
The Water That Turned The Frogs Gay



seriously though there must be mandatory acting classes for the bard track kids because raine’s performance as a brainwashed person was incredible


I think they should make a fighting game where all of the characters are from the public domain



hold on

I'm working on it

wheres winnie the pooh

i wish not to expose him to the horrors of combat


Gatsby's highest level super is his car coming in and hitting the opponent.

Gatsby is not in the car.


If anyone tries to tell you that Shakespeare is stuffy or boring or highbrow, just remember that the word “nothing” was used in Elizabethan era slang as a euphemism for “vagina”. 

Shakespeare has a play called “Much Ado About Nothing”, which you could basically read in modern slang as “Freaking Out Over Pussy”. And that’s pretty much exactly what happens in the play. 


It’s also a pun with a third meaning. There’s the sex sense of much ado about “nothing”, there’s the obvious sense that people today see, and then there’s the fact that in Shakespeare’s day, “nothing” was pronounced pretty much the same as “noting”, which was a term used for gossip. So, “Flamewar Over Rumors” works as a title interpretation, too.

The reason we call Shakespeare a genius is that he can make a pussy joke in the same exact words he uses to make biting social commentary about letting unverified gossip take over the discourse.


Hey, hey, hey, you’re forgetting the fourth thing, that noting (again, pronounced note-ing) was a pun on music NOTES and that’s why there’s a shitload of singing and dancing and puns about singing and dancing because Much Ado About Noting is basically Freaking Out Over Pussy The Musical: Gossip Making a Mountain out of a Molehill.


Today I learned


TIL why Shakespeare is probably the greatest English-language writer of all time.


My preferred modern-language translation for this is “I Cunt Believe He Said That”. 


shoutout to when i worked at an extremely poorly managed farm and my boss texted me only “get pig” and wouldn’t respond to attempts to reach him

he didn’t want me to put the pigs away or something. he wanted me to purchase and obtain a new pig. i was 17 and had no car


'mobsters' are part of a 'mob'. and so you'd think 'lobsters' would be part of a 'lob', but ohohohhohoho, life just isn't so simple


Love when my cat flings himself into the air after a toy, but he has no style. Straight up ragdoll physics.

One day i want to take a video of Yardstick straight-up hurling himself into the void. Cats have no conception that there is a future. There is just now and the jingly toy.


Your cat’s name is Yardstick?

He has three feet.


Literally anyone who’s read the results of any other time this experiment has been tried. Why are we still trying to prove the concept?


We’re still trying to prove the concept because in the West, Big Business and their owners, The 1%, are screaming at the thought of having to give up a little money so everyone can get universal income that supports life - meaning jobs either have to pay you to put up with the literal shit or people can walk away from them without becoming homeless.

Our entire system is basically based on people being so afraid of homelessness and starvation that they’ll accept any shit job for shit pay.

Past experiments have shown that UBI:

Increases high school graduation rates


Domestic violence


Emergency room visits related to mental health

Road traffic accidents.

All while not disincentivizing employment for most groups (the exceptions being high school students, who were able to focus on their studies, and new mothers…who were using it as maternity leave!)

People, for the most part, want to work.

UBI would allow us to expand the definition of “work.” If somebody can live off of UBI, then they can devote themselves to things which we don’t currently value financially such as the arts, raising children well, etc.

And if somebody wants to stay home and play video games all day…then so be it. Not that many will.,..and of those who do most will probably find some way to make that into their “work,” whether by providing play throughs and tutorials or competing seriously.

If somebody stops working all together as soon as they get UBI and stays home to play video games, they probably desperately needed a break.

There are so many people who are struggling with mental and physical illnesses, and chronic pain, who are still breaking themselves working because they don’t have another option - because it can take years to get on disability, and it’s not enough to survive on, so people keep going as long as they possibly can.

Even if it’s not a matter of disability, as such … people get burned out?

We’re not really built to do school and work with minimal breaks to the extent that we do.

Despite what our puritanical culture says, there’s no shame in needing a break.

It always strikes me as funny that people who bitch about a “nanny state” are the same people who want to strip people of as much autonomy as possible because they don’t trust them to make their own decisions.

If you don’t want to give money to homeless people because they’ll spend it wrong, don’t want UBI because people will spend their time wrong, don’t want parental leave or parental support because you think people will start reproducing wrong, you’re the one trying to play nanny here. (And, speaking as a professional nanny, you’d get fired within a week trying to pull that kind of punitive micromanagement bullshit as an actual nanny.)

Universal Basic Income could become a reality in Europe. If you’re a European citizen interacting with this post, please sign this European Citizens’ Initiative to introduce unconditional basic income in the European Union.

As I’ve discussed in my previous post on European Citizens’ Initiatives, these petitions are legit and won’t abuse your personal data. They’re a way to have your voice heard.

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