
News and Politics

@newsfromstolenland / newsfromstolenland.tumblr.com

samira | she/they | brown muslim lesbian | 24 | anarcho-communist | I was @/politicsofcanada

this blog is for sharing news, resources, and political information relating to so-called "Canada", but will also contain world news and mutual aid posts, as well as anything else I find important

I am a settler on territory which is colonist-invaded Indigenous land, and we all have a moral obligation to fight for decolonization and reject the colonist system of government

bigotry of any kind is not tolerated on this blog, including but not limited to TERFs, racists, homophobes, islamophobes, etc. try any of that shit and you will be blocked

I'm an anarcho-communist, and there isn't a single government on this earth that I support. yes, that includes socialist governments

I tag any potential triggers, as well as those people ask me to tag. If I'm not tagging something that you need tagged, send me an ask and I will start tagging it

posts by me can be found under #mine

my financial situation is a bit of a mess so if you want to donate to support me my paypal is wlwaluigi, the link is here. you can also support me on my patreon here, or dm me for my etransfer info

if you want to support my gf by checking out their bandcamp, the link is here


it's becoming increasingly obvious that white people just can't bring themselves to care about people of colour

it's not like it's anything new, or anything I didn't already know, but white so-called leftists who have spent years telling us that they're not like those white people are just showing their true colours right now. and that true colour is white.

you don't care about palestine. or sudan. or congo. you don't care about muslims or Indigenous people or black people. you think everyone in china or north korea is evil or stupid and brainwashed. you think voting for one racist white man instead of another is necessary and yell at people of colour for not wanting to do that. you think rap music is scary and violent. you think people need to shut up about racism and focus on homophobia instead. you think brown people all hate gays. you think aave is funny. you think colonial states can be good if they're just run by the right kind of colonist. talking about racism and genocide is just too 'tiring' for you.

you don't care about us.

so what exactly is it that separates you from the conservatives that you claim to be better than?

our lives aren't important to you. our rights aren't a worthwhile cause. what is a worthwhile cause? one that impacts white people, of course!

it's infuriating and exhausting, listening to you rattle off all the ways that you're marginalized to prove you're not racist, while you ignore and talk over people of colour

you don't know what racism is like. you might know what homophobia is like, or transphobia, or misogyny, or ableism, but that doesn't mean you understand. you will never understand. so the least you can do is listen to us. or at the very least, leave us the fuck alone.


I'm making a new donation post since my last one is out of date, and I now have to worry about this month's payments

hi! I'm samira, your local brown lesbian, and I'm broke

I had to quit my job to devote my time to a PTSD recovery program, so I'm trying to get by on disability while also paying off debt and putting money aside to hopefully move out of an unhealthy living situation

long story short, I could really use some help

I owe my bank 560 CAD in payments on my debt, so paying that off is my immediate priority right now

if anyone can help me out, my paypal link is here, or you can dm me for my etransfer information. if you can't donate, sharing is also much appreciated

I've included screenshots for proof (with my personal information cropped out) below the cut

60/560 CAD

edit: this is very urgent, I'm already late to pay it and if I don't soon, there will be an added late fee. please help if you can


hey y’all, i haven’t been here (or anywhere, really) because my illness got worse.

much, much worse.

the tl;dr is my brain is inflamed and i can’t really think most days. i forget my own birthday sometimes. i have days where i can’t walk. it’s not great.

the long version can be found here on my ko-fi. if you feel like donating a buck or two so i can try to access some treatments and medical services, i’d appreciate it. if you just wanna go full voyeur and see what my deal is, well, i won’t kink-shame you lol.

please share this post if you can!


black and brown bloggers will describe a racist phenomenon in a slightly jesting way and white people will very openly flock to the notes proudly saying “i do that!!! xD”. No shame at all. Appalling, really

It’s really a white pathology thing isn’t it? White people don’t get checked on their racism, but when they do, they see it as a personal attack. The lack of self awareness.


El-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (Malcolm X) Speaks on Celebrities and Separation at UC Berkeley (1963)

"I just told you a little while ago these 'leaders' that they called leaders. this included (laughs) Lena Horne, this included Dick Gregory and this included comedians, comics, trumpet players, baseball players. Show me in the white community where a comedian is a 'white leader.' Show me in the white community where a singer is a 'white leader. Or a dancer or a trumpet player is a 'white leader', these aren't leaders. These are puppets and clowns that have been set up over the white community and- over the Black community by the white community and have been made celebrities and usually say exactly what they know that the white man wants to hear."


the kendrick/drake beef going viral has really brought the "rap is so violent :(" white people on this website out of the woodwork

because yes, it involves them generalizing about black art, but it's also them policing how black people are allowed to talk and express themselves

talking shit about rappers who talk about violence is no different than shitting on AAVE, or telling people of colour to be "nicer" and less confrontational

white people are so fucking used to having a monopoly on violence that they don't even notice expressions of violence from other white people. but you can bet that the second a black person incorporates expressions of violence into their art, there's gonna be a fuck ton of pearl clutching

cops and the military and pretty much any white person can enact violence on black people without any accountability, but god forbid a black person raps about violence

no one is forcing white people to listen to rap. the problem is that white people who don't know a damn thing about the history and subculture of rap are deciding that they're an authority on something they know nothing about, and loudly telling anyone who will listen what they think

and what they have to say is always some way of calling rap immoral and sinful. but of course they won't use those words. they're too progressive for that! instead they'll just imply over and over, and then name a white rapper that they don't mind to prove they've listened to rap.

you're no better than people having a moral panic over violent video games or metal or punk. if anything you're worse, because your moral panic is specifically directed at black artists

you don't have to listen to rap, but just shut the fuck up about it


don’t mind me i’m high but i think white people, cis or trans, hold very racist views on gender. like i see white trans people use east asian aesthetics or black aesthetics for their gender moodboards and call it “gender envy”. look at me. do you think this is any less transphobic than what white cis ppl are doing. don’t get me started on cis white womens obsession with the “divine feminine” bullshit

yes “divine feminine” shit is racist and antisemitic. oops sorry not sorry

is it a surprise that these “divine feminine” bitches are all, once again, WHITE and RACIST and force white womanhood on other women, even their own


Theres also white transmascs looking at cis white guys in the 2000s specifically appropriating black culture n saying its gender envy....

but they’re the same ones who would cross the opposite side of the street if they walked past a black man in the 2000s lmfao tch fuckin gender envy lmaooooo

It's always so bizarre to me whenever people use Asian aesthetics as well, because you know damn well that they don't see Asian people as ,well, people lol. The people who are extremely obsessed with anime and otaku culture tend to be EXTREMELY weird and fetishistic towards East Asian folk (especially if they are Japanese or Korean); meanwhile I've seen countless transmascs who think that the sexy bellydancer / harem prince archetype is "hot" or gender affirming somehow, meanwhile they would NEVER think that a real life South Asian or a West Asian person is attractive, let alone actually care about us and our issues lmao. They would never learn about orientalism or fetishisation or how that directly leads to the abuse and trafficking of real life women, purely because we aren't white and because it will somehow "ruin" their stupid little fantasies. It's deeply bizarre to me, honestly...

Anonymous asked:

Why do some older generations who support democratic party also support Israel? Not all obviously. But gen z and mellinials seem more likely, if they are democrat to be more sympathetic to Palestine in America.

I'll let you in on a not-so-secret secret: democrats aren't inherently leftists and they aren't inherently anti-colonial

it has less to do with age and more to do with the fact that the democratic party is center-right at the best of times

you can't rely on a major political party that operates within a colonial state to stand up for the human rights of people suffering under colonialism

and besides, the united states (under both republicans and democrats) has continually supported the israeli occupation both ideologically and materially- they actively supply weapons and resources

and let's be real, the states (and canada for that matter) have historically committed the exact same atrocities that israel commits

the invasion of the land we now call canada/the united states, and the genocide against Indigenous people that is still ongoing to this day, are very similar to what the people of Palestine are facing

canada and the states also routinely treat other countries with the same violence and contempt that israel treats Palestine- bombings, coups, killings, invasions, genocides, etc.

and this isn't an issue with republicans and conservatives specifically. every major political party in canada and the united states is or has been complicit in invasion, colonialism, and/or genocide in some way

my point is that people really need to stop wondering "how could democrats/liberals/the ndp be okay with this?" and start recognizing that this is exactly the kind of thing that our governments and politicians serve, and the privileged of any age are more than happy to be complicit

this isn't out of character, genocide and colonialism are the foundations of our governments- and by extension, our political parties


I'm making a new donation post since my last one is out of date, and I now have to worry about this month's payments

hi! I'm samira, your local brown lesbian, and I'm broke

I had to quit my job to devote my time to a PTSD recovery program, so I'm trying to get by on disability while also paying off debt and putting money aside to hopefully move out of an unhealthy living situation

long story short, I could really use some help

I owe my bank 560 CAD in payments on my debt, so paying that off is my immediate priority right now

if anyone can help me out, my paypal link is here, or you can dm me for my etransfer information. if you can't donate, sharing is also much appreciated

I've included screenshots for proof (with my personal information cropped out) below the cut

60/560 CAD

edit: this is very urgent, I'm already late to pay it and if I don't soon, there will be an added late fee. please help if you can


it is a genuine problem that an attribute of white feminism is that men of colour can't criticize white women's racism without being accused of misogyny

hell, women of colour can't criticize white women's racism without being accused of misogyny

TransAlta, one of Alberta's largest power generators, has cancelled a proposed wind farm development and is putting a hold on three other power projects, citing provincial rule changes and a lack of certainty in the market.
In February, Alberta's government announced new rules on the development of renewable power in the province. They imposed a new 35-kilometre buffer zone around areas deemed "pristine viewscapes."
Calgary-based TransAlta said those rules, coupled with a lack of clarity around the future of renewable energy in Alberta, led to the decision to permanently scrap the Riplinger wind project near Cardston, Alta. 
The company began looking into the 300-megawatt wind farm in 2020, and has done studies to assess its environmental impact. It was expected to come online in 2027.
"As we take stock of the government of Alberta's regulatory announcements, we reassessed our own growth plans in the province," said TransAlta CEO John Kousinioris during a first-quarter results call on Friday. [...]
The Alberta government has announced a master plan aimed at increasing passenger rail service in the province.
But at this point, it could be decades if and when the finished product comes to fruition.
Expanding rail service has been discussed extensively for the past 15 years in Alberta but Premier Danielle Smith says the time to move forward is now with record population growth and more crowded highways.
"Those of us who commute regularly already see and experience our province's busy roads and highways," Smith, standing in front of a steam engine at Calgary's Heritage Park, told reporters Monday.
"Expanding our roads, freeways and highways to be six or eight or 10 lanes all the way across is not always feasible, nor is it always wise." [...]
The housing crisis is having a severe impact on tenants' mental health, say organizations calling on Premier François Legault to take action. It has become the leading cause of stress for psychiatric patients in Quebec, according to the Regroupement des ressources alternatives en santé mentale au Québec (RRASMQ), which held a news conference in Montreal on Sunday along with the Regroupement des comités logement et associations de locataires du Québec (RCLALQ). The two groups presented an open letter addressed directly to Legault, which will be published in the media on Tuesday. More than 300 organizations specializing in housing and mental health are imploring Legault to take concrete action to resolve the housing crisis, which is causing so much distress.
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