish to bear. I have been a fool, toying around but I am done playing. I am done with my boy-ish attitude.” – he confessed as you curled up a flustered smile. Feeling a bit sheepishly, looking around if anyone was taking noticed of it as well. His hands on yours. A scandalous act in public. Behind him you saw the dancers performing graceful sequences. A dance of tug and war. Pulling and pushing. Nearing and distancing the attraction.


Lavender's Blue, Dilly Dilly (c.b. x fem!reader)

pairing: colin bridgerton x fem!reader

word count: 1.9k

warnings: none? but let me know if i missed any!

a/n: Ah! the first of my "if i was a girl in a book" series is here with sound of music meets colin bridgerton! there will definitely be more parts to this (at least i think there will) but i wanted to introduce the idea of the series with this part first! hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!

The Bridgerton house is terrifying. Not necessarily the contents of the building, though you can not exactly speak for that as you had not entered the house yet, but the actual building is terrifying. It is beautiful and warm and spectacular and terrifying. You take a deep breath and close your eyes before marching up the front steps, placing your two bags down on either side of you, and knocking on the door. It takes approximately two seconds for the doors to open and expose the wide foyer and many footmen seemingly standing around waiting for your arrival. What ensues is the most awkward staring contest of your life; the man who opened the door stares seemingly into your soul, the blankest of stares on his face. 

“Good morning, my name is Y/N and I am here to see Lady Violet Bridgerton,” you finally break the silence, hoping he will stop staring at you if you say something regarding your presence. 

With his arms stuck to his sides and his neck turning only when his body does, the footman marches down the hall and announces your presence in the doorway. The shuffling of many feet against wood and carpet sound soon after, and you are greeted by two little heads staring from the doorframe. You wave delicately, readjusting the bag you had yet to put down in your clenched fist before deciding to put everything down in hopes of looking more welcoming and open. 

“Ah, Miss Y/N, what a pleasure it is to have you!” An older woman in a beautiful periwinkle dress makes her way over to you. Looking down quickly at your brown frock, you push any insecurity out of your mind before sticking your hand out to shake. “Oh no, we’re a hugging household if you don’t mind,” Violet interjects your inner monologue. “Oh, not at all,” you put your arm down and let her initiate the hug, feeling both increasingly awkward and welcome at the same time. 

“Your timing is impeccable, as all my children actually happen to be in the same place at the same time,” the woman laughs. So this is Lady Bridgerton.

“Well, when one has a home this exquisite, I would be partial to staying here as much as possible,” you compliment. 

“I have a feeling we shall get along quite well Miss Y/N,” Lady Bridgerton smiles at you, and you feel like you have gained a victory, if not a very small one. “Children! Come greet our guest!” Oh. You are going to meet all the children right now. Splendid. 

A cluster of frenzied bodies makes their way out into the foyer, the two younger ones that poked their heads at you earlier leading the charge. They soon formed a line, appearing oldest to youngest– though you could not confirm– and you hold back a laugh as the two littlest ones battle it out for a spot in the lineup. 

“Gregory! Hyacinth! Stop that at once, we do not want to be confusing your new governess on her first day,” the oldest–or at least the first in line– yells while leaning over the back of the line. 

“Apologies, they are not always like this,” Lady Bridgerton comments to you, standing by your side and looking disappointedly at her children. 

“Mother, do not lie,” the second in line crosses his arms over his chest as the third suppresses a chuckle with a cough. You try not to laugh along with him, and he catches your shared moment, smiling at you while rolling his shoulders back and tucking his arms behind him. 

“Well, I believe it is time that you should all introduce yourselves,” Lady Bridgerton waves her arm down the line in demonstration. 

“I am Anthony, the oldest and the head of the household,” Anthony starts, stepping forward slightly then stepping back like a soldier. 

“Very pleased to meet you,” you nod, smiling lightly.

“I am Benedict, second oldest,” he goes to readjust his vest and you notice the charcoal marks under his nails and the paint on his thumbs. 

“An artist too I see,” you comment, and his eyebrows raise in amusement and confusion. “Your hands give you away,” you explain, nodding to the signs you gathered. His mouth forms a silent ‘ah’ before tucking his hands behind his back. 

“Colin,” the third one nods at you with a sly smile on his face, “third, one and twenty, and without need of a governess”. 

“Though some may beg to differ,” one of the girls further down the line pipes up, causing the two youngest to giggle under their breath. 

“Well, I am sure we will get to know each other well on adult terms then,” you nod, trying to keep the situation light. 

The girls keep the line going, Lady Bridgerton informing you that Daphne, the oldest daughter, was to debut this year and that while you would mainly be watching over the smallest two children, it would be much appreciated if you were to aid the girls in their more accomplished skills as well. 

“It would be a delight ma’am,” you smile, and when Lady Bridgerton announces that you will need to be shown to your room, Gregory and Hyacinth (whose names you now have committed to memory) are quick to grab a hand on either side of you and drag you up the stairs. Eagerly waiting to get to know their new companion better, you are left to wave a hasty goodbye to the rest of the family as you nearly trip over the initial stair for the children are oh so speedy.

The first night finds you unable to sleep. The space is unfamiliar and the job so incredibly daunting. Though you have faith that you can achieve what you set out to do, it does not make the prospect of having to live with eight children, one mother, and who knows how many staff any less immeasurable. When the Bridgerton family had written to the greater community that they were in search of a new governess, you had never imagined that they would select you, but you were of course more than grateful. Coming from humble beginnings yourself, the cavernous environment and the sheer amount of people in it were enough to spike your anxiety. After tossing on your side for the 100th time, you finally strike a match, lighting the candle on your bedside table and grabbing your diary from beside it. Writing letters to family and friends had become a habit of yours when you could not sleep, which you are not eager to admit happens frequently. You begin writing a letter to your mother, the words spilling out of you as the ink bleeds through the page and onto your hands. Paying no mind to anything other than writing, you are shaken out of your mental tunnel with a quick knock on your door. 

“Yes?” You call through, quickly shoving your diary under your pillow. 

The door opens hesitantly, and Colin peeks his head through the frame. “My apologies, I saw the light under the door on my way down the hall and feared someone had left it burning in their sleep”. 

“Oh,” you laugh awkwardly, “do not fret Mr. Bridgerton, it was merely me”. 

“Were you unable to sleep?” 

“Yes, but not to worry, it was merely,” you pause and realise there is rain tapping at your window, “the storm”. 

“Ah. I know a few of my younger siblings are unable to sleep during storms as well,” he nods in understanding. 

As if responding to a cue, Hyacinth runs up to the door and Colin opens it wider. Her creased forehead and pouted lips are enough for you to open your arms, sending her flying onto your bed. She ducks her head into your pillows, covering her ears further as thunder claps outside your window. You rub your hand along her back, looking between her and Colin who still stands at your door. 

“My dear, did the storm frighten you?” It feels like an obvious question, but one must cover all bases when dealing with new children. Lest you forget when, two families ago, one of the middle children was not scared of the storm, but of the fact that his older brother was chasing him down the hallway with a fish head. How they had even come across such a thing you will never know. Hyacinth nods her head and you pat the space next to you, whispering quiet shushing sounds in her ear as you hear another set of feet approaching your door. Colin looks down the hall as Gregory comes to join the party. 

“Were you scared as well darling?” You ask, scooting your legs to the farthest edge of your bed to make more room. 

“No! I wasn’t scared…I was merely coming to check on Hyacinth,” he sounds unconvinced. You nod in agreement, muttering ‘of course’ to save him his image of masculinity when another round of thunder rolls through. That masculine facade is quick to fall as Gregory runs up onto your bed, taking up the space behind Hyacinth. Colin chuckles and you send him a death glare to avoid him making fun of his siblings. 

“Now now, the storm cannot hurt us inside. We have light, and windows from which to watch the storm pass if we so choose,” you try reassuring them, but it seems to do little good as the children keep in their tucked positions. 

There is suddenly a fourth Bridgerton entering your room when Francesca makes her way in, her head down in fear and shame. You open your arms wider, allowing her a safe space in which to take refuge, and she joins the cluster of Bridgertons on your bed. “Couldn’t sleep,” she mutters before wrapping her arms around Gregory.

“You know what always makes me feel better in times like these?” You look between the three closest to you. None of them give a verbal answer, but Hyacinth raises her head from the pillows, looking at you with the saddest eyes known to man. “My mother used to sing to me when I was scared of the storms. Would you like a song?” Francesca is the first to nod, then Hyacinth. Gregory is last, first trying to keep a tough illusion but quickly dropping it when lighting flashes into view from your window. 

“Lavender’s blue dilly dilly, lavender’s green. When I am queen dilly dilly, you shall be queen,” you begin. When you aren’t watching, Colin closes your bedroom door, leaning against the closest wall. “Who told you so, dilly dilly, who told you so? Twas my own heart dilly dilly, that told me so”. He hadn’t been expecting much when his mother informed the family of the new governess that was to join them, in fact he had rather been irritated by the idea. The youngest children always found a way to scare them off and it seemed like a waste of time and money in his opinion, but his mind is slowly being changed. Watching you interact with his siblings in such a kind a heartfelt manner, especially with it being less than 24 hours since your arrival stirs something within him. He does not quite have a name for it yet, but there is something compelling him to stay in place rather than walking the few extra steps to his room. 

Perhaps he could get used to having a new member of the household.


Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x f!reader

Summary: After breaking up with your awful ex, you follow your dream of opening a little coffee shop in Chicago. Falling in love with the chef who owns the restaurant down the street, however, was not part of the plan.

Themes: Coffee shop AU, takes place a few years after S2 and Carmy has been to therapy, grumpy x sunshine trope, friends to lovers, secret relationship (eventually)

Series warnings: Previous emotionally abusive relationship, frequent food mentions, swearing

Updated: 15/5/24

You’re always welcome to request blurbs set in this universe, share your headcanons, and ask questions! For example, if I reblog a prompt list you can specifically request that the blurb be set in this universe, or you can make up your own requests and scenarios set in this universe!

The series is non-chronological and blurbs are listed here in the order they were posted in. You can request blurbs set at any point in the story you like!

Search #the bear and the bean vibes on my blog for inspiration!




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